"You, you boy, what do you want to do?"

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared. Subconsciously, the sixteen foreigners all showed a kind of panic, and their steps were like subconscious continuous retreat.

Of course, the figure that suddenly appeared was indeed Lin Ming.

It's true that Lin Ming took back the real dragon, and he had to take back the real dragon for a while.

Just now, he went all out and directly pushed the real dragon to the limit. For the first time, the length of the real dragon was at least 100000 meters. It had to be said that the real dragon became so huge. For Lin Ming, it was a bit of a shock.

Of course, the power of the dragon's real body is really terrible. It killed the alien race. More importantly, it scared away a full 40 alien races.

Lin Ming knew clearly that if the 40 foreigners were not scared away, he would have to do it again.

At this time, Lin Ming also knew that the real dragon would suffer incurable injuries.

Indeed, when the real body of the Dragon soared to at least 100000 meters, Lin Ming found that the real body of the Dragon could only last for one minute at most.

Moreover, at this time, Lin Ming really found the most important problem, that is, the real body of the dragon became extremely unstable and seemed to explode at any time.

Lin Ming's own body is already integrated with the dragon soul. Naturally, he knows all about this feeling.

Also incomparably certain, the dragon real body really can explode.

Inexplicably, Lin Ming naturally can't help but think of the words of Warcraft who pretended to be the master of the heavenly palace.

In fact, he needs the atmosphere of divine residence more than anyone else.

If there is no atmosphere of God residence, once he arrives in a hundred years, the dragon soul will explode, and he will die miserably.

Incomparably clearly felt this kind of situation, naturally regarding this Warcraft, said words, he already could not help believing three or four points.

Of course, no matter what, Lin Ming doesn't want Bai Muyu's spirit.

He believed that even if what Warcraft said was true, and he was 100% convinced, he would think of other solutions.

Now, of course, is not the time to solve his own problems.

Naturally, Lin Ming still clearly remembers that when he entered the heavenly palace, he had another important thing to do, which was to get the wordless heavenly script among the five heavenly scripts.

At present, Lin Ming has a clue about the location of this wordless book.

Indeed, in the Linglong pagoda, there are the tota heavenly king and the Sanmu heavenly king among the five heavenly kings of the heavenly palace. They must know something about the existence of the wordless heavenly book.

At the moment, this idea flashed away in Lin Ming's mind.

Naturally, at this moment there is nothing more important than saving Bai Muyu.

When he had to return to the human body, facing the 16 Aliens and the Warcraft, Lin Ming also looked like he was in a good position to win.

When the other party saw him appear, he seemed to be in a state of panic subconsciously, which made Lin Ming look more mysterious.

At this time, it fell into Lin Ming's hands.

Naturally, Lin Ming knew it very clearly. Such a black lightning was just the skeleton fragment like a branch.

Now for the power of the dragon bone fragments, Lin Ming can't help but feel frightened.

Keel fragments, one attack, even directly killed ten alien.

To know the existence of this alien race, the strength of each alien race is equal to that of Warcraft.

If it wasn't for the dragon's real body, it would be a bit difficult for him to deal with one of the alien races alone.

But what's the matter with the keel fragment? It just looks like the general black lightning flitted by. Ten alien people were killed.

"The real power of this keel fragment is not more powerful and terrifying than that of the real dragon..."

As if naturally, this kind of speculation appeared in Lin Ming's mind.

"What, this..."

"What, such a black lightning thing is just a black twig..."

Naturally, as the keel fragment fell into Lin Ming's hands, not only the remaining 16 Aliens, but also the Warcraft, were clearly seen.

At the moment, they seem to be scared and silly.

And, for the first time, all of them didn't feel the slightest abnormal breath from such things. They didn't even feel the slightest abnormal breath.

But the more so, Warcraft has dealt with the keel fragments, and the more alert he is.

Indeed, at this moment, no matter how unbelievable he felt in his heart, he had already determined that such a thing like a branch might be a Taoist vessel that had already disappeared.

In an instant, a touch of greed flashed through his eyes.

Of course, that's all. It's obviously impossible for him to snatch such a branch like thing from Lin Ming's hands.

At this time, Lin Ming opened his mouth and said slowly, "I won't stay here any longer. I'll go to rescue my woman right away. If any of you dare to stop me, it will be the same end as the ten foreigners just now. Hum..."

Teng's once, also immediately have an incomparably strong breath momentum, as well as the murderous spirit, ascended from Lin Ming's body.

At the same time, a strange and powerful breath came from the keel fragments in Lin Ming's hand.

In an instant, I felt the strangeness and power of this breath. The sixteen aliens, as well as the Warcraft, were no exception. They seemed to shiver involuntarily.

At present, it seems that the 16 foreigners really have no intention of stopping Lin Ming.

