At this time, when Lin Ming glanced over, he could see clearly that in addition to the spirits of Qianmian and Shura, there were 13 spirits suddenly emerging.

Of course, if it was before, not to mention the sudden emergence of 13 demons, even if there is one more, Lin Ming knows that he will definitely die.

But now, of course, it's different.

After learning the second magic skill taught by magic boy, that is, reversing space, Lin Ming has already seen its powerful power. Now, to kill all these demons, Lin Ming is naturally full of confidence.

"What? Reversal space? What this boy shows is a magic move created by ancient gods, reversing space? "

At the same time, somewhere in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, a figure stood in the middle of the sky, holding a broken knife and winding a chain around it. Suddenly, a cry of surprise came from the figure.

Naturally, there is no doubt that it was this figure who stole the sword and chain from Lin Ming.

At this time, the figure could not help but scream out. It suddenly came to something, and its face changed

"No, I'm afraid my breath has leaked out..."

It seems that just as the figure worried, he let the Devil boy feel something under his subconscious exit.

Immediately, a voice came to Lin Ming's mind

"Boy, I suddenly feel the breath of a broken knife and a chain, and the breath of a figure. It's in the distance..."

"Oh?" Lin Ming is still facing such a group of demons, his face is naturally silent.

"Don't worry, I've locked the other party's position. No matter where he goes, as long as he's still in the 18th day of Tiangong, I can find him."

Magic boy continued.

Lin Ming naturally breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, a broken knife and a piece of chain in his hand were taken away inexplicably. His heart was full of murders. At the same time, it was extremely painful and helpless.

Indeed, from the other side's hand, the strength of the other side, extraordinary.

What's worse is that he doesn't know how to get his broken knife and chain back after they take it from him.

Now that magic boy suddenly said this, Lin Ming's heart was not happy.

At the moment, among the 15 demons in the distance, a touch of cold light naturally flickered more strongly.

Indeed, he had to recover his broken knife and chain, but he had no spare time to fight with these demons.

"Ha ha, why, you are going to kill all our 15 demons at one time..."

Seeing Lin Ming like this, the fifteen spirits, including the thousand face spirits, can't see what Lin Ming is going to do.

"It's arrogant and ignorant, huh."

First of all, there are two demons, who seem to be directly stimulated by Lin Ming. With a cold hum, the two demons first attack Lin Ming.

The two demons disappeared in the same place. When they moved again, they reached the place not far away from Lin Ming.

At the same time, in the hands of these two spirits, there was a strange weapon.

Yiyi two rings out, and immediately see two murderous Qi like a pillar of light, that is, directly shoot out from the weapons in the hands of the two demons, and directly kill Lin Ming in the distance.

Everywhere you go, the momentum is irresistible, and the space is directly smashed.

But the next moment, the two spirits seemed to be in a daze.

In the distance, Lin Ming looks like an illusory shadow. These two fierce murderous forces directly penetrate Lin Ming's body.

"It's really the legendary magic, reversing space..."

The two spirits were stunned. It seems that after seeing it with their own eyes, they determined that Lin Ming would indeed reverse the magic of space.

Obviously, the two spirits who took the lead were trying to find out what Lin Ming meant.

"Stay away from the boy..."

The spirits of Qianmian and Shura witnessed the killing of the fury spirits. Knowing that Lin Ming's methods were cruel, they directly cut off their necks and then killed them. They couldn't help but shout a warning.

"Not good..."

It seems that the two demons' reminders just came out. The two demons didn't want to get close to Lin Ming, but Lin Ming finally moved.

He had been sitting in suspension with his knees crossed. At this time, the whole person moved like a blink, almost less than one thousandth of a second.

The next moment, Lin Ming appeared beside the two spirits.

Brush, the two demons seem to subconsciously produce a sense of extreme panic, this moment to the two demons feel like Lin Ming is their natural enemy.

Brush, at the same time, the cold sweat on the forehead of the two demons is like rain, and the hairs on the body stand up.

Of course, out of the instinct reaction, Teng, a very strong spirit breath, has directly emerged in their bodies, strong momentum, came out bursts of earth shaking general whistling.

This kind of breath is also directly with a very strong corrosive.

