Wu Xunyi and the other 12 people were all looking at Lin Ming when he spoke, but they all looked very confused. They didn't seem to know what Lin Ming was talking about at all.

Looking at Lin Ming, the twelve people also looked more worried.

At this time, Wu Xunyi opened her mouth with a dignified face and said to Lin Ming, "husband, what are you talking about, what amnesia, what curse of gods, there has never been such a thing..."

"Husband, you are too nervous. You are talking nonsense."

"Husband, take it easy. I'll give you a massage..."

The twelve people all look worried and look at Lin Ming. They say one after another. With that, Chen minran and Bai Muyu have come to Lin Ming's back. They stretch out their arms and put their hands on Lin Ming's shoulders. They really want to massage Lin Ming directly.

"Don't touch me." But immediately, Lin Ming let out a low drink, his face became very ugly, and he was surrounded by twelve people.

But at the same time, Lin Ming is helpless. He has no immortal breath in his body. If he wants to try, he can't do it at all.

And just as magic boy said, the current scene is from his heart, how he should get rid of the current predicament.

At the moment, he seems quite helpless.

Naturally, it is obvious that Lin Ming can see that Wu Xunyi and other 12 people are completely pestering him. If they don't have any relationship with him, they will never let him go easily.

Lin Ming knew that, just as magic boy said, once Lin Ming had something to do with one or two of them, his life would surely be lost here, in the 18th day of the heavenly palace.

At that time, let alone untie the curse of the gods in Bai Muyu's body, it is impossible to let Wu Xunyi and long Xueni recover their memories.

"Yes, get out of here..."

All of a sudden, like a flash of light, such an idea appeared in Lin Ming's mind.

Indeed, at this time behind him is the gate, he thought together, immediately also turned away.

However, it was clear that there was no one behind him just now, but when he met him, he saw two figures. They were also acquaintances, Gu Dongman and Du Shengjun.

Lin Ming could not help but wrinkle his brows, and his heart seemed to clap involuntarily.

Indeed, in his opinion, if these 12 people were real at present, he knew that he would not be in danger, but it was obvious that this was the danger for him in the eighteen days.

How can Wu Xunyi and other 12 people let him go now.

"What should I do..."

Lin Ming's heart is full of tension.

He knows that it seems to be a bit difficult for him to leave here now.

At this time, Gu Dongman looked at Lin Ming with a sad face and said, "husband, why do you want to escape? Do you really want to break all our hearts

We all love you so much and regard you as the only man in our life. Why do you still want to escape... "

Du Shengjun also said, "husband, sister Dongman is right. We all love you so much. How can you have the heart to hurt us

Husband, I swear to you that after tonight, we will stay with you all our life, treat you wholeheartedly, and let you live a fairy life every day... "

When they talk, they are also very sincere and affectionate. They look at Lin Ming with a layer of tears in their eyes. They are also very touching and lovable.

For a moment, their appearance did make Lin Ming feel like he was subconscious. He felt a little heartache in his heart. He really shouldn't let the two women who loved him so much feel sad.

"Husband, don't be nervous, relax."

"Husband, our massage technique is very good."

As Lin Ming felt this way, he seemed to be less alert and relaxed.

It seems that taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Muyu and Chen minran stretch out their hands. This time, they really press directly on Lin Ming's shoulder.

Lin Ming's body seems to be a subconscious shock. When he brushes it, his eyes seem to light up involuntarily.

Indeed, as soon as they pressed on his shoulder, he felt a burst of unprecedented ease and comfort subconsciously.

"It's so comfortable."

And with the two people really massage on his shoulder, Lin Ming seems to be unable to help murmuring, his eyes are directly closed, showing a very enjoyable appearance.

Wu Xunyi and other 12 people saw this, and suddenly a strange color appeared on their faces. A strange smell began to emanate from everyone, lingering on Lin Ming's body, and quickly penetrated into Lin Ming's seven orifices.

At the same time, it is also in a certain space in the 18th heaven.

A figure, through a mirror like object, saw such a scene very clearly, and uttered a cold hum of disdain

"Ha ha, what elder, he is really a boy who has not grown up. In front of his own demons, he has directly lost in a mess

I'm just waiting for the moment when your boy is completely killed by the demons, and then I'll take your hand. At that time, I can easily capture the dragon soul in your boy's body, and the spirit blood in your body will also fall into my hands


But at this time, this figure's face also changed suddenly.

Indeed, she clearly saw that originally, Lin Ming was still enjoying himself with his eyes closed. But suddenly, a black lightning appeared. Whew, it was flying around his whole body.

And the appearance of such an extremely abrupt scene seems to have naturally frightened Wu Xunyi and other 12 people to scream subconsciously.

Bai Muyu and Chen minran, who are massaging Lin Ming, seem to be no exception. With a scream, they step back tens of steps.

"It's like this again..."

The appearance of such a black lightning object obviously saved Lin Ming's life. At first sight, the figure recognized it directly, and immediately showed a look of itching teeth.

Indeed, in her opinion, if it wasn't for Lin Ming's uncanny and branch like objects, he would have killed Lin Ming in the star array when Wang Shi, the beast of Warcraft, exhibited it.

Of course, this figure is the real master of the heavenly palace.

She also enters the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, intending to secretly find an opportunity to attack Lin Ming and capture the dragon soul and everything in Lin Ming.

"I can only stop here..."

Of course, in the view of the master of the heavenly palace, such a strange thing can only protect Lin Ming for a while, but not for long at all.

The eighteenth heaven is how to exist, she naturally is incomparably clear, and no one is more clear than her.

"There is no doubt that this boy will die..."

Immediately, the master of the heavenly palace looked, that is, he was no longer anxious. He quietly watched such a scene happen.

