That is, just ten seconds later, a figure, flashed out, naturally is the supreme.

He handed a storage ring directly to Lin Ming and said, "master, all the herbs you need are in it. The weight of each herb is enough."

Lin Ming took it without hesitation, and then released a trace of soul power to go in and have a look. For a moment, he really saw that there were all kinds of herbs in it, and the amount was enough.

"Master." At this time, the Supreme Master suddenly spoke again, and he looked very proud: "I know that the Dan stove used by my predecessors to refine Dan medicine is definitely not ordinary

But I'm sure the Dan stove I used will be better than yours... "

With this sentence, it seems that the Supreme Master obviously wants to show off in front of Lin Ming. Without giving Lin Ming the opportunity and time to speak, a red stove appears directly in front of Lin Ming.

"Master, the Dan stove I used is unique in the world. There is no other Dan stove that can compare with my one..." the Supreme Master continued and said, "I'll be frank with you

This red stove was found hundreds of millions of years ago when I ventured into a site of Shendi

This is a red stove left by the gods of ancient times

Master, you can use my furnace to refine pills

Let me see the skill of alchemy of my predecessors... "

The words of the Supreme Master were uttered without pause.

However, Lin Ming didn't mean to stop him. In fact, it was because when this red stove appeared that Lin Ming really couldn't help but get a light in his eyes.

Indeed, from such a Dan stove, Lin Ming can clearly feel a strange breath in an instant, which is very similar to Bai Muyu's divine residence breath.

Of course, that's all. Naturally, Lin Ming knows his own situation very clearly. He doesn't need to use a furnace to make pills.

He used the unique method of heart training of the Shenlong people.

Of course, now, even in front of many powerful people in the heavenly palace, Lin Ming is also in front of the leader of the heavenly palace. He doesn't need to worry about being seen by the other party.

At the moment, he took his eyes away from the red stove that the Supreme Master had taken out. Lin Ming said with a calm look:

"Thank you for your kindness. I never need a furnace for refining pills..."

"Er, what..."

Naturally, the Supreme Master was stunned. At this moment, his eyes widened subconsciously, showing an extremely strange look and looking at Lin Ming.

Indeed, with his experience and experience in alchemy, he has never heard that alchemy does not need a furnace, which is totally impossible.

In his opinion, it's impossible to refine the pills without the need of the furnace.

But all of a sudden, he seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and some information seemed to come directly from his memory.

All of a sudden, he looked even more stunned and unbelievable.

Then he subconsciously looked at the heavenly palace master next to him. Naturally, he wanted to get an answer from the heavenly palace master.

However, at this time, it seemed that the master of the heavenly palace was also surprised. She didn't notice the eyes of the Supreme Master.

Seeing their expressions, Lin Ming just laughed for a moment, then said deliberately:

"Supreme master, master of the palace, with your state, strength and insight, don't you really know that there is a kind of alchemy that doesn't need a Dan stove..."

"You, you, you are..." the Supreme Master's eyes widened at the moment, and his voice trembled in disbelief

"Are you, you are a disciple of the Shenlong clan?"

Brush, such a question from the mouth of the Supreme Master, like subconscious, a trace of cold light directly in the eyes of the palace master, passing by.

She didn't speak.

At this time, Lin Ming still looks like an enigmatic, just a smile.

Then it seems that Lin Ming doesn't care whether the master of the heavenly palace will open his mouth. Instead of wasting the slightest bit of time, he directly takes out tens of thousands of herbs from the storage ring.

"I'm going to start refining pills..."

"It's not necessary to use the alchemy furnace. I've never heard of it. I really don't know how the elder would refine the elixir..."

As for the words of all the other heavenly palace strongmen, I didn't hear the words of the supreme master just now. Naturally, I would never associate them with the people of the Shenlong clan.

Naturally, now that Lin Ming is about to start refining pills, everyone will be full of curiosity. He can't figure out how to make pills without a furnace.

And it's not the elixir anyone can refine.

Lin Ming doesn't care about the reaction of all the people around him. After he takes out the herbs, he uses the heart refining method as soon as possible.

Now Lin Ming's realm strength is not small. He has reached the first level of xianzun realm, and the power of his soul has reached the limit, that is, the Ninth level of xianzun realm.

Before he had such a state of strength, the elixir he refined was already a semi-finished elixir. Naturally, it can be imagined that it would be a very simple thing for him to refine the elixir.

If so, thousands of medicinal materials were suspended around Lin Ming's body. Almost at the same time, thousands of medicinal materials were smashed.

The next moment, all these medicinal powder, is also quickly condensed together, directly has the shape of Dan medicine.




Shocked, at this moment, all of us were shocked when we saw such a scene. A sound of cool air was heard almost at the same time.

It's true that all the powerful people in the heavenly palace can't see that Lin Ming is already refining pills, and the speed has reached an incredible level.

The medicinal materials are crushed and then condensed, which immediately has the form of pills.

Naturally, everyone knows it very well. Even for the Supreme Master, it will take at least a month to produce a batch of elixirs.

And this time, it's amazing enough, and it's unprecedented.

But what's the situation now? It's only a few seconds. The pill has already taken shape.

For a moment, all the powerful people in Tiangong were shocked by their improper behavior.

With a brush, the eyes of all the powerful people in Tiangong, who were looking at Lin Ming, naturally lit up one after another.

