As if she had come back to life, sun nishang's face was also very gloomy. She looked at Lin Ming and said:

"I didn't expect that I would meet such a hard hearted person. Even the woman who loves you so much, you said you would just kill her."

"Even his own grandfather will not let go..." next to Wu Zhonghua, his face is even more gloomy, almost dripping into the water, "Lin Ming, you'd better surrender now, otherwise, you will die

It's absolutely impossible for you to leave this room

This is your burial place... "

"Yes? My burial ground? " Lin Ming looked scornful and murderous. "Well, since you are the demons here, you know the whereabouts of the wordless heavenly book. As long as you tell me where the wordless heavenly book is, I'll consider giving you a pleasure..."

"Ha ha..." when he heard Lin Ming's words, a burst of laughter came out from Wu Xunyi's mouth, and then his face sank, which made him look more gloomy

"Since I was born, I have witnessed countless strong men who intruded into the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace. All of them, without exception, have been captured by us and eaten by us

Even if the strength of those strong people is no matter how strong, there are several strong people with the same spirit blood, and the end is the same

What, do you think you will be an exception

Let's die. "

The last three words came out of Wu Xunyi's mouth, like an order.

Sun nishang, sun nishang's parents and Wu Zhonghua on her side suddenly burst out and turned into four black fog like objects. Then they quickly merged into one. At the next moment, they formed a monstrous monster with four heads and eight arms.

At first glance, the monster really gives people a numb feeling, like death. As long as you look at it like this, you can take away people's lives.

"This is killing King Kong. It's a powerful existence among demons. Even if the gods are faced with such killing King Kong, they will be scared to flee immediately..."

At this time, Wu Xunyi looked at Lin Ming as if she were looking at a dead man

"As for you, it seems that the divine power in your blood has just been activated

That is to say, you can only use less than one tenth of the power in the blood of gods

Of course, even if you can use the 100% power of the blood of the gods, you can't be the opponent to kill King Kong

I have given you the chance, but you don't cherish it

Now, die. "

"Roar, roar..."

As Wu Xunyi's voice fell, she saw the extremely ferocious face of killing King Kong. At the same time, she let out a dull roar, like thunder.

Then, with a flash of his body, he rushed to Lin Ming.

At the same time, the killing King Kong twists and turns, each arm is waving out a huge force, smashing at Lin Ming.

Indeed, judging from the fierce and murderous air, if only one of the arms hit Lin Ming, Lin Ming would be smashed into a ball of meat for the first time.

For other onlookers such as Bai Muyu and some demons, this is indeed the case.

Naturally, all the demons looking at Lin Ming seemed to be looking at a dead man.

"Killing King Kong is one of the top ten evil spirits. It has the strongest attack power and the most destructive power..."

"If you kill King Kong with all your strength, you can directly smash a planet into dust..."

"It's true that it's not easy to deal with a little boy who has just been inspired by the spirit and blood in his body for killing King Kong..."

"Soon, we'll have the flesh of gods and blood to eat. We'll be greedy to death..."

"No, how long have we not eaten the flesh and blood of gods since the gods disappeared before..."

At this time, Bai Muyu and other demons all seemed to be greedy to the extreme. It seemed that their saliva would flow out at any time.

In fact, it's also natural. In the eyes of all of them, Lin Ming is doomed.

At this time, in the face of such a killing, King Kong attacked. This kind of offensive and means is really unprecedented. It's the first time for Lin Ming to encounter it.

But of course, Lin Ming is not in a hurry, feeling the inexplicable power flowing in the blood, that is, the power of the gods.

Lin Ming's figure flashed. He first distanced himself from his opponent, then raised his fist.

At the moment when his fist was raised, Lin Ming could also feel clearly that all the power of gods in his blood seemed to rush into this fist.

In the face of the attack from the other side, Lin Ming gave a loud drink, and then hit out with a fist, which immediately brought a strong hurricane.

Then, with a bang, Lin Ming's fist collided with the fist of killing King Kong.

Pedal pedal stare, this killing King Kong's footstep is retreating continuously, also is retreating to be close to the wall time, is suddenly stops.

At the same time, Lin Ming's steps are also retreating.

Indeed, he can clearly feel that the fist at the moment of collision, from the opponent's fist, passed over a very terrible power.

