In this hammer of Thunder God, there are the breath and soul mark of these two guards. That is to say, unless he gets the permission of the soul of the instrument, Lin Ming should not be able to use such ancient Taoist instruments——

Thor's hammer.

But now the fact is that Lin Ming does have a thunderbolt hammer in his hand. With one hammer, he hits them on the top of their heads. His breath is strong and fierce.

At this moment, it even gave the two guards a sense of inexplicable fear. It seemed that the hammer of Thor could exert its power even more if it fell into the hands of Lin Ming.

"What the hell?"


"What the hell's going on here!"

As for all the strong people around, when they saw Lin Ming suddenly appear above the heads of the two guards with a thunderbolt hammer in his hand, and one hammer fell directly, they all immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Naturally, at the same time, everyone seems confused.

Of course, they are also very clear about one thing, that is, the hammer of Thor is the hammer of Thor of the two guards, and also the hammer of Thor of the city master of the divine realm.

In their opinion, Lin Ming is nothing but an outsider. How can he motivate the thunderbolt.

However, all of them saw such a scene at this moment, and felt extremely incredible. In the hands of Lin Ming, the light of Thor from the hammer of Thor was even stronger.

For a moment, the appearance of such a situation seemed to subconsciously give all the strong such an illusion, as if the hammer of Thor originally belonged to Lin Ming.

"Dead, dead."

"These two guards can't avoid this boy's hand like this."

"Indeed, who would have thought that even the Lord of the city of God had never thought that the hammer of Thor fell into the hands of an outsider and could be used..."

"And what's more terrible is that the power exerted in this way will be even stronger."

"Indeed, it's just too weird, too weird..."

Bang Bang

"Ah ah..."

As expected, the two guards couldn't dodge with the sound of two explosions. They were hit on the top of their heads by the thunderbolt in Lin Ming's hand.

Like subconscious, a scream came from the mouth of the two guards.

At this time, there were two bangs, too.

It was to see that the bodies of the two guards exploded directly and turned into two groups of extremely rich immortal atmosphere.

Lin Ming's eyes brightened slightly.

It's true that his body is strong enough now. He just needs to extract the purest ray of Thor's hammer and integrate it into his body.

According to magic boy, at that time, he has 100% ability to exert the power of the origin of the universe.

Then, it can be imagined that Lin Ming's own realm and strength will have to catch up.

So now this kind of extremely strong immortal atmosphere is exactly what he needs.

Immediately, the breathing method started to work, and then a very strong suction was released, and it enveloped the two groups of extremely strong immortal breath.

"Boy, why kill them all. Hum

But the next moment, a distant voice sounded quite vicissitudes, you can see that these two groups of such a strong immortal breath, suddenly disappeared out of thin air, suddenly, appeared in a distant place.

"You have defeated them. You are qualified to enter the city of God. Why take their lives again..."

At this time, a figure also appeared in the distance. For the first time, he looked at Lin Ming in the distance and said something.

"The God of void."

Seeing the appearance of such a figure, all the strong people look like they can't help themselves. They are very surprised on their faces and give a cry of surprise.

"Who are you?" At that moment, Lin Ming seemed to be on guard involuntarily.

It's true that there was no breath at the moment when such a figure appeared. This person was clearly in the sight, but it gave Lin Ming a feeling that the other person did not exist.

"The God of void." The other side's face is calm, slowly say one.

"Oh? "The God of the void?" Lin Ming's heart can't help but have a little surprise. What he heard before was all divine disciples. How can he suddenly come out with a divine envoy.

But then Lin Ming looks like he's sort of taken for granted.

It is true that he can naturally feel the breath of all the powerful people around him. Compared with him now, these breath can not be compared. If these are the saints in the city of the divine realm, they can never be his opponents.

At the moment, it seems that only the stronger can be his opponent.

"You have defeated two guards." The other side continued to speak, and could not hear the slightest emotional change in his voice

"This is unique in the city of God

What happened here at the moment is enough to enter the annals of history

You've been in the limelight

Soon, the strong in the whole city of God will know your name and begin to discuss you

For example, the origin of your identity, for example, the purpose of your appearance... "

When he said that, the voice of the void God stopped, and his eyes toward Lin Ming finally fluctuated, which clearly revealed the meaning of asking.

Lin Ming, on the other hand, is too lazy to answer. When the other person speaks, he has already exerted the power of his soul and instilled it into Thor's hammer.

At this time, nature is extracting the purest ray of Thor, and then integrating it into his own body.

Seeing that Lin Ming was silent, the void God finally moved his face slightly. Then a cold light flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and he said again:

"If you can't tell the origin of your identity and the purpose of your coming to the city of God, then it's obvious that you are deliberately looking for trouble

Well, you can't enter the city of God

I will never let you into the city of God

Now, give me the hammer of Thor in your hand, and then you leave by yourself

Otherwise... "

Teng of once, this at once this void God makes the whole person seem to have changed, the murderous spirit on the body is fierce and fierce, the murderous opportunity is complete now.

Naturally, it's obvious that if Lin Ming doesn't leave, he will take Lin Ming's life.

For a moment, Lin Ming still looks like he is blind, and his spirit is focused on the hammer of Thor.

Indeed, at this time, Lin Ming has successfully found a pure ray of Thor's light, as long as it is extracted, and then integrated into the body.

