Seeing the hand of the empty God at this moment, subconsciously, the two guards showed a look of long relief.

Indeed, in their view, if all the empty God's envoys have taken action, then their lives will naturally be preserved and can be preserved.

But the next moment, they all show a pair of silly eyes.

No hiding.

Lin Ming did not hide.

Lin Ming seems to be blind to the two sword lights that can pierce the space.

With two bangs, let these two swords attack directly on his fists.

Of course, if these two swords can hurt Lin Ming, they will not look like they are stupid immediately. They will not know how happy and excited they are.

But at the moment when these two swords hit Lin Ming's fists, it looked like two small drops of water dripping on a huge stone, which did not affect Lin Ming's fists at all.

Just like, Lin Ming's fists are hard to the limit, and can resist all kinds of fierce attacks.

"What, this..."

Naturally, a cry of surprise immediately came out of the mouth of the empty God.

So what will happen next is entirely conceivable.

Bang Bang two rings, a pair of fists of Lin Ming didn't get the slightest obstruction, a fist directly hit the two guards on the head.

"Ah, ah!" Two screams came out of the mouths of the two guards,

Bang bang, the bodies of the two guards exploded directly, and turned into two groups of extremely rich immortal atmosphere.

"You are so bold that you dare to do so to the guard of the city of God."

"You wait and see, all the strong in the city of God will not let you go, and the Lord of God will not let you go..."

At the same time, a voice full of surging anger came out from these two groups of extremely rich immortal breath.

Lin Ming, on the other hand, was psychologically prepared. This time he said to kill the two guards, he killed them directly.

Whew, at the moment when the empty God was also stunned, Lin Ming urged the breathing method.

A strong suction came out.

Almost in a hurry, he absorbed these two groups of rich immortal breath into his body.

The strength of these two guards is naturally strong, such as the seven levels of xianzun realm.

We can imagine how strong these two groups of immortal Qi are.



Stupefied and silly, Lin Ming sucked away the two groups of extremely rich immortal breath. There was nothing left, and they were completely sucked away.


All the strong people around who witnessed this scene were stunned.

Everyone showed a look of gaping, the mouth is wide open, can be stuffed into a goose egg.


"He, what did he do, what?"

"What is he doing?"

After a short time of three or four seconds, a few strong men immediately looked like they were passing by. They could not help but look puzzled and shocked.

"Is he looking for death? How dare you devour the immortal spirit of the seven powerful people in the two immortal realms? "

"The next second, his whole body will definitely be burst open?"

Of course, in one second, all of them get the answer.

Naturally, Lin Ming's body can't explode.

Let's not say that Lin Ming's body is very strong now. Even if he exists in the form of seven immortal souls, his body can't burst open.

At this time, it seems that all the immortal breath of a strong man with seven levels of strength in such a two immortal realm is just enough for Lin Ming to digest.

Let Lin Ming's realm strength be upgraded from the first level to the second level.

Of course, Lin Ming's promotion is not comparable to that of other strong people. He has seven immortal souls in his body.

At present, from the perspective of realm strength, even if there are hundreds of people with the same realm strength, they will not be his opponents.

"What, he swallowed the immortal breath of the two guards, and he wanted to improve his own realm strength..."

Of course, at this moment, everyone can clearly see the change of Lin Ming's breath. It's really a direct promotion from the first level of immortal realm to the second level of immortal realm.

At first, they were a little surprised why Lin Ming did this. It was no doubt that he was looking for death. Now, naturally, they all understand.

However, just because they understood this, all of them looked a bit frightened and looked at Lin Ming in the distance.

"What kind of existence are you?"

At this time, in the heart of the void God envoy, he had already turned over the river and set off a storm.

He knew the power of the two swords under his hand.

The space has been pierced, but it can't hurt Lin Ming's fists.

In his view, we can imagine how strong Lin Ming's body has been after being tempered by the light of Thor.

In the eyes of the void envoy, he could hardly imagine.

And Lin Ming swallowed the immortal breath of the two guards, so that the strength of the realm has been improved, which makes him more like subconsciously showing a pair of extreme vigilance.

At the same time, there was a burst of anger in his heart. He thought that just now he really said that with him, he would surely save the lives of the two guards.

But who would have thought that the slap came so quickly.

It seems that under his eyes, the lives of the two guards were taken away by Lin Ming.

What's worse is that there is not even a trace of immortal spirit left. Lin Ming's state strength is directly promoted from the first level to the second level.

It's not without the means to absorb each other's breath, so as to enhance their own realm strength. Most of them are from the hands of the powerful spirits, and also from some very fierce ancient beasts.

The void made it clear.

But at the moment, he doesn't think Lin Ming will be one of the two.

Because Lin Ming is a descendant of Pangu's family, and has a spiritual blood,

As far as he knows, the descendants of Pangu's clan disciples, gods and blood, do not use such means.

Therefore, this moment, in the eyes of the void God envoy, seemed to be filled with infinite secrets like Lin Ming's body, which could not be traced at all.

"I said to take the lives of these two guards, so I took them." At this time, Lin Ming seems to be quite direct

"I'm going to enter the city of the divine realm now. If you want to stop me, just come and see if I can take your life

Of course, I didn't come to the city to look for trouble on purpose, just to find out the person who attacked me secretly before

This man took a very important weapon from me

I have to take back

Of course, I'm going to decide this man's life

Therefore, I will not deliberately provoke others who have nothing to do with me... "

While he was talking, Lin Ming did see that the God of void was listening carefully, and there was no change.

