"You really killed people?" Immediately, a roaring voice came out, "you smelly boy, you are still not human. You even kill the woman who loves you deeply, and you even kill your own wife. You are not as good as a beast

I'll kill you. "

It is true that the man who roars like this is Lin Ming's grandfather, Wu Zhonghua. At this time, he takes up his crutch and smashes it at Lin Ming.

It seems that Li Dao is really terrible. He doesn't mean to keep his hand. It seems that he really wants to take Lin Ming's life under this crutch.

Facing Wu Zhonghua's shot, Lin Ming subconsciously didn't mean to fight back. He dodged and stepped back.

At this moment, Lin Ming naturally knows very well that his parents and everyone's parents have appeared. Although they all know that all of them are demonized by heart demons, in his opinion, it will be more difficult to eliminate such a group of heart demons, and the difficulty will be at least several hundred times.

"You son of a bitch, you dare to hide." Wu Zhonghua was very angry. His eyes seemed to be bursting with fire. "I'm really blind. Let my granddaughter marry someone like you

You have no conscience, and you are cruel

If I don't kill you today, you might as well kill me. Hum

A cold hum came from Wu Zhonghua's mouth. After several strides, Wu Zhonghua came directly to Lin Ming. He raised his crutch and smashed it head on to Lin mingmeng.

This time, Lin Ming didn't dodge. Behind him was the wall. There were people on both sides, including Wu Xunyi and many elders.

At this time, all the people were eyeing him, and they all seemed to be extremely angry.

At this time, Lin Ming has no way to hide.

But just as Wu Zhonghua's crutch was about to hit Lin Ming's head, Lin Ming reached out and grabbed it.

Naturally, Wu Zhonghua's face suddenly changed, and he was even more furious in an instant. He roared out: "well, you are a rebellious villain. What do you want to do? You can't even kill me..."

Facing such a familiar face, Lin Ming seems to be in a trance. It seems that Wu Zhonghua in front of him is really Wu Zhonghua.

But the next moment, an inexplicable force surging up in his body seemed to keep him calm and sober.

He got up with an expressionless face and snorted: "hum, since you want to take my life, why can't I kill you

Besides, you think you can confuse me, but you are wrong

All of you are very wrong... "

Lin Ming looked around all the people, and then slowly said: "you all underestimate my heart, my heart, far more firm than you think..."

Brush, Lin Ming's eyes a touch of cold light, this time it looks natural, that is, flashing more strongly, a bit up.

Indeed, at the moment, he knew that things had come to a critical moment, and the breakthrough point was just in front of Wu Zhonghua.

Once he can get rid of Wu Zhonghua, he will not have the slightest impatience for all the other demons.

"You are not my grandfather Wu Zhonghua. Therefore, you have no right to teach me, let alone take my life..."

A cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed fiercely, every word: "yes, you're right, I'm just going to take your life

Hum... "

Finally, with a cold hum coming out of Lin Ming's mouth, he slapped Wu Zhonghua on the chest.

At this moment, Wu Zhonghua's eyes suddenly widened, showing a look of extreme disbelief. It seems that he never thought that Lin Ming actually did it to him and his grandfather.

"Ah..." subconsciously, a scream came from Wu Zhonghua's mouth.

The power under this palm seems to be enormous.

Wu Zhonghua's whole body seemed to fly out of control.

"Bang" sounded, and finally hit the wall when it was down on the ground. The moment he fell to the ground, Wu Zhonghua's whole body looked like he couldn't move.


Scared silly. At present, everyone else seems to show a look of scared silly. It's also extremely unbelievable. It seems that he didn't expect that Lin Ming should really do it.


A exclamation rang out. It seemed that Wu Xunyi was the first to react. With a exclamation in her mouth, she rushed directly at Wu Zhonghua.


The next moment, her mouth is also directly with a cry of exclamation.

Indeed, she felt very clearly that there was no breath inside or outside Wu Zhonghua. That is to say, Wu Zhonghua, who was turned into a demon, was killed by Lin Ming without mercy.

