The two guards were even more shocked and shocked. Their eyes were as big as brass bells, looking at a figure still in the midst of countless electric lights and golden lights.

The figure cracked again, and countless cracks appeared. The blood shot out, faster than the first time. There was more blood.

But the two guards were not happy at all.

It's true that although Lin Ming's situation looks terrible, it doesn't seem to get worse. They clearly feel that Lin Ming's breath doesn't get weaker.

Originally, the blood was purplish red, but at this time, with the passage of more than ten minutes, the blood seemed to have turned pale black, and then quickly turned black.

This situation does not last long, that is, less than a minute or so.

Then when there was no more blood on Lin Ming's body, all the cracks in his skin healed quickly.

After a short while, it seemed that Lin Ming had never been hurt.

The appearance of such a scene will naturally make the two guards show a stunned expression.

What does this mean? Although they can't be sure, they naturally have a guess in their heart.

At the beginning, Lin Ming's physical body was really unable to compete with the golden light of electricity. His body cracked and blood rushed out.

But it was obvious that when the blood turned black, they could see that it was the impurities that had been accumulated deep in Lin Ming's body. Because of the light of Thor, they were forced out.

Of course, such a situation, in the eyes of the two guards, is really incredible.

What does this mean? They also know that Lin Ming uses the light of Thor to temper his body.

What a terrible torment it's going to take to hold on.

Not to mention that this is the second time, not to mention that now Lin Ming has been fighting hard for more than ten minutes. Even if it is the first time, Lin Ming's body should be directly broken.

But it is obvious that Lin Ming seems to have successfully used the light of Thor to temper his body.

It can be seen from the fact that the cracks on Lin Ming's body healed quickly and completely.

Lin Ming's body has indeed become stronger. It seems that he is not so strong.

At this time, there are still a lot of electric light and golden light around Lin Ming's body, but it seems to have done no harm to Lin Ming's body.

At this time, the electric light and golden light are still disappearing. The two guards can see clearly. It seems that there is a suction on Lin Ming's body, which makes the electric light and golden light penetrate into Lin Ming's body through a capillary hole.

"Originally, this boy has been actively absorbing the light of Thor."

At this time, the two guards seemed to understand this, and their faces became shocked and exclaimed.

Indeed, when they first shot, the light of Thor disappeared. They should have believed that the light of Thor entered Lin Ming's body to destroy everything in Lin Ming's body.

But now it seems that this is not the case. Lin Ming did it intentionally.


At this moment, the two guards looked as if they could not help but show a stunned look, speechless for a long time.

Soon, more than ten minutes passed.

Finally, the light of Thor completely disappeared from Lin Ming. Lin Ming still looked safe and sound, and his face remained unchanged.

But at this time, it seems that only Lin Ming himself knows that his heart is already in a burst of ecstasy.

Indeed, after the second tempering of the body by the light of Thor, he clearly felt that the impurities that had been hidden in the body had been eliminated, and the rest was just the pure body.

Then a strong sense of power came into Lin Ming's mind.

At the moment, he seems to ignore the two guards and all the strong around him. Lin Ming clenches his fist. At this moment, he can see that the light in his fist is slightly distorted.

"Is my power so powerful..."

Lin Ming's eyes seemed to show a touch of ecstasy.

"Boy, the strength of your body is not enough to bear the power of the origin of the universe..."

At this moment, the voice of magic boy rings out and comes into Lin Ming's mind.

"You have to go through the tempering of Thor's light again

Of course, even after this last tempering, your body is not enough to bear the force of the origin of the universe... "

"Oh?" Naturally, Lin Ming is more interested.

"You must integrate the purest ray of Thor into your own body..." the voice of magic boy continued to ring.

After a pause, the Devil boy's voice rang out again: "however, even so, you can only bear one tenth of the power of the origin of the universe

If you want to really bear all the power of the origin of the universe in your body, your body must be completely deified... "

"One millionth of the power of the origin of the universe?" Lin Ming's brows wrinkled, showing some disappointment.

"Hum, don't be self-sufficient..." magic boy's voice rang out, "even if you use one millionth of the power of the origin of the universe in your body, you have few opponents in the city of the divine realm..."

Now Lin Ming doesn't say much about it. The reason why he came here is that the other party has taken away a broken knife and a chain from him. Otherwise, he has already entered Wanmo mountain to look for the wordless heavenly book.

Now it seems that if he can exert the power of the origin of the universe, even if the power is only one in ten million, he will be able to take back his own broken knife and chain from the attacker's hand, and take the other's life.

Naturally, the two guards' eyes are always on Lin Ming.

