
At this time, the black fog suddenly converged, and then a figure appeared.

Naturally, at the same time, all people see the existence of such a figure at the same time.

"It's really Warcraft."

Even a moment ago, whether this is the existence of Warcraft or not, a few of the most powerful people in heaven, such as the giant spirit God, were still subconsciously suspicious. But at this moment, no matter how suspicious they were, they had to accept such a fact.

Everyone let out a cry of surprise.

It's true that many powerful people in the heavenly palace, especially the king of the great spirit, have seen the existence of Warcraft. The image of the other party is too deep for them. Therefore, even if tens of thousands of years have passed, they can directly recognize it at the moment.

Warcraft looks less than one meter tall, even if it is such a small body, huge head, but also accounted for more than half of the body.

A big head like an iron ball flashed two green lights the size of sesame seeds. There is no doubt that these are the eyes of Warcraft.

Although it is such a pair of eyes, but in the flash of blue light, a huge breath momentum, as well as the murderous spirit, first of all, it is very aggressive and aggressive.

The limbs of the beast are short and strong, but at the moment, even if the strong one in Tiangong looks at it like this, he has no doubt that even if his limbs are so rough and ugly, once he attacks, even the whole Tiangong will collapse in one shot.

At the same time, at the moment when the shape of Warcraft was revealed, Lin Ming could clearly feel a strong breath from his body.

This breath seemed to bring Lin Ming a sense of shock and fear.

At this moment, Lin Ming naturally knew that compared with the former pretended master of the heavenly palace, the demon star beast, who has revealed his true face, is at least a thousand times stronger in realm and strength.

"King of Warcraft." Just then, a voice with a sense of surprise rang out directly in Lin Ming's mind

"It's a bit unexpected that this Warcraft, who pretends to be the master of the heavenly palace, is actually the strongest king of the Warcraft group, that is, the king of the beasts..."

"Oh? The strongest king among the ethnic groups? "The king of beasts?"

At this time, it seems that he can't help it. Lin Ming seems to be in a tight heart. At this time, he naturally feels clearly about the strong breath coming from the other person. He is really strong.

What's worse, because he had a reincarnation eye, the immortal breath in his body had really lost 70%. Even if he had seven immortal souls in his body, the loss of the immortal breath also reached 70%.

In this way, we can imagine how huge and frightening the loss of immortal breath is when we use a magic trick.

Of course, in fact, it is precisely because of the existence of the seven immortal spirits that he can perform a magic move.

Otherwise, for any existence, it is impossible to show the skill brought by a kind of divine talent at the level of the strength of immortal Zun realm. This is absolutely impossible.

Now, it seems that it's really difficult to deal with Warcraft, even the king of the group.

Of course, for Lin Ming, the most important thing he wants to do when he enters Tiangong is to rescue Bai Muyu.

As for the wordless heavenly book, there are two people in the Linglong pagoda, the tota heavenly king and the Sanmu heavenly king. With their status in the heavenly palace, they must know something about the existence of the wordless heavenly book.

"Get out of here."

Naturally, these two words appeared in Lin Ming's mind.

He is confident that, with his speed, he wants to leave the altar and the Ninth Heaven in the heavenly palace. Nothing can stop him. Of course, the king of Warcraft is no exception.

At this time, Warcraft's flashing blue eyes looked up and down at Lin Ming, and a tut tut exclamation sounded as if it was coming directly from his body

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that someone in this part of the world could use the strength of the immortal realm to perform magic

Boy, there must be more than one immortal soul in your body. The number should be at least four

Otherwise, you don't have such a huge amount of immortal breath, which is enough to support you to perform a magic move.... "

"Oh?" This remark from the other side's mouth, now Lin Ming naturally can't help but be more vigilant and alert.

Indeed, since he entered the immortal gate, he also went to the demon clan. I don't know how many strong people he met during that time. No one can see the abnormal number of immortal souls in his body.

It's a little unexpected that the king of Warcraft saw it all at once.

"What, there are at least four immortals?"

At the moment of hearing this, the great spirit God, the heavenly palace king and many powerful people in the heavenly palace all looked shocked.

Brush, this moment, each of them look at Lin Ming and go of the eyes, are all bright.

"According to the records of ancient books, gods are born with many immortal spirits, and the number is at least three..."

"Is he..."

"Could he..."


After hearing the voice of the king of Warcraft, it seems that all the powerful people in the heavenly palace do not have the slightest doubt. It's true that Lin Ming can show his reincarnation eye.

So, it's a normal thing to make such a guess directly from the minds of all the powerful people in Tiangong.

As soon as this kind of speculation came out, all the strong people in Tiangong were stunned.

Brush brush brush, and then the whole body bursts of goose bumps, are like involuntarily on the Qi Qi emerge.

All the people's eyes to Lin Ming in the distance became more different, full of awe.

One by one, it seems that in the next moment, they will kneel down to worship Lin Ming in the distance.

At this time, the king of Warcraft continued to speak: "you have trained the dragon's real body, and there is the light of origin. Now there are many immortal souls in your body

In this way, even if you don't exist like gods, you must have something to do with gods

So... "

At this point, the king of Warcraft suddenly pause, and then brush it, the blue light in his eyes is bright, which obviously reveals a strong sense of greed.

Like Lin Ming at this time, in the eyes of the king of Warcraft, she has become a delicacy. She will swallow Lin Ming at any time.