But at this time, Warcraft suddenly opened his mouth. He gave a cold hum to Lin Ming:

"Boy, who do you want to scare? Even if you can hide the situation from the strong people of other races, you can't escape my eyes

How could it be that you didn't lose your dragon body just now? I'm afraid you're just at the end of a bolt

We can only rely on a strange weapon in our hands to scare us

However, even if you have such a weapon in your hand, no matter how powerful it is, how can it be that you have killed a full ten powerful alien races without loss... "

After these words, the Warcraft looked at the 16 alien people and then said, "everyone, please believe my judgment. Anyway, I am also the leader of the heavenly palace. How can my judgment go wrong

Don't forget, this boy just killed the alien, he is already the biggest enemy of all the alien, and also the most powerful enemy

If you don't take this opportunity to kill him now, once he recovers, all the alien people will die

Now, you can see the strength of his strange weapons. Once you kill him, the weapons in his hands, of course, and everything on him, will be ours... "

Listening to the voice of Warcraft, it's obvious that the sixteen aliens have always been unmoved. But at last, with the exit of Warcraft, all of them subconsciously stare at the palm of Lin Ming's right hand.

Naturally, for a moment, they were all looking at the keel fragments that Lin Ming held in his hand.

Obviously, at the moment, they all seem to be involuntarily, and they have the same idea with the Warcraft, that is, they believe that such a strange weapon must be the legendary weapon, otherwise, it can't have such terrible power.

Indeed, at this moment, they were all moved.

At the moment, they all believed what Warcraft had just said. Lin Ming was at the end of his rope.

This time, the sixteen foreigners seemed to have a tacit understanding. They shot. With their body shape flashing, they surrounded Lin Ming in the center for the first time.

Naturally, a very strong breath, momentum, as well as murderous, all came out of the body.

The sixteen members of the alien race could not help humming one after another.

"Well, you son of a bitch, we were almost scared by you."

"No, you can't kill another race without loss."

"Boy, you are at the end of the storm. Please hand over the weapon in your hand and everything on your body..."

"Fortunately, there is the master of the heavenly palace, who has bright eyes. Otherwise, we will be scared by you..."

"Boy, there's only one way to go before you, that is to hand over all your things..."

"Otherwise, you'll die..."

Facing the murderous look of the sixteen, Lin Ming was calm all the time. At this time, a cold light in his eyes flashed by, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

"I scare you? Sorry, I'm not really scaring you. "

Lin Ming opened his mouth and said, "since you still want to stop, that is to say, all of you have chosen a dead end..."

"Ha ha, we all choose to die? Do you know who you are

At first, an alien looked incredulous and began to speak with a sneer, but before he finished his sentence, a scream that sounded extremely sad came out of his mouth.

"What, this..."

Then in an instant, also in the eyes of other alien people, with a bang, the alien's body exploded and turned into a strong strange atmosphere.

However, this is not over, suddenly like out of thin air, such a strange atmosphere, is disappeared.

Of course, at this moment, all of them clearly saw what was going on.

It's Lin Ming's strange weapon again. It turns into a black lightning. It directly penetrates the alien's body and takes the other person's life.

"Come here."

At the moment, it was just a moment of panic. Three of them were the first to take the hand. With a huge palm like a fan, wrapped in a very strong breath, they first grabbed the black lightning.

Among the three of them, their bodies are the hardest. They are confident that even if such things are indeed Taoist instruments, they can not directly pierce their bodies.

But obviously, they were overconfident, and they also mistakenly judged that such a black lightning object was not a weapon, but a more powerful keel fragment.

So, the result, of course, is obvious.

"Ah, ah, ah."



"It's impossible that my palm was pierced."

In an instant, a voice of astonishment rang out.

Indeed, it seems that the keel fragments can easily pierce the palms of their three different races, and the blood is dripping all of a sudden.

"Be careful."

All of a sudden, the rest of the rest of the alien people sent out a cry of alarm.

"Ah, ah, ah."

But obviously, it's too late. At this time, with three screams, it seems that the fragments of the keel can easily pierce their bodies from the mouths of the three different races.

Naturally, the fate of these three different races is the same. They become a mass of breath, and then they are also absorbed by the keel fragments.

"Well, good, good..." seeing such a scene, Lin Ming's face naturally showed a touch of satisfaction and nodded.

Indeed, what he felt was very clear. After the keel fragment absorbed a little bit of the original breath of the universe, it seemed to wake up a very powerful force, and the power became more and more powerful.

With the absorption of the exotic breath, Lin Ming can also feel that the power of the keel fragments at this time seems to have directly exceeded the real body of the dragon.

"Want to escape?"

At this time, the rest of the alien race seemed to panic at last. For a moment, they seemed to be too lazy to say hello to Warcraft, and they just disappeared and wanted to leave.

But at this time, it seems that Lin Ming doesn't want to let them go

"I've given you all the chances to live

It's a pity that you don't know how to cherish it. Go to... "

A low drink export, whew, keel fragments suddenly swept out, as if directly ignoring the space, pierced all the remaining alien body.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

When the keel fragment came back to Lin Ming's hands, it was just a second. At this time, Lin Ming obviously felt that the power of the keel fragment was more powerful.

"Warcraft," at this time, Lin Ming looked at Warcraft and said, "do you know why I didn't kill you?"

At this time, Warcraft is really scared. It looks like it's going to be scared.

Hearing Lin Ming's sudden opening, he seemed to be still a little absent-minded. Subconsciously, he murmured: "why, no, don't kill me..."

"It's easy." Lin Ming said directly, "tell me where the real master of the heavenly palace is."

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