Lin Ming did not seem to move. In the roaring sound of thunder, all the golden lights mixed with lightning bombarded Lin Ming without accident.

Lin Ming's whole body was completely submerged in it.

This kind of golden light mixed with lightning is dazzling and extremely dazzling.

For a moment, except for the two guards, all the strong men far and near subconsciously turned away, and they did not dare to look, as if they would be blind if they just looked at them a little.

In the eyes of all the strong, since Lin Ming was attacked, there was no accident and he would die.

"The attack of Thor's hammer is too terrible. It's so powerful that it can be compared with the sun's divine light in ancient times..."

"You can't look directly at this kind of light, otherwise, your eyes will be blind every minute..."

"In fact, the boy was not wronged at all for his death. The two guards used the hammer of Thor in their hands, not to mention him. Even the city leader must be either dead or injured..."

All these strong men, at this moment, seemed to be subconsciously determined that Lin Ming would die.

As for the two guards, naturally, they also believed that Lin Ming had no reason not to die.

What's more, the two of them clearly saw that when the golden light mixed with lightning fell on Lin Ming's body, a painful hum came out of his mouth.

At that moment, they could all see it. The sound of a click sounded directly, and Lin Ming's skin cracked directly. Cracks appeared and blood shot out of these cracks.

The golden light mixed with lightning, also in an instant, went directly to these cracks on Lin Ming's body and went in crazily.

"It doesn't take a minute, this boy will turn into fly ash directly..."

Seeing such a scene, the two guards seemed quite sure of it.

At this time, Lin Ming, at the moment when such an attack fell on him, was so powerful that he could not help but feel a bit surprised.

Strong, such a golden light mixed with electric light, the moment it hit him, his whole body was directly cracked.

For the first time, Lin Ming knew that his whole body would collapse in the next second.

This kind of suffering, in this instant, directly caused a shudder of Lin Ming's soul. It can be imagined that this kind of pain.

If it had not been for Lin Ming's endurance, he would have screamed at that moment, but he could not control the pain.

Of course, Lin Ming had been psychologically prepared. In that tenth of a second, the breathing method was immediately activated, and all of a sudden it reached the limit.

A force of suction naturally emanates from Lin Ming.

Then, without waiting for the lightning golden light to continue to attack his body, this suction began to quickly absorb the lightning golden light into his body, and into every muscle of his body.

"Ah..." every flash of lightning and golden light immediately swam wildly in every muscle. We can imagine the pain. Although Lin Ming still clenched his teeth, he could not help roaring in his heart.

At this time, with these lightning golden lights swimming in every muscle of his body, Lin Ming can clearly feel that his physical body is becoming stronger, and a more powerful sense of strength can't help but emerge.

"Good." Although Lin Ming is suffering from pain that ordinary people can't bear at the moment, he can't help but be happy.

What does this mean? Naturally, it means that with the help of the opponent's attack, his physical body can really be tempered.

This is just a short period of more than ten seconds. Lin Ming can clearly feel that his body has changed a lot.

Obviously, he felt that the strength of his body was more than 100 times stronger than before.

Of course, Lin Ming also knows that this is far from enough.

In Lin Ming's feeling, his physical body should be able to withstand the power of the origin of the universe, at least tens of thousands of times better than before.

Therefore, with the help of each other's lightning golden light to temper the body, nature is just the beginning.

"Ten seconds..." naturally, the two guards' eyes have always been on Lin Ming, paying close attention to all the changes in Lin Ming's body.

They all saw very clearly that the lightning golden light around Lin Ming's whole body was rapidly drilling to the cracks on Lin Ming's skin.

Naturally, they don't think much about it. They don't think that Lin Ming did it on purpose. He used these electric lights to temper his body.

Such a thing, in their eyes, is undoubtedly crazy, incredible, they can not dream of such a situation to go up.

Naturally, in their view, after these electric lights penetrated into Lin Ming's body, they would immediately destroy all the internal organs and everything in Lin Ming's body.

At this time, they can also see that under the first hand, the golden light that twined on Lin Ming's body has disappeared most of the time. Naturally, it penetrated into Lin Ming's body.

As you can see, these two guards look very confident at the moment. They are counting down ten seconds.

As soon as these ten seconds arrive, in their eyes, there is no doubt that Lin Ming will die, and his body will turn into fly ash, completely dead.

"One," and when the count came here, the two guards' voices sounded like a tremor.

It's true that almost all the lightning and golden light have penetrated into Lin Ming's body, but the fact is that Lin Ming's situation is not getting worse. It seems that from the beginning to the end, Lin Ming seems to have no injury at all.

"It's impossible..." naturally, the two guards looked like they would not believe such a situation.

"One second, the last second, this kid is going to die."


But when the last sound came out of their mouths, Lin Ming still looked safe.

At this moment, the two guards looked even more astonished.

It's true that the electric light and golden light wrapped around Lin Ming's body finally disappeared at this time. In other words, all the electric light and golden light penetrated through the cracks on Lin Ming's skin.


At this moment, the two guards' eyes were as big as ox's eyes, filled with a color of extreme disbelief.