Although the sudden appearance of the empty God gave Lin Ming a sense of unfathomability, and with his physical strength, he must not be the opponent of the other side.

But once the light of Thor is fused into the body, not only the power of the gods can be exerted, but also the power of the origin of the universe.

Lin Ming is confident that at that time, let alone this empty God, even if there are more than ten or twenty, he will not be his opponent.

Therefore, at present, Lin Ming naturally has no time to deal with each other.

However, the appearance of completely ignoring the empty God envoys and falling into the eyes of all the powerful people around him naturally means that Lin Ming is extremely arrogant and arrogant.

All the people can't help humming one after another.

"Hum, this boy is too arrogant. Does he think that if he killed two guards, he would be invincible..."

"In fact, in the city of Shenyu, the strength of these two guards can be regarded as the bottom..."

"He didn't know the height of heaven and earth. He dared to ignore the existence of the empty God envoy. I'll see how he will die later..."

"It's true that the strength of the void God envoy is thousands of times higher than those of the two guards. As long as he takes the hand, the boy will die at the first time..."

At this time, all the murders had been completed, but Lin Ming still seemed to ignore his existence. It can be imagined that the void God finally got a little angry at this time.

"Since you want me to do it, that's the only way..."

The hand of the void god suddenly stretched out to the front, and then a shocking scene appeared.

Then he saw that the palm of the empty God's hand, as if it had gone into another space, disappeared.

The next moment, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed.

Indeed, out of thin air, a palm appeared in front of Lin Ming. As soon as it appeared, it was also very fast, so he took out his hand and grasped the thunderbolt in his hand.

As like as two peas, the similarity of the appearance of this scene should not be similar, but rather the same.

This kind of means is the means used by those who secretly attacked him before.

However, naturally, the other party should not be the one who attacked him. If the void God was the one, the magic boy would have told him for the first time.

At present, the means of the void God envoy is extremely abrupt and strange, and the speed has reached an unimaginable level.

Now, even if Lin Ming reached the Ninth level of the immortal realm with the power of his soul, there was no time to respond.

Then see the palm of the opponent is immediately directly grasped in his hands of Thor's hammer.

But this moment, let Lin Ming is also not from a somewhat unexpected picture appeared.

All of a sudden, with a crackling sound, a ray of Raytheon's light flashed from the hammer of Raytheon. It was powerful and attacked the palm of the empty God.

In an instant, the hand of the void God became blackened, as if it was going to be roasted directly. At the same time, a pungent smell had been floated out.

"What, this..."

In the distance, there was no accident. A cry of surprise came from the mouth of the void God envoy. He took back his palm in an instant.

At this time, naturally, he could see more clearly the situation of his palm, which was blackened, and his musculoskeletal was destroyed at that moment.

At present, the face of the void God became extremely gloomy.

His eyes became more deep. He looked at Lin Ming in the distance and opened his mouth word by word

"What did you do to Thor's hammer, you turned around and dealt with me..."

Lin Ming shrugged his shoulders. It seemed that he was still too lazy to talk to each other.

"Very good..." at this time, Lin Ming's eyes lit up.

Indeed, the purest ray of Thor's hammer seems to be easily extracted by him.

At the moment, a golden light twinkling with lightning appeared in the palm of Lin Ming's hand. In an instant, a strong breath came out of it.

"Sure enough, it's the purest ray of Thor. It's more powerful than a thousand times..."

Lin Ming's eyes became brighter for a while.

"What, this, this is the pure light of Thor!"

Seeing this kind of light in the palm of Lin Ming's hand, all the strong people around him looked like they were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe what they saw.

"He took out the purest ray of Thor. He, how did he do it..."

All the strong people look like stuttering, they feel extremely incredible.

Once the pure light of Thor is extracted from it, the hammer of Thor will be destroyed, and its power will be reduced by more than ten million times.

Of course, the crux of the problem is that even the Lord of the city of God can't do this. How can he do it.

Even the descendants of Pangu could not do it.

Even with the blood of gods, it can't be done.


In the heart of every strong man, there was a storm. Suddenly, a guess came out of his mind like a subconscious one


"This boy is a real God."

But just a moment later, everyone denied their guess.

Indeed, Lin Ming can't be a God.

If Lin Ming was really a God, there would be no need to fight with the two guards just now.

Of course, what's more important is that if Lin Ming is a real God, he can come and go freely for the city of the divine realm. As long as he doesn't show up on his own initiative, there will be no discovery from the beginning to the end.

"What are you doing?" At the same time, the void God appeared to be startled. He roared out and said:

"No matter what you want to do, now immediately put the pure light of Thor back into the hammer of Thor

Otherwise, you will bear the consequences that you can't bear at all


The words of the empty God's envoy just sounded like they had just finished. Instead, a subconscious exclamation came out of his mouth.

Indeed, at this moment, he clearly saw that Lin Ming suddenly hit himself with this pure ray of thunder.

Then immediately, a crackling sound came out, and he saw that the pure light of Thor enveloped Lin Ming's whole body.

"He's crazy..."

"He's out of his mind. Isn't he looking for death..."

At the same time, the appearance of such a scene naturally also makes all the strong people around just look like they are gaping. Naturally, they all immediately believe that Lin Ming is looking for his own death.

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