Seeing Lin Ming's soft hearted appearance at the moment, sun nishang's eyes were filled with two strings of crystal clear tears.

She looked quite excited and happy.

She also felt that the palm of Lin Ming's hand was loose. She was very excited and said:

"Husband, I know you still love me, love us, how can you be willing to kill us, this is absolutely impossible..."

"Husband, please let Sun nishang go. I can understand your mood at this time. You are a little extreme because you are too nervous and worried. You have to do this kind of thing..."

At this time, all the others are opening their mouths one after another. Their eyes are full of emotion, and they are all looking at Lin Ming.

At this time, after his eyes slowly swept over each of these beautiful faces, Lin Ming was really relieved.

Although he was extremely cruel just now and wanted to kill all of them, when he really wanted to do it, even though he knew that they were all demonized by his own heart, Lin Ming was still unable to take the lives of 12 of them.

"Husband." Seeing that Lin Ming is really soft hearted, sun nishang immediately shouts in a very excited way, and then pours into Lin Ming's arms and hugs him tightly.

She hugged him so tightly that she seemed afraid that Lin Ming would run away again, and after that, she would never come back.

Lin Ming can't help feeling a little uncomfortable at the moment. Indeed, sun nishang hugged him so tightly that it seemed a little too much.

As if subconsciously, Lin Ming could not help but frown and try to push sun nishang out of his arms.

"Well?" But the next moment, Lin Ming's face is changed, indeed, he so suddenly push, but is unable to push sun nishang away.

In Lin Ming's feeling, sun nishang seems to have grown directly on him.

"Not good?" Naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming could not help but feel that the situation was not good.

When he looked down at sun nishang, he also found that sun nishang's face had changed, revealing a strange meaning.

At the moment, sun nishang seems to be aware of Lin Ming's eyes for the first time. She raises her head, contacts Lin Ming with her eyes, and then says in a quiet voice:

"Husband, let's die together. In this way, we can really be together forever and never separate..."

"Hum," a cold hum came out of Lin Ming's mouth. Subconsciously, Lin Ming took the keel fragment in his hand and wanted to stab sun nishang.

At this time, he couldn't be softhearted any more. He could clearly feel that sun nishang really wanted his life.

But what makes Lin Ming change color is that when he stabs out the pieces of the keel in his hand, sun nishang looks like an illusory shadow. Naturally, the pieces of the keel are stabbed in the void.

"Ah At this time, a sigh sounded in Lin Ming's mind. It was magic boy who said to Lin Ming:

"I didn't expect that even you would fall into your own demons

Now, even I can't help you... "

Magic boy is trapped in the fragments of the keel. He naturally sees everything around him very clearly

"You have been completely entangled by your own demons. Naturally, other people are powerless to save you. At this time, even you are powerless..."

Magic boy's words rang out very clearly in Lin Ming's mind. Naturally, Lin Ming heard them clearly, and his heart was shocked.

With the sound of magic boy, Lin Ming really has a sense of extreme crisis. If he doesn't push sun nishang out of his arms, he will die the next moment.

"Well, you want to take my life? In the world, there is no existence that can do this. "As soon as he brushed, a light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes, revealing a frightening force:" even my demons can't do it... "

All of a sudden, this kind of idea appeared in Lin Ming's mind. For a moment, even Lin Ming himself was a little confused, so he didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, a force came from somewhere in his body.

It's not immortal breath, it's not dragon breath, it's also not the power of soul. It's very inexplicable that such a force comes from his body, it's like it comes from his blood.

At this moment, Lin Ming felt that his limbs were full of strength.

In Lin Ming's opinion, this feeling is unprecedented.

Even when he was in the first level of xianzun realm before, and the power of his soul reached the limit of the Ninth level of xianzun realm, he didn't feel the power from his body.

He took out his hand and pushed sun nishang out of his arms. Maybe it was too strong to push him away.

Pedaling, pedaling, sun nishang's step directly retreated continuously, directly back into the wall, sun nishang's whole person suddenly stopped.

As soon as she brushed her eyes, she naturally looked at Lin Ming for the first time, which was filled with a look of extreme disbelief and amazement,

A series of tears rolled down her eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Ming finally put on an iron face and said coldly

"Sun nishang, don't do this. I won't be fooled by you again..."

As he said this, Lin Ming looked around at Wu Yanyi and all the others and said, "and you, too. I won't be confused by the words and deeds of any of you

You are just the demons in my heart... "

At the moment, Lin Ming is still very clear feeling, a very strange force, as if in his blood, surging up.

In Lin Ming's feeling, it seems that this kind of power exists all the time, but suddenly at this moment, out of extreme danger, this kind of power is inspired.

At present, all of Lin Ming's attention seems to be directly concentrated in his own body. Therefore, for his inner feelings, Lin Ming seems to directly block them.

Therefore, it can be imagined that Lin Ming's feelings towards Wu Yanyi and others have become much weaker. It seems that no matter how strong the reaction of Wu Yanyi and others is, it seems that it has nothing to do with him.

"Husband, you, you actually started on me..." when the sentence was finished, it was also very clear that sun nishang's eyes, crystal clear tears, rolling down.

Sun nishang also looked extremely vulnerable and even vulnerable.

She looks like this. Even if any man sees her, he can't help but feel pity for her at the first time, and then hold her in his arms to comfort her.

