"Boy, I'd like to see what powerful weapons you haven't used. Hum."

At this time, the fury demon also said something, and then his huge palm grabbed Lin Ming in the distance again.

Under this grasp, space is directly blocked, and even time seems to solidify at this moment.

Indeed, Lin Ming felt that his whole body became stiff. Even if he flicked his fingers, he couldn't do it.

Whew, but just at the moment when this huge palm was about to seize Lin Ming, the knife in his hand flew out of his hand and flew directly into the air.

In an instant, a very powerful Dao Qi shot at the huge palm.

Poof, for a moment, you can see clearly that this Dao Qi directly penetrated the palm of such a huge palm.

"Ah." Subconsciously, a cry of pain came directly from the mouth of the violent spirit.

Of course, it's just like this at the moment. The next moment, a cold hum came out from the mouth of the fury demon:

"Well, it seems that the origin of your boy's identity is not simple. In addition to that chain, there is a Taoist weapon

It's just a pity that these two tools in your hand are all broken. At most, they can only exert less than 10% of their power... "

The blood hole in the palm of his hand had been completely healed, and it seemed as if he had never been hurt.


Then, a roar came out from the mouth of the fury spirit.

His huge palm, no longer toward Lin Ming to grasp, but from the palm of the place came a strong suction.

Whew, first of all, it's to absorb the dark clouds all around and disappear in the palm of your hand.


It's true that Lin Ming felt such a powerful suction for the first time, and his face suddenly changed.

Then, whew, his whole person looks like a shell, and he shoots directly into the palm of the hand of the fury demon.

However, just as Lin Ming was about to fall into the palm of the hand of the violent demon, the broken knife suddenly became like Optimus Prime, hundreds of meters long.

Hua's, a knife spirit, also almost shot out at the same time.

Such a huge Dao Qi, like a meteor across the sky, flew to the hand of the violent devil.

"What, this..."


Obviously, the appearance of such a scene made the fury spirit feel extremely incredible. When he was stunned, it seemed that he didn't know how to escape. The next moment, a scream came from his mouth.

Poof, a huge blood flower, also immediately burst out in the air.

Indeed, this is a very huge Dao Qi. It was cut down at the wrist of the hand of the violent demon, that is, it directly cut off such a hand.

Then, such a huge suction will naturally disappear.

"Hoo, it's dangerous..."

His body quickly settled in the air, whew, and Lin Ming left in an instant.

This time, he knew that he had found the time.

At the moment, it seems that the other party has been hurt a little, but Lin Ming naturally knows it clearly, which is no doubt tickling for such a powerful demon.

For the first time, Lin Ming naturally wanted to stay away from the sight of the wild devil.

Naturally, at the same time, after cutting off one of the violent demons' palms, the knife in the middle of the sky also returned to its normal size and returned to Lin Ming's hands.

"What, no, sneak attack."

But just as Lin Ming was about to leave, his face suddenly changed.

Indeed, at this moment, it seemed to be on his side for a moment, and a palm came out of thin air, holding a long sword with extremely sharp breath, emitting an incomparable sword spirit.

Tao Qi.

In this instant, Lin Ming directly recognized that it was a Taoist instrument.

Poof, the next moment, a flower of blood will bloom in the sky.

It's true that Lin Ming never thought that there were other strong men lurking in the dark all the time. He didn't know what kind of existence the other side was, and his hand was a weapon.

It's incredibly fast.

At this moment, Lin Ming didn't even have time to escape.

The palm of the hand holding that knife was directly cut off by the opponent's sword.

Then the knife fell.

At this time, what made Lin Ming's face even more ugly was that the other palm of his hand appeared out of thin air and held the knife in his hand.

Immediately after that, the iron powder that had been flying from the hands of the fury demon also flew over and fell into the palm of this hand.

Then, a scene that surprised Lin Ming was happening.

You can see that these iron powder, in this palm, has become a lock. In an instant, each lock is connected.

Almost in a short time of less than a second, originally in Lin Ming's view, has been directly destroyed a chain, unexpectedly reappeared revealed.

"Who is this, who has such a powerful strength..."

Lin Ming could not help but feel a panic.

Obviously, they are enemies, not friends.

But for a moment, Lin Ming couldn't figure out who the other party would be. He could only guess secretly

"Is the other side the strong one who has been trapped in the 18th heaven..."

At the moment of Lin Ming's conjecture, the two palms suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared

However, the other side really took away a broken knife and a chain from Lin Ming.

At this time, Lin Ming could not find out the other side, let alone pursue the other side.

The place where he broke his wrist could not stop bleeding for a while.

After taking several elixirs in succession, the wound at the broken wrist stopped the bleeding.

However, Lin Ming's face did not have the slightest joy.

Indeed, after taking such a few elixirs, his palm should grow again.

But this should have been expected, but it did not happen.

Of course, at the moment, Lin Ming has no time at all to carefully examine why this happens.

Because, that one hand of the fury demon spirit, this time instead grew out again.

On his face, where he still couldn't see his facial features, it really seemed that there were two eyes like substance shining towards Lin Ming in the distance.