"In this way, even if I can't get the real dragon, even if I can't get the breath of the God mansion, as long as I eat you..."

The king of Warcraft put out his tongue and licked his head like a ball of iron. He took his tongue back and spoke again

"I can also transform into a god like existence

You know, I haven't known how many years I've stayed in the limit state. What's worse is that I can transform into a God with a little breath of God's residence, or even the flesh and blood of any God

I didn't expect that you brought me too many surprises at this moment

Want to escape? Can you escape? Ha ha... "

Just when he said that, the king of Warcraft saw that Lin Ming disappeared suddenly.

However, she was in a leisurely manner, with a sneer in her mouth.

Bang, and then she raised one of her short, thick arms, and suddenly took a slap at the void on the left.

Click, it's like smashing a mirror.

With a bang and a sound, you can see that such a mirror is directly broken, revealing a black hole like entrance and exit.

Then the next moment, a figure, fell out directly from it.

However, it seems that thanks to the quick reaction of this figure, he turned over in the air and stood steadily on the ground when he was about to fall to the ground.

Naturally, there is no doubt that this figure is exactly Lin Ming.

At this moment, even with Lin Ming's current state, strength and insight, the sight of the king of Warcraft in the distance seemed to show a look of surprise.

In fact, in his heart, also already involuntarily suddenly sank.

Indeed, strong. The strength of the king of Warcraft is really strong.

Even now, Lin Ming felt that he underestimated the king of Warcraft.

Compared with the pretended master of heaven palace just now, the realm strength of the king of beasts is not only thousands of times stronger, but should be tens of thousands of times.

Just now the other side of the hand, it can be said that no one, than he got up, feel more clearly.

He disappeared and stepped out one step. With the strength of his soul now reaching the level of the ninth floor of the immortal statue, he has directly crossed many spaces.

Once he appeared, he would have left the heavenly palace, the Ninth Heaven of the heavenly palace.

But just as he was about to leave, an incomparable force suddenly penetrated countless spaces and squeezed him directly. Then the space around him was broken in an instant, and he fell out of the broken space.

In Lin Ming's opinion, this kind of means is certain, even if it is as high as the Ninth level of the immortal realm, it may not be possible to do it.

But this revealed the real body of the king of Warcraft, it is actually done.

Brush, also like subconscious, Lin Ming came out in a cold sweat.

At this time, his heart is also more like involuntarily click.

Indeed, at this moment, a figure appeared in front of him out of thin air. Less than one meter, his huge head occupied half of his body.

It's the king of Warcraft, and it won't be anything else.

The reason why Lin Ming suddenly clattered was the appearance of the king of Warcraft. There was no sign. Even he could not feel the strength of his soul at this time.

"Isn't it true that the strength of the spirit of the demon star beast king has exceeded the level of the Ninth level of the immortal statue..."

Like subconscious, a guess can't help coming out of Lin Ming's mind.

"Boy, I'll eat you now, no one can stop me, no one has any ability to stop me, you are eaten by me, this is your fate..."

All of a sudden, the king of Warcraft's arm was stretched out, and he directly grabbed Lin Ming's neck. At this moment, Warcraft clearly saw that Lin Ming had lost his resistance.

"What, this, this demon star beast king unexpectedly directly strangled him by the neck..."

"This elder who has something to do with the gods was subdued by the king of Warcraft in this way..."

"The strength of the king of Warcraft is so strong..."

"Indeed, this kind of strength is obviously stronger than our palace master. No wonder the king of Warcraft can pretend to be the palace master for so long..."

At this moment, all the strong people in Tiangong were shocked by the appearance of such a scene.

Then, it seems that all the heavenly palace strongmen can't help shaking their heads and sighing one after another.

"Alas, it's a pity that this elder can even perform a magic trick, but he finally becomes the object in the belly of the king of beasts..."

"It's not true. The elder was buried in the belly of the king of Warcraft. What will happen next..."

"Indeed, when the time comes, what will happen to the whole heavenly palace, or even the whole immortal gate..."

At this time, in the eyes of all the heavenly palace strongmen, it seems that they can't help but show a strong color of despair one after another.

They know that even Lin Ming has been killed and swallowed by the other party. Even if they all add up, they can't be the opponent of the king of Warcraft.

At this time, on the head of the king of Warcraft, his mouth suddenly opened, and a force of suction came out of it.

Naturally, the next moment, Lin Mingzhen will be eaten by the king of Warcraft, swallow into his stomach, and become the food of each other.

But just then, a black lightning like object suddenly appeared.

The next moment, poof sounded, a touch of blood light, and then it immediately burst out in the air.

"Ah," a scream of the voice, followed by it is also from the mouth of the king of Warcraft.

Subconsciously, her hand pinching Lin Ming's neck was released.

The next moment, Lin Ming's body disappeared in front of her and appeared in the distance.

"It's such a strange weapon again..."

Naturally, the king of Warcraft knew what was going on for the first time.

It was a branch like weapon that attacked her before, but it also pierced her wrist. It seemed that she was slightly injured immediately.

Now, she can't even care about Lin Ming in the distance. Instead, her eyes fall on her right wrist. The blood is still flowing out. For a moment, she can't stop bleeding.

There was nothing more frightening to her than this.

Brush, like subconscious, her face this moment is also become a pale up.

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