Until this time, Lin Ming was really relieved.

Although the magic boy said that the second kind of magic skill taught to him was specially used to deal with demons and had great power, Lin Ming still had some doubts in his heart before he really realized its power.

Now, after he has successfully practiced this kind of magical skill, he shows it. It seems that he can easily kill the fury spirit completely. This kind of power naturally makes Lin Ming feel a little surprised.

Strong, the power of such a magic move can not be described as strong, and it seems that it is somewhat against the sky.

The spirit can't attack him at all, but he can attack the other side easily.

From Lin Ming's point of view, it is indeed the first time that he has seen such a supernatural move.

"Very good," Lin Ming was overjoyed. He almost didn't laugh directly

"Next, it should not be difficult to kill these two demons..."

Naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming's eyes turned to the two demons in the distance.

All of a sudden, he came into contact with Lin Ming's murderous eyes. It seemed subconsciously that the two spirits, Qianmian spirit and Shura spirit, seemed to tremble involuntarily.

Not too closely followed, a very strong murderous spirit also rose from them at the same time.

Thousand face demon spirit, opened his mouth, said: "did not expect, really did not expect, your boy is so strong, can kill a demon spirit..."

"It seems that the origin of your boy's identity must not be simple. Besides the disciples of Pangu's descendants, there must be other identities."

The spirit of Shura also said that his eyes were watching Lin Ming, revealing a touch of examination. It seemed that he wanted to see something directly from Lin Ming at this moment.

Of course, they can't see the existence of magic boy.

However, the spirit of Shura seemed to think of something and said, "with your current strength, you can kill a spirit. What you just performed must be divine

It's extremely rare to have such a powerful magic

If you really know such magic, you have already performed it at the beginning

But you didn't show it

In this way, you must be helped by another strong man in the dark... "

Lin Ming didn't expect that the Shura spirit was not stupid. He could guess this because the magic boy taught him a kind of magic.

"Now that you know that a strong man is helping me secretly, do you still want to take my life?" Lin Ming gave a sneer.

"Ha ha," the spirit of Shura sneered, "even if there is a strong one to help you secretly, we will not let you go. Do you know how many powerful spirits there are in the 18th day of the heavenly palace near the Wanmo mountain?"

"How many." Lin Ming just asked casually.

"At least hundreds of millions." The spirit of Shura said: "this space is boundless. Even near the Wanmo mountain, I don't know how broad it is

Countless demons have been practicing among them for at least 10 billion years. You can imagine how numerous demons are. "

Qianmian demon spirit answered and said: "why, you think you killed just one demon spirit, and you really think you can walk across the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace

I tell you, unless you leave the 18th day of Tiangong, you will die sooner or later. "

"Well." Lin Ming said directly, "even if there are more powerful demons in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, it's easy for me to kill you two now. You can tell me where the wordless heavenly book is

I can consider giving you a good time... "

"Ha ha..." hearing Lin Ming's words, for a moment, the two demons looked as if they had heard a big joke. First of all, they burst out laughing.

As soon as his face sank, the spirit of Shura in the middle of him began to say: "it turns out that you are here for the wordless book of heaven. Now I can tell you clearly that you have come here for nothing..."

"For nothing?" Lin Ming doesn't believe it at all.

The thousand face demon Spirit said: "yes, you come here for nothing. The reason why this ten thousand demon mountain is called ten thousand demon mountain is not that there are ten thousand demons in it, but that there are countless demons in it

Among the demons, their strength has reached the level of the demon king

Even if tens of thousands of demons exist like this, they can't defeat one finger of the demon king

Boy, do you think you can kill just one demon? Do you really think that anyone can enter the Wanmo mountain freely... "

"In that case." After a pause, a strong cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes

"Naturally, I'll break into the magic mountain. It's useless to leave you

You two, die now. "

"Come out." Seeing that Lin Ming was no longer talking nonsense, he began to do it directly. The two demons suddenly gave out a big drink.

Sure enough, then, all of a sudden, there were figures out of thin air. The breath, momentum and murderous spirit of each figure were not under the previous violent spirit.

In particular, he had no facial features, but Lin Ming could still feel it very clearly. His eyes fell on him, as if he had seen him all over.

At this time, the spirit also opened his mouth and sent out a faint voice:

"I didn't expect, I never thought that I saw the disciples of Pangu's descendants here today, and I used a magic trick to reverse space..."

"What, reverse space?"

All of a sudden, these four words spread out. For the first time, they made Shura spirit and Qianmian spirit appear to be shocked subconsciously.

"It's said that in ancient times, gods and Demons fought against each other, and Demons gradually gained the upper hand. Later, some powerful gods developed a kind of magic to deal with demons..."

"It seems that this kind of magic is called reverse space..."

"But a long time ago, such a magic move was lost..."

"Indeed, as long as the gods had not disappeared in this part of the world, this part of the universe, this magic move had been lost..."

Brush, a whole piece of vision at this time naturally fell on Lin Ming in the distance.

Suddenly, the spirits of Qianmian and Shura also included all the spirits that suddenly appeared. At the same time, a burst of black light came out of the body and surrounded the body. The momentum was strong, cold and murderous.

At that time, Lin Ming was a little surprised by the words that the demon said. He didn't expect that the other side recognized his magic move.

That's right. The second kind of magic that magic boy taught him is called reverse space.

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