Slowly, Wu Xunyi turns her head and looks at Lin Ming, who has no expression on his face. The crystal clear tears in her eyes immediately roll down.

Such a gorgeous woman, such a heartbreak and grief to the extreme in this instant, naturally, I'm afraid it's hard for anyone, regardless of the men and women, to feel pity when they see her.

But at the moment, seeing Wu Xunyi's reaction and appearance, Lin Ming is still hard hearted and has no waves on his face.

Wu Xunyi clenched her teeth at this time and said: "Lin Ming, I will not let you go, and I will not let you go when I am a ghost..."

"Lin Ming, you kill my daughter and die."

All of a sudden, sun nishang's parents let out a roar, and they just stood up.

Out of thin air, there were two extremely sharp swords, which directly appeared in their hands.

Teng for a while, at the same time, a very powerful breath momentum, as well as the murderous spirit, naturally rose out of the two people.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Ming's face looked like a subconscious change.

It's true that their breath, momentum and murderous spirit were extremely terrifying and powerful. They were as strong as the immortal realm.

But of course, the next moment, Lin Ming also gave a cold hum.

Naturally, he knew that these people who were transformed by the demons would finally expose their true features.

However, Lin Ming's heart was already tight.

It's true that he can't feel the existence of a bit of Xianqi in his body. Let alone the strong one in xianzun's realm, even the most basic Qi power master can easily defeat him.

Whew, sure enough, the next moment, when Lin Ming himself didn't know what was happening, in a flash, with two cold lights, he shot in the middle of the sky.

Lin Ming felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Looking down slightly, Lin Ming immediately saw clearly that sun nishang's parents' swords seemed to have directly stabbed him.


In front of a mirror like object, there was a figure, which was naturally the master of the heavenly palace who had been observing everything in the dark. At this time, his eyes seemed to flicker involuntarily with a look of uncertainty.

With her eyes fixed on the mirror, she seemed to be mumbling to herself

"I didn't expect that. I really didn't expect that this boy's heart is so strong that he is far beyond ordinary people

Even his own grandfather, his face did not change, his brow did not wrinkle, he directly shot, said to kill

It's terrible. This boy's heart power is just terrible... "

She murmured, and then a cold light flashed in her eyes

"Such a terrible enemy must die

We must let him die in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace. Otherwise, it will threaten my grand plan to unify the universe in the future. "

Then she drew her hand in front of her body, as if the space was cut directly under her stroke, and then she turned into a ray of light and disappeared in this gap.

At this point.

When he felt sun nishang's parents' double swords stabbing his body, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed. "No, I'm afraid I'll really be planted in my own heart's hands..."

But the next moment, Lin Ming's face seems to be involuntarily pouring out a touch of joy.

Indeed, he felt at the moment, although the other side's double swords did stab his body, but that's all. He didn't stab his skin, just at that moment, it made him feel a tingle.

"What's the matter? When was my body so strong..."

For a moment, it was hard for Lin Ming not to feel excited and happy.

Indeed, you should know that the strength of the other side is as high as that of the xianzun realm, and how powerful the sword will be.

It is no exaggeration to say that a mountain will collapse directly under such a sword.

But now, Lin Ming did find that his opponent's sword didn't even pierce his skin.

And just as Lin Ming's face changed, sun nishang's parents also looked stunned, showing an extremely incredible look.

Indeed, the two populations can not help but exclaim:

"What kind of Freak is your boy's body? He didn't even pierce his skin..."

"Only the body of the gods can do this..."


Naturally, the two men took back their swords, and then took out their hands again, with a touch of cold light passing through the air.

This time, their hands became more fierce. Then they saw two sword lights and shot directly into Lin Ming's eyes.

Indeed, in their eyes, they are quite wise at this time. In their eyes, even though Lin Ming's physical strength is incredible, his eyes are fragile.

Once they blinded Lin Ming in the first place, in their eyes, Lin Ming would surely die.

Of course, their ideas are very good, and they also want to be quite beautiful.

