Naturally, in Lin Ming's opinion, besides Wu Xunyi, he should not marry anyone else now.

In Lin Ming's opinion, it's easy to understand why there are 12 people. It should be a test for him to choose the real bride.

Now when he looks at the past like this, it's hard for Lin Ming to tell who is Wu Yanyi just from his back.

At this time, even Lin Ming himself seems to have been unaware that all things happening to everyone are real, but they are also fake.

It seems that he is also unconsciously. Lin Ming has already fallen into the trap. He really regards this as his own wedding, his wedding with Wu Yanyi.

"Worship me!"

All of a sudden, a man yelled out two words, which made Lin Ming feel stunned.

"That's the auditorium?" Lin Ming looked shocked. "Shouldn't we choose the real bride first..."

"Son, what are you still doing? Go to the hall quickly."

Seeing that Lin Ming looked stunned, his mother urged him with a smile.

Lin Ming still hesitated and seemed puzzled. He said, "shouldn't I choose them first..."

"Smelly boy," at this time, his father began to speak and directly interrupted Lin Ming, saying:

"You are so lucky. All the beautiful young girls in shiliba village are clamoring to marry you. After a year's wife selection ceremony, you finally fall in love with these 12 girls

Smelly boy, the Lin family will be prosperous in the future. Ha ha... "

When Lin Ming's father said this, he burst into exaggerated laughter.

Next to the mother, it seems that some can't help laughing, and then it is also a light laugh.

And this words from his father's mouth, Lin Ming naturally also can't help but confused circle, "ten li eight village girls are clamoring to marry me? Did the ceremony take a full year? And finally a dozen girls? What is it and what

But there is nothing more ridiculous in the world

But it seems that this kind of thing is also very good

Ancient emperors had three palaces and six courtyards, and there were thousands of concubines

Is it not enough for me, Lin Ming, to marry twelve beautiful brides at a time? "

At this moment, it seems that Lin Ming is possessed by a demon, and suddenly this idea appears in his mind.

And then, naturally, the more he thought about it, the happier he was. Naturally, he thought about the happy emperor like life in the future.

Immediately, it seems that Lin Ming can't wait to go to the chapel. Soon, the chapel is over. With the sound of the bride and groom entering the bridal chamber, Lin Ming and the twelve brides slowly leave the hall and enter the new chamber.

In the new room, twelve brides were sitting on the big bed in a row.

Take a look at this and that. Lin Ming doesn't know how excited and happy he is.

At this moment, in his heart, in his mind, it seemed that there was nothing else but the twelve brides.

At the moment, he seems to have directly forgotten his current situation. He is in a very dangerous space, that is, the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace.

"Don't worry, brides. I'm here."

Lin Ming laughs. His face is as bright as a chrysanthemum in full bloom in autumn. He goes to uncover all the faces one by one.

Sure enough, just as Lin Ming had guessed in his mind, these twelve people are all acquaintances, and some of them have had relations with him.

Wu Yanyi, Bai Muyu, Chen minran, Jia shuangai, long Xueni, Tang Wenbing, Gu Dongman, Zheng Yuting, Wu Yujia, Du Shengjun, Yi Xinrong, sun nishang

Of course, the women that Lin Ming knows are not only these 12 people, but what is happening now is these 12 people.

For a moment, Lin Ming didn't seem to think about it. Why did these 12 people appear.

At this time, when the hood is removed, Lin Ming can see clearly the faces of all the people. For a moment, he can't help but be a little stunned.

Indeed, one of these twelve people is more attractive than the other, and their temperament is different from each other. Now Lin Ming seems to have lost his way.

"Ha ha..." then Lin Ming burst out laughing like he couldn't help laughing, "I'm really lucky. As soon as I marry, I directly marry 12 beautiful women

It seems that I will spend the rest of my life in a happy life

Ah ha ha... "

With that, Lin Ming couldn't help laughing again. He was very excited and excited.

"Wives, I'm here. Ha ha." At present, Lin Ming seems to be a little impatient.

Seeing Lin Ming like this, suddenly, under the eyes of the twelve people, a strange light flashed through them.

Of course, Lin Ming is not aware at all.

However, just as Lin Ming was about to walk past, his body suddenly froze, and his expression also changed. At this moment, his eyes seemed to have a clear color.