A murmur of nature is also involuntarily sounded.

"I'm afraid that this elder is not only a spiritual blood."

"It's true that in refining pills, who else can do it except the gods?"

"I'm sure the elder should be the God in the legend..."

At the moment when the last sentence rang out, many of them seemed to feel their legs softened, as if they would kneel down and worship Lin Ming at any time.

"Palace master, look..."

At this time, the Supreme Master, of course, had already shown a look of stupidity.

His eyes flashed, and he looked at the leader of the heavenly palace next to him. Naturally, he had already confirmed Lin Ming's identity in his heart. He should be a disciple of the Shenlong clan, one of the most powerful clan in the past.

The head of the heavenly palace gazed at Lin Ming not far away, as if she had not heard the opening of the Supreme Master. She murmured to herself:

"No one can do such an amazing alchemy except the powerful dragon people before

It's no wonder that he can perform a magic trick. He dares to feel the spirit and blood in his body. It's a bit stronger than me... "

"Master of the palace." The Supreme Master suddenly uttered a cry of surprise, and then, with a worried look on his face, lowered his voice and said to the leader of the heavenly palace:

"Originally, the whole dragon clan had the blood of gods in its body, which made it more powerful than the heavenly palace

At present, this elder is actually a disciple of the Shenlong clan. Before, the palace master almost exterminated the whole Shenlong clan, leaving all the weak people in a barren place like the small world

If this elder knows what happened in those years.... "

At this time, the head of the heavenly palace showed that he was not worried at all, and said: "it happened too long ago. I'm afraid even the Shenlong people in the small world can't remember how they were in the small world

How could he know what happened in those years

If he really knew what happened in those years, he would have done something to us for a long time... "

"Well, the palace master is right." After hearing these words, the Supreme Master nodded in a hurry, with a look of incomparable approval.

At this time, the master of the heavenly palace naturally continued to deliver a message to the Supreme Master, saying: "moreover, even if he knew the situation of that year clearly, he didn't show anything at the moment. Once he entered the 18th heaven, he could only stay in it

Supreme Master, why do you think I have to tell him the existence of the curse of the gods in detail, just to lure him into the 18th heaven

He may not know that in the 18th heaven, there are many crises. I'm afraid that before he saw the existence of the wordless heavenly book, he had already fallen into it.... "

"I admire you very much." The Supreme Master immediately showed his admiration and repeatedly said, "it's still the palace master's thoughtfulness

It's true that such a disciple of the Shenlong clan has great strength, and no one can defeat Dan Shu. If he becomes the enemy of the heavenly palace, I'm afraid the heavenly palace... "

With that, the Supreme Master seemed to have seen such a devastating picture directly. He couldn't help shivering and didn't dare to go on.

"Not that." It seems that the master of the heavenly palace naturally knows what the Supreme Master will say next. She looks very sure

"As the leader of the heavenly palace, I can tell you one thing now. The whole heavenly palace itself was built by the gods of that year, with a total of 36 heavens. Even the gods themselves could not destroy the heavenly palace..."

The supreme master took a long breath. It seemed that he was really relaxed at this time.

"The heart refining method of the Shenlong clan is really terrible..." then when he looked not far away, he seemed to blurt out a sentence.

Indeed, naturally, not only he, but also all the powerful people in the heavenly palace, including the master of the heavenly palace, can see clearly at this moment.

It's successful. Lin Ming has successfully refined the pill.

With the insight and vision of Tiangong strongmen, everyone can clearly see it at the first time.

All the pills suspended around Lin Ming, each one, are really genuine elixirs.

And from the perspective of breath, they can be sure that even the quality of the elixir is better than that of the elixir refined by the Supreme Master.

"Thirteen thousand pills..."


Then the next moment, when all the heavenly palace strongmen saw such a number clearly, one by one they looked more and more stunned.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, showing the appearance that the Three Outlooks were directly subverted.

"One minute..." at this time, Lin Ming naturally opened his eyes and saw the pills floating around his body. Naturally, his face nodded with satisfaction.

At present, Lin Ming doesn't seem to want to waste any time. He reaches out and holds dozens of pills in his hand.

Then Lin Ming took these pills as if he were eating sugar beans.


Seeing this, all the strong people in the heavenly palace seemed to be together again.

"A strong man with divine blood is really strong. Eating elixir is like eating sugar beans..."

"For us, let alone a elixir, even if it is two, we can't hold it. Our body will explode directly..."

After taking dozens of elixirs, Lin Ming's breath of immortality exploded directly in his body.

It can be said that almost in an instant, the immortal breath he had lost before was completely replenished.

In other words, with the dozens of elixirs taken, Lin Ming completely recovered to the previous state.

"Not bad, not bad." Lin Ming can't help but smile happily. Then, all the elixirs floating around his body disappear at one time. Naturally, Lin Ming puts all the elixirs away.

When we enter the 18th day, there will be a lot of crises. By that time, we will certainly be able to use it.

"This..." seeing such a scene at this moment, the master of the heavenly palace frowned subconsciously.

Indeed, in her opinion, the effect of this elixir is too strong.

What's more, Lin Ming's ability to digest elixirs is also against heaven.

Moreover, Lin Ming still has such a number of frightening elixirs. Can the crisis in the 18th heaven really take his life.

At this moment, the master of the heavenly palace seemed to be involuntarily worried about this.

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