Indeed, they all know their own situation. As demons, they can't be killed, they are immortal.

But what's happening under their eyes is completely subverting their cognition and world outlook.

They're not really immortal, they're going to die, they're going to be killed.

"It turns out that we will die, we will be killed, we will be killed."

Wu Xunyi looked at Lin Ming with a look of panic and murmured to herself:

"Among the demons, killing King Kong is already a very powerful existence. It's also killed. If you are really killed, you can't feel the slightest breath of killing King Kong

It's easy for him to kill us... "

At the moment, it seems that all the other demons, such as Bai Muyu, have the same idea. Therefore, each demon's eyes not far away from Lin Ming are full of fear.

Naturally, Lin Ming saw the changes in the faces of all the demons very clearly. For a moment, he felt normal.

It's true that he killed all the immortal spirits. How could the remaining spirits not feel a panic.

Of course, Lin Ming didn't care much about the devil's reaction. What he cared about was to find out the whereabouts of the wordless heavenly book.

And for the existence of these spirits, he did not intend to leave them.

After all, these are his demons. Who knows if they will suddenly come out at a certain moment, which may bring him greater and more fatal harm.

The devil's strength is really strong. If it wasn't for the keel fragment in his hand, he would have been planted in his own heart devil's hand.

In addition, the elimination of the demons can also bring out a certain kind of power in the heart.

Indeed, Lin Ming can clearly feel the power of this kind of power, not under the power of the gods. If he can get such a powerful power again, then in the 18th day of the heavenly palace, he will undoubtedly have another safety guarantee.

After all, the immortal breath in his body can't be used. That is to say, he has no such strength in the immortal realm.

Moreover, in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, the power of the soul, even the dragon soul, can not be exerted.

After making this decision, Lin Ming naturally knew what he was going to do next. He could not keep any of the remaining demons.

In fact, Lin Ming has a strong feeling that if he kills all the remaining demons, the power hidden in his heart will come out.

"Don't kill us." At this time, Wu Xunyi could clearly feel Lin Ming's strong intention to kill them. If she wanted to kill them, Wu Xunyi looked really flustered and said:

"You are the most powerful one who has ever entered the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace. If you can kill demons, we'll take it. We'll take it completely

Don't kill us

If you don't kill us, we will be of great use to you

First of all, at least we can tell you the whereabouts of Wuzi Tianshu... "

After saying this, Wu Xunyi looks like she is looking at Lin Ming. Her eyes are flustered. She is afraid that Lin Ming will refuse directly.

Naturally, once Lin Ming refuses, all these demons will die.

Lin Ming, with a cold and heartless look, was still murderous and said slowly:

"Since you exist as my demons, how can I not kill you, or leave you to eat me at any time?"

How could I leave such a bomb that could explode at any time on me... "

After Lin Ming said this, Wu Xunyi and all the demons naturally became more frightened. They almost could not help kneeling down to Lin Ming and begging for mercy.

Seeing that Lin Ming was really determined to kill, Wu Xunyi suddenly said something

"I understand your worries, but in fact, your worries are totally unnecessary..."

"Why, now that I know I'm going to die, I begin to talk nonsense..."

Lin Ming naturally doesn't believe Wu Yanyi's words. He is determined to kill her. After a word, he really wants to do it directly.

The power of the spirit in the blood is surging more and more, and all of a sudden, it is full of Lin Ming's whole body.

Especially a pair of fists. At this time, Lin Ming can clearly feel that even a planet can blow it up under his fist, let alone a group of demons.

It is true that at this moment, the power of such a spirit surging in the blood of Lin Ming's body gives him an unprecedented sense of self-confidence and strength.

Even before the dragon's real body, also did not give Lin Ming such a strong feeling.

"My words are true." Feeling the surging power of Lin Ming's body in an instant, Wu Xunyi was even more alarmed. "Now our lives are in your hands. I don't have to talk nonsense..."

She said anxiously, "the reason why we are transformed into your women and your family and friends is that we devour your demons and become your demons

But on the other hand, we can actually release your demons from our bodies again... "

After that, the evil spirit turned into Wu Xunyi's appearance, and it really did it right away. A trace of black gas came out of her immediately.

After that, the evil spirit was no longer Wu Yanyi's appearance, but just a black figure with only a general figure, no facial features, and even no sex.

Bai Muyu and all the other demons did it one after another.

With the same black gas coming out of every demon, these demons have become the same.

Then all of a sudden, each of these strange body shapes fused together.

However, from the appearance, this fusion of demons and Demons has not changed at all.

At this time, the black air released from these demons' bodies is rolling in the air.

At the same time, there are all kinds of sharp roars coming from it, which make people feel numb and scared.

These black Qi have all surrounded Lin Ming in the center. It seems that they are really going to rush towards Lin Ming, and they are going to re-enter Lin Ming's body.

But it seems that there is an inexplicable powerful force, which radiates from Lin Ming's body. For a moment, these black Qi dare not approach.

At this time, looking at the black air around him, Lin Ming really felt like he couldn't help feeling hairy.