At this time, Lin Ming's cleverness seemed to come from an extremely wonderful dream.

When he opened his eyes and looked at it, he could naturally see the fragments of the keel around him, obviously protecting him.

Brush, at this moment, Lin Ming seems to be involuntarily scared out of a cold sweat.

Indeed, although his heart is extremely firm, it seems that he is still in the way of the 18th heaven, and let the other party touch his body.

And at this moment, when Lin Ming looked at his body, he found that there was a strange smell in his body.

"Hum." Realizing that he was almost killed by the other party, Lin Ming immediately gave a cold hum. It came out from his mouth, and Lin Ming's eyes flashed with a strong cold light.

Lin Ming said one word at a time: "it's very good. It's really the 18th day of the heavenly palace. It's really extraordinary for me to face this kind of test. I almost caught your way..."

For Lin Ming's words, Wu Xunyi and other 12 people seem to be at a loss.

Wu Xunyi then said: "husband, what are you talking about? I don't know what you are talking about. You scared me..."

Wu Xunyi's eyes were full of light, and the crystal clear tears fell down immediately. I'm afraid that any man who saw them could not help feeling pity.


But at this time, Lin Ming clearly knew that the real Wu Xunyi was in the picture of heaven and earth. Wu Xunyi in front of him, including the other 11 people, was all a reflection of his heart, and also a reflection of his potential demons.

Naturally, a cold drink came from his mouth.


Then immediately, Lin Ming wants to let the dragon bone fragment attack Wu Xunyi, who is transformed from his mind.

But the next moment there is a scene that Lin Ming never thought of. The fragments of the keel are still.

A voice came out in Lin Ming's mind at the right time

"To attack the demons is to attack yourself, so the fragments of the keel in your hand will not react

If you want to kill the demons, you can't do it with any weapon or any outsider except yourself... "

At the moment, it seems that Lin Ming did not hesitate to take back the fragments of the keel, and then rushed forward, and directly came to Wu Xunyi.

At this time, he is only one step away from Wu Xunyi, which can be said to be quite close.

And such a close look also seems subconscious. Lin Ming sees Wu more clearly. It seems that he has never seen Wu at such a close distance before.

Subconsciously, he felt that Wu Xunyi was more beautiful and moving.

The breath of her breath also brought Lin Ming a sense of familiarity.

As if out of subconsciousness, Wu Xunyi in front of him can't be the devil in his heart. It's the real Wu Xunyi.

Although Lin Ming did know at this moment that Wu Xunyi was not herself, but the devil in his heart, he still hesitated when he faced each other so close.

Just like, what he wants to kill is not his heart demon, but the woman he has always loved, Wu Xunyi.

"Husband, you, you..."

Lin Ming dashed forward and suddenly came under his eyes. There was a flash of cold light in his eyes. It seemed that Wu Xunyi was shocked subconsciously. His voice trembled and he opened his mouth. Then he stepped back continuously.

At this time, Wu Xunyi seemed to have stabilized her mind for a while before she said, "husband, your face is not right. What are you going to do to me?"

"Don't call me husband. I'm not your husband." At this time, Lin Ming said: "what I want to do, you should be very clear, I want to kill you."


Of course, the words from Lin Ming's mouth were the first to frighten Bai Muyu and the other 11 people, and immediately they all screamed.

"Husband, are you crazy? Why do you want to kill sister Xunyi? Sister Xunyi has always loved you, and sister Xunyi has always been the woman you love..."

"Husband, you can't..."

Bai Muyu and other eleven people said one after another, and they all stood in front of Wu Xunyi.

At this moment, Bai Muyu and other 11 people all looked like they were looking at death one after another.

"If you want to kill sister Xunyi, kill us first."

"Yes, if you want to kill sister Xunyi, kill us all first."

"Husband, I want to see how hard you are to kill all the women who love you, and there is no one left..."

At this time, Wu Xunyi naturally stood at the back, while Bai Muyu, Chen minran, Jia shuangai, long Xueni, Tang Wenbing, Gu Dongman, Zheng Yuting, Wu Yujia, Du Shengjun, Yi Xinrong, sun nishang and other 11 people stood in front of Wu Xunyi one after another.

Each of them looks at Lin Ming with an incredible color, and their eyes are also flashing with a firm light.

It seems that they are just like death. To protect Wu Xunyi, even if Lin Mingzhen killed them all, they are not nervous and afraid.

"Hum," he said. Lin Ming still gave a cold hum. Then his hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the nearest sun nishang's neck.

Lin Ming naturally has an impression of sun nishang. He is a disciple of Kunlun mountain. When he was in the middle of Kunlun Mountain, he took a fancy to sun nishang. He really had to marry him.

Even if he explained that he already had a wife and several girlfriends, sun nishang still insisted that he was the only one who would not marry, and even said that he wanted to see Wu Xunyi and others.

It can be imagined that sun nishang really loved him.

However, Lin Ming was a little frightened at that time and left Kunlun Mountain directly. After that, he never saw sun nishang again.

According to reason, the relationship between him and sun nishang is not very deep.

Naturally, in Lin Ming's opinion, if he wants to kill sun nishang, he will not be soft hearted.

But what's strange is that when Lin Ming grabs sun nishang's neck and is about to take her life, at this moment, Lin Ming comes into contact with sun nishang's eyes which are still full of deep feelings, and he really looks back to death. For some unknown reason, Lin Ming's heart suddenly stings.

This moment seems to be out of subconscious, he is soft hearted, really can't go.

Although, Lin Ming really knows very clearly that sun nishang is not really in front of him, it's just his demons.

But in the face of such a beautiful face, he really can't kill sun nishang and take her life.

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