Indeed, at this moment, even the existence of his three elders was already one of the best experts in the whole city of the divine realm, which was really frightening.

The power under that blow was very strong. It was even stronger than when he got up for the first time. Of course, what frightened him most was that he couldn't even trap Lin Ming in space and broke through the space without any injury.

He knew clearly that there were few such powerful people in the whole city of God.

In his mind, this idea flashed by like lightning. At this moment, it seemed that it was subconscious. He came up with the idea of whether or not to return the broken knife and chain to Lin Ming.

"Three elders," at this time, a voice sounded, but it was when the three elders were about to pull out from such a state of extreme panic, naturally the next virtual spirit was speaking.

He seemed to be able to see what the three elders were thinking at this time. He said in a low voice:

"Elder three, don't be scared by this boy. Don't forget that no matter what, he's in the city of God

Although I don't know how he broke into the city, there are countless strong people in the city of Shenyu. How can he be allowed to be so reckless as a little boy... "

Although there is no less fear for Lin Ming's state and strength than the three elders, he also understands the truth that even if the real gods dare to make trouble in the city of the divine realm, they can't leave safely.

If such things can happen, then the existence of the city of the divine realm will not become a joke.

At this time, Xu Lingshen looked away at Lin Ming in the distance. For a moment, he came up a little hard and spoke slowly

"You are so bold, but you know what the three elders are in the city of the divine realm. They are the weapons gurus. All the Taoist weapons in the hands of the strong must be repaired by the hands of the three elders

As long as the three elders speak, even if you escape to the horizon, even if you can leave the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, you are also doomed. "

"Well, now let me see the strength of your boy."

Qiang Ran's a ring, then see a cold light, is also in this instant flash, then see a very sharp sword appeared in the hands of the virtual spirit.

Indeed, although he can see the strength of Lin Ming, he naturally feels that Lin Ming has done it twice. No matter what, his breath must be wasted.

It should be impossible for him to hurt Lin Ming immediately. Naturally, he can't take Lin Ming's life. But if he delays, he feels that he can do it.

When the time comes, many strong men will arrive in the city of God. In his view, even if Lin Ming's strength is enormous, he will have to die in the siege of many powerful people.

Lin Ming had directly ignored the words of Xu Ling.

However, as such a sharp sword appeared in the other's hand, Lin Ming's eyes immediately flashed with a strong cold light.

He recognized such a sharp sword, which was used by the people who attacked him before.

"It's you." naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming began to speak. He couldn't recognize the man who attacked him

"It turned out that you were the one who attacked me. I thought it was the three elders," Lin Ming said slowly. "If it wasn't for my broken knife and chain in his hand, I would have taken his life

Now, if you are the one who attacked me, I'm going to decide your life... "

Brush, a very strong murderous, is an instant flash in Lin Ming's body, unprecedented strong.

It's true that many people have attacked him in the past, but they seldom hurt him, let alone cut off one of his palms, and one of his palms can't recover for a while.

If it wasn't for the physical body to be tempered, Lin Ming didn't know whether his palm could be restored.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Ming's intention to kill is stronger than ever.

At the moment, he must kill this man and take the other's life.

"What?" the murderous spirit suddenly burst out of Lin Ming's body. It was also subconscious, which made the spirit suddenly knock in his heart,

Inexplicable, he began to pour out a great regret, really should not take the initiative to expose his identity, he is the person who attacked Lin Mingzhi.

As if out of subconsciousness, he also has some kind of determination that maybe he will die directly in the hands of Lin Ming and be taken away by Lin Ming.

However, when I think about it, the spirit suddenly has a sense of Epiphany, as if the state of mind has suddenly changed.

Indeed, he decided to give up his own life. Since he knew that he was going to die, he could only do his best.

Under such a thought, the breath of the virtual spirit suddenly changed.

It seems that under the sudden realization of the virtual spirit, the breath on the body becomes more powerful and different.

"Well? This... "The two elders of the third elder and the second elder discovered the change of the virtual spirit for the first time. After a moment, they were surprised.

The realm strength has been improved.

Indeed, they feel clear, the realm strength of the virtual spirit suddenly improved.

"This is epiphany?" Brush, immediately put on a very strong color of envy, is also in the eyes of the three elder two elders revealed.

"Interesting, interesting..."

As for Lin Ming, for a moment, he seemed more interested.

It's true that all of a sudden, he can clearly feel that the virtual spirit has been promoted to the Ninth level of the immortal realm.

And also don't know why, this empty spirit makes this epiphany general enhance strength, it seems that there is a different breath on the breath.

"The way of heaven."

At this time, all of a sudden, a voice full of shock sounded in Lin Ming's mind. Naturally, it was magic boy's mouth.

"Oh? The way of heaven? " The appearance of these four words makes Lin Ming feel like he can't help but clap.