The next moment, a voice of astonishment came directly from their mouth.

Indeed, with the electric light and the golden light completely disappeared, the cracks on Lin Ming's skin healed in an instant. For a moment, it looked as if Lin Ming had never been hurt or hit by the thunderbolt in their hands.

"What's the matter? I clearly feel that the light of Thor is still in the boy's body..."

"How could this happen?"

"Is it because of the strength of his body that the boy resisted the attack of this wave of Thor's light?"

At this time, in the minds of the two guards, it seems that such a guess can only emerge.

Because, apart from that, they really can't think of any better explanation.

At the same time, all the strong people, far and near, open their eyes together after they feel the light of Thor disappear completely.



"What's the matter? Why is this boy still standing still? "

With the eyes opened, a cry of surprise, almost at the same time sounded.

And at this moment, the eyes of all the strong people around here were just as big as ox's eyes, filled with a look of extreme amazement and disbelief.

It is true that the power of ancient Taoist tools is not small.

And just now, everyone really clearly saw the power of Thor's hammer, the power of lightning and golden light. Even with the strength of all the powerful people, no one dares to see such a light.

Otherwise, your eyes will go blind.

At that moment, Lin Ming should have become a dead man.

This is no surprise to all the strong.

But what is the situation now? The scene just now looks as if it has never happened.

At this time, they really clearly saw that Lin Ming was safe and sound.

For a moment, everyone was stunned and unbelievable. At the same time, they were all confused.

Brush, then a whole piece of eyes is to brush down on the two guards, from the eyes, everyone is very obvious, want to hear an explanation from the mouth of the two guards.

At this time, the two guards really showed a look that seemed to be suddenly. A cold hum came out of their mouths and began to speak one after another.

"Hum, it seems that the disciples of Pangu's descendants really have some strength. They can directly resist the first attack of thunder hammer with their flesh body..."

"But we can only stop here. Naturally, we can clearly feel that the light of Thor is still raging in your body, destroying everything in your body..."

"You look safe now, but in fact you have suffered a very serious internal injury..."

"As long as we do it again, you will turn into ashes in an instant..."

All the strong people around heard the words coming from the two guards, and then they showed a sudden appearance one after another.

"It turns out that we are wrong. The boy is not safe and uninjured, but has been seriously injured in his body."

"Hum, I'll just say, how could anyone be safe under the attack of the hammer of Thor in ancient times? The city leader of Shenyu couldn't do it. How could this boy do it..."

"Boy, die."

At this time, a fierce roar came from the mouth of the two guards.

They raised the hammer of Thor high again.

In an instant, the golden light mixed with electric light became more powerful, shining and murderous.

Click, click, where the electro-optical golden light goes, the surrounding space is directly destroyed, and cracks like hair appear, from which powerful storms of different dimensions blow out.

However, in the eyes of all people, this moment seems to be subconsciously showing a touch of horror. The powerful storm blowing out from the space of otherness is also defeated and dissipated in an instant by the light of Thor.

"Boy, under the light of Thunder God, the space is directly destroyed and cracks appear. Why, do you think your body is more powerful than the space, hum..."

Teng, on top of the two pairs of Thor's hammers in the hands of the two guards, the golden lights mixed with electric light, attack Lin Ming at the same time, and immediately fall on Lin Ming.


But inexplicably, at this moment, the two guards clapped in their hearts.

Indeed, at this moment, they did not know whether it was their illusion. They did not see the slightest fear, tension and fear from Lin Ming's face. Instead, they saw an inexplicably excited look of joy.

"Not good..."

At this moment, just like subconsciously, the two guards also had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Subconsciously, in their view, I'm afraid this second attack will not take Lin Ming's life.

And the next moment it seems to be.

As soon as the golden light fell on Lin Ming, his body seemed to shake a few times, and then he didn't move.

Lin Ming was not killed by such a ray of thunder at the first time.


At this moment, as if involuntarily, the two guards naturally looked silly.

"No way, Raytheon light can't kill this boy..."

Naturally, the two guards looked like they would never have believed this would happen.

"It's just a matter of time..."

"We'll wait and see how long you can resist..."

Then, the two guards seemed to be surprised.

Indeed, in their opinion, Lin Ming should be really carrying the light of Thor, but it will not last long.

They think like this, but it's in Lin Ming's heart.

What he really needs now is time. He needs time to temper his body simply and rudely with the help of the light of Thor.

Let the physical body continue to be strong, and finally to the extent that it can withstand the power of the origin of the universe.

"The boy didn't die at the first time?"

As for all the other strong people around, although they still dare not look directly at such a light, they can also feel the existence of Lin Ming very clearly. For a moment, they all show a pair of silly eyes.

"Well, we'll see how long you can carry it..."

Next moment, everyone seems to want to see how long Lin Ming can resist.

But naturally, in everyone's mind, there is an answer.

Lin Ming can't stand it for long.

Time in the past seconds, also in the past minute by minute.

"The boy is not dead? It's been more than ten minutes... "

At this time, it seems that I can't help but scream with one voice, which comes from the mouth of the two guards. It looks like a ghost.

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