"So..." at this time, the lavender man's eyes finally moved away from the broken knife and a chain. He looked at the two old men and showed a strange look on his face

"So even as two weapon masters, they can't recognize the origin of these two weapons..."

"Cough..." the two elders looked a little embarrassed and guilty immediately. They coughed several times to hide the past.

"But..." with a straight face, the two elders said: "but there is one person who should be able to recognize the origin of such weapons, that is, the Lord of the city..."

"Indeed, the Lord of the city should be able to recognize the origin of such weapons, but unfortunately, the Lord of the city has already gone to Wanmo mountain

I have been comprehending the wordless heavenly book for thousands of years... "

"That's right..." the three elder's eyes suddenly brightened. He seemed to have noticed something and said:

"The boy must know the origin of these two weapons. Xu Lingshen, go and catch the boy. If you ask him, it will be clear

You can't ask us what we want to know from the hands of just a little boy... "

"Don't hide it from you two..." at this moment, I clearly saw that a dignified color appeared on the face of the virtual spirit, and then slowly said:

"I'm afraid that boy's identity is not simple. At that time, I happened to pass by and saw a strong man fighting with a dozen demons

It seems that the other side is indeed a rough boy, but the means are fierce and decisive, and the strength is strong. It turns out that in less than a few minutes, he killed all the more than a dozen demons

And a broken knife in his hand was even more powerful

Although the chain was crushed in the hands of the other demon and turned into iron powder, no matter from the broken knife or the chain, I felt a very unusual breath

You know, in this part of the world, there is no breath that makes me feel strange and unusual

At that time, I moved my heart, so I almost exerted 90% of my strength. Under the attack, I suddenly appeared and cut off one of the boy's palms, and then snatched a broken knife and a chain from him

By the way... "

When he said that, for a moment, he saw that the spirit made a dignified color on his face become rich, and then he said:

"I don't know if it's my illusion. After my successful attack, it seems that I feel a breath locking my body. I suspect it's the boy who did it..."


Sure enough, such a sentence came out of the mouth of the virtual spirit envoy, and the two old men looked like subconscious exclamations. In an instant, their faces also looked like subconscious exclamations, showing a look of astonishment and disbelief.

Immediately after that, they spoke one after another.

"In the city of the whole divine realm, the power of the secret breath of the virtual spirit is one of the best. It can be better than the powerful one of the virtual spirit. It can't be done by that boy..."

The second elder looked shocked and said.

"It's really impossible. If that guy has already locked you in, doesn't it mean that the opponent's strength can rank in the top ten even in the whole city of Shenyu. If so, he can't be attacked successfully by you..."

Three elder analysis, slowly way.

For a moment, Xu Lingshen seemed to nod his head in approval: "I also thought of this, and then denied my guess. But if it wasn't for that boy, who would have locked me..."


Qi Qi's cold hum came from the mouth of the two elders.

"No matter who it is, as long as he dares to appear, let him never come back..."

"But of course, if you are really a schemer, first of all, the other party will not be able to enter the city of the divine realm. Therefore, you don't have to worry about anything..."

"It's true that the most important thing at the moment is to catch the boy and find out the origin of this broken knife and chain. I have a strong feeling that the origin of these two weapons must be very amazing..."

"Oh?" This words seem to let empty spirit spirit spirit make the facial expression can't help but move, ask a way: "how, three elder in the heart already had guess?"

For a moment, the three elders just shook their heads.

Seeing this, the virtual spirit envoy naturally would not ask again, and then said, "two elders, wait a moment, I'll go and catch the boy now

Presumably, he has already alerted more demons. Now he is being besieged by demons, and I just attack him... "

"You want to sneak on me again?" But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded out of thin air.

Such a sound sounded, not only let the virtual spirit make the body suddenly a shock.

Because, he recognized, this is Lin Ming's voice.