In the eyes of these two demons, as long as Lin Ming dares to fight, no matter in which space, such a strong corrosive atmosphere will directly corrode Lin Ming.

But to the surprise of these two spirits, and also to the surprise of the spirits of Qianmian and Shura, Lin Ming didn't do it directly.

But at this moment, whew, a black lightning like object shot out of Lin Ming's body.

Naturally, this is exactly the keel fragment in Lin Ming's hand.

He lost a broken knife and a chain for the time being. One of the most powerful weapons at the moment is the keel fragment.

Moreover, Lin Ming knows that since there are more mysterious lines on the surface of the keel fragment, Lin Ming feels that the keel fragment seems to have life and his own consciousness.

He has the intention to let the keel fragment move, and the keel fragment seems to be more eager to move than he gets up.

Poof, as soon as the keel fragment appears, it will directly pierce the bodies of the two demons with lightning speed, that is, it will directly pierce the bodies of the two demons into two big blood holes.


"I'm bleeding?"

At this moment, the two demons directly showed a completely silly look, and felt a stabbing pain in the chest. Not to mention, there was blood flowing out from the wound.

They lowered their heads slightly, looked at the blood hole wound on their chest, and immediately showed a look of disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost, and their eyes were wide as ox eyes.

"What?" And the appearance of such a scene, it seems, really let the thousand face demon spirit, Shura demon spirit these two big demons, is also a pair of almost scared dumb appearance.

"What's going on?"

"The strength of these two demons is also very important. How could they suddenly get hurt..."


At the moment, the two demons' voices seemed to tremble involuntarily.

It's true that they saw the scene of the killing of the evil spirit very clearly just now. Lin Ming took the life of the evil spirit by cutting off the neck of the evil spirit.

In their opinion, Lin Ming is naturally the same way to deal with these two demons.

But who would have thought that Lin Ming didn't even start this time, and he didn't know what was going on. The two demons had two blood holes in their chest, and they couldn't stop bleeding instantly.

"Is it so terrible that this magic move reverses the power of space?"

At present, all these demons, for a moment, didn't notice the existence of such a black lightning. They really only regarded it as the power of a magic move to reverse space.

"The power of a magic move to reverse space is really terrible, but it's not as strong as this..."

Among them, one of the most powerful demons appeared thoughtful and murmured.

For a moment, the spirit of Shura first agreed: "yes, the most powerful part of reversing space is to reverse space. He can attack us, but we have nothing to do with him

Obviously, just now, he didn't seem to have done anything... "

"Is there another strong man hiding in the dark to help this boy..."

Brush, immediately, a lot of evil spirit's eyes, at this moment also imitate subconscious strafe to all around.

At the same time, the power of the strong soul, show out, it seems to be extremely want to find out the hidden strong out.

But nature, all spirits, will not have harvest.

Because, in fact, this is Lin Ming's hand. He used the keel fragment in his hand, which directly injured the two demons.

At the moment, Lin Ming didn't pay any attention to the reaction of other demons.

At this time, Lin Ming said: "the strength of the so-called demons is just like this. No matter how many of you are, if you dare to take my life, the fate of all your demons will be the same

You two demons are also the followers of the violent demons before you... "

Teng's, Lin Ming's this also when will be more powerful soul force, input to the keel fragment.

Whew, sure enough, the power of the keel fragment became more powerful.

Two puffs, then sounded again, this time the speed of the keel fragments is faster, the naked eye is almost completely invisible, directly through the middle of the forehead of the two demons.

At this moment, the two demons didn't even snort. With the instant of the two blood holes, they all appeared directly from their forehead.

Bang Bang two rings, then see these two evil spirit's body shape, is also unable to maintain, explodes but opens, turns into two regiments incomparably rich black light to come out.

These two groups of black lights were surging and boiling in the high air, and the roars were directly coming from them.

"If you dare to kill the devil, you're dead. There's no way for you to live in the sky and the earth..."

"Up, all the demons, go up together and eat this boy alive."

But all the other demons, at the moment, look like they're watching.

It seems that he doesn't care about the situation of these two demons at all.

The remaining thirteen spirits, with a sense of extreme vigilance in their eyes, were watching Lin Ming go away in the distance.

