With the sound of such a burst of sound, this moment, Lin Ming really had a feeling of vomiting blood, the blood in his body seemed to have been boiling up.

It's like the next moment his whole body will explode.

At the moment, Lin Ming's face naturally changed.

Terrible, this suddenly appeared, the strength of the fury demon spirit, unexpectedly so terrible, just a sound, let Lin Ming involuntarily produce such a feeling.

If the other side does it again, Lin Ming will not know. He will surely die.


At this moment, just like Lin ling'er, such a word appeared directly in Lin Ming's mind.

Seeing that the other side was about to fight, a cold hum came directly from Lin Ming's mouth. Then at this moment, Lin Ming chopped a broken knife in his hand.

Then there was a loud bang, that is, it sounded directly, and then you could see such a Dao Qi, carrying an unparalleled breath of Dao and FA, just like the creation of heaven and earth, cleaving to a mass of black Qi suddenly appeared in the distance.

Seeing this kind of Dao Qi chop out, this crazy demon spirit obviously disdains to smile and says coldly:

"It's ridiculous. I want to deal with me, just like a knife. I'm still in the air


But it's just such a sentence. Just as he finished, a voice of surprise rang out.

Bang, the next moment, a sound like the general explosion of heaven and earth, that is, followed by the sound.

It's true that the knife gas that Lin Ming cut directly hit the black gas and caused an explosion.

"Ah..." immediately, a terrible roar, that is to say, naturally came from the mouth of the violent devil.

A murderous voice followed: "Damn, I was attacked by you. Boy, I want to see how far you can escape..."

Indeed, at the moment of the black gas explosion, Lin ling'er and Lin Ming disappeared out of thin air, as if they had never appeared.

However, this crazy demon spirit can clearly feel the breath of Lin Ming and Lin ling'er, which appears in the distance.

Whew, the black air came together again.

The next moment, the black air condensed into a tall figure, wearing a black cape, his head was covered, and his facial features were completely invisible.

However, I can still feel a fierce look coming out of it and shining in the direction of Lin Ming and Lin ling'er's leaving.

Then, this figure disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, after Lin ling'er and Lin Ming appeared, they were already far away.

"Thanks to our quick escape." Lin ling'er became a human figure. She looked at the direction of the ten thousand devil mountain in the distance, and her eyes flashed with a strong color of fear and happiness

"The power of the fury spirit is at least a hundred times stronger than that of me

Moreover, among all the evil spirits, the violent evil spirit is the most bloodthirsty one. There's no unnecessary nonsense. He just starts to devour the other one... "

Indeed, at this time, even Lin Ming's eyes were full of fear.

The power of the Dao Qi that he cut just now is very clear to him. Even the strong one in xianzun realm will die directly in his Dao Qi.

But it is obvious that this Dao Qi, just at that moment, made the opponent's body a little scattered, and did not cause any substantial damage to him.

On the contrary, the other party's sharp and harsh voice just now made Lin Ming's blood a little bit irritable. Indeed, it might gush out of his body at any time.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Ming completely suppressed such a fierce Qi and blood.

Facing Lin ling'er, Lin Ming said: "in the range of ten thousand magic mountain, there are so terrible spirits..."

Lin ling'er frowned slightly, with a puzzled look on her face, and said:

"There's no doubt about the strength of violent demons. However, as far as I know, they seldom appear. Even if they appear, they always appear on the top of the magic mountain

Because, apart from the ten thousand magic mountain, the fury spirit is not interested in any other magic inspiration

Because even if the violent demons devour some other demons, they will not help and improve his realm and strength. On the contrary, they will consume the demons in his body and waste a lot of time.... "

"Let's go." At this time, Lin Ming's face also changed.

Indeed, all of a sudden, he felt a very violent breath, coming directly from a distance. There was no doubt that it was the violent spirit that was about to catch up with him.

At the next moment, both Lin Ming and Lin ling'er seemed to have a tacit understanding. They didn't speak and disappeared into the sky.

Then, a tall figure appeared in the place where Lin Ming and Lin ling'er left.

"Run away again?" This figure is really a violent demon. He looks a little surprised at this time. For a moment, it seems that he can't help muttering to himself:

"I can understand the speed of the devil's escape, and the boy seems to be the strong one in the heavenly palace. The speed is not slow. Compared with the master of the heavenly palace, he is faster

Hum... "

Of course, the violent surprise is just a surprise. The next moment, the air, momentum and murderous air on him become more intense.

"If I let you two slip away from my eyes, I'll be a wild devil. Hum..."

At this time, the fury demon stepped out, and then an amazing scene happened. The space seemed to shrink directly under his step.

Then in his sight, there are two figures, which are Lin Ming and Lin ling'er.

"I see where else you can escape... Gaga..."

A very sharp and harsh voice rang out again. The violent spirit stretched out his hands, whew, and immediately stretched out like infinity, grabbing Lin Ming and Lin ling'er not far away.

At this time, Lin Ming and Lin ling'er really clearly felt that the breath of violent demons suddenly appeared, and they felt like a sudden clapping in their hearts.

Then, when Lin Ming and Lin ling'er want to leave again, they brush it as if they can't help it. A cold sweat on their forehead is like rain.

Indeed, two extremely powerful breath directly came.

This kind of breath is so powerful, the instant time first blocks the space around them, that is to say, the bodies of Lin Ming and Lin ling'er freeze involuntarily in this instant.

