"Speaking of the curse of the gods..." the head of the heavenly palace seemed to ponder a little, and then said:

"Another powerful existence has to be mentioned

This existence once threatened the survival of the gods

According to my investigation, the sudden disappearance of gods in this part of the world may also be closely related to this kind of existence... "

"Oh?" Naturally, Lin Ming was shocked.

He really knew little about the existence of gods, but just from the eye of reincarnation, he could see how powerful the gods were.

It's just to show such a magic move, that is, the half move of reincarnation eye. Even if there are seven immortal souls in his body, the loss of immortal breath also reaches 70%.

Naturally, we can imagine the existence of gods.

Now, from the mouth of the master of the heavenly palace, there is another kind of existence that can threaten the gods.

So how strong is this existence.

"Oh? The disappearance of gods in this part of heaven and earth is actually related to an existence. What is sacred... "

Naturally, Lin Ming can't help asking.

Of course, at the same time, Lin Ming took a look at Bai Muyu and saw that Bai Muyu's body showed these strange black lines like tattoos, and then there was no movement.

Lin Ming is a little relieved.

He knew nothing about the curse of the gods. He knew that no matter how anxious he was, it was useless.

At this time, when she saw Lin Ming's face, her face finally changed. The head of the heavenly palace looked as if she was not surprised at all. There was a trace of inexplicable color in her eyes, and then she continued to say:

"All things are divided into yin and Yang, good and evil

All things have Yin that is Yang, and good that is evil

Since the birth of heaven and earth, it has been divided into yin and Yang, good and evil

Gods represent the side of justice and good. On the contrary, this kind of existence represents the side of evil, killing, cruelty and so on

This kind of existence, for the spirit

Nowadays, some demons in the universe, as well as extraterrestrial demons and so on, are the branches of demons with extremely thin blood

At the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, since the gods and demons were born together, they are like twins, and they have always been in a state of equilibrium and interdependence

But in the later years, there were problems

When many gods understand everything in the universe, evil thoughts are slowly growing in their hearts, and demons are slowly emerging

And this kind of demons is just one of the demons. They are powerful and finally eat the body of the gods

Immediately, many gods turned into demons

Demons are more and more powerful, and their means are more and more powerful

This curse of gods is one of the most powerful means created by demons. It is a special means to deal with gods

Bai Muyu has an aura of divine residence in his body, so even if he has divine blood

This kind of curse is just used to deal with Bai Muyu

The curse of gods is a terrible magic skill

It will not only make the curser lose his mind and become a demon, but also affect anyone who has a little relationship with him. The closer he is to him, the more intimate he is, the greater the impact he will be. "

Speaking of this, it seems that the master of the heavenly palace specially took a deep look at Lin Ming.

Seeing what the master of the heavenly palace said, Lin Ming couldn't help checking his body, but he didn't find anything wrong.

Then, Lin Ming's eyes naturally fell on Bai Muyu, and his face showed a very strong dignified color.

"Of course, it's true that the curse of the gods is created by demons," said the Lord of the heavenly palace. "But at the same time, the gods also understand the curse of the gods and use it to punish those who violate the law of heaven

In fact, it can be said that the curse of the gods was left by the gods in ancient times... "

Lin Ming is clear about this. The king of Warcraft said that after two or three seconds' delay, she had planted the curse in Bai Muyu's body. As for the others, she didn't elaborate.

At this time, it seems that the master of the heavenly palace has finally come to the point:

"The curse of gods is not without solution. First, the person who curses can solve it. Second, the gods or demons can also solve it

But now it seems that these two methods are not feasible. The king of Warcraft has been destroyed by you, and the gods have already disappeared

As for the demons, they have long been silent in a remote part of the universe, or they may have disappeared in this part of the universe like gods

However, at the moment, there may be something else that makes Lin Ming's heart thump. Naturally, a faint purple black light appears between Bai Muyu's eyebrows.

At the moment, Lin Ming just looked at it for a moment, and the sense of horror brought to him immediately became more intense.

For a moment, bang bang, Lin Ming clearly felt his heart beating a little faster subconsciously.

Lin Ming has never experienced such a change.

For the first time.

At the moment, naturally, it can be imagined that Lin Ming's mind was suddenly nervous.

"I didn't expect that the curse of the gods planted by the king of Warcraft was much more powerful than I expected..."

Seeing such a scene, the face of the master of the heavenly palace also changed. His eyes glared at the circle of purple black light outside Bai Muyu's body.