Even the two elders, the second elder and the third elder, who had never seen or heard Lin Ming's voice, were shocked like subconscious bodies. When they brushed, their faces immediately showed a look of shock.

Indeed, the three of them are now in a closed space. They can only find out if they are very strong.

Even if the other party finds out, they can't get in.

Even if you enter, you will be noticed by them at the first time.

But now it is what the situation is, the other side has appeared, and also made a sound, they know that someone has entered such a space.

In the whole city of God, there are only a few strong people who can do this.

Naturally, it can be imagined that at this moment, the three strong men in the city of the divine realm were just like subconscious, and they were startled.

"Who dares to break into private space..."

After a startle, Teng's suddenly, an incomparably strong murderous gas immediately rose directly from the second elder's body, and a cold drink came out.

Of course, at the same time, there was a murderous spirit rising from the three elders, just like the two elders.

"That's the boy. This broken knife and a chain are in his hands..."

At this time, he didn't wait for Lin Ming to open his mouth. The virtual spirit envoy said at first. It was obvious that he could hear it. It was almost subconscious. His voice was trembling.

He knew exactly what Lin Ming's appearance meant.

It shows that his previous feeling is right. Someone has really locked him in.

But what he didn't expect was that the man who had locked him down was actually the one he was attacking, that is, Lin Ming.

Is it not to say that Lin Ming's strength, even in the city of Shenyu, can also rank in the top ten.

However, if Lin Ming really has such strength, how can he succeed in sneaking attack before.

At this moment, in the heart of the virtual spirit, naturally, there was a moment of uncertainty.

Of course, it's impossible for him to know. It's not Lin Ming who locked him down. It's actually magic boy.

"What, that boy."

Hearing the opening of the virtual spirit, he almost spoke in unison. A exclamation came directly from the mouth of the two elders.

At this moment, the two of them had the same idea as the virtual spirit.

"You are so brave, but no one has ever snatched my things from my hands under the attack..."

At this time, Lin Ming's figure appeared, also suspended, appeared in each other's three people's line of sight, slowly said.

Lin Ming's eyes immediately flashed a strong cold light, slowly sweeping the other three in the distance: "besides, I also cut off one of my palms

Which of the three of you did this... "

Slowly speaking, a very strong breath of nature, momentum and murderous spirit, has been rising directly on Lin Ming.

"You..." when Lin Ming appeared, he looked like he could take the lives of the three of them at any time. At that moment, the two elders were so angry that they choked and stopped at the throat.

"Hum, what an arrogant and arrogant boy..." a cold hum came out from the mouth of the three elders. The murderous spirit of his body was more intense at this moment

"It's just the strength of the four levels of xianzun realm. I don't know how you found this private secret space, but with your strength, it's not enough to play with us here

To die... "

"Whirlpool of stars!"

When it comes to the end, the three elders are also very straightforward.

Indeed, for Lin Ming, he did not hesitate to directly choose the next dead hand.

Of course, he did not forget to ask the origin of a broken knife and a chain.

Of course, in his opinion, even if Lin Ming was beaten to the last breath, he had a way to find out what they wanted to know from Lin Ming's mouth.

Therefore, with one move, the three elders are a powerful divine skill - Star whirlpool.

Dayton time, is incomparably clear to see, in this big private secret space, there are clusters of stars.


The faces of the three elders showed a strong sense of pride and self-confidence, and said: "this move can rank in the top 50 among all the lights in the city of divine realm

A star light whirlpool can even smash a star directly

Why, do you still feel that you are only flesh and blood, and can compare with the stars... "

"Elder three, you should be careful."

At the moment, such a sudden sentence came from the mouth of the virtual spirit.

Indeed, his eyes were looking at Lin Ming in the distance. It seemed that he had already filled with a strong color of horror.

He did clearly see that Lin Ming's realm strength at this time was actually four levels of the immortal realm.

He clearly remembers that when he attacked Lin Ming before, Lin Ming's strength was already very strong, which was the level of xianzun.

