But at this moment, the three demons looked even more surprised.

Indeed, even if the surrounding space is broken, it becomes broken.

Lin Ming was sitting in the air with his knees crossed, still motionless.


Immediately, a sound of cold air came out of the mouth of the three spirits.

Naturally, these three demons all seem to be showing an extremely confused appearance at the moment.

Indeed, in their view, such a scene, no matter how they think, is impossible to happen.

"It's impossible..." said the fury demon, "the boy is still sitting on his knees, as if he has lost his sense of everything around him, but even the space is broken. He can't be unaware of it, and he can't be unaffected..."

"It's really strange..." thousand face demon Spirit said with a pondering look: "it seems that there is something strange that happened to this boy

In fact, he is not waiting to die, as we say... "

"Isn't it..." the spirit of Shura next to him seemed to think of something suddenly, and said: "isn't he really not aware of all the movement around him, so he has been sitting on his knees, motionless..."

The fury spirit shook his head. "It's impossible. Even if this boy doesn't realize the changes around him, he can't be so motionless under our hand..."

"Since all this doesn't make sense, then..." Shura's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to think of something:

"Then there is only one explanation that makes sense..."

"What explanation?" The fury spirit and the thousand face spirit speak with one voice.

"It's very simple," said the spirit of Shura, "that is, where the boy is now, and we are not in the same space at all..."

After saying this, the eyes of Shura demon immediately flashed with a very strong color of incomprehension.

Obviously, although he can think of this and feel that it must be so, he can't figure out why Lin Ming is in another space.

"It's impossible..." immediately, the fury demon spirit and the thousand face demon Spirit said with one voice.

"Where are we now? We are in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace. If this boy is in another space, doesn't it mean that he has left here..."

Said the fury spirit with a look of disbelief.

"The only person who can do this is the builder of the heavenly palace."

Thousand face demon spirit also says so.

At this time, these two demons do not believe that Lin Ming is in a different space from them.

"This..." the spirit of Shura seems to have been convinced by the two spirits. He seems to be involuntarily suspicious of what he said just now, and murmurs:

"This kid really can't be in another space..."

Naturally, he seemed even more puzzled: "how to explain the current situation..."


The fury spirit and the thousand face spirit didn't speak for a moment.

"Actually, you're right."

At this time, Lin Ming finally opened his mouth, opened his eyes, and then a real eye shot out, sweeping the three spirits

"You and I are not in the same space..."

"Ha ha..." when he heard Lin Ming's words, the furious devil gave a cold laugh. How could he believe Lin Ming's words

"What kind of existence are we? We are demons on a par with the gods. We are supreme beings in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace

Are you in the same space with us? How can we not see... "

"Is it?" Lin Ming showed a face of sarcasm, "then why didn't you three just make any impact on me?"

"What, you know all about it?"

At the same time, the three demons uttered a cry of surprise.

Naturally, they all believed that if Lin Ming was not waiting to die, he would be in some kind of cultivation, and he didn't know everything about the outside world.

But now that Lin Ming has said that, naturally, they are all wrong.

"Hum," the fury spirit uttered a cold hum: "no matter what strange things are in your boy, no matter where you are, your boy's body, I'm bound to get it..."

He is also a direct shot.

He didn't hesitate, the whole person flashed over and appeared under Lin Ming's eyes.

"Boy, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, and I don't want to capture you. I'm tormenting you slowly. You completely angered me. Now I want to take your life directly, hum..."

This time, the violent demon's hand was very simple. He suddenly stretched out his hand like lightning, and pinched Lin Ming's neck.

And for a moment, Lin Ming did not seem to move at all. He was sitting on his knees.

"Gaga..." a burst of arrogant laughter came from the mouth of the fury demon. In his eyes, Lin Ming seemed to have been killed by him and had become a dead man.


But the next moment, a cry of surprise, but first of all, from the thousand face demon spirit, Shura demon spirit these two big demon spirit's mouth.

"What's going on?"

"How could this happen?"

"This is ridiculous!"

Indeed, it was not that the fury was silent, but that he seemed unable to speak at all.

Indeed, in the eyes of the thousand face demon spirit and Shura demon spirit, there was a scene that made them feel extremely shocked.

At that moment, the violent demon's hand pinched Lin Ming's neck, but it directly penetrated through the past, as if Lin Ming was just a phantom shadow.

Then, on the other hand, Lin Ming took the hand and grabbed the fury demon's neck directly.

The neck of the fury demon was pinched by a boy who was not even a God. How ever did this happen? It never happened. This is the first time.

In the eyes of these two demons, I am afraid that even in the future, such a thing will not happen.

Such a scene, how not to let them show a pair of three views have been directly subverted.

"Let go!" Then, the two demons let out a big drink.

"Boy, who gave you such courage to fight against the devil..."

"I'll give you ten seconds to let go of the violent demons immediately, otherwise, all the demons will not let you go in the 18th day of Tiangong..."

"In the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, there is no way for you to go to heaven and earth, and you will surely die..."

The two demons roared in their mouths.

"Sure to die?" Lin Ming couldn't help laughing, and then said, "should I wait to be killed by you, instead of fighting back..."

