
At this time, after the keel fragment successfully injured the other side, Lin Ming naturally wanted to leave immediately, because the injury was just a wound, which was totally negligible for a strong man like King of Warcraft.

Lin Ming still has a very strong sense of crisis, but just at the moment of leaving, Lin Ming obviously felt a strong sense of immortality from the wound of the king of Warcraft.

"Is this..."

In a moment's amazement, Lin Ming suddenly realized what he had said when the king of Warcraft was still pretending to be the master of the heavenly palace.

She is the leader of the heavenly palace.

It's true that Lin Ming suddenly realized that the king of Warcraft had swallowed the real master of the heavenly palace just as he had done to him just now.

"Help me!"

Sure enough, at this moment, a voice suddenly rang out, and this voice is also familiar. It is the voice that warcraft used to speak when he pretended to be the master of the heavenly palace.

Of course, at this moment, the voice suddenly came into Lin Ming's ears, which must be the real leader of the heavenly palace.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, the master of the heavenly palace was engulfed by the king of Warcraft..."

At this moment, Lin Ming's body was also like an involuntary shock.

He thought of more, immediately thought of a turn, to leave the body naturally also stopped.

The sound of these two words was faint and almost inaudible. If it wasn't for Lin Ming's powerful soul power of the ninth floor of xianzunjing, he would not have been able to hear such a weak voice.

As for the words of all the other heavenly palace strongmen, naturally, they can't hear them.

"Help me," the voice was very weak, and it continued to spread to Lin Ming's ears. It was obviously a little hasty, and it sounded like it was going to be unsustainable

"It's true that there are no weapons, artifact or holy weapon that can hurt the king of Warcraft in this world. Even the legendary Taoist weapon can't hurt the king of Warcraft

I don't know what it is that can hurt the king of Warcraft

But now, I hurt the king of Warcraft. Please help me anyway

As long as the elder can save me, I swear by hundreds of millions of years of cultivation. Whenever I ask for anything, I will surely meet it. I.... "

Obviously, the other side seems to have to continue to say something, but at this point, the breath is obviously weak to the limit.

The sound comes to a natural stop.

In fact, the reason why Lin Ming took the risk of not leaving was that he had such a mind. What he was waiting for was the last words of the other party.

At this time, he looked at the distant king of Warcraft, and could clearly see that there was still a look of panic and confusion on his face.

At this time, the other side's eyes are still on the wound of his wrist, obviously also trying to treat the wound.

To Lin Ming's surprise, the wound on his wrist is actually healing, and the blood has obviously stopped.

Naturally, Lin Ming suddenly realized that it was for this reason that the voice of the head of the heavenly palace just stopped.


At this time, since Lin Ming was ready to rescue the master of the heavenly palace, the cold light in his eyes suddenly flashed and a low drink came out of his mouth.

In an instant, I saw a black lightning. Naturally, it was Lin Ming's keel fragment that shot at the distant king of Warcraft.

At the same time, several porcelain bottles appeared in Lin Ming's hands, and then Lin Ming directly pointed the mouth of each porcelain bottle at his own mouth without hesitation, and took all the pills at one time.

The porcelain bottles are all semi-finished elixirs, which are used to heal wounds and restore breath.

Before, Lin Ming was very confident. With his extremely strong seven immortal spirits, the breath in his body should be enough. There will be no serious loss of breath in his body at all.

But at the moment, just half of the reincarnation eye of a magic move has been cast, and his breath is seriously consumed. Even seven immortal souls can't support it.

"It seems that no one can compare with me in terms of my vision, but now I still have some shallow insight..."

Naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming made a secret decision immediately: "it seems that it is necessary to refine a batch of real elixirs in the future..."

Indeed, in Lin Ming's view, the strength of his soul has reached the extreme level, and it's easy for him to refine the real elixir.

And now, he is really one-time, will all semi-finished elixir, all used up.

"Recovered to 70% of the breath..."

Although he didn't recover completely, Lin Ming felt normal.

Indeed, once the seven immortal soul breath in the body is lost, the loss is extraordinary.

Now that he can recover to 70% of his breath, Lin Ming naturally knows that the effect of the semi-finished elixir he made is already against the sky.


At this time, I obviously felt the attack of the keel fragments, and a cold hum came from the mouth of the king of Warcraft.

The next moment, in the face of such a black lightning, she is a direct hand to shoot out, the force is heavy.


Even Lin Ming's face changed at the moment when he saw the king of Warcraft.

Indeed, in his feeling, this shot, let alone the Ninth Heaven of the heavenly palace, I'm afraid that even with such strength, the whole heavenly palace will collapse directly.

"We can't fight it hard..."

At this time, Lin Ming can only be cautious.

It's true that at this time, he was in the middle of the altar and couldn't show the dragon's real body. Now, it seems that his most powerful means was the keel fragment in his hand.

If the keel fragment is really smashed by this shot, it's a small matter that he can't save the Lord of the heavenly palace. At that time, he may really be planted in the hands of the king of Warcraft and become the food in the other party's belly.

At this time, there was no hard resistance. Under the Warcraft King's hand, whew, under the turning of the keel fragment, it appeared behind the Warcraft king, and then stabbed it at the back of the Warcraft King's neck.

At that moment, the king of Warcraft seemed to be able to feel the attack. A cold hum came from his mouth immediately

"I was hurt by this strange thing in your hand just now, but I was caught off guard

Now, do you want to hurt me? It's ridiculous... "

A smile word voice falls, suddenly on the body of Warcraft, there is a sudden flash of starlight.

