From the extreme amazement in the eyes of these two figures, Lin Ming naturally knew that they were frightened by the powerful power of the broken knife and the chain in his hand.

In fact, just as the Warcraft said just now, the absorption of this breath by the broken knife in his hand has reached a full level, and can no longer be absorbed.

But this chain will not.

Originally, he didn't plan to show this chain, but who would have thought that when the other side appeared again, millions of Warcraft would appear immediately.

And indeed, as the other party said, it seems that the breath, momentum and murderous spirit on each head of Warcraft are countless times stronger than before.

Of course, the appearance of such a large number of Warcraft is also a good thing for Lin Ming at this time. Since the power of a broken knife has been improved.

Then, naturally, there is no reason not to enhance the power of this chain.

Sure enough, with this chain, millions of Warcraft are absorbed. Lin Ming feels clearly that the power of this chain has been increased by more than half.

Of course, it's the most important thing to rescue Bai Muyu. Now Lin Ming doesn't wait for the other party to release a large number of Warcraft again. As soon as he rushes down, he rushes directly towards the two figures.

"Hum..." the next moment, a cold hum came out from one of the figures, and the figure retreated away in a short time, directly to the side of the invisible pillar.

Naturally, the essence of Warcraft also appeared on the side of the pillar at the same time.

"Want to run?" Seeing this, Lin Ming's murderous spirit naturally became stronger. After a while, he turned into a shadow and rushed to them.

Suddenly, there was a bang. In this instant, Lin Ming seemed to have hit a transparent gas wall, because the momentum of the rush was too strong, and the force of the rebound was almost terrible.

Lin Ming didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. Therefore, under such a collision, his whole body flew upside down.

What's worse, Lin Ming feels that his blood is churning, as if he will spit out bright red blood next moment.

Of course, the next moment, Lin Ming's feet will naturally fall to the ground, but at this moment, his body does suffer a lot of injuries.

At this moment, Lin Ming could not help but clap, "what's the matter? Is there a more powerful array there


In his mind, he just came up with such an idea. All of a sudden, Lin Ming felt countless powerful breath coming from all directions.

For the first time, Lin Ming didn't need to look at it. He also knew that it was the other side's Warcraft attack again.

Of course, the so-called Warcraft at this time is extremely fragile for Lin Ming. With a little attack from a chain in his hand, he will directly destroy the remaining tens of thousands of Warcraft.

But at this moment, Lin Ming's heart sank. He brushed and looked away.

In an instant, a very strong cold light flashed directly in Lin Ming's eyes.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming clearly saw that the Warcraft untied Bai Muyu from the pillar. At this time, it seemed that he was carrying a chicken in his hand.

The other hand is already pinched on Bai Muyu's neck.

At this time, the Warcraft looked at Lin Ming in the distance and said coldly with threat:

"Boy, it seems that you still don't understand the power of this altar. The closer you get to the center, the more you can't use your breath, even a little breath

This time, I just grasped the right time to control Bai Muyu in my hands

To tell you the truth, Bai Muyu's spirit is very strong. It's a pity. Even if I used countless methods, the spirit in her body is still stubborn. It seems that it can't be stripped out at all... "

After a pause, the beast's eyes flashed with a strong sense of greed, and then said:

"But it doesn't matter if you can't get the breath of the God's residence. Isn't there a real dragon at the moment

Boy, in this way, we make a deal, with your life, for your woman's life

As long as you hand over the dragon, we will not only kill your woman, but also remove the curse of gods planted in your woman

That's the only thing you can do, and you don't have any other choice

At present, I only give you ten seconds to think about it.... "

"In the Fengshen platform, the master of the heavenly palace and the boy are all in the Fengshen platform..."

At this time, a burst of exclamation sounds as if it were still ringing in a very distant place. With the sound of a burst of wheezing, many figures have already flashed out.

Naturally, all the figures appeared at this time were the strong ones in the heavenly palace, including the former two great spirits, and the other three heavenly kings, namely the nine Xuan heavenly king, the immortal heavenly king, and the Styx heavenly king.

After the appearance of this powerful man, his eyes naturally fell on Lin Ming, one by one murderous. If his eyes can kill people, Lin Ming seems not to know how many times he has died.

Seeing the appearance of many powerful people in the heavenly palace, Lin Ming is naturally not nervous at all. Not only that, Lin Ming is very happy. Now it's time to expose the real face of this Warcraft.

His eyes slowly swept to many powerful people in the heavenly palace, and he said: "you guys, I have already said that the master of the heavenly palace is pretending to be a monster, but it's a pity that none of you believe me..."

"What? Is the master of the heavenly palace pretending to be a monster? "

At this time, I heard Lin Ming's words again. Naturally, all the powerful people in Tiangong would not believe Lin Ming's words.

Each one was stunned, and then there were bursts of laughter in his mouth. Everyone looked at Lin Ming as if he were looking at some fool or madman.

"This boy is now in the middle of the altar. He must have found the magic of the altar. He can't show the powerful dragon's real body any more..."

"It's true that he is the real dragon. Once he can't perform this strange skill, where can he be our opponent..."

"Boy, at the moment, you have to pay with blood..."

Teng for a moment, all the people, including the two great spirits and the three heavenly kings, have a strong and extreme murderous spirit.

In the face of the battle of many powerful men in the heavenly palace, Lin Ming naturally remained unchanged and said faintly:

"In fact, I can understand that none of you believe me, but soon you will believe what I said

Because now, I'm going to reveal the true face of Warcraft... "

"What, not good..."

"What's the matter? How could it be like this..."