At that moment, Lin Ming knew that he could not resist such a blow even if he used the strength of xianzun realm before him.

"How dare you push me back?"

At this time, after the killing King Kong stood still, his four eyes were all suddenly widened, and each eye seemed to subconsciously reveal a touch of incredible color.

Not too closely followed, a cold hum came from the mouth of four heads at the same time

"Hum, that's good. I don't know how long it has been. I haven't felt such a powerful force

Your success angered me... "

All of a sudden, a strong breath, momentum, and murderous spirit rose from the body of the killing King Kong.

This kind of breath momentum and murderous spirit, first of all, swept away, with a hurricane, first of all, directly blew to Lin Ming.

Killing King Kong also said: "boy, if you can block my attack, I will consider telling you the whereabouts of wordless heavenly book..."

Lin Ming doesn't seem to be interested in the words of killing King Kong.

It's true that Lin Ming felt a sense of terror from the murderous spirit of killing King Kong.

It seems that out of instinct, Lin Ming has a feeling that if his opponent really hits him with one fist this time, he will not only turn into a ball of meat mud, but his whole body will collapse directly.

"You can't be tough with each other..."

At this time, Lin Ming had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then he stepped back. At the same time, in his hand, a branch like object appeared, which was the fragment of the keel.

At this moment, Lin Ming also tried to instill a trace of divine power into the fragments of the keel.

With a brush, Lin Ming's eyes seemed to light up involuntarily.

Indeed, although he always knew the mystery of the keel fragments, his power was also unfathomable, and he could not see where the limit would be.

But at this moment, with the power of the gods instilled in, on the surface of the keel fragments, some strange lines suddenly lit up.

At first glance, Lin Ming subconsciously felt that these lines were similar to the tattoos of Bai Muyu's curse.

But naturally, the two are completely different.

These lines on the surface of the keel pieces give Lin Ming a sense of holiness and security.

It seems that as long as there is such a piece of keel fragment in his hand, he is invincible.

With the instilling of the power of the gods, Lin Ming felt this way in his heart. Lin Ming naturally knew that, especially when he was facing many demons under his eyes, it was a great thing for him.

It seems that he didn't see the dragon bone fragments in the palm of Lin Ming's hand, killing King Kong. As for Wu Xunyi and other demons, he didn't notice at all.

In fact, it's no wonder that the fragments of the keel were taken by Lin Ming. It's really inconspicuous. If you don't look at them deliberately, it's really hard to find them.

"Suffer death."

The killing King Kong rushes over again, and his eight arms are waving. With a strong momentum, he attacks Lin Ming in an overwhelming way, completely drowning Lin Ming.

Wu Xunyi gave a cold hum at this time

"Lin Ming, if you don't die, I'll think about it and tell you the whereabouts of Wuzi Tianshu, but you'll never have this chance..."

Speaking of this, Wu Xunyi looks like her mouth is about to flow out.

It's true that in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, the blood of gods did break in, but I don't know how long ago, the feeling of swallowing the blood and flesh of gods was almost forgotten.

It can be imagined that all these demons are eager for Lin Ming.

In the eyes of all these demons and spirits, it seems that Lin Ming has already died, and they are already tasting the flesh and blood of the gods.

In this way, several of these demons could not help but look at the corners of their mouths. Some mucus came out.

Of course, Lin Ming didn't see the reaction of these demons at this time. He saw that the killing King Kong came with a strong killing spirit.

As if subconsciously, Lin Ming concentrated his spirit of 12 points, and then he hit out with his fist.

Of course, the fragment of the keel was really in the palm of his hand.

But the killing spirit of the killing King Kong was too strong and heavy, and his breath and momentum was the only thing he saw in his life.

It seems that out of subconsciousness, Lin Ming's opponent's fragment of the keel can't help feeling a little insecure.

But the next moment, he knew immediately that his lack of confidence in the keel fragments was totally superfluous.

Indeed, with that fist hit out, Lin Ming can feel very clearly that the keel fragment in his hand pierced into each other's fist.

At that moment, Lin Ming clearly felt that the dragon bone fragment sucked out a little strange smell from the killing King Kong's body and integrated it into the dragon bone fragment.

As if out of subconsciousness, a scream of "ah" also sounded at the moment when the keel fragment pierced into the fist of killing King Kong.