But how could Lin Ming just stand still and let their swords pierce his eyes.

"Hum..." a cold hum came out of Lin Ming's mouth. At the moment, he also directly grabbed the sharp sword in the other's hand with his hands.

It's true that although Lin Ming doesn't know what's going on, his physical strength seems to suddenly become very strong, but it's a good thing when facing many demons.

In particular, the immortal air in his body has disappeared, so the strong body can undoubtedly save his life at this time.

Knowing the strength of his body, Lin Ming also chose the most simple and direct means of attack, that is, to grasp the sharp sword in the opponent's hand with both hands.

Of course, Lin Ming is still a little nervous about his move. After all, the other side is a strong one in xianzun realm. If he underestimates the other side, his palms will be discarded.

But the next moment, Lin Ming naturally can't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Indeed, his physical strength is far beyond his expectation.

He suddenly took out his hand, which was as sharp as his opponent's sword. When he was only three or four centimeters away from his eyes, his hands had already grasped each other's double swords.

At this moment, he could clearly feel the sharpness of the sword, and the murderous force of the sword, but he couldn't hurt half of his palm.

"What a powerful force..." indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming can clearly feel how powerful the power surging in his blood is

"Such a powerful force has been hidden in my body, and I know nothing about it all the time

It seems that if I can successfully leave the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, I must study the power in the blood... "

Naturally, at the moment, the idea just flashed through Lin Ming's mind. Then, with a slight force in his hand, with a clang sound, Lin Ming directly broke the tips of these two extremely sharp swords.

At this time, the cold light in Lin Ming's eyes was also a strong flash, and it was also accompanied by a cold hum: "hum, it's just a devil. I want to take my life. It's a joke..."

Then, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew.

At this moment, the pupils of sun nishang's parents shrank involuntarily.

Indeed, the speed of Lin Ming's shot was too fast, and the momentum of throwing it was too fierce.

At this moment, sun nishang's parents even just wanted to escape.

The next moment, two people feel a pain in the chest.

Two people subconsciously look down, is clearly see, chest place, directly through the past two big blood hole.

At the moment, they can only see here, and then their eyes are as big as ox's eyes. With a bang, they are very stiff and fall to the ground.

It seems that until the moment of their death, they still can't believe it. They are killed by Lin Ming.

With the death of Wu Zhonghua and sun nishang's parents, Lin Ming feels a strong sense of relief again, as if something that has existed in his heart for a long time is slowly dissolving.

At the same time, Lin Ming can clearly feel that with such a solution, there seems to be some power in his inner space, which is about to surge out.

And the emergence of such power is undoubtedly related to the destruction of all the demons at present.

"Good." Lin Ming was even a little excited.

Indeed, the power that is about to surge out also gives Lin Ming a very strong feeling. It doesn't seem to be under the power that surges in his blood.

Lin Ming's eyes slowly swept to all the people who were transformed by the demons. The cold light flashed in the middle, and his murderous spirit rose.

Seeing Lin Ming like this, for a moment, Wu Xunyi and other people seemed to have no fear at all.

Lin Ming's mother, with a flash of vision, tried to speak to him:

"Lin Ming, I'm my mother. Do you even want to kill my mother?"

Lin Ming fixed his eyes on the figure, sneered and said directly: "if it was a moment ago, even if you were not my mother, but a demon, I would really take you as my mother

But now it's different. There's a force surging in my blood. My heart is stronger than it was a moment ago

Now, you, and all of you, are strangers in my eyes. All of you are transformed by my demons. You want to take my life

I have no reason to let you live... "


The words came from Lin Ming's mouth. For a moment, Wu Xunyi and others didn't speak any more. They just looked at Lin Ming. Soon, a strange color appeared on all the faces.

Indeed, at this moment, although everyone looks the same as before, their expressions have changed and become extremely strange.

At least in Lin Ming's opinion, they had never seen such a look on their faces before.