At this time, the main body of Warcraft is Qi Qi, and his face changes greatly.

Indeed, as soon as Lin Ming's voice fell, two figures suddenly appeared on their sides.

It's just like a subconscious daze, and it's very clear to see that one of the figures, holding a branch like thing in his hand, stabs Warcraft's wrist where he holds Bai Muyu's palm.

This kind of speed, it seems to be fast, like lightning.

The next moment, I just heard a sound of Poof. This kind of branch directly pierced the wrist of Warcraft. A flower of blood, that is, instant time, bloomed in the air.

"Ah..." subconsciously, a scream came from the mouth of Warcraft.

Her palm naturally is with subconscious a loose, white Mu rain whole person falls down.

Naturally, Bai Muyu can't fall on the ground.

Another figure, like a flash of lightning, has caught Bai Muyu directly.

All of a sudden, this figure disappeared. When it reappeared, it was natural to return to Lin Ming and return Bai Muyu to him.

Such a scene of the emergence of the picture, just happened between the electric light and flint.

And many of the heavenly palace strongmen only saw two heavenly soldiers appear. When they looked at them again, the clan disciple, Bai Muyu, who had the air of divine residence, had already fallen into the hands of Lin Ming.

Of course, at the moment, all of the Tiangong strongmen are extremely shocked, and each one seems to be subconsciously showing a look of gaping.

It's true that the heavenly soldiers suddenly appeared, and they were obviously helping Lin Ming. They were able to rescue the clan disciple from the master of the heavenly palace.

Although the strength of the heavenly soldiers in the heavenly palace is incomparably strong, they should not be strong enough to save people from the master of the heavenly palace.

What's more, to the horror of all Tiangong strongmen, all of them clearly felt that the breath from Tianbing was very strange.

Of course, Lin Ming is the only one who knows. In people's eyes, these two figures are indeed the shape of the heavenly soldiers in the heavenly palace, but they are not heavenly soldiers. They are the soul of a broken knife and a chain.

As both of them absorb the strange magic breath to such a full degree, the soul in the middle will naturally rise in strength.

Seeing that Warcraft actually carried Bai Muyu in his hand, Lin Ming had a strong sense of murder in his heart at that moment. At the same time, he couldn't get over it, so he had an idea to let the spirit take the hand.

Sure enough, the two spirits immediately rescued Bai Muyu from the hand of Warcraft.

Naturally, Lin Ming immediately gave Bai Muyu a physical examination. He found that Bai Muyu was seriously injured both inside and outside his body. His internal organs were all broken, and there was no intact skin outside his body.

However, it is also obvious that Bai Muyu has a strong breath inside and outside the body, and has no worries about his life.

Then the white rain disappeared.

Lin Ming took Bai Muyu into the first floor of Linglong pagoda, and let them take care of Bai Muyu.

And he naturally wants to take the life of the Warcraft who pretends to be the master of the heavenly palace.

He said: "Warcraft, no matter where you escape, even if you escape to the edge of the universe, I will find you and kill you. This is the price that women who dare to move me have to pay

Now, I'll let you, Warcraft, show your true face... "

"It's just nonsense. I don't know what you're talking about, what's the real face of Warcraft..."

The Warcraft said that she was really confident. Lin Ming couldn't let her show her true face. She had been the leader of the heavenly palace for many years, hundreds of millions of years, and never showed any trace.

In the eyes of countless strong people in the heavenly palace, she is the leader of the heavenly palace, and there has never been a strong person in the heavenly palace who can see the slightest flaw.

Naturally, at the moment, Lin Ming said that she could show her true face. In her opinion, it was just a dream.

At present, many of the heavenly palace strongmen seem to be racking their brains to figure out what happened to the two heavenly soldiers and how they suddenly stood by Lin Ming's side and helped him.

Perhaps because of this, I don't know what happened. Inexplicably, in the hearts of many Tiangong strongmen, they really believe what Lin Ming said.

In front of me, it's really the fake master of the heavenly palace, who is disguised by Warcraft.

Brush, naturally, the eyes of all the heavenly palace strongmen fall on Lin Ming and the two figures in the distance.

At this time, it seems that Lin Ming can really see an inexplicable sense of danger in his eyes. Suddenly, the two figures are combined into one, which is naturally the combination of noumenon and separation.

Sure enough, from such a figure, the breath, momentum, and murderous spirit suddenly became more than a hundred times stronger.


Naturally, for the first time, all the strong people in Tiangong can feel the change of this breath very clearly. They can't help frowning.

Indeed, they are all very clear about the magic of the fengshentai, which can suppress and restrict the breath of a strong man, even the leader of the heavenly palace.

But now, after the combination of the two figures, the breath from the body suddenly increased more than a hundred times. How could all the strong people in Tiangong not feel a burst of consternation and confusion.

Naturally, they believed Lin Minggang's words even more.

"Eye of reincarnation..."

At this time, from Lin Ming's mouth, suddenly the four words came out low.

Of course, the reason why Lin Ming is very sure to expose the true face of Warcraft is precisely because of this kind of Magic - the eye of reincarnation.

This magic skill was passed to Lin Ming by magic boy about ten minutes ago. He said that this magic skill can make a powerful Warcraft like Warcraft show its true shape.

Of course, Lin Ming has always known that magic boy is unpredictable. He naturally believes in what magic boy said and the magic skill he passed on to him.

"What, eye of reincarnation..."

As soon as the four words with such a light voice fell into the ears of the Warcraft, the face of the Warcraft suddenly changed and turned pale.

For a moment, it seemed subconscious. The Warcraft looked at Lin Ming in the distance and showed a look of panic.

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