Indeed, it was because a voice suddenly rang out in his mind:

"Stinky boy, wake up, you are in the 18th day of Tiangong now!"

"Devil boy!"

At the moment when such a voice sounded, Lin Ming seemed subconscious, and two words came out of his mind.

But that's all. As for what magic boy said, for a moment, it seemed as if he had left ear in and right ear out.

But it's also because the voice of magic boy suddenly rings out. Although Lin Ming also directly forgets what magic boy said, it seems that out of instinct, there is a sense of vigilance in his heart.

When he looked at the twelve figures and left, he naturally seemed to have a suspicion subconsciously. He said in secret:

"Can I really marry them once and make them my wives on the same day..."

As if subconsciously, Lin Ming's eyes were fixed on a figure, Wu Xunyi.

Then, like a flash of inspiration, Lin Ming gave himself a direct answer

"It's impossible. I can't marry twelve of them at one time. First of all, Wu Yanyi can't agree

It's impossible for her to marry me

How could she marry me with eleven other women

It's not true... "

At last, the clear and bright color in Lin Ming's eyes naturally became more intense. At the same time, he was shocked, as if he finally recalled:

"Just now, the voice of the Devil boy was reminding me to wake up. I am in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace..."

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Why are you suddenly in a daze..."

Naturally, the eyes of Wu Xunyi and other 12 people have always been on Lin Ming. At this time, seeing that Lin Ming's expression is changing, Wu Xuyi first opens her mouth, showing a worried look on her face, and then says in a soft voice:

"Husband, we are finally married. I want to be your woman. Aren't you happy

Today is the most important day in our lives. Tonight will surely make us remember each other's whole life.... "

During the conversation, Wu Xunyi's voice fell into Lin Ming's ears, which also made Lin Ming feel strange. It seems that there is a kind of confusing power in such a voice.

"You are not Wu Xunyi. How can you be Wu Xunyi?"

But all of a sudden, Lin Ming's eyes must be shining in the middle, staring at Wu Xunyi.

Wu Xunyi was stunned. The light in her eyes was flowing. In an instant, a tear light was overflowing.

Her eyes were fixed. She looked at Lin Ming and said softly:

"Husband, I still remember clearly when we met for the first time. You were staring at me all the time without blinking. I couldn't help scolding you as a hooligan

Later, I wrote a check for 20 million, I want to break our engagement with you

But what I didn't expect was that you didn't hesitate to tear this 20 million check to pieces

Later, you helped me and saved me again and again

In fact, I've been deeply in love with you for a long time. It's just because of my own personality, I haven't disclosed my heart to you all the time... "

Lin Ming fixed his eyes on Wu Yanyi and said it slowly. Lin Ming could clearly feel that Wu's words were very sincere. Naturally, Wu's words were not false.

As if naturally, the vigilance and vigilance in Lin Ming's eyes disappeared.

Indeed, at this time, in his view, if Wu Yanyi is true or false, how can she be so clear about everything between them.

At this time, Bai Muyu suddenly opened his mouth and said, "husband, do you remember when we first met..."

Lin Ming nodded. Naturally, he remembered clearly.

Bai Muyu's face suddenly appeared a red halo, looking very beautiful and shy. Then she said:

"Honey, you're such a bad guy. When you first met me, you always looked at me

As a matter of fact, at that time, I saw that I was in a mess. It was just because I was a vice president, I couldn't be rude

At that time, I gave you a question to test you. As long as you can do something that no one dares to do, I will let you be my assistant

As a result, you really did it, and you managed to stabilize me

At that time, my whole brain was full of confusion, so I didn't push you away at the first time

Husband, you didn't forget that day. "

Lin Ming couldn't help but smile, a look of memory, a look of vigilance in his eyes, it seems that it has completely dispersed.

Then Lin Ming said, "how can I forget that day? I will never forget it in my life..."

Bai Muyu then said, "later, you helped me get rid of the bondage of my parents' engagement, and let me get rid of the sea of hardship. Finally, you even accepted the whole Bai family, so that the contradiction between me and the Bai family could be completely resolved

I have already vowed that I will not fall in love with any other man except you, and I will not be the wife of any other man, no matter how good the man is

However, in my heart, husband, you are already the best man in the world

Do you remember our first intimacy that day... "

Bai Muyu continued to talk, but also a completely do not mind Wu Yanyi and other people to hear the appearance, said in great detail.