At this time, when he saw that Lin Ming was looking happy, he was more sure that he was really tempering his body with the help of the light of Thor.

"Is this kid a freak..."

"Even if the descendants of Pangu were like this, they would not do this kind of thing to temper the body with the light of thunder god..."

As if subconsciously, the two guards showed a kind of fear. Looking at Lin Ming, they also showed a kind of fear subconsciously.


At this time, as for all the strong people around, after seeing Lin Ming safe again, they were completely speechless. They didn't know what to say.

It's just like a scene that appears now. Such a situation has already overturned the cognition of all of them.

"Ha ha..." at this time, after Lin Ming's eyes fell on the two guards, he gave a cold laugh of disdain and said:

"It's a tool of Taoism in ancient times, a hammer of Thor

In my opinion, you can cheat others. Do you want to cheat me? No way

You are just holding a pair of broken hammers to scare me

The so-called power of Thor's light is not enough to see. It's almost like tickling me, ha ha... "

Finally, a cold laugh full of disdain came out of Lin Ming's mouth and fell into the ears of the two guards. Naturally, it was very harsh.


At this moment, the two guards looked as if they were all angry, their faces turned red, and their chest heaved violently. It seemed that they would be directly spurted out by a mouthful of blood at any time.

How long have they been guarding the gate of the city of the divine realm? So long ago, they have lost their concept and perception of time.

We can imagine how long they have been guarding the city of Shenyu.

For a long time, they have never encountered the situation of breaking into the city of the divine realm, not to mention the fact that they are attacked by each other, and even despise them.

Such a thing has never happened.

This is the first time.

For a moment, naturally, it can be imagined that after hearing Lin Ming's words, the two guards became furious.

"Boy, you haven't seen the real power of Thor's hammer..."

A roar came from the mouth of the two guards almost at the same time.

"The real power of Thor's hammer can arouse the power of Zixiao thunder on the 18th heaven..."

"This time, if you don't die, we'll be the guards of the city of the divine realm..."


At this time, the two guards gave a cold hum.

Then Teng, instant time, a strong more than a thousand times the breath, is rising from them at the same time.

Instead of attacking Lin Ming, he rushed to a pair of Thor's hammers and instilled them into them.

Boom, then, the hammer of Thor in the hands of the two guards radiated a light.

This is a purple golden light, this moment, like Optimus Prime general, straight to the sky.

In an instant, it seems that at the end of the day, the wind and cloud are surging and black, and then the black wind has blown up, giving off the roar of numbness on the scalp of the people who listen, as if there are ten thousand demons rushing.

Click, click, and then lightning flashes.

These lightning bolts, too, are purple and golden. In the dark and black sky, they are like a dragon in the shape of a serpentine shuttle, and then directly roll down from the purple and gold lightning bolts.


Such a scene like the end of the world suddenly appeared, and all the strong people below were stunned in an instant, showing a look of gaping.

Obviously, for the appearance of such a scene, even as the saints of the city of divine realm, I'll see you for the first time.

"This disciple of Pangu's descendant clan can force the two guards to exert the greatest power of thunder hammer..."

At this time, a faint voice sounded. For a moment, I didn't know where it came from.

"It's an empty messenger!"

For the first time, everyone could recognize the voice of who it was. It was the voice of the empty God that had just appeared.

"Void God envoy, what is the origin of the disciples of Pangu's descendants? They can force the two guards to exert the greatest power of thunder hammer..."

Many people are curious.

Indeed, if they look down on Lin Ming and think that Lin Ming should be a lonely and nameless boy, then they are really stupid.

First of all, I never dare to have any existence, dare to rush into the city of the divine realm, even the demon king in the ten thousand devil mountain dare not do such a thing.

Secondly, there has never been any way for the two guards to use such an ancient Taoist weapon, the hammer of Thor, let alone force the two guards to exert the greatest power of the hammer of Thor.

Therefore, no matter what you think, in the eyes of all the strong people at this time, the origin of Lin Ming's identity must be extraordinary.

However, soon, everyone looked very disappointed.

Indeed, I don't know why the voices of the empty gods and disciples no longer ring.

Click, click

At this time, the purple and gold lightning in the shape of dragon zigzags through the dark clouds, and the breath is more powerful and shocking.

"Lead the thunder!"

"Zixiao thunder light!"

At this time, a big drink came from the mouth of the two guards.


Immediately, as if at the end of the high sky, there was a bright purple and golden light, which was the most dazzling. It came directly from below, but it didn't attack Lin Ming for the first time.

Such a breath seems to be incomparable purple golden light, but fell on the two guards of Thor's hammer, instantly like into the hammer.

