BAM BAM BAM, whenever a figure is illuminated by such a light, it will explode immediately and disappear out of thin air. In this moment, almost half of the figure will be extinguished by the reincarnation light of Lin Ming.

But the next moment, did not wait for all the figures, all were eliminated, in the original place, is directly out of countless figures.

The void God made me look elated and said: "boy, no matter how many parts you kill me, the next moment, my parts will reappear. You can't find my body..."

"Ha ha..." seeing the appearance of such a scene, all the strong people around could not help laughing.

When they looked at Lin Ming, they immediately got up as if they saw a dead man and said one after another.

"The boy thought that the void emissary was two guards. The strength of the void emissary was more than a thousand times stronger than that of the two guards..."

"It's not true, that is to say, the boy used the insidious and despicable means to temper his body with the light of Thor. If at the beginning, the empty God envoy appeared, the boy would have died long ago..."

"It's no accident that the empty God's emissary can drag his hand to the divine guard's coming..."

"Indeed, everyone is waiting to see, no matter what, the boy's final end, also can only have one, that naturally is dead."

"Needless to say, this boy came to the city of Shenyu to kill two guards on purpose. How can he be arrogant again? How can he live..."

Naturally, at this moment, all the strong people around him agreed that Lin Ming would die.

At the same time, many strong people began to move some other ideas in their hearts, which also killed Lin Ming.

"Hum, this boy is so arrogant and bold that he killed two guards openly outside the city of the divine realm. Now that we have witnessed such a thing, how can we stand on the sidelines any longer..."

"Yes, we are all part of the city of the divine realm. Now there are foreigners who have killed in front of the city gate. If we look on, it's not unreasonable..."

"It's easy to do. After a while, we'll take the opportunity to attack this boy. Let him see that none of the strong men in the city of God domain are easy to provoke..."

Naturally, many strong people immediately agreed and decided to find an opportunity to fight against Lin Ming.

Naturally, these strong people have a very tacit understanding, and at the same time, they have a very strong murderous spirit.

At this time, Lin Ming, after seeing the appearance of a larger number of void envoys, just gave out a cold hum, as if ignoring all the existence around him, and said to the void envoys:

"It's just an empty illusion. I can't find you? It's impossible... "

Whew, the voice fell, and the light from Lin Ming's eyes of reincarnation became more intense.

"Ha ha, the eye of reincarnation?" Seeing this, the first time from the mouth of the void God, it was just a cold laugh of disdain.

Sure enough, the next moment, with the sound of a burst of wheezing, an amazing scene appeared. Suddenly, another figure appeared in the sky and underground.

This kind of figure is so dense that it is difficult to calculate its specific number when it is swept away.

You know, with the strength of Lin Ming's soul, it's no exaggeration to say that no matter how large the number of existence is, at a glance, the number can be seen with great accuracy.

But now, the figure suddenly appeared, so huge that it is difficult to calculate. We can imagine how large the number is.

"What, this..."

And sure enough, a burst of startled voice, also seems to be involuntarily from the mouth of each strong.

"As expected, he is worthy of being the divine envoy of the void. He even practiced such a magical skill as the phantom of the void to such an extent..."

"Don't say it's this boy. I'm afraid even if it's the Shenwei army or even the city master, it's impossible to find out the essence of the empty God envoy for a moment..."

"Can any of you see in which direction the original experience of the empty God is hidden?"

At present, all the strong people seem to shake their heads one after another immediately, showing a look of admiration and admiration.

Indeed, if they can also cultivate a move of illusions of the void to such a degree, then their status in the city of the divine realm will naturally be as high as that of the illusions of the void, rather than just being an apprentice.

You know, compared with the deities and disciples, although the difference is only one level, but in terms of treatment, there is a difference of more than 100 levels.

"What, this..."

However, at this moment, the empty God, who was full of self-confidence, suddenly changed his face and showed a somewhat dull appearance.

"Is this the three heads and six arms of the heavenly palace?"

It seems that the empty God also seems to frown subconsciously, and his eyes show a look of uncertainty.

Indeed, in the face of the huge number of void agents, Lin Ming showed his three heads and six arms.