So as soon as he finished, Lin Ming moved to the gate of the city.

"Wait a minute, what you said is true..." the empty god suddenly said, and at the same time, his murderous spirit was less.

Lin Ming's body stopped and his eyes turned to the empty God.

"You're just looking for the man who attacked you, not on purpose?" Seeing Lin Ming, he stopped and asked.

"Why, do I need your permission to enter the city now?"

For a moment, he couldn't figure out the meaning of the empty God. Lin Ming still sneered and snorted.

"If what you say is true, you tell me who that person is, I can go to find out the other person, bring him to you, and then let you handle him."

The void God slowly opened his mouth to say such a sentence.

"Don't bother." Lin Ming seems to be direct too. He says, "I've locked that man's position. He can't escape in the city of God."

This words for a time let this void God make the heart involuntarily secretly surprised.

He knows how big the city of Shenyu is, and it can be said that it is boundless.

He didn't expect that Lin Ming had locked the other party's position.

However, the void God envoy also said: "it seems that you are indeed the first time to come to the city of God. You don't know many of the rules. One of them is that fighting is forbidden in the city..."

"Looking for death," Lin Ming's face suddenly looked cold, "you are procrastinating..."

Indeed, at this time, Lin Ming suddenly felt that there were several strong breath coming from the city of the divine realm. It seemed that such a strong breath was still far away, but it had locked Lin Ming in.

The surrounding space has also been blocked. For a moment, Lin Ming seems to be unable to move.

"Ha ha..." sure enough, for the first time, a sneer full of killing intention came out of the mouth of the empty God envoy, saying:

"He is a naive and ridiculous boy

You killed the two guards of the city of Shenyu. Why, do you really think that I will go to the man who attacked you and let you deal with it? Then who am I

There is no doubt that the man can attack successfully and take your weapon from you. The strength of the realm will not be lower than me

How can I do such a stupid thing

Now, do you feel that you have been locked by some powerful breath? I can tell you that the person who locks your body is the divine guard in the city of the divine realm... "

When the three words "Shenwei army" were uttered from the mouth of the empty God envoy, it seemed subconscious, and there was a hint of fear in the eyes of the empty God envoy.

It seems that the existence of Shenwei army has great power in the city of Shenyu, and it also has terrible strength.

Sure enough, at this time, the empty God also opened his mouth:

"Of course, as a new comer like you, you will never know what kind of Shenwei army exists

The city of the divine realm can stand for billions of years in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, and can compete with all kinds of powerful demons and demon kings in the ten thousand devil mountain

It is precisely because there is such a powerful divine guard army in the city of the divine realm

The gate guards of the city of Shenyu are like babies and adults compared with every strong one in the Shenwei army

The so-called gate guard is just a weak person who wants to join the guard and is eliminated... "

"Oh? Is the gate guard of the city of divine realm just a weak one who has been eliminated For this, Lin Ming did not expect that his face became ugly.

Naturally, he witnessed the strength of the two guards before. If he hadn't tempered his body with the help of each other's Raytheon light, it would not be certain who would win or lose.

And obviously, in Lin Ming's opinion, the reason why he can solve each other is also related to a very strange thing.

That is, I don't know what happened. After the hammer of Thor fell into his hands, he didn't have the slightest intention of hostility and resistance, and even let him extract the pure light of Thor very smoothly.

Of course, at present, there is no reasonable explanation for Lin Ming, so he will ignore it for the time being.

"Hum..." a cold hum came out of Lin Ming's mouth, and Lin Ming's body was slightly shocked.

Then a powerful physical force burst out, with a click, and the inexplicable strong breath that locked his body was shattered.

Lin Ming's body is free again.

"You..." immediately, the face of the void God appeared to be subconsciously frightened.

Indeed, for the first time, he felt Lin Ming's look, and a determined intention to kill appeared.

"Originally, I didn't want to take your life..." at this time, Lin Ming looked very murderous and said coldly, "I just want to go into the city, find the man who attacked me, take back my weapon, and let the man pay the price

But unfortunately, it seems that you want to die, too... "


Soon, the void God made him calm down: "ha ha, can you take my life with the power of your body? It's arrogant

The phantom of the void

All of a sudden, a low cry came from the mouth of the empty God.

Then, whew, whew, countless figures appeared out of thin air.

Each figure is as like as two peas. There is no difference between every figure, even the breath that comes out of it.

"It's a magic trick." For the first time, Lin Ming was a bit of a jerk.

Lin Ming subconsciously glanced at it, but he couldn't find out which of them was the noumenon of the empty God.

"Magic?" Then, a smile of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth: "who can't do one or two magic tricks yet?"

The eye of reincarnation

Now Lin Ming shows such a magic move.

At this time, a whole voice rang out, saying the same sentence: "I can naturally see that you have some skills, and I didn't intend to beat you

You're right. I'm procrastinating. Now I'm procrastinating too

Before you find out who I am, the guard will appear

I'm a little confident about this... "

In the middle of Lin Ming's forehead, suddenly, an eye had opened.

Maybe it's because the physical body has become more powerful. At this time, the eye of reincarnation of such a move is displayed. After the eyes on the forehead are opened, the lavender light shining at this moment is also more powerful.


A lavender light, showing fan-shaped general irradiation out.

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