Lin Ming seems to have gone back to the same day. He is already on the scene. When he looks at Bai Muyu, he seems to have become hot out of instinct.

Chen minran, at this time, suddenly said: "husband, you have not forgotten the situation when we first met..."

"How can I forget..." at this time, Lin Ming's breathing seemed to be a little too fast.

Chen minran then said, "you are here to interview the assistant president. At that time, you wrote a brief introduction. After reading it, my first reaction was that you are a madman. You speak like an immortal. You know kung fu, can speak more than ten languages, can fly in the sky, can swim in the water

Later, you saved me from Wang Lifeng, the deputy manager of the company. Otherwise, my body would be ruined by Wang Lifeng

And then you saved my dad

Husband, all these things I can be a deep memory in the brain, dare not forget the slightest

I'm not going to marry you all my life

I still remember the scene when you pulled me into the men's bathroom that day... "

Then, Chen minran did not seem to mind that Wu Yanyi and other people heard the same, very detailed will happen on that day of an intimate scene said.

Originally, after listening to Bai Muyu's memories, Lin Ming already had the feeling of being on the scene. At this time, he naturally felt that the blood heat in his body was about to boil directly.

He began to undress himself.

"Stinky boy, stop it. Once you are cheated, you will die here, in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace..."

At this time, the voice of magic boy sounded in Lin Ming's mind again, like the ringing of a bell, which made Lin Ming's whole body feel like an involuntary shock.

"They're all fake." Magic boy's voice sounded like an echo in Lin Ming's mind.

They're all fake... They're all fake

"No way, they are not fake. How can they be fake? They are all real."

But as if out of subconsciousness, Lin Ming roared in his heart: "everything they say, every word they say, is absolutely true. How can they be false..."

"Everything they say, every word they say, of course, can't be false, because everything they say, every word they say, actually comes from your heart..."

Magic boy's voice rang out, slowly said, still with a general force, rang out in Lin Ming's mind.

"Why? What's going on? The boy suddenly stopped at the critical moment... "

At this time, also in a corner of the 18th space, in front of a figure, there is something like a mirror, which reflects everything that happened in the new house very clearly.

"Well? Everything they say, every word they say, comes from my heart? "

At this time, after hearing the sudden opening of the magic boy, Lin Ming's body naturally felt like an involuntary shock. His eyes were fixed, and then a touch of vigilance and vigilance came out again. Then his eyes slowly swept to Wu Xunyi and other 12 people.

At this time, Wu Xunyi and other 12 people got up almost at the same time after they came into contact with Lin Ming.

Wu Xunyi opened her mouth first and said softly, "husband, I don't think you look right. Are you a little nervous because you have to deal with 12 of us at the same time

Husband, you don't have to worry, we won't embarrass you

Tonight, whoever you want to accompany you will accompany you. No one else will be jealous or mind. Do you say... "

"Yes, sister Xunyi is right."

"We are all husband's women. Naturally, we should think about our husband."

"For the rest of our lives, we will listen to my husband's words and any orders..."

"Husband, you can rest assured that our sisters will get along well with each other. We won't make you difficult..."

"Husband, we will all have some fat children for you, and we will be a big family in the future."

"Husband, we will always live happily and happily together..."

As if naturally, Bai Muyu and others all spoke one after another, looking at Lin Ming with a happy and sweet face.

In the face of Wu Xunyi and other twelve people who had already been surrounded, all of them were of outstanding beauty, which seemed to turn all living beings upside down.

Indeed, let alone 12 people, even if only one of them said such a thing to a man, the other side would not be surprised to be moved in a mess, and then directly fell into the gentle lingering.

However, Lin Ming is not an ordinary person. He has experienced too much along the way. In fact, his mind and nature were already extraordinary when he was in the secular world of China.

At this time, in the face of Yingyan, he spoke softly, as if out of instinct. He did feel a little dizzy, but the last reason told him to hold on, otherwise, his life would fall here.

All of a sudden, Lin Ming seems to have realized something. He drinks directly at Wu Xunyi and long Xueni

"You two must be fake. You two have already lost your memory. How can you remember what happened before..."

"And you..."

After a brush, Lin Ming fixed his eyes on Bai Muyu

"You've been cursed by the gods. How can you be here?"

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