"The eye of reincarnation?"

When these four words fall into the ears of all the powerful people in Tiangong, everyone is obviously stunned. It seems that they are very strange to these four words.

However, for the instant reaction of the Warcraft, all the strong people in Tiangong naturally look in their eyes and don't understand. Obviously, the Warcraft should know and understand the eye of reincarnation.

And from the look of panic on the face of Warcraft, it is also obvious that this move of reincarnation eye is certainly very important.

Sure enough, the Warcraft looked like a subconscious exclamation

"Magic, eye of reincarnation

You... You... "

It seemed that he was scared to the extreme. Then he saw the Warcraft. For a moment, it seemed that he could not even say a complete word.

It seems that her whole person seems to be directly shocked by these four words, with a dull look.

"What, magic?"

"What kind of eye of reincarnation could it be a lost magic skill in the legend?"

It seems that all the heavenly palace strongmen have never heard of the samsara eye, but it is obvious that they are very familiar with the word Shenshu.

As soon as I heard these two words coming from the mouth of Warcraft, everyone's face changed. For a moment, I brushed it, and then the whole vision naturally fell on Lin Ming in the distance.

For a moment, it seems that the faces of all the powerful people in the heavenly palace are different. They are surprised, surprised, shocked, doubted and unbelievable.

As for the word Shenshu, all the powerful people in Tiangong don't feel strange. It's recorded in ancient books. As long as I don't know how long ago, with the disappearance of gods, Shenshu naturally disappeared. In this piece of heaven and earth, there is no longer any Shenshu.

For a long time, all the creatures living in this piece of heaven and earth are trying to find out the reason, what kind of sudden change is, so that all the gods disappear, and the magic is lost in this piece of heaven and earth.

But for a long time, there has been no answer.

It can be imagined that the creatures in this world are deeply rooted in the pursuit of this reason.

So naturally, it can be imagined that when the word "Shenshu" comes out of the mouth of the Warcraft, it will cause what kind of storm waves in the hearts of all the powerful people in the heavenly palace. In a short time, their emotions are almost out of control.

"No way."

"It's really impossible. How can this so-called reincarnation eye be a divine skill..."

Naturally, it's also because of these reasons. All the powerful people in the heavenly palace feel extremely incredible. How can they believe that the reincarnation eye that Lin Ming is about to perform is really a long lost magic skill in the legend.

If there is a miracle, such a move of reincarnation eye is really the legendary magic, then what it means is clear to all the strong people in the heavenly palace.

It will mean, God, returning to this world.

Of course, at this time, Lin Ming can more or less feel the reaction of all the heavenly palace strongmen around him, as well as the reaction of Warcraft.

Indeed, just a moment ago, when the magic boy said he would teach him a kind of magic, he seemed to be stunned.

When the magic boy explained that magic was a skill brought by the genius of the gods, he was also surprised.

"Gods? What is the magic of genius

As if naturally, Lin Ming didn't realize something. That is, magic boy could be so magical. Then the origin of his identity is worth studying.

Of course, it seems that magic boy didn't want to mention a word more about his identity. He directly taught Lin Ming such magic skills.

In addition, magic boy also said that with Lin Ming's talent, he has successfully cultivated the dragon's real body. It's quite easy to cultivate such a magic skill.

At that time, naturally, Lin Ming didn't think much about it and began to practice.

As expected, just like what magic boy said, in less than a minute, he succeeded in cultivating such a move.

However, it is precisely because of the success of such a rapid cultivation that Lin Ming is also very surprised to find that he has to consume as much as 70% of the immortal breath when he uses such a magic skill.

However, on second thought, Lin Ming could immediately understand that the use of reincarnation eye would consume so much immortal breath, so we can imagine how terrible the power of reincarnation eye would be.

When he heard these two words, Lin Ming was more and more sure of it.

"Warcraft, you will show your true colors soon..."

At this moment, Lin Ming said that he didn't seem to waste any more time.

As the voice fell, suddenly, it was very clear that an eye appeared on Lin Ming's forehead. However, it was obvious that such an eye was completely different from the third eye of the heavenly palace.

This is not a vertical eye. Like two eyes, this is a flat eye, which appears in the middle between the eyebrows.

"The eye of wheel... Reincarnation... You really... Really want to show a magic move..."

Seeing such a scene, it seems that Warcraft still has a little sense of fluke before, but at the moment, the fluke disappears completely.

She looks as if she is still a fool. At this moment, she seems to be awed by the fame of reincarnation eye. It seems that she can't even flick her fingers.

It's true. With such an eye appearing between Lin Ming's forehead, a trace of extremely strong breath has been sent out first. It seems that it has directly crossed the space and covered the body of Warcraft.

Of course, for this kind of breath, even the giant spirit, even the existence of the heavenly king, they are not aware of it at all.

But for the appearance of such an eye on Lin Ming's forehead, although it has not been opened, everyone has already seen it clearly.

And for this moment, the body of Warcraft seems to be directly frozen in this scene, they also clearly see in the eyes.

In a moment of nature, the color of amazement in the eyes of all the heavenly palace strongmen became more intense.