"Zixiao shenlei."

There was another roar in the mouth of the two guards.

Roaring, they saw four purple and gold rays coming out from the two guards' hammers. They intertwined with each other and condensed into one. They attacked Lin Ming.

It also hit Lin Ming's whole body in an instant without any deviation.


At this moment, it really seemed subconscious. A painful hum came from Lin Ming's mouth.

Step on, step on

Lin Ming's body seems to be out of control. He retreats quickly. His feet even drag out two scratches on the ground, stretching for thousands of meters.

It was not until this time that Lin Ming's body stood still.

Naturally, Lin Ming's whole life has been directly shrouded in a burst of purple and gold lightning light.

"The power of Zixiao God thunder is extraordinary..." at this time, the Devil boy seemed to directly feel what kind of pain Lin Ming's body was suffering, and his voice sounded:

"It's one of the nine kinds of thunder robberies. Although it only ranks ninth, its power can directly destroy one side of the world

Now, as long as you can bear the power of Zixiao God thunder and use it to temper the body, then your present tempering of the body has reached the limit

Then, you take the hammer of Thor from the opponent's hand, extract the pure light of Thor, and integrate it into your body. At that time, you can bear the power of the origin of the universe, one millionth of its power... "

During the communication between Lin Ming and magic boy, the two guards stare at Lin Ming without blinking after performing a move of Zixiao shenlei.

When they saw that Lin Ming had been hit, his body seemed out of control and he retreated away. Naturally, they were happy. Of course, they also felt normal.

But at the next moment, they all looked silly. Indeed, when Lin Ming stopped at a distance of more than 1000 meters, he looked completely intact for a moment.

At this moment, they can't help looking extremely helpless.

Indeed, they have done their best. If even Zixiao shenlei can't kill Lin Ming, they are likely to be killed by Lin Ming.

Of course, they think that at that time, only the strong in the city of Shenyu can subdue Lin Ming.

"The boy will surely die under the Zixiao thunder. It's just a matter of time..."

The two guards looked at each other and murmured subconsciously.

Time flies by.

At this time, more than an hour passed.


Speechless despair, at this moment, the two guards are showing a completely speechless despair.

Indeed, they can see clearly at this moment that the Zixiao thunder shrouded in Lin Ming has been reduced by more than half, and Lin Ming is still safe.

The appearance of such a situation does not mean that even if they do their best, even if they display the Zixiao God thunder, they still can't defeat Lin Ming or take Lin Ming's life.

Indeed, at the moment, both of them are helpless to the extreme. There is nothing they can do in their hearts.

"I'm afraid, it's really the only way to inform the strong in the city of God..."

At this moment, there are 10000 guards in their hearts who are unwilling to take this step, but there is nothing they can do. They also know that they can only do so.

They really can't deal with Lin Ming. They can only let him into the city.

From the point of view of Lin Ming's strength, plus his status as a descendant of Pangu, they don't know what kind of storm will set off once Lin Ming enters the city.

At that time, everything that will be caused by their dereliction of duty will surely be counted on them,

The two guards know that they can't afford such a responsibility.

"I'll give you two a chance to live..."

At this time, Lin Ming's voice suddenly rang out, and the Zixiao God thunder on his body became less and less, which naturally made no threat to Lin Ming.

"Give us a chance to live? You... "

This words pause time, let these two guards are involuntarily show a pair of suddenly a Zheng appearance.

After a long sigh of relief, one of the guards tried to say, "tell me, what's the chance..."

Indeed, in fact, in the eyes of these two guards, it's better not to disturb the strong in the city of the divine realm.

"Give me your Thor's hammer." What Lin Ming said was very straightforward.

It can be imagined that the two guards were not only stunned at this moment by such a direct and candid sentence, but all the other strong men far and near also showed their silly eyes at the moment of hearing it.

"Do you want the hammer of Thor, the ancient Taoist tool in our hands?"

The eyes of the two guards immediately widened to the limit, as if they would protrude directly next moment.


"This boy wants the ancient artifact in the hands of two guards, the hammer of Thor?"

All the other strong people look like they saw some kind of crazy fool.

Joking, it's no exaggeration to say that the hammer of Thor is more important than the lives of the two guards.

The hammer of Thunder God was given to the two guards by the Lord of the city of God domain. It can be recovered at any time.

At present, all the strong people naturally know very clearly that these two guards would rather not have their own lives than give Lin Ming the hammer of Thunder God, which is the same weapon of ancient times.

Sure enough, at this time, the two guards' faces were extremely resolute and their tone was not negotiable

"No way, we can't give you Thor's hammer..."