But now is how long time has passed, that is, a little more than an hour.

"What's the matter? It's just a little over an hour. His realm strength has reached the fourth level of xianzun realm..."

In the heart of the void God, it seems that he has already raised a storm.

Although his strength is as high as that of the eight levels of the immortal realm.

However, it is precisely because of his state strength that when he attacked Lin Ming before, he could see at a glance that Lin Ming did not hide his state strength.

In other words, in a short period of less than half a day, Lin Ming's realm strength soared three levels to the fourth level of xianzun realm.

It is precisely because he has the strength of the eight levels of the immortal realm that he knows more clearly how difficult it is to upgrade a level in the immortal realm.

At least in his case, it takes him at least tens of thousands of years to advance to a higher level.

It took him more than 90000 years to upgrade from the seventh level to the eighth level.

For a moment, the strength of Lin Ming's realm soared so fiercely. How could he not feel extremely shocked? He felt that Lin Ming's strength was very important.

Naturally, he could not help but remind the three elders out of subconsciousness.

But for the first time, a cold hum of disdain came from the two elders

"What's the matter with you? Don't you think that the boy is seriously injured in the face of a magic power whirlpool? Can he fight back on the other hand

What, is this the divine light of origin? "

But a word is just finished, a exclamation, is directly from the two elder elder elder three two people's mouth.

Indeed, in the face of the other side's magic star vortex, Lin Ming displays the original light.

"Be careful, elder three."

Then, at the moment when a exclamation came out from the two people, the face of Xu Lingshen suddenly changed, which was also a exclamation.

It's true that Lin Ming's body flashed a layer of divine light of origin, and disappeared directly in the same place. When he appeared, he suddenly hit the three elders' head with a fist.

Naturally, what Lin Ming wants to do is quite obvious.

Lin Ming is fighting against the three elders with his bare hands.

Sure enough, it seemed that he ignored the warning of the virtual spirit envoy, and a cold hum came out of the three elders' mouth: "it's funny. I'm the strength of the eighth level of the immortal realm, even if it's just a little bit of the immortal spirit in my body

Ah... "

But before a word was finished, a scream came from the three elders.

Whew, his body shape also looks like a parabola and flies away.

At this moment, the hearts of the three elders directly set off a storm, and their faces also showed a strong color of shock.

Indeed, no one knows more about the power of Lin Ming's fist.

That fist is not flesh and blood, but a powerful weapon.

Under such a fist, his immortal breath was like tofu, which couldn't resist the strength of one ten thousandth of Lin Ming's fist. His body seemed to carry down Lin Ming's fist.

"Three elders!"

At this time, in the eyes of the two elders and the virtual spirit envoy, they seemed to be a little confused about what happened at the moment. They just saw that Lin Ming had disappeared, and then the three elders screamed out.

When they looked at it again, they exclaimed, and their faces were filled with a color of horror.

Indeed, under Lin Ming's fist, half of the elder's head was gone, blood splashed and flesh blurred.

Of course, at the level of the eighth level of the immortal Zun realm, even if the whole body is hit and exploded, it can be condensed and formed again.

As a result, the head of the three elders has been restored to its original state.

But of course, after the three elders turned over in the air and stood in the middle of the sky, his face was pale and gloomy, he could not see the slightest blood color, and he was almost dripping water.

"You dare to hurt me..." word by word, this sentence is also directly from the three elders' teeth.

For a moment, Lin Ming looked like he had no expression on his face. He slowly said, "it's just my fingers that hurt you

You give me a broken knife and a chain, and return what belongs to me

Otherwise, the next moment, your small life, I say to want directly

Indeed, Lin Minggang clearly saw that the broken knife and the chain were in this man's hands, and then disappeared out of thin air. There was no doubt that he was taken away by the other party.

For a moment, Lin Ming was not sure where he had put the broken knife and chain.