The scream came from the killing King Kong.

With a brush, the four faces of killing King Kong change color at the same time.

First, he had no idea what was going on.

Secondly, and most importantly, one of his fists seemed to be pricked by something at that moment.

What made the killing King Kong change color most was that at that moment, a little magical breath in his body was sucked away.

Who can absorb the evil spirit breath? As far as the evil spirit knows, there seems to be no existence in the world who dares to absorb the evil spirit breath, even the spirit itself is no exception.

Pedal pedal stare... At this moment, on the four extremely ferocious faces of killing King Kong, it seems that they are subconsciously showing a bit of panic, and the pace is in a hurry to retreat.


"What's the matter?"

Seeing such a scene, Wu Yanyi and all the demons in his heart naturally were very surprised and shocked.

Indeed, in the eyes of all these demons, Lin Ming is already a dead man, but now Lin Ming is not only standing still, but also motionless. Unlike the first time, his body still retreats.

Not only that, but the situation also took a big turn. Instead, it was killing King Kong, and it was not only that. At that moment, the cry of surprise came from killing King Kong.

From such a voice, Wu Xunyi and other demons could not hear it. Killing King Kong seemed to be scared by something.

"Kill King Kong, what happened?"

Wu Xunyi's face sank, and she first asked the killing King Kong.

At this time, he saw that the four eyes of killing King Kong were still flashing with a strong color of uncertainty. Then he motioned one of his fists to Wu Xunyi.

"Well? Your fist, hurt? This... "

At such a glance, Wu Xunyi clearly saw a scene that she couldn't believe.

Indeed, a small blood hole appeared on the fist of killing King Kong. It seemed that it was pierced by some small sharp weapon.

"What's going on? Stop bleeding quickly... "

Bai Muyu and other demons could see that the fist of killing King Kong was really hurt, and their faces all seemed to open one after another out of a subconscious change.

But at the next moment, what makes all demons even more frightening and discolored is that killing King Kong says:

"I tried. I can't stop bleeding. It seems that I can't stop bleeding at least for a while and a half..."


Qi Qi a decibel is a lot of exclamation, almost with one voice, from Wu smoked Yi and all the demons in the mouth.

All the demons' faces were full of amazement and disbelief.

If it wasn't for the fact that killing King Kong's face was extremely ugly and it was impossible to lie, it would undoubtedly be recognized that killing King Kong was joking with them.

Are you kidding? As these demons said, they are immortal. They are extremely strong. Let alone hurt them, they bleed. No matter what they are, even a little skin can't hurt them.

But what's the matter now? The killing King Kong was injured and his fist bled. It seems that he was pierced by some sharp weapon.

Under this side of heaven and earth, in the universe, what weapons can hurt the supreme existence of demons.

All evil spirits and demons are clear. Even the Taoist tools possessed by gods are impossible to achieve this.

Brush, this time, Wu Xunyi and all the demons look at Lin Ming, which also seems to be out of subconscious, flashing with a look of horror.

At this time, Wu Xunyi seemed to ask subconsciously, "can you hurt the killing King Kong? How did you do that? It's impossible... "

"Ha ha..." for a moment, Lin Ming just sneered directly, and then said, "nothing is impossible for me

Now you'd better tell me where the wordless heavenly book is. Otherwise, the next time I make a move, I will not only hurt my fist by killing King Kong... "

Teng, a more powerful murderous spirit, then in Lin Ming's body, ascended out.

"Hum, I'm trying to make a mystery and scare someone." At this time of killing King Kong, there was no more panic. In his four eyes, there was a very strong cold light

"If you really had the ability to kill me completely, you would have done it already

You just have the strength to hurt my fist... "

Whew, killing King Kong rushes to Lin Ming in the distance again.

This time, he not only waved his four arms, but also shot black lights from his eyes under the dribbling rotation of his whole body, attacking Lin Ming.

Lin Ming's body flashed. He was a little faster than when he got up just now.

These black lights from the eyes of the killing King Kong couldn't hurt Lin Ming. They shot down in the empty space one after another, causing bursts of cracks and collapses in the space.

"Now that you've been shooting continuously, it's my turn next..."

At this time, Lin Ming's body flashed and his palm suddenly crossed in the air.