A strong cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes

"I tell you, your three demons will surely die. No matter how many demons come, I will kill all of them."

"Now, let's start with your violent demon spirit..." Lin Ming said in a cold and heartless manner: "it's not good for you to provoke anyone, but you should provoke me. If you want to take my life, how can I take my life so easily..."

As the voice fell, Lin Ming grabbed the palm of the devil's neck and made a little effort.


"Stop it

Then there was a sound of broken bones. At the same time, there were the roars of the thousand face spirit and the Shura spirit. They were so powerful that they swept away to the distant Lin Ming.

But it's a pity that this kind of breath, momentum, and murderous spirit still didn't have any influence on Lin Ming.

Lin Ming really looks like a shadow of nothingness. This kind of breath, momentum, and murderous spirit directly penetrate away.

The fierce devil's neck is cut off by Lin Ming, but it's so powerful that it won't be killed by Lin Ming all of a sudden.

There was a bang of explosion, and then Lin Ming cut off his neck and turned it into a mass of black air.

However, such a mass of black gas, can not escape.

It seems that there is a very powerful and strange smell, which is released from the palm of Lin Ming's hand, firmly controlling the fury spirit in a certain range.

"Boy, if you want to die, dare to hurt me, I will kill you, I will nibble off your immortal soul bit by bit..."

A voice full of monstrous murderous, word by word, came out of the mouth of the fury demon.

"To kill me?" Lin Ming was very disdainful, "if it was a few days ago, you could have done it

But now, you, not only you, even the other two demons, even the other demons, can't touch me at all... "

After a while, a twisted light appeared in the palm of Lin Ming's hand, and it was like a fishing net covering the whole mass of black air formed by the violent demons.

"Ah ah..." then, a scream that sounded very sad came from it.

In an instant, the two spirits, Qianmian spirit and Shura spirit, were directly exposed in a cold sweat, and their eyes were extremely frightened.

Indeed, they saw Lin Ming's hand very clearly, and the strange twisted light with such a powerful breath. As they shrouded the fury spirit, they clearly saw that the mass of black gas was rapidly decreasing.

In other words, with the scream of the fury spirit, the whole body of the fury spirit is indeed destroyed by Lin Ming.

They have always known that demons are the same as gods. In the heavenly palace, they are immortal.

But what's happening now, of course, is completely subverting their cognition.

For a moment, the two demons felt extremely shocked, but at the same time, they could not help feeling confused.

Indeed, what kind of existence is the twisted light coming out of the palm of Lin Ming's hand? Its power is so terrible that it can cover the whole body of the fury demon.

It's also obvious that although the fury spirit is struggling hard, it can't get rid of it at all.

"Twenty seconds..." at this time, Lin Ming said coldly, unmoved by the fierce struggle and cruel words

"As long as you have another 20 seconds, you, the fury spirit, will kill me completely

In front of me, it's just a big joke that what is equal to the existence of gods, what is immortal and immortal... "

Suddenly, a twisted light came out of the palm of Lin Ming's hand, covering the little black light that had been left.

In this way, the disappearance speed of the black light, which was formed by the fury spirit, was also accelerated.

"Gaga..." there was a sharp voice, which was still coming out

"Boy, now is the best chance for you to survive. Let me go. I can let bygones be bygones, and even I can spare your life..."

"Ha ha..." Lin Ming said with a sneer: "you are so funny, you are going to die in my hands, and you are still talking arrogantly to me

Let's put it this way. It seems that you are determined to take my life. Do I have a reason not to give a tooth for a tooth

You'd better accept your fate, for I'm sure to die in your hands, and I'm a soft persimmon. It's a pity that you're wrong

Now, even if all the demons in the 18th heaven of the whole heavenly palace come out, they can't save you... "

"Ah..." a scream that sounded more miserable suddenly rang out. Sure enough, the black light was reduced to the size of a fist.

Seeing that Lin Ming's intention to kill was resolute, he was not moved at all. Finally, he was flustered. It seemed that he could not help but soften up

"Master, I'm wrong. I'm blind. I'm so powerful that I can be in another space and attack me

Obviously, the elder must be the existence of ancient gods

I bumped into you rashly. Please forgive me next time

I swear to be an ox and a horse for you

By the way, in fact, I didn't kill her completely... "

A little black light suddenly appeared in the range of the twisted light.

"Master, help, help me." Sure enough, a familiar voice came out of the black light.

At this time, Lin Ming's face moved slightly. Then, this little black light came to the place near him. As expected, a figure appeared. It was Lin ling'er.

"Master, I have released my companion. Please forgive me next time." The voice of the fury demon spirit, extremely eager, reveals a strong desire for survival.

"I didn't say that if you let out my companion, I'll forgive you for your life..." for a moment, Lin Ming's expression looked cold and heartless.

"You..." this immediately made the voice of the violent demon could not help choking, followed by a roar:

"Boy, I'll never let you go, Qianmian spirit and Shura spirit. What are you doing? Kill this boy and save me


A word seems to have just finished, followed by a scream, which is also the last scream.

Indeed, with this scream, the black light transformed by the fury spirit completely dissipated, leaving nothing left.

"..." for a moment, the Shura spirit and the thousand face spirit all seemed to be subconsciously shocked.

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