Sure enough, at this moment, Lin Ming could not help feeling a surprise. Indeed, there was a reincarnation eye on the forehead of the three heads, and the light was even more dazzling.

"It's just a move of illusion. Let's see how I can break your move. Hum..."

Immediately, Lin Ming had a plan in his heart, and a cold hum came out of his mouth.

Whew, whew, the three eyes of samsara suddenly radiate three beams of lavender light, and then spread out and covered in an instant.

"What, this..."

"How could this happen?"

Stunned, and with the help of Lin Ming, all the strong people around showed a completely stunned appearance.

It's true that with Lin Ming's application of the eye of reincarnation, it seems that the whole space of Nuo is under the light of reincarnation, and it seems that he doesn't know how far away it is.

Naturally, even if the number is so large that it can't be calculated that the part of the void God envoy, all of a sudden, they are all in the scope of reincarnation light.

What kind of result will appear at a time, naturally, it can be imagined that a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Indeed, in this instant, the avatar of the void God seemed to explode.

When there are more separations to emerge out of thin air again, they are also in the shadow of reincarnation. Naturally, we can imagine what will happen, which will explode and dissipate in the first time.

Panic, at this moment, in the face of such a scene, the void God seems to be in a panic.

He knows clearly that a move of reincarnation eye is not an ordinary divine skill. If you want to use it, you don't know how much immortal breath it will consume.

Of course, if it's a real God, it's very different.

But he also knows that if he wants to use the power of reincarnation eye like Lin Ming to such a shocking degree, even the real gods can not do it.

"Is this boy a real God?"

At this moment, in addition to this conjecture, for a moment, the void God envoy could not think of any other reason.

It can be imagined that even he is just a God. If Lin Ming is really a God, how can he not be flustered.

And under the omni-directional cover of the eye of reincarnation, he can no longer show the empty phantom. Now he wants to show it, but he is powerless.

Because the immortal breath in his body has consumed at least 80% at this time.

"The guard!"

At this time, the void God seemed to realize that he would be exposed directly in the next moment, just like subconsciously, three words came out of his mouth.

These three words, for a time, are also powerful and earthshaking, like echoes, like sounding directly at the end of the sky, naturally, there is no doubt that they are directly introduced into the city of the divine realm.

When he heard the voice of the empty God, all the strong people around seemed to be greatly frightened.

They are very clear about what it means when the void God makes a sudden sound at this moment.

This means that the void God will be defeated, and it will also be defeated in the hands of this boy.

"What to do?"

"This boy's strength is so terrible..."

"It's true that how long has passed, and within a minute, the void envoy is about to lose. He directly asks for help from the Shenwei Army..."

"Let's take the opportunity to do it..."

All of a sudden, many of the strong people seem to have a flash of cold light in their eyes.

At this moment, each of them seemed to have a tacit understanding.

There are tens of thousands of such strong people.

This kind of breath, momentum and murderous atmosphere is not surprising.

Such a strong person, the lowest realm strength is one level of xianzun realm, and the highest is five levels of xianzun realm.

If such a force is taken out, it will shake the earth.

Indeed, in the eyes of such a group of strong people, it is absolutely possible that they can kill Lin Ming together.

Also in their view, even if it's not good, it can hurt Lin Ming seriously.

This should be a no accident.


At this time, naturally, Lin Ming felt a strong murderous force coming from all over the world for the first time.

He has already killed 99% of the avatar, and now he has found the avatar of the avatar.

Of course, at the same time, Lin Ming could also hear the three words "Shenwei army" which came from the mouth of the empty God envoy, but he didn't care.

At this time, he naturally is about to direct his hand.

It was at this moment that he felt that the strong man who had been watching all along suddenly made a move.

At this moment, Lin Ming naturally felt the number of such strong people, as many as tens of thousands of people, and the strength of the realm was at least one level of the immortal realm.

Of course, if you change to do before, even if he will temper the body to a very strong degree, it is difficult not to be injured at this time.

But at this time, with three heads and six arms, every head can show the eye of reincarnation. Lin Ming feels inexplicably that his realm strength has been unprecedented powerful.

"Sneak attack?" For a moment, in the face of many powerful people, a cold hum came from Lin Ming's mouth.