Sure enough, the next moment, two people feel the light around a dark, subconsciously look, the original is two similar to block out the sun general palm grabbed over.

"Ah..." a scream, first from Lin ling'er's mouth.

Indeed, Lin ling'er was caught by one of his palms in the moment.

There was a loud bang, too. It was obvious that after Lin ling'er's whole body was caught, it exploded and turned into a very strong spirit.

"What..." seeing such a scene, Lin Ming seemed to be shocked.

It's true that although Lin ling'er also said that the power of this crazy demon spirit is extremely terrible, and he can really feel the fierce demon spirit. The breath on his body is frightening, and he doesn't think he can compete.

But at the moment, Lin Ming can't help but clap in his heart.

The strength shown by this violent spirit is much stronger than he expected.

Lin ling'er, as a demon, has great strength, but what happened now.

In the hands of the violent demon, Lin ling'er seems to have no power to resist. He is directly crushed by the violent demon.


At this moment, seeing such a scene, Lin Ming seemed to subconsciously not want to look for the wordless heavenly book, but to temporarily avoid the violent spirit,

And subconsciously, in Lin Ming's opinion, whether he can avoid it is not certain.

"Hum..." the thought flashed by in his mind. Naturally, soon, Lin Ming calmed down, and immediately stirred up the strength of the immortal realm.

At the same time, the soul power of the nine levels of strength in the immortal realm is directly gushing out of Lin Ming's body.

At this time, when Lin Ming's body was about to be grasped by such a huge palm, a cold hum came out of his mouth.

Whew, first of all, a black lightning shot out of Lin Ming's hand. It was the chain.

Of course, now that Lin Ming knows the strength of this fierce spirit, he doesn't dare to expect that this chain can directly bind the other party.

It's true that Lin Ming just let this chain buy him some time.

After this chain shot out quickly, it was sure that it tied up such a huge palm in an instant. At that moment, it seemed that it didn't know how many times it had been bound.

Pa pa pa


But the next moment, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed.

Indeed, it seems that this chain is only binding such a palm. It is very clear that this huge palm seems to be just under a little force.

This chain is fragile, like paper paste, inch by inch broken.

"Ha ha, it's ridiculous. The devil is the same existence as the spirit..." the furious devil gave a very arrogant and proud sneer. "You boy, you just took out a rusty chain to deal with me. I don't know what it means


But the next moment, the face of the fury spirit could not help changing.

Indeed, that should have been the broken chain inch by inch, and suddenly it was connected one by one.

At this moment, even as a violent spirit, you can clearly feel that this reconnected chain is even more powerful.

Whew, under such a chain, that is to bind the hand of the fury spirit again.

"Hum." But immediately, with a cold hum, it came out from the mouth of the fury spirit, and then it was broken again.

However, to the surprise of the fury spirit, he saw that the broken chain was connected again.

"I didn't expect that the chain in your hand is a bit strange. It's very likely that it's a Taoist weapon..."

Of course, the fury demon just said that. He still disdained it

"That's good. I'd like to see if your chain can be reconnected no matter how many times it is broken..."

Naturally, this violent spirit, is no doubt once again shot, and this shot, obviously also more ruthless and straightforward.

After the chain was broken, the hand of the fury demon, which blocked the sky, was the one that pinched all the broken parts in the palm of his hand.

He said coldly: "boy, now I'm going to crush the chain in your hand. I want to see if your chain can be reconnected again..."

This time, the huge palm of the fury spirit clenched into a fist.

Pa pa pa

Sure enough, a burst of cracking and crushing sound sounded.

At this moment, Lin Ming's face became more ugly.

In fact, just now when the chain broke for the first time, Lin Ming felt a thump in his heart, and the scene of the chain reconnecting happened, which even he never thought of.

It seems that with the previous chain absorbing too much of the breath of extraterrestrial demons, it has indeed become extremely powerful, even produced qualitative changes, and restored some abilities that he didn't even know for a moment.

Naturally, it should be one of the abilities that this chain can be reconnected after breaking.

This is undoubtedly a great thing.

Indeed, this chain naturally won him enough time.

But at this moment, the violent spirit suddenly pinched all the broken chains in his palm. To smash them completely, Lin Ming naturally had to worry.

The strength of the fury demon spirit is incomparably strong. In the palm of his hand, a chain is crushed directly. Can it be reconnected.

This chain has followed him for a long time and saved him from danger many times. It can be said that this chain is one of his most important weapons.

But now, it seems that Lin Ming has no other way. The violent spirit is so powerful that he can't be defeated at all. Moreover, the chains that have been broken into inch by inch have already been crushed by the other party.

From the broken voice, Lin Ming didn't know that the chain in his hand was really in the hands of the violent demons, and it had turned into powder.

"Ha ha..." sure enough, at this time, with a cold laugh of extreme disdain, it also came out from the mouth of the violent demon, and then his huge fist spread out.

At this moment, it is very clear to see that a burst of iron powder, directly from the violent spirit, the huge palm of the palm of the fly up.

"Ruined..." seeing such a scene, Lin Ming seemed to be involuntarily, and his face became extremely ugly

"This chain, at this time, was completely destroyed, in the hands of a demon..."

Like subconscious, Lin Ming's flesh is extremely painful, even can feel this moment, his heart is directly dripping blood.

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