But at the moment, Lin Ming looks at sun nishang as if he were looking at a stranger.

This moment of psychological change, even Lin Ming himself can not help but feel a bit surprised.

The next moment, he also suddenly, indeed, it was the inexplicable force that suddenly gushed out of his blood that made him change so psychologically.

It seems that he really has an iron heart, and his heart is like a rock, which can't be shaken.

"Husband, how can you do it to the woman who loves you deeply? Do you still have a little conscience?"

"Lin Ming, why do you treat your women like this..."

Wu Xunyi and others all seem to be involuntarily angry. They no longer call Lin Ming her husband by his first name.

At the moment, Lin Ming just gave a cold smile, and then said: "why, I can't stand it. I want to expose my true face..."

After a pause, Lin Ming's eyes toward Wu Xunyi and others suddenly flashed with a strong cold light, saying word by word:

"Now, I want to leave here. If any of you dare to stop me, don't blame me for being impolite and merciless..."

"Hum, you are our husband. How can we let you go?"

"You have already paid homage to us. We are now married to you. We won't let you leave..."

"Lin Ming, if you want to leave, well, unless you step on our bodies..."

"I'm afraid of you. I can't be cruel and kill all of us."

"Lin Ming, kill me. Kill me first."

Sun nishang took a big step to come forward directly. Her eyes were very firm. She really looked at death as if she were going home.

But her eyes, tears, still rolling down, appear incomparably weak.

Let alone a strong man like Lin Ming. I'm afraid that any ordinary person can take sun nishang's life directly.

Because of this, I'm afraid that anyone would not really fight sun nishang.

But at the moment, after an inexplicable and powerful force gushed out of his blood, Lin Mingfang seemed to have a heart of stone, and he did not pay attention to his own demons.

Seeing that sun nishang came near, his neck stretched out to him. Lin Ming was still expressionless. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed sun nishang's neck.

Then, without hesitation, Lin Ming made a little effort in his hand. With a click, sun nishang was dead.

Of course, in the eyes of Wu Xunyi and others, maybe Lin Ming really killed a person, but in the eyes of Lin Ming, what he killed was just his own demons.

Seeing sun nishang turned into a corpse and fell to the ground, Lin Ming felt the power surging in his blood. From the beginning to the end, he was expressionless.

With the death of sun nishang, a demon in his heart, Lin Ming suddenly felt a sense of relief, a feeling that he had been repressed for a long time and was suddenly released.

It seems that the whole space has suddenly become a little open and clear.

Seeing this, Lin Ming's eyes flashed a little bit of joy subconsciously. He said in secret: "it turns out that getting rid of the demons will make people sublimate and leap in their mind

Perhaps this is the mystery and secret of consciousness, and the key to becoming a powerful God.... "

As soon as this idea appeared in Lin Ming's mind, at this moment, when Lin Ming looked at Wu Xunyi and others, it naturally became completely different.

At this time, in his eyes, although the appearance of Wu Xunyi and others remained the same, the inside was completely different, and became completely strange, as if it had become a kind of evil spirit that needed to be destroyed.

In fact, according to the previous master of the heavenly palace, the heart demon is indeed a kind of demon spirit.

At this time, it seems that there is a flash of light in Lin Ming's mind. When Lin Ming thinks of something, he says to Wu Xunyi and others, "you are just the spirits in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, and you deserve to be my women

Death to all

The last four words came out of Lin Ming's mouth. Although there was still no immortal breath in his body, an inexplicable force inspired him in his blood. Lin Ming's speed was so fast that he rushed into Wu Yanyi and others.

Indeed, in Lin Ming's eyes, Wu Xunyi and others are already demons. He knows very well that only by killing these demons can he be regarded as completely killing his own demons and getting rid of the current predicament.

"Well?" But the next moment, as soon as Lin Ming rushes into Wu Yanyi and others, he is about to make a move. Wu Yanyi and others disappear and appear behind Lin Ming.

Then, without waiting for Lin Ming to react, a scream came directly from Wu Xunyi and others.

"Ah, help, kill people."

"Kill, help."

"Help me."

This kind of sound, extremely loud, seems to ring through the whole space.

Sure enough, it was followed by a bang, and the door was hit hard and opened directly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?"

Several figures burst in.

As soon as Lin Ming saw it, he saw that all the people who came in were not strangers. They were his parents, grandfather Wu Zhonghua, Wu Xunyi's parents, and other people's parents.


There was a cry of surprise. A man and a woman were two figures. At the first time, they saw sun nishang lying on the ground. They rushed directly.

Two people a probe nose breath, then is also the electric shock kind stops.

"Dead, daughter dead, my daughter dead."

"My daughter is fine. She died."

In an instant, both of them were absent-minded. They murmured to themselves. Sun nishang's mother had tears rolling down her eyes.

"It was him who killed sun nishang."

"We didn't expect that, in fact, he was cruel and vicious. Without saying a word, he killed his own woman."

As soon as they brushed, the eyes of Wu Xunyi and other 11 people naturally fell on Lin Ming, and their eyes widened. They all looked like they were going to spray fire directly.

"Son of a bitch, you did it?"

"You killed sun nishang?"

Hearing Wu Xunyi and others' mouth, Lin Ming's parents brush it, and their eyes fall on Lin Ming. They question in an angry voice.

"Yes, I did." For a moment, Lin Ming looked just like he had no expression on his face and nodded slightly.

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