"Ha ha..." at this time, a sneer first came out of Wu Xunyi's mouth, and then said:

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that a strong man like you appeared in the 18th day of Tiangong

At the beginning, he was also influenced by the demons, but soon, he became so firm

You are one of the most powerful people who have ever entered the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace

After a pause, the strange color in Wu Xunyi's eyes became more intense

"It seems that the origin of your boy's identity is extraordinary

You say that there is a force surging out of your blood. If I guess correctly, you should have the blood of gods. Then what surging out of your blood should be the power of gods... "

When she said that, Wu Yanyi stopped. Then she suddenly stretched out her little tongue and licked her upper and lower lips, showing a very greedy look.

At the same time, Bai Muyu and others all responded like this.

It seems that at the moment, in the eyes of all of them, they are very hungry, and Lin Ming is a delicious food.

And it seems to be true.

Wu Xunyi then said, "every strong man who comes into the 18th heaven, his hidden demons, will be aroused at the first time, and then be eaten and swallowed by us directly..."

"You?" For a moment, Lin Ming seemed to be showing great interest, obviously intending to listen carefully to what the other party would say.

"Yes, we are." Wu said, "we are the spirits in the 18th heaven

Although the thirty-six heavens were indeed built by gods in those days

But for some reasons, the gods have already disappeared, and our demons, who are immortal, have always stayed here

I've been waiting for the strong to enter, and then devour their inner demons, and become their inner demons, and finally devour their immortal souls, devour their everything, and constantly strengthen myself... "

"Then you can get out of here and devour the whole universe?"

Hearing the other party say this, Lin Ming said in his mind.

It's true that the thirty-six heavens of the heavenly palace were built by the gods, but the gods have left. Why are there demons among them? It's obvious that these demons are trapped here.

In other words, these demons were originally born here and could not go out.

Lin Ming seems to have poked at the weakness of these demons. Wu Xunyi's face became extremely gloomy at this moment.

At this time, in Lin Ming's eyes, Wu Xunyi and other people are just a little similar to the real people on their facial features. It seems that they are no longer Wu Xunyi and others.

Wu Xunyi's voice was extremely gloomy, and she said: "we are everywhere in the whole heavenly palace, in the whole universe. We can go wherever we want. We just stay in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace for a while..."

All of a sudden, there was a movement in Lin Ming's heart, and then he said directly, "in that case, you should know where the wordless heavenly book is..."

"We do know where the wordless heavenly book is..." Wu Xunyi said directly: "but you are dying. Even if we told you, you can't find it

Moreover, how can we possibly tell you where the wordless heavenly book is

I think that you should die obediently. Let's take out the spirit blood in your body. Maybe you can die happily in this way... "

"Take out the divine blood in my body?" Lin Ming gave a sneer and said, "it depends on whether you have the ability. Hum..."

With a cold hum, Lin Ming did not hesitate. First, he rushed directly to Wu Xuyi, who was transformed by the demons. The speed was so fast that he reached Wu Xuyi directly.

Lin Ming also hit out immediately.

With the death of sun nishang, Wu Zhonghua and sun nishang's parents, Lin Ming felt that there was some power coming out of his heart. Lin Ming also felt that the power hidden in his blood, that is, the power of the spirit, which the devil said, was becoming more and more powerful.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Ming can feel very clearly that he can directly bombard a mountain into dregs.

But the next moment, Lin Ming's face also changed subconsciously.

He did hit Wu Xunyi with great accuracy, but Wu Xunyi's whole body rang out with a bang, exploded and disappeared.

Subconsciously, Lin Ming turned around and saw that the spirit turned into Wu Xunyi again and appeared behind him.

Wu Xunyi looked at Lin Ming with a proud, arrogant and gloomy look on her face and said slowly:

"Do you think you really killed sun nishang, his parents and Wu Zhonghua? You are too naive

As I said just now, demons are immortal here. No existence can kill us... "

Sure enough, with the sound of these words, the four bodies that had fallen on the ground exploded and disappeared at the same time. Then the four figures appeared beside Wu Xunyi at the same time.

They were sun nishang, his parents and Wu Zhonghua.

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