Of course, Lin Ming just ignored the reaction of all the people around him. He didn't seem to notice at all.

"Well? This... "

At this time, the pure light of Thor twined around Lin Ming. Even though Lin Ming's body was very strong, he still felt a strong sense of tearing, pain and heat.

It seems that Lin Ming's body will explode at any time in the shadow of thunder.

However, on the contrary, this does not just prove one thing, that is, the pure light of Thor has a very obvious effect on tempering his body at this time.

Lin Ming knew that once he absorbed the pure light of Thor, his physical body would become stronger.

Naturally, this is a good thing.

At the moment, he naturally has time to deal with the empty God, let alone other onlookers.

He knew that the strength of the void God envoy was strong. Just now, he just made a little move to test him.

What's more, it's the most important point. It's not his hand that makes the void God hurt and suffer in the instant, but because of Thor's hammer.

At this time, after Lin Ming urged the breathing method to the greatest extent, a very strong suction came out of his body, and immediately absorbed the pure light of Thor into his body and into his muscles.

However, it is obvious that Lin Ming also feels that the light of Thor can only be integrated into the muscles, and can not get close to the bones, let alone the bone marrow or even other more subtle parts.

"It seems that, as the magic boy said, even if the light of Thor is integrated into the body, it can only exert one tenth of the power of the origin of the universe..."

In Lin Ming's heart, he said, naturally, there was a strong expectation at the same time

"Once the physical body is tempered to a more powerful level, then, at that time, nature will be able to exert a more powerful force of the origin of the universe..."

Naturally, Lin Ming knew immediately that his physical training was just the beginning.

"Void envoy, this boy is tempering his body. He just used the light of Thor, and now he is obviously using the pure light of Thor to temper his body..."

At this time, the two groups of extremely strong immortal breath condensed into two figures, restored the human form, and were the two guards before.

As soon as they saw what happened to Lin Ming in the distance, the two guards couldn't help but scream out.

"No matter what the origin of this boy is, he is sure that he will not be allowed to enter the city of the divine realm..."

"The boy's means are strange, fierce and powerful. No wonder the city leader ordered him to kill the disciples of the clan descended from Pangu several billion years ago."

"The void God envoy, we can't just watch this boy use the pure light of Thor to temper his body. Once he is successful, his strength will go further. I'm afraid that even if we three join hands, we won't be his opponent at that time..."

It seems that the void God envoy has been murderous for a long time. When the palm of his hand was hurt by the hammer of Thor just now, he wanted to swallow Lin Ming alive immediately.

At this time, the two guards recovered. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here. Naturally, we can't let this boy enter the city rashly. Since the city master said to shoot and kill the disciples of Pangu's descendants, it's natural for the city master's reason. Let's just do it

Do it

Finally, a big drink came out of the mouth of the empty God.

Teng once, very tacit understanding, then see this void God envoy, two guards, three of them directly rising from a strong air momentum, as well as the murderous air out.

In particular, the breath, momentum and murderous spirit of the void God swept away to the distant Lin Ming like a tsunami.

Naturally, not to mention that the two guards are all desperate. They really hate Lin Ming.

Just now they were defeated in the hands of Lin Ming. They have lost their face. They are no longer competent for the post of guard of the city of Shenyu.

Of course, in addition to killing Lin Ming, no matter what they do, they can't get back their lost face.

"The void God made him angry and gave him a hand."

At this time, seeing the empty God's full hand, a burst of exclamation came out from all the strong people near and far at the same time.

"This time, if he's not dead, I'll cut off my head and use it as a bench for him."

"The void God envoy not only did his best, but also the two guards who had just recovered. Naturally, the boy can't survive..."

At present, all the strong people unanimously believe that Lin Ming is doomed to die, which is no accident.

At this moment, Lin Ming could feel the attack of the other three for the first time. His breath was strong, his momentum was unmatched, and his murderous spirit was overwhelming.

In particular, the murderous air from the void God directly smashed the space within a few hundred meters around him. With a loud roar, we could see that the black space storm had swept directly towards him.

"The strength of the void God envoy is really strong..." Lin Ming's face seems to have changed subconsciously at this moment

"Compared with the two guards, the strength of the empty God envoy is at least thousands of times stronger..."

Of course, Lin Ming's face just changed. The next moment, a ray of thunder seemed to take the initiative to protect Lin Ming. It rose and covered the area of 100 meters.


Just at the moment when Raytheon's light just shrouded in such a range, the attack of the void God envoy came near. Suddenly, there was a violent collision and explosion with Raytheon's light.

For a time, the sun and the moon were out of light, the sky was falling apart, and all kinds of storms and air currents were sweeping, roaring and raging in all directions.

Of course, the city of the divine realm is obviously very protective.

Even when it is close to 100 meters away from the city of Shenyu, it looks like an egg hitting a stone. It is vulnerable, extremely fragile and shattered.

Of course, this kind of breath is raging in other directions. I don't know how far away it is to attack.

Lin Ming is too lazy to pay attention to these situations.

At this time, his face did look a little ugly.

Indeed, under the attack of the void envoy, the light of Thor is greatly consumed.