Does this not mean that it is really possible that such a move of reincarnation eye is a long lost divine skill in the legend.

Bursts of startled voice, immediately can not help but constantly ring out.

"God, it seems that such a move of reincarnation eye is really divine."

"That's right. It's really possible. Can you all see that before the eyes on the boy's forehead are opened, the palace master's whole body seems to be frozen."

"The facial expression is frozen, like a robot..."

"The palace master?"

"Well, it's true. Since this boy can even perform such a magic trick, how can his words be false..."

"That's not necessarily. If it doesn't come to the end, no one can be 100% sure that the palace master will be pretended by Warcraft..."

"It's true that a Warcraft pretended to be the master of the palace. It's shocking to hear that..."

"Let's wait and see..."

At present, with a burst of astonishment, all the people's spirits naturally concentrate on Lin Ming and Warcraft.

Indeed, it's a matter of great importance. It seems that everyone doesn't want to miss even the smallest detail.

"StarCraft, show it."

At this time, when Lin Ming saw Warcraft, he just froze. A cold hum came out of his mouth.

Then, the eye of reincarnation suddenly opened.

This moment, is to see this is an eye that looks very deep, flashing a bright colorful light, this moment, give people a kind of feeling like containing all things in the world.

And the distant Warcraft, like subconscious, looks at such an eye.


Such an eye is also no disease shot out any light, but Warcraft is also such a subconscious look, instant time, a sound of extremely shrill scream sound, like involuntarily, from her mouth.

"Everyone's hearing is blocked..."

At the moment of the sound, their faces suddenly changed. The sound was extremely sharp. At the moment of the sound, they all felt that their eardrums were broken.

Naturally, we can imagine how terrifying the power of Warcraft is.

Of course, the response of the spirit God is also the fastest. First of all, a loud drink rings out, shielding his hearing.

Naturally, all the other heavenly palace strongmen did the same.

Among them, the Tiangong strongman, whose strength seems relatively weak, can't help bleeding out of his ears.

"Let's see..."

At this moment, a voice of extreme astonishment rang out.

Naturally, at the same time, everyone can clearly see what a scene is.

Indeed, with that sound, it came from the mouth of the beast.

Suddenly, such a figure, all over the direct crack.

Teng of a, a black fog of general things, it seems to have been involuntarily, from the cracks on the middle of a burst out.

And the moment such a thing came out, all the strong people in the heavenly palace recognized it.

As if involuntarily, again a burst of surprised voice, sounded.

"The breath of demons, this is the breath of extraterrestrial demons!"

"I didn't expect, I never thought, all the time, our palace leader was really the one who was pretended to be by the supernatural demons..."


Seeing such a scene, all the strong people in Tiangong are strong, and their intelligence quotient is not low. They can't understand it immediately.

It is just like this, brush, like subconscious, the body out of a goose bumps, at the same time, instant, forehead cold sweat is also like rain.

Of course, it's hard to see the extreme of the faces of all the heavenly palace strongmen at the moment.

Of course, at the same time, the eyes of all the powerful people in the heavenly palace looking at Lin Ming in the distance became completely different, including the two great spirits and the remaining three heavenly kings.

It's full of fear.

But then all the powerful people in Tiangong thought of a question. Since the current master of Tiangong was pretended by Warcraft, where is the real master of Tiangong now.

Of course, Lin Ming didn't see the reaction of all the heavenly palace strongmen, but he could guess how much.

At this time, Lin Ming was shocked.

This eye of reincarnation is powerful. It's really powerful.

He just opened the eye of reincarnation. The light of reincarnation has not been shot out yet. When the other party just saw it, he was directly attacked by the eye of reincarnation.

"It's worthy of divine power. Its power is really terrible. If you shoot out the light of reincarnation, what kind of power will it have..."

At present, Lin Ming is also extremely looking forward to shooting out the light of reincarnation, but it seems that it can be omitted.

Indeed, when he opened the eyes of reincarnation, he had consumed 70% of the immortal breath in his body.

Naturally, at the moment, he does not seem to be able to shoot out the light of reincarnation.

Bang, at this time, there was a loud noise. With the crack outside the body of Warcraft, it looked like a layer of skin outside the body of Warcraft exploded directly.

And with such a layer of skin burst after the moment, Teng for a while, a thick to the limit of the general level of black fog, immediately in the turn up, rolling up, completely a figure, shrouded in it.

For a moment, even Lin Ming couldn't see what kind of Warcraft was.


However, seeing the appearance of this scene, all the strong people in the heavenly palace seemed to be involuntarily showing a look of great panic.

It seems that many of the strong people in the heavenly palace are a bit stunned. They seem to have something to say, but they are a bit scared. For a moment, they can't say it.

"From the perspective of such a strong smell of demons, this is not a simple Warcraft..."

The cold light had already flashed in the eyes of the giant spirit. At this time, he said, "at least the other side is the king of Warcraft..."

"Yes, the strength of this Warcraft is at least the king of beasts..."

"No wonder this Warcraft can pretend to be the palace master for so long. We can't see the slightest flaw in each other. It turns out that the strength of this Warcraft is so strong, at least it's the king of beasts..."

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