At the same time, a burst of colorful light flashed on Lin Ming's body.

Whew, immediately, Lin Ming's body movement, not only did not flinch, but took the initiative to become a remnant, like a tiger into a sheep's attack to many strong people.

"Ha ha, the boy was killed at the first time."

"No, we have tens of thousands of strong men, not to mention this boy. Even the real gods will suffer losses in our hands..."

"Hand in hand, everyone will do their best together. Just the breath is enough to crush the boy into pieces..."

"Suffer death."

At this moment, there was an almost unanimous shout.

After that, boom, a burst of earth shattering sound is also followed by ring up, you can see that the tens of thousands of strong, as expected, are all shot at the same time.

Sure enough, it seems that every strong man directly displays his strongest strength.

For a moment, I saw such a surging and fierce air of immortality, which exploded like the explosion of a star. It was like a torrential wave, surging towards Lin Ming in the distance.

In that moment, nature completely submerged Lin Ming's whole body.

"Turn into dregs."

At this moment to see such a scene, every strong person is very confident that this.

"Be careful." But all of a sudden, a big drink and a warning sound came out, which came from the mouth of the empty God in the distance.

Indeed, compared with tens of thousands of strong men, his strength is much stronger.

Although he did see that Lin Ming was inundated by the surging momentum, he also clearly felt that the breath of Lin Ming, who was in the middle, not only did not weaken at all, but also became more powerful.

"Be careful?" Such a reminder comes from the mouth of the void God envoy, which seems to be subconscious, and makes all the strong people feel stunned. It's a bit unclear.

Naturally, in their view, Lin Ming has directly turned into dregs at that moment. What else should they be careful about.

But the next moment, all of them will know the answer.

Indeed whew for a while, suddenly, a figure with three heads and six arms, like wind power, rushed out from that momentum.

Powerful, three eyes on three heads, all flashing cold light.

What's more, the most important thing is that at this time, Lin Ming's three heads and six arms have become extremely tall, at least several meters.

In addition, there was a flash of colorful light on his body, that is, the divine light of origin. It can be seen that Lin Ming's breath and momentum, as well as the momentum, would be frightening.

Boom a loud bang, it is immediately sounded, you can see a wave like a tsunami general murderous gas, the same crush like the collision away.

"What, this..."

"The momentum of this boy is so terrible..."

"Stay away from..."


Of course, the state strength of these strong people is naturally not low, and the reaction is also very fast.

One by one, their faces were all shocked and discolored, whew, whew, and turned into light, which was almost away in an instant.

However, it's too fierce to kill people with such momentum. Although many strong people fled in time, there are still some relatively weak strong people affected by such momentum.

"Bang Bang..."

For a moment, after a scream came out of his mouth, the body of every strong man exploded directly and turned into an extremely strong immortal atmosphere.

Then there was no end. I saw the strong immortal air, which was directly scattered under the sudden impact of the fierce air.

Lin Ming didn't even have time to absorb it, but it was gone.

At this moment, it looks like these strong men have never appeared.



Stupefied, stunned, when the rest of the strong fled far away, a look, tens of thousands of strong just in Lin Ming's body under the momentum of the murderous collision, directly destroyed half.

The appearance of such a scene is simply unprecedented.

Even the most powerful demon king in the ten thousand devil mountain can't do the terrible power under such a hand.

But now, Lin Ming has done it after he has put out his three heads and six arms.

Lin Ming didn't think of this for a while.

But the next moment, of course, he also suddenly.

Originally, the three head and six arm skill of Tiangong was very powerful. Even before he used it, he directly crushed many powerful people in Tiangong.

Now, his physical body has become extremely strong, displaying not only the divine light of origin, but also the eye of reincarnation.

For a moment, his breath was so powerful and powerful that it was normal.

"None of those who took part in the attack will stay..."

For a moment, Lin Ming's murderous spirit seemed to boil up. The three pairs of eyes on his three heads shot out cold light.

In particular, the light of reincarnation emitted by the eye of reincarnation is directly crushed everywhere it goes.

In an instant, we can imagine what kind of end these strong men who participated in the attack on the city of his divine realm will have.