Then in the moment when the keel fragment wants to hit the body of the king of Warcraft, suddenly, the whole body of the king of Warcraft disappears.

When they reappear, they also have a flash of stars, and then continue to disappear.

"Master, be careful, this is one of the most powerful skills of the king of Warcraft, famous star light step..."

At this time, among the many powerful people in Tiangong, jiuxuan Heavenly King couldn't help but remind them and said in a loud voice:

"This kind of Starwalk allows Warcraft to walk in the starry sky without being attacked by any powerful energy in the universe

This kind of starlight walk is extraordinary... "

Naturally, at this time, even as the king of heaven, the king of nine mysteries changed his name to Lin Ming unconsciously.

Naturally, other people's words are the same. At the moment, everyone seems to be worried about Lin Ming's appearance and exclaim.

"Be careful, master."

"Master, the king of Warcraft is attacking you again."

At this moment, Lin Ming can see clearly that Warcraft will attack him again.

Heart read a move, whew for a while, the distant keel fragments also fly back, stab to the king of Warcraft.

However, Lin Ming's face could not help changing.

Indeed, with a flash of starlight on the king of Warcraft, the other side seems to be very easy to avoid the attack of the keel fragments.

"Not good."

In Lin Ming's heart, naturally, he could not help clapping.

Naturally, he is confident that the keel fragment can pierce the opponent's body and hurt him. But if the opponent can easily avoid the attack, even if the keel fragment can pierce the body of the king of Warcraft, it has no effect.

"The palm of chaos."

At this time, seeing the body of the king of Warcraft approaching, Lin Ming seems to have a subconscious reaction, and his move is a chaotic palm that has not been used for a long time.

Indeed, after his realm strength was upgraded to immortal realm, he seldom used this kind of palm technique.

He knew that the power of such a palm was far more than what he had seen.

This kind of palm technique, with the improvement of his realm strength, can appear some qualitative changes.

For example, this moment, a move chaos God palm, display.

It is needless to say that the instant palm shadow is all over the sky, and on each palm shadow, there is a layer of colorful light.

There is no doubt that this is the unique origin of divine light of the descendants of Pangu.

The king of Warcraft originally seemed to be afraid of the origin of divine light.

So all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden.

All of a sudden, in the vision of the king of Warcraft, in addition to the origin of God light, or the origin of God light.

Then, there was a big bang. At this moment, it seemed that every palm shadow was directly attacking the king of Warcraft.

Although, the response of the king of Warcraft was timely, and a strong and extreme evil breath rose from her.

But now, even such a level of evil breath seems to have no effect on Lin Ming's move.

Under such a palm, all the strange demons seemed to be suddenly exposed to the strong light of ice and snow, which immediately melted away.


A scream sound, immediately sounded, nature is also from the mouth of the king of Warcraft.

"I hurt the king of Warcraft..."

At this moment, no one is more excited than many strong people in Tiangong when they hear such a scream.

Indeed, from the very beginning, the king of Warcraft showed great strength. He forced Lin Ming to come out of the space and grabbed Lin Ming by the neck. He was about to eat him.

At that moment, all the strong people in Tiangong were extremely desperate.

Subconsciously, in the eyes of all people, they are bound to come to the same end.

But who would have thought that the reversal came so fast.

Under Lin Ming's hand, the king of Warcraft has been injured directly.

Indeed, at this moment, everyone can clearly see that on the short body of the king of Warcraft, there are countless palmprints, cracks, and bloody appearance.


"God, what's going on..."

And at this time, almost all of the heavenly palace strongmen also noticed that there was something abnormal on the king of Warcraft at the same time.

Indeed, at this time, they can clearly feel that there is a trace of fairy air, which is penetrating from every crack in the body of the king of Warcraft.

"Isn't the king of Warcraft an extraterrestrial monster..."

It is also like subconscious, such a guess, from almost all the strong minds of the heavenly palace.

But the next moment, they all knew it was impossible.

Indeed, all of a sudden, a very familiar sound came directly from the body of the king of beasts

"The elder is powerful. He used a move of chaos palm to hurt the king of Warcraft directly..."

"What, master."

"It's the voice of the palace master!"

Naturally, the next moment, a burst of mountain like tsunami general scream sounded.

"It turns out that the palace master has been in the body of the king of beasts."

"The Lord of the palace has been imprisoned in his own body by the king of Warcraft."

At that moment, all the strong people in Tiangong suddenly looked very excited and excited.

Indeed, many people thought that since the king of Warcraft could pretend to be the master of the heavenly palace for so long, the real master of the heavenly palace must have been poisoned and fallen.

Never thought, never thought, the real master of the heavenly palace is still alive.

"Ha ha, master of the heavenly palace, come up with it. I'll tell you, it's impossible..."

At this time, the king of Warcraft uttered a very gloomy voice. She suddenly put her hand into her chest

"Even if I would die in the hands of this boy, I would never let you out if I risked my life

Compared with our extraterrestrial demons, your existence will harm this part of the world more... "

"Ah..." then there was a scream coming from the body of the king of Warcraft.

"Stop, Warcraft

"Warcraft, you are looking for death!"

At the moment when the voice came out, the faces of all the powerful people in the heavenly palace suddenly changed. Their breath, momentum, and murderous Qi all rose in an instant. At the same time, they made a loud drink in their mouth.

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