Then a black light flashed out.


Immediately, a scream came from the mouth of the killing King Kong.

Puff, puff, puff, then, four blood flowers, in the middle of the air, burst out.

Indeed, Lin Ming can clearly feel that the keel fragments become more powerful after absorbing a little bit of evil spirit.

He waved the keel fragment in his hand, a black light shot out quickly, and immediately cut off the four palms of the killing King Kong.

Bang bang bang, four bloody palms, also Qi Qi fell on the ground.

"What, this..."



Wu Xunyi and all the other demons, as soon as they saw such a scene, immediately all of them uttered exclamations in their mouths, and they all froze. For a moment, there was only a sound of cold breath.

The appearance of such a scene seems to have directly subverted the cognition and world outlook of all these demons.

It's true that they all know that it's hard to hurt the spirit even if it's a Taoist weapon in the hands of the gods. But now there is such a scene. The four palms of the killing King Kong are cut off by something at the same time.

What kind of weapons are there in the universe that can do this.

At the moment, all demons can't think of it.

Panic, finally, from the depths of every demon's heart, all seem to be direct and involuntarily, giving birth to a sense of panic.

If there is such a powerful weapon in Lin Ming's hands that can hurt them, it is really possible to take their lives.

In other words, the existence of demons is no longer immortal.

Lin Ming can solve them.

But at present, all the demons are still subconsciously lucky. Even if Lin Ming can hurt killing King Kong, it's just killing King Kong. It's impossible to kill him.

But soon, all evil spirits and Demons knew the answer.

Indeed, with the killing of the four palms of King Kong, Lin Ming cut off, showing a look of extreme horror.

At this time, Lin Ming took advantage of the opportunity to hit the killing King Kong in the chest.

Let Wu Xunyi and all the other demons almost scared to death. Then they see that the killing King Kong didn't fly out, but the whole body directly froze.

Then quickly, the whole body of the killing King Kong looks shriveled at the speed visible to the naked eye, and soon becomes a skinny appearance.

Seeing the appearance of such a scene, brush, like involuntarily, on the forehead of Wu Xunyi and all other demons, a layer of sweat, immediately like rain.

They all know what this means. It shows that Lin Ming is absorbing powerful demons like killing King Kong.

Originally, they should have devoured Lin Ming's demons, then devoured Lin Ming's immortal soul, and then devoured the whole of Lin Ming.

But what's the matter now? The situation is completely reversed.

"Stop, stop, you, what are you doing?"

At this time, Wu Xunyi's eyes seemed to be subconsciously filled with a strong color of shock. When she opened her mouth, her voice sounded trembling.

Lin Ming had no expression on his face. After a sneer, he said slowly:

"I have given you the chance to tell me where the wordless book is, and then I will consider giving you a happy

But unfortunately, the opportunity has been given to you, but you don't know how to cherish it.... "

But in fact, Lin Ming was shocked.

Indeed, at the moment, he was a little confused about what had happened.

Just now, he attacked the killing King Kong with the keel fragment, stabbed into the belly of the killing King Kong, and wanted to kill the killing King Kong.

But at the moment when the keel fragment pierced into the belly of the killing King Kong, a force of suction came out from the keel fragment and suddenly absorbed the spirit of the killing King Kong.

And very quickly, they absorbed the four heads and eight arms of the killing King Kong and turned it into a bag of bones.

At this moment, Lin Ming can feel very clearly that the so-called immortal devil in Wu Yanyi's mouth really died, and was killed by the skeleton fragment in his hand.

Bang, this time, also ring, then see this skinny killing King Kong, looks like a fragile, like a piece of charcoal general broken, even a little smoke is not left, turned into nothingness.

Like this kind of extremely strong spirit, it has never been the same.

Seeing this, Lin Ming was shocked.

Of course, Lin Ming was also happy.

Now in the 18th day of the heavenly palace, he has lost his immortal breath. Naturally, the more powerful the keel fragment is, the better.

At this time, Lin Ming's eyes slowly swept to Wu Xunyi and other demons, in which the cold light flashed.

At this time, when Lin Ming's eyes came into contact, it was like subconscious, Wu Xunyi and other demons. It was like an involuntary body tremor. At this moment, all demons' bodies seemed to be out of control, and they stepped back continuously.

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