A sentence full of murderous atmosphere, followed by word by word spread out:

"How long have I been in the 18th heaven? There has never been any existence that can hurt me. Dare to hurt me. You are the first one for the first time

I will not let you die happy, I will let you taste all the pain, and then in the endless suffering, the body bit by bit of decay

He died slowly... "

Finally, when the word "death" came out from the mouth of the violent spirit, the black air shot out of the violent spirit, like a shower, and shot to the distant Lin Ming.

Of course, the fury demon didn't mean to take Lin Ming's life directly. Obviously, he wanted to capture Lin Mingsheng. As he said, he tormented Lin Ming constantly and let him die slowly.

Feeling the strength of this black breath, Lin Ming naturally cares about his broken palm. With a frown, he suddenly rises up with a burst of colorful light.

Naturally, this colorful light is the unique origin of the disciples of Pangu's descendants.


Seeing the appearance of such a scene, it seemed that it was subconscious. The violent spirit was stunned and blurted out:

"The origin of the descendants of Pangu is Shengguang. You are the descendants of Pangu. Haha..."

All of a sudden, it was from the mouth of the fury spirit that a burst of extremely excited laughter came out.

At the moment, he also looked very excited and excited, and said repeatedly:

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, there was an unexpected harvest

How long ago did you last meet a descendant of Pangu? It seems that it was hundreds of millions of years ago

At the beginning, the disciple of Pangu's descendant, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, broke into the ten thousand devil mountain. Finally, he was captured by several demons and ate his flesh and blood

The demons thus got rid of the bondage of the ten thousand devil mountain and the eighteenth heaven of the damned heavenly palace. From then on, they are free from the universe. How happy they want to be

Ah ha ha

I didn't expect that. This time, I met a disciple of Pangu's descendants

Ah ha ha... "

This fury demon spirit looks like a pair of excited and excited to the extreme. At the end of the day, it seems to be a pair of gaffe, with a burst of laughter.

For a moment, it sounded as if it had spread directly to the 18th heaven of the whole heavenly palace.

"Not good." Then he looked as if he had suddenly come to something. His laughter stopped suddenly and his face sank

"It's going to disturb other demons..."

At this time, Lin Ming's heart seemed to sink involuntarily when he heard the words of the wild devil.

Naturally, he did not expect that he would display the divine light of the origin of the clan of Pangu's descendants, which made the other side more excited.

Naturally, it can be imagined that the other party will not let him go.

"Hum..." but it was still a cold hum, which came from Lin Ming's mouth immediately.

Teng for a moment, at this moment, the origin of the divine light on Lin Ming's body, on the contrary, a little brighter.

The next moment, a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

With every black light shot out of the fury spirit, it hit the origin light, exploded in an instant, and then disappeared.

Seeing this, the fury demon looked more excited and said:

"Sure enough, it's the divine light of origin. Only the divine light of origin of the clan descended from Pangu can block my attack

Boy, it seems that you are a disciple of Pangu's descendants

Come here for me... "

The huge palm of the fury spirit grabs Lin Ming again. At the same time, a black hole like whirlpool appears in the palm.

Whew, the light of origin outside Lin Ming's body was even directly sucked in at this moment.

"This..." Lin Ming seemed to change his color involuntarily: "it seems that the fury demon has exerted his greatest strength. The suction is terrible..."

Indeed, this moment, he felt very clear, even if the origin of the divine light all urged up, but also can not compete with such a suction.

For him now, terror can only be countered by the power of the gods.

But the crux of the problem is that he can't exert the power of the gods.

Because once the power of the gods is exerted, the power of the origin of the universe in the body cannot be suppressed.

In time, he will explode and die.

"Boy." Just then, the voice of magic boy suddenly rang out, directly in Lin Ming's mind:

"You are about to fall into the hands of this violent demon. If you let me out, you have to let me out to save your life for the time being..."

"Release the Devil boy?"

As if out of subconsciousness, Lin Ming's heart is a burst of vigilance and vigilance.

Indeed, since the Devil boy was sucked in by the keel fragments, all the things he said, did and learned brought Lin Ming a more profound feeling.

He is also more and more unpredictable about whether the magic boy is an enemy or a friend. Naturally, he is also more and more unpredictable. Once he releases the magic boy, what will happen.


In the moment of Lin Ming's hesitation, all of a sudden, the powerful suction just disappeared.

In the moment of Lin Ming's confusion, whew, two figures appeared out of thin air.

Naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming knew that it was the appearance of these two figures that sent out a strong breath and momentum on his body to resist the suction exerted by the violent demons.

But at the moment, Lin Ming's face didn't show any joy.

Indeed, he saw at a glance that the two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air were also demons.

From the breath of the body, the strength and the fury spirit want to compare, regardless of up and down.

After the two figures appeared, they just glanced at the fury demon in the distance, and then directly looked at Lin Ming.

Perhaps more accurately, it's staring at the origin outside of Lin Ming.

When more than ten seconds passed, one of the demons spoke out: "tut Tut, I didn't expect that. Your violent demons were so lucky that you met a descendant of Pangu here..."

"Ha ha..." a cold hum full of murderous spirit immediately came out of the mouth of the fury demon, with the same murderous look, and said:

"First come, first served. I met this boy, who dares to rob me..."

With a word, Teng's, a black light is more than a thousand times strong, in the violent spirit of the body came out, flying.

Then a sharp and harsh voice came out. It was frightening and murderous.

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