It's true that the thirteen demons at the moment naturally want to see what kind of means Lin Ming used to make the two demons so seriously injured that they could not maintain their body shape and turned into two black lights.

They don't want to know how they died.


When he roared at the two demons, Lin Ming was still expressionless and spewed out two words.

Immediately, a very strong suction is coming from the keel pieces.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Immediately these two groups of black lights realized that something was wrong, and a voice of surprise and anger came out immediately.

Then see these two evil spirits seem to want to say something, but for a time, even time and opportunity, are not.

Indeed, this kind of suction from the keel fragments is really too strong. Under this kind of absorption, it is to directly absorb the two groups of extremely strong magical spirit breath.

For a time, it looked like these two demons had never been the same.

At present, the occurrence of such a situation, of course, is more strange and incredible than the death of the violent spirit before.

For Shura spirit and Qianmian spirit, this is especially true.

Indeed, they just witnessed the whole process of Lin Ming's killing of the fury demon. Naturally, they can see how the fury demon died.

But now it's better. It's clear that the two demons are not inferior to the violent demons, and they are obviously dead. But until the two demons disappear completely, Shura demons and Qianmian demons don't know how Lin Ming did it.

For a time, how can these two demons not produce a sense of horror.

Brush, like involuntarily, the two spirits, the forehead of the cold sweat is also more like rain.

"You, you boy, have swallowed the two demons directly?"

However, among them, some powerful demons seemed to see something for a while.

Indeed, at that moment, these demons seemed to feel a very strong suction, suddenly appeared, and then the two strong demonic breath formed by these two demons disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Lin Ming seems to have ignored the so-called reaction of these demons.

Indeed, his attention is focused on the keel fragments.

As the keel fragments absorb such two groups of extremely rich spirit breath, the lines on them are more and more.

A silk is more powerful many times the breath, from which the faint emission.

At this time, Lin Ming can feel more clearly that this piece of keel fragment in his hand is indeed a living creature.

"Very good," said Lin Ming, who could not help but look happy.

At present, in the 18th day of the heavenly palace, there are countless demons, and their strength is more and more powerful. The more powerful the keel fragments in his hand, the better.

"Since you need more magic breath, why don't I satisfy you..."

Lin Mingxin said a word, and then his eyes were looking at the thirteen demons in the distance. The cold light in his eyes flashed and his murderous spirit rose.

And at this time, Lin ling'er, who has been watching everything, can't help but be stunned.

She also had no idea what was going on.

It seems that all of a sudden, the fury demon is defeated by Lin Ming, and then he releases her, and asks Lin Ming to forgive him for his life.

Now, Lin Ming has taken the lives of two demons directly.

You know, whether it's the fury spirits before, or the two spirits, or the remaining 13 spirits, the strength of all these spirits is much stronger than her.

Before her, she almost defeated Lin Ming.

But now is how much time has passed, that is just a few days. Lin Ming's strength has soared so appalling.

Even the long lost move to reverse space in the legend has learned

For a moment, Lin ling'er didn't know what was wrong with him. Inexplicably, he had a different feeling towards Lin Ming, which can be described as worship, awe and admiration.

Of course, at this time, Lin Ming doesn't know what Lin ling'er is thinking. Even if he knows, he won't care about Lin ling'er at all.

At this time, with Lin Ming's eyes like this, the remaining 13 demons are walking backward like subconscious, which is a distance of thousands of meters from Lin Ming.

Of course, for Lin Ming, such a distance is totally negligible.

As long as these demons don't suddenly leave the 18th heaven, Lin Ming can lock their position anytime and anywhere.

Naturally, it can be said that at this time, the 30 demons are doomed to die.

"Hum..." at this time, the spirit of Shura gave out a cold hum, and his body was also murderous

"Let's not be frightened by this boy. The magic is so powerful. This boy is not a real God. He has displayed the reversal space twice in a row, and he must have reached the limit

Don't say we have 13 demons now. Even three or four of us, if we work together, we can defeat this boy... "

At last, the Shura spirit threw out a great temptation: "don't forget, this boy is a descendant of Pangu. As long as we can get his flesh and blood and his immortal soul, we can get rid of here and be at ease in the universe

From this point of view alone, it is enough for us to take risks to deal with this boy... "

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