This time, they died more simply. They didn't even have time to utter a scream. Their bodies turned directly into dregs. Even the strong immortal breath disappeared under the light of reincarnation.


At this time, there are only less than 100 strong ones left. Of course, they are the most powerful among the many gods and disciples in the city of divine realm.

At the moment, everyone was in a daze.

One by one, his eyes were wide open, almost protruding.

Brush, at the same time, each strong forehead cold sweat like rain, the face looks even more pale to the extreme, it seems that there is no blood.

A heart is no accident also set off a storm.

"Dead, tens of thousands of strong people, it seems that they all died in less than three seconds..."

"Dead, almost completely annihilated, this, this boy..."

"It's terrible. The strength of this boy is so strong. We are all going to die. It seems that we are all going to die..."

The rest of the less than 100 deities in the city of the divine realm all seemed to have lost their souls. Subconsciously, they murmured to themselves.

"Ah ah..."

"I can't stand it. I'm going to die with this boy..."

There were less than 100 strong men left. For a moment, when they felt Lin Ming's strong intention to kill, they seemed to break down and roared.

Whew, for a moment, they seem to rush to Lin Ming in the distance like moths flapping at the fire, intending to die with him.

Of course, at this moment, they directly released their immortal spirits, and directly burned their immortal spirits.

At this moment, it looks like less than a hundred light balls, with irresistible momentum, impact to the distant Lin Ming.

"Looking for death, ha ha..."

Seeing this, Lin Ming gave a cold smile. At the same time, he couldn't help but move.

Indeed, after absorbing the spirit of the two guards, the effect was very obvious, and the realm strength was immediately upgraded from the first level to the second level.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, his promotion speed is a bit slow.

You know, the strength of the two guards is the level of the seven levels of the immortal realm. You can imagine how strong the immortal atmosphere is.

But then again, it's all because Lin Ming has seven immortals.

Therefore, in Lin Ming's opinion, if he wants to upgrade his realm strength to the Ninth level of immortal Zun realm, he will still have some difficulty. I'm afraid he still needs a lot of immortal spirit.

Therefore, in the face of the other party's desperate attempt to burn the immortal soul, Lin Ming was not nervous and worried at all. On the contrary, his heart was filled with ecstasy.

He really clearly felt that the spirit of these 87 strong men was more than 1000 times stronger than that of the two guards before.

Of course, it's amazing.

At the moment, Lin Ming's face was full of joy, and he could not help laughing

"Ha ha, good job. Let me absorb it..."

Immediately, Lin Ming tried his best to push the breathing method.

At the same time, three heads and six arms soared again, reaching a height of more than 100 meters.

For a moment, these 87 fireballs looked like fireflies. Under a strong suction, a sound of wheezing came out and flew to the mouths of Lin Ming's three heads.

In less than three seconds, these 87 strong men, with extremely strong and powerful immortal breath, were directly absorbed by Lin Ming and fell into his belly.

In Lin Ming's opinion, after absorbing the spirit of immortality, he can at least upgrade from the second level to the fifth level.

However, it's a little pity that it's just soaring to the fourth level of xianzun realm.

Naturally, that is to say, at this moment, Lin Ming's realm strength was upgraded from the second level to the fourth level.

"What, this, this, this is the strength of the four levels of the xianzun realm?"

As for the words of the distant void God, he witnessed all this happening and saw it very clearly.

At this time, he suddenly showed a shock to the extreme degree, murmuring to himself, looking like a lost soul.

"You, what are you, what are you..."

Indeed, such scenes seem to overturn his three outlooks.

After searching for hundreds of millions of years of memory in his mind, he didn't find any information about all this.

"God, I, what did I see..."

"Tens of thousands of strong people in the city of God domain were killed by this boy, and there was no residue left..."

"What's more terrifying and frightening is that the boy swallowed up 87 strong men, burned the spirit of the immortal spirit, and promoted the strength of the realm from the second level of the immortal realm to the fourth level of the immortal realm..."

"Fortunately, we didn't take part in the attack rashly."

"It's not, otherwise, we are dead now, and there is no residue left..."

At the same time, all the other strong people in the distance naturally looked terrified. They also felt very lucky. They all looked as if they had picked up a small life from Lin Ming's hands.

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