Not only him, but also the Devil boy, who was in the middle of the keel fragments, could not feel the breath of both at this moment.

"For my life? Ha ha... "This kind of arrogance came out of Lin Ming's mouth. It seemed subconscious. The three elders were stunned, and then a burst of laughter came out of his mouth.

Then, as soon as his face sank, he naturally looked a little more gloomy. He said word by word: "you are in our private space. Do you know that this space is completely under our control. If you let it shrink and collapse, it will shrink and collapse directly..."

Disappear. As soon as the sound of this word falls, the second elder and the Third Elder's empty spirit makes these three figures disappear directly out of thin air. At the same time, they disappear, very tacit understanding.

"Well?" Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Ming's face also seems to subconsciously suddenly changed.

It's true that suddenly, there seems to be a huge pressure of tens of millions of tons, coming from all directions, at the foot and the top of the head.

Of course, at this moment, the powerful divine power surged out of his body, and a burst of colorful light on his body, that is, the original divine light, became brighter.

At this time, the second elder, the third elder and the virtual spirit envoy naturally left their space and appeared outside. At this time, they were suspended on a high mountain.

"Well, it's wishful thinking to fight us."

First of all, a cold hum came from the mouth of the three elders. He looked not far away.

There is a small ball of light about the size of a fist suspended, which naturally belongs to the private secret space created by them.

"Indeed, this boy is too young. He thinks that anyone who wants to get into private space can get in and come up with it. He is ignorant. Hum..."

A cold hum came from the mouth of the two elders immediately.

However, at this time, only the virtual spirit still had a dignified look on his face. His eyes were also looking at the little light ball, and he was muttering to himself:

"I'm afraid that even a space can't help him. The boy's body hides a very strong force. The damage caused by his fist hitting the three elders' head can be seen completely..."

What are you talking about Hearing this, the elder's face became ugly and glared at him.

It was as if he had come back and said, "elder three, the boy's body..."


All of a sudden, the virtual spirit envoy just opened his mouth. When he said that, a loud noise rang out, and the little light ball exploded directly.

All of a sudden, the air was in a frenzy, and all kinds of light seemed to illuminate half the sky directly.

Whew, then in such a scene, a body shape, flying rapidly, is directly rushed to the three elders.

In an instant, a fist in the air was aimed directly at the top of the three elders' head.


A scream came directly from the mouth of the three elders.

Bang, for a moment, it was also very clear to see that the whole head of the three elders exploded like a watermelon.

The next moment, there was a loud bang. Instead of directly exploding, the three elders' bodies were headless. They fell down from the sky and fell into the forest below. They didn't know how deep they were in the soil.


Silly eyes, at this moment, the two elders finally looked completely silly.

His eyes were extremely frightened. Looking at Lin Ming standing in the air, he didn't look like he was injured at all.

He looked at a hole in the forest below.

Brush, immediately like subconscious, his forehead exudes a burst of fine sweat.

Frightening. Such strength is really frightening.

Even a space could not trap the boy, let alone hurt him.

And this time under a shot, more decisive and ruthless, more powerful.

The whole head of the three elders was blown off.

The body falls into the forest below.

For a time, the two elders also felt very clearly that his heart beat faster and faster involuntarily.

As for the words of the virtual spirit, it seems to have been expected.

Whew, he flew into the forest below and pulled a headless body out of the pit.

Immediately, a ray of light came out of the hands of the virtual spirit, covering the headless body.

In just a few seconds, the head of the three elders grew out and recovered as usual.

Of course, in this process, Lin Ming can do it again.

He also knew that this time, he could blow up the three elders' bodies with one fist.

But it didn't work. He couldn't get back his broken knife and chain.

Naturally, the three elders have to take the initiative to hand over his broken knife and chain.

At this time, after his head was restored, the three elders' eyes naturally looked at Lin Ming in the sky subconsciously for the first time.

Brush, also like subconscious, a touch of panic color directly revealed in his eyes.

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