Originally, the purest light of Thor's hammer has been extracted by him, and its power has been reduced more than ten thousand times.

Therefore, it seems to be natural at the moment. After such a wave of Raytheon's light was sent out, the breath of the whole Raytheon's hammer suddenly disappeared, and it really looked like it had become a scrap metal.

But at this time, Lin Ming didn't look nervous at all.

Just because of the block of this wave of attacks by Thor's hammer, the pure Thor's light has been completely integrated into Lin Ming's muscles.

In an instant, Lin Ming seems to be able to feel the explosive power of every muscle in his body.

"Boy, I see how you can resist this." the light of Thor became dim in a moment. Naturally, the attack of two guards came one after another.

Naturally, in the eyes of the void emissary and the two guards, Lin Ming could not resist any more. He must be either dead or wounded by this attack.

At that moment, they really clearly saw that Lin Ming didn't move. It seemed that he gave up the resistance and let the attack fall on himself.

The next moment, this kind of attack is really a solid attack on Lin Ming.

How fierce the attack was. The two guards hated Lin Ming so much that they fought for their lives and gave full play to all their breath.

And this kind of breath attacked toward Lin Ming in the past, the two guards' faces looked really withered for a moment.

Originally, they almost died in the hands of Lin Ming just now. They have just recovered, and their strength is less than 1% of that before.

It's conceivable that even a humble disciple of the celestial palace of the immortal empire could take their lives in an instant.

Of course, they are aware of this, but they don't seem to be nervous at all.

As long as you can kill Lin Ming, and as long as Lin Ming dies, who dares to attack them.


"No way!"

But the next moment, the faces of the two guards suddenly changed subconsciously. They were very pale and showed a strong color of disbelief.


As for the face of the empty God, it was also difficult to see the extreme.

"How could such a thing happen..."

"The powerful attack of the two guards fell on the boy. How could it be like a breeze..."

"The strength of this boy is too strong..."

At the same time, all the strong people near and far around also let out a burst of exclamation subconsciously.

It's true that all of them saw a scene very clearly that made all of them extremely incredible.

Lin Ming didn't move. He let the attack of the two guards fall on him. His body didn't move and his steps didn't move.

Even the corner of his clothes didn't move under the fierce attack of the two guards.

"Did he succeed?"

Then, the two guards showed a sudden appearance. Naturally, they thought that the pure Thor's hammer was entangled in Lin Ming's body, which really made Lin Ming stronger.

Apart from this, they can't think of any other reason at this time to explain why their attack fell on Lin Ming like a breeze.

"Just now, if it were not for the appearance of the so-called void God envoy, you two would have died directly in my hands..."

At this time, a strong cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes and slowly swept away to the two guards in the distance.

"You, you, what do you want to do..."

This kind of eyes, like subconscious let the two guards' voice tremble, tremble badly.

At the same time, the pace of continuous retreat, when it seems to retreat to the side of the void God, the faces of the two guards, it became calm.

A cold hum came out of their mouths immediately

"Boy, don't forget where this place is. It's already within the scope of the city of divine realm. You can't kill us for the first time. Even if you are given a second or even a third chance, you can't kill us completely..."

"All the movement here must have already alarmed the strong people in the city, even the Lord of the city of the divine realm."

"Boy, if you leave by yourself now, you still have time, otherwise, you have only one dead end to go..."

"Leave me alone?" Lin Ming's face looked like a little more sneer, "if you can't get rid of me, let me leave by myself? There is no such good thing in the world

If you can't kill me, it's my turn to kill you

Even the so-called void God can't stop me... "



The words came from Lin Ming's mouth, which made the two guards look furious and frightened.

As if out of subconsciousness, they felt that Lin Ming had the ability to do it. Even if the empty God was present, they could not stop Lin Ming and save them.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ming's voice fell, it seemed like a burst of exclamation from their mouths.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming disappeared, and the hammer of Thor in his hand also disappeared. Obviously, Lin Ming should have put it away.

It's obvious that Lin Ming wants to take their lives with his bare hands.

And with the disappearance of Lin Ming, they really felt a strong murderous spirit for the first time, which made them feel like they were out of subconsciousness.

"Don't worry." At this time, the empty God looked confident and said firmly:

"With me, this kid can't kill you..."

"Is it?" At this time, Lin Ming's voice rang out and appeared on the side of the two guards. A pair of fists hit the two guards on the head.

Indeed, just a moment ago, after the pure light of Thor melted into every muscle in Lin Ming's body, the palm that had been cut off by the attacker finally grew.

With a light grip, there is no difference between this palm and the previous one. Of course, in terms of strength, because it has been tempered, it is not the same as before.

"Of course, if I say you can't kill them, you can't kill them..."

At this time, the voice of the empty God also sounded.

Then, with a clang sound, you can see a flash of cold light.

In an instant, an extremely sharp green sword suddenly appeared in the palm of the empty God.

Facing a pair of fists that Lin Ming hit the two guards, he followed them closely, wheezing twice. Then he saw the tip of the green sword in the hands of the void God, shaking twice in an instant.

Two sword lights pierced the space directly and went to Lin Ming's fists.

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