At this time, Lin Ming could feel clearly that Bai Muyu's breath was extremely terrible.

It seems that in such a layer of purple black halo, Bai Muyu will lose his sense and life at any time.

At this time, a burst of colorful light appeared in Lin Ming's hands. Indeed, Lin Ming was going to try to test the power of the purple black light.

"Don't do it." But all of a sudden, the head of the heavenly palace stopped him and said, with a dignified look on his face

"Master, there is no other way to attack the purple and black light except the breath of the holy mansion. On the contrary, it will greatly increase the power of the light

But please don't worry, elder. He saved my life and is my great benefactor. Naturally, I will try my best to help... "

When the voice fell, there was a layer of colorful light coming out in the palm of the right hand of the master of the heavenly palace.

However, when Lin Ming saw it, he was surprised. Indeed, although he recognized that it was also the unique origin of the disciples of Pangu's descendants, it was obvious that there was a trace of the spirit of the mansion in it.

"I didn't expect that the master of the heavenly palace also had the air of the divine residence..."

Lin Ming's heart also seems to be involuntarily secretive, but for the heavenly palace master's help, Lin Ming can't help but be more alert.

At this time, it seems that the master of the heavenly palace did not hesitate.

Then Lin Ming was surprised to see that the purple black light outside Bai Muyu's body really shrank under the hand of the palace leader, and directly returned to Bai Muyu's body.

Seeing this, the dignified color on the master's face became more intense, and he said:

"Master, I can only temporarily control the attack of the curse of the gods

Next time, if the curse of the gods in her body breaks out again, it will be more powerful and more difficult to control

So right now... "

Lin Ming nodded slightly and said, "so now I have no choice but to enter the 18th heaven as soon as possible and understand the wordless book of heaven..."

Indeed, in Lin Ming's opinion, the so-called curse of the gods is too powerful for him to do anything.

Although entering the 18th heaven, I don't know how long it will take to understand some of the mysteries and secrets of the wordless heavenly book, Lin Ming really has no other choice but this time.

Of course, although Lin Ming didn't know how much time he needed to spend to understand the wordless book of heaven, he also knew that once he entered the 18th heaven, he would be in great danger.

Moreover, he kept alert to the master of the heavenly palace. Maybe he would expose his true face to him at any time.

Therefore, in Lin Ming's view, it is necessary to refine a large number of elixirs.

"Palace master, I need a lot of herbs to refine the elixir..." at the moment, it seems that Lin Ming is not polite at all, and says directly to the palace master.

The master of the heavenly palace was slightly stunned by this, and then said: "if you want to refine the elixir, you need some herbs, but it doesn't matter. In addition, there are many elixirs in the heavenly palace, among whom the supreme one is one of them..."

It seems that it is because the four words of the supreme master came out of the master's mouth. At the next moment, a figure appeared on the side of the master's body out of thin air.

At this time, the master of the heavenly palace said: "master, this is the Supreme Master of alchemy in the heavenly palace, and also in the whole immortal sect. With the help of the Supreme Master, we can help you refine the elixir in the shortest time..."

"I don't need any help." Lin Ming's tone was calm and said directly, and then he also said directly what he needed. There were tens of thousands of kinds of herbs, and the weight was not small.

Of course, the head of Tiangong doesn't have any opinions about this. But at first, when she heard that Lin Ming didn't need the help of the Supreme Master, she seemed to frown involuntarily.

And the moment he heard Lin Ming's words, he was really unhappy and dissatisfied, but naturally he didn't dare to say anything more.

Then he also opened his mouth and said: "it turns out that the elder is also a master of alchemy, so I have to have a good knowledge and learn from the elder..."

"You can't learn." At the moment, Lin Ming just said it in a casual way, but this naturally made the Supreme Master choke. The blood in his chest rose and fell involuntarily, and a mouthful of blood almost didn't come out directly.

At this time, the master of the heavenly palace said: "the herbs mentioned by the predecessors are naturally available in the heavenly palace, and the amount needed is also available..."

Then she gave an order to the next Supreme Master and said, "supreme master, go and take the herbs that the elder needs, and the quantity that the elder needs must be met..."

"Yes, master." Although the Supreme Master was extremely unhappy and discontented in his heart, he did not dare to show his face to the Lord of the heavenly palace, nor did he dare to show his face to Lin Ming.

After that, he seemed to leave without any hesitation. Of course, he went to get the medicine and enough weight that Lin Ming needed.

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