"The hammer of Thor is more important than our lives..."


"What are you going to do?"

However, the words of the two guards seemed to have just come out. Instead, there was a burst of exclamation.

Indeed, at that moment, the whole person of Lin Ming in the distance disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already under their eyes.

At that moment, they all saw clearly that Lin Ming's hand was decisive, and there was a flash of colorful light in his palm. Naturally, it was the origin of the divine light, and they grabbed the hammer of Thor with their hands.

This speed has reached an incredible level.

At this moment, the two guards seemed to have just reacted with a subconscious exclamation.

The next moment, both of them feel empty.

"Thor's hammer!"

Suddenly, a startling roar came directly from their mouth.

Indeed, looking down, the two guards could not see the hammer of Thor in their hands.

"How dare you take the thunderbolt from us

Looking further away, the two guards could see the hammer of Thor in their hands for the first time. At this time, they were actually held by Lin Ming.

It can be imagined that at this moment, the two guards were in a state of shock and anger.

If sound can kill people directly.

Then, with such a roar, Lin Ming didn't know how many times he would die.

For a moment, Lin Ming seemed to turn a blind eye to the strong reaction of the two guards. His eyes fell on the two pairs of Thor's hammers in his hands, showing a look of satisfaction and nodding

"Well, it's worthy of being a Taoist instrument in ancient times, and the breath it emits is really strong..."

At this moment, Lin Ming could clearly feel the power of the thunderbolt hammer, because a trace of electric light and golden light came out of it and lingered in his palm and arm.

At this time, Lin Ming's face was also a little strange.

Perhaps it was because the hammer of Thor suddenly fell into his hands. Among the electric light, Lin Ming didn't feel the slightest hostility or resistance to him.

Lin Ming didn't know whether it was his illusion or not. It seemed that there was a faint sense of joy and excitement in the hammer.

"Boy, I'll give you a second to think about it. Now, immediately, return the Thor's hammer in your hand..."

At this time, the two guards' eyes were gloomy to the limit, and the murderous air they sent out was as strong as the essence, forming a cold air lingering outside them.

For a moment, he just glanced at the two guards in the distance. At this moment, there was even a faint smile on his face, and then he said:

"There must be a spirit in the hammer of Thor. If you want to take it back, it's actually a very simple thing..."

"Spirit? Yes... "

The moment Lin Ming said this, the two guards suddenly came over as if they were in a daze subconsciously.


There was a roar of astonishment from the two people, which was obviously stimulating the spirit of the machine.

Then, naturally, the two guards looked like they were killing each other and spoke out:

"I don't know if you're really stupid or just pretending to be stupid. You remind us of such an important thing..."

"We all urge the spirit to get up. The spirit in the hammer of Thor will not only come back with the hammer of Thor, but will even attack you immediately..."

"Attack me now?" For a moment, a faint smile on Lin Ming's face became more obvious. He looked at the two guards in the distance as if he were watching the play.


Sure enough, they seemed to realize something immediately, and the faces of the two guards suddenly changed.

"What's going on?"

"We all feel the existence of the spirit in Thor's hammer, but how can the spirit have no response..."

"It seems that the spirit in Thor's hammer doesn't want to talk to us..."

This kind of guess came out of my mind. After a brush, the two guards' brows were sweating like rain.

At the same time, they were all at a loss.

Lin Ming said with a slight smile: "in this way, this thing is predestined to me, so I don't have to return it to you..."

"You dare!"

For a moment, I didn't know exactly what happened at that time, but when Lin Ming said that, the two guards roared immediately.

"I dare not?" Facing the two guards, Lin Ming smiles with disdain

"What do I dare not

You two are determined to take my life. That's good. Now let's see if I dare to take your life... "

Lin Ming is holding a pair of Thor's hammers in his hand. After the words fall, the whole person disappears in the same place.

"Not good."

At this moment, the two guards felt a fierce murderous spirit for the first time and came to their faces.

The next moment, Lin Ming appeared directly above their heads.

Subconsciously, when they looked up, the two guards' pupils couldn't help shrinking, and they were full of amazement and disbelief.

Indeed, as soon as Lin Ming came out, he seemed to use the Thor's hammer in his hand and hit them directly on the top of their heads.

Such a thing is just a fantasy.

The hammer of Thunder God was the weapon in their hands, and it was the ancient weapon that the Lord of the city gave them.

But what's the matter now? It doesn't matter that such a rare ancient artifact has fallen into Lin Ming's hands. Instead, Lin Ming wants to use it to kill them.

This kind of thing can happen. It feels like a dream to the two guards.

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