Let him have a sense of Indescribability, as if these black gas, is himself, is another himself, is violent, full of all kinds of negative emotions, another himself.

At present, it seems that he can't help himself. He can't even kill these demons. It seems that he doesn't want to kill these demons out of instinct.

It seems that killing these demons means killing yourself, that is, committing suicide.

At the moment when such an idea came out, it seemed subconscious, and the strong breath of Lin Ming's body immediately converged.

"Master, be careful." At this time, the evil spirit suddenly began to remind, and said in a solemn tone:

"Don't let these demons return to you

Once these demons return to your body again, you will not be able to resist. You will subconsciously believe that these demons are actually yourself

Then, you will directly become a bloodthirsty demon who likes to kill, and will not let go of all living creatures... "

"The spirit is right. Don't let these demons return to your body."

Just then, the demon boy, who had just kept silent, suddenly opened his mouth. His voice reverberated directly in Lin Ming's mind, like an echo.

Subconsciously, Lin Ming's body was naturally shocked.

Brush, his eyes flashed again and a strong cold light up.

His eyes slowly swept to the surrounding demons, this moment is also really very clear sense, these demons sent out by the breath, really become more powerful.

Brush, like subconscious, Lin Ming's forehead is directly penetrated out of a layer of sweat.

Indeed, at this moment, he knew that if it wasn't for the spirit's warning, and if it wasn't for the Devil boy's voice, it seemed that it was a penetrating echo in his mind.

At this time, Lin Ming has directly identified these demons as himself, and let them enter his body.

"Hum," a cold hum came out of Lin Ming's mouth, and the power of the gods surging in Lin Ming's blood became more powerful.

It seems that he can immediately feel the strong breath of Lin Ming. A voice suddenly comes from these demons.

At the moment of hearing such a sound, Lin Ming's whole body felt like an involuntary shock.

Voice, slowly said: "Lin Ming, do you really want to be so cruel, you even want to kill yourself..."

Indeed, such a voice is Lin Ming's own.

This moment, also gave Lin Ming an illusion, it seems that such a sentence is said from his mouth.

And for the voice said this sentence, now also seems to be exactly what he thought.

Lin Ming shakes his head subconsciously and throws such an idea out of his mind.

Then Lin Ming just moved, whew. With the surging of the power of the gods in his body, his body directly turned into a shadow, and rushed to the black air around him. Naturally, it was his heart.

All of a sudden, it was like a flash of inspiration. Lin Ming showed the palm of chaos.

This time, because there is no immortal breath, no spirit breath, and no soul power, Lin Ming uses his own palm power to display chaos.

In fact, it can also be said that it is the power of gods surging in the blood.

Boom, when Lin Ming hit it with one hand, it was like a mountain falling apart. There was a loud sound.


Then a shrill scream came out, and the sound of such a scream seemed involuntary, which made Lin Ming feel in a trance.

For such a shrill cry was his own.

And this moment, also gave Lin Ming an illusion, such a scream sound, also seems to come from his mouth.

"The heart devil, this is the heart devil, this is the heart devil that I killed..."

Subconsciously, Lin Ming can only read it silently in his heart and emphasize it over and over again.

"My heart, how resolute..." at this time, a cold light in Lin Ming's eyes, and then it was even more intense: "how can I be defeated in the hands of a little devil

All the demons, die for me

Hum... "

Finally, with a murderous cold hum, it came from Lin Ming's mouth.

Lin Ming shot, this time in the face of a black gas, Lin Ming shot in succession, more than ten hands to fight out.

"Ah, ah, ah..." at this moment, a continuous scream sound was also ringing.

And this time, Lin Ming's feeling is more deep, even, Lin Ming can realize that he hit himself with the palm.

Although Lin Ming knew that it was not true, he still let Lin Ming's heart suddenly clap. He could even feel the terrible palm force.

"This demon is really terrible. I've never seen or heard of it..."

Then, as if naturally, Lin Ming's face became more dignified.

Naturally, at the same time, he is more determined. No matter how much he pays, all these demons must be solved.

Lin Ming is very clear that these demons, even if they just leave a little bit, will have an endless future.

At this time, the evil spirit was witnessing the scene of Lin Ming's killing his own demons. It seemed subconscious. She was frightened and could not help muttering:

"His means and strength of killing demons are unprecedented

Even the gods of the past can't be so direct and effective when they fight with the demons

It's against the sky. What's his status and origin

Is it true that there is more than just divine blood in his body

This is just two shots, and it has already killed most of my demons

Such means, even among gods, are extremely rare... "

At this time, Lin Ming had no idea what he thought in his mind and how he thought about his mind destroying.

Indeed, he naturally knew the horror of demons, so he concentrated his spirit on dealing with these demons.

At this time, he was relieved to see that almost half of the demons had been destroyed by him.

"All the remaining demons will die for me..."

At this time, a roar came from Lin Ming's mouth.

Then there was a loud bang, which was also immediately heard. Lin Ming's move was even more powerful than chaos's palm, which hit all the remaining demons.

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