"Yes, it's the way of heaven." The voice of magic boy is still full of shock. In Lin Ming's mind:

"Heaven's way and breath can be met but not sought. Only by chance, only by fate, is an existence equal to the power of the origin of the universe

I've seen the power of the origin of the universe, but I haven't seen the breath of heaven

I didn't expect, but I never thought, that today I would be here by chance, which makes me feel a trace of heaven

Boy, you can't fight with the virtual spirit envoy

Take the three elders away as soon as possible and put them in the keel pieces

I have ten thousand ways to let him take the initiative to hand over the general broken knife and a piece of chain. "

"Can't you fight him?" However, Lin Ming disagrees with Mo Tong.

The other party attacked him secretly, cut off his palm, and let him suffer an unprecedented failure. He had to revenge this revenge.

Lin Ming's hesitation naturally made the Devil boy speak again. His voice was a little anxious

"Boy, what are you waiting for? If you leave here later, it will be too late

You should be clear that you killed two guards, killed tens of thousands of disciples in the city of God domain, and entered the city of God domain from under the eyes of the three guards. This matter has already caused a great disturbance in the whole city

If you are besieged by the most powerful in the city of the divine realm, I'm afraid that even I can't save you at that time. "

"Not for the time being." Lin Ming's directness of speaking and his murderous spirit were more intense at this moment

"I will kill this man..."

"Ha ha, Epiphany, Epiphany..."

At this time, a burst of laughter came from the mouth of the virtual spirit.

He finally knew what was going on with him.

It turned out that he was going to give up his life. When he fought with Lin Ming, he had an epiphany and let his realm strength rise from the eighth level to the Ninth level.

The breath of the way of heaven appears.

He knew that in the city of the divine realm, among the countless strong, no one had ever appeared the breath of the way of heaven. Even if there had been epiphany, he had never understood the breath of the way of heaven.

Of course, except for one person, that is the Lord of the city of God.

And the most important thing to understand the breath of heaven is that compared with other strong people, the power of the soul is easier to break through the limit, that is, it is more able to become a God.

"Boy, I have to thank you now. It made me suddenly realize the way of heaven..."

At this point, the face of the virtual spirit was also heavy. With the murderous spirit coming out of his body, he spoke word by word

"However, one thing belongs to one thing. You must be killed by me. Of course, now I can give you a chance to die happily, that is to say the origin of that broken knife and chain

Well, it's a suicide attempt

But suddenly, a cold drink came out of his mouth.

It's true that Lin Ming suddenly disappeared. He seemed to turn a blind eye to what he said. He really wanted to fight him.

At this moment, where can the virtual spirit not understand? Lin Ming was so bold that he didn't even fear the power of heaven, so he started to take his life.

"I'm looking for death." A breath of extraordinary strength was immediately released from him, enveloped the surrounding space, and first protected himself.

Indeed, after repeatedly witnessing Lin Ming's strength, he subconsciously chose to deal with it cautiously, even though he suddenly realized the way of heaven.

He still did not dare to despise Lin Ming.

Of course, he still decided that Lin Ming could not be his opponent.

He knew how strong the breath of heaven was. In the city of nuota, there are countless strong people, and no one understands them, except the Lord.

In addition, he also knew that there was no force that could compete with the force of the origin of the universe.

In his opinion, Lin Ming will have the power of the origin of the universe, which is no doubt a fantasy.

At present, although he has just realized and exerted the power of the way of heaven, he is unavoidably unfamiliar, but he can not weaken the power of the way of heaven.

"What." But the next moment, he still showed a pair of silly eyes.

It's true that Lin Ming didn't get the slightest influence from the power of heaven. His fist broke through the space of the power of heaven and reached in front of him.

All of a sudden, he saw a fist like infinite, magnifying in his eyes.

And from such a fist, he even felt an unprecedented strong power, which was equal to the power of heaven.

We can imagine how shocked he was at this time.

He also thought of that kind of existence at the first time.

The power of the origin of the universe.

You know, he just decided that if Lin Ming had the power of the origin of the universe, it would be a fable.

But who would have thought, just less than a second, slap face so fast.

What kind of existence can we feel from Lin Ming's fist now, if it is not the power of the origin of the universe, can break the space blockade formed when the power of heaven is exerted.


Immediately after that, a scream came out, and a bang followed.

Immediately, it seems that the situation of the virtual spirit is much worse than that of the three elders before.

This seems to be what Lin Ming expected.

He has exerted the power of the origin of the universe.

This is the second time that he has exerted this kind of strength. For the first time, he took more than 300 elixirs to make his body recover as usual. Naturally, this time, it will be no exception.

Of course, the situation was extremely urgent. Lin Ming couldn't take the elixir at this moment. At the moment when the virtual spirit envoy exploded, he also urged the breathing method.

Whew, that incomparably strong immortal breath has been directly absorbed by Lin Ming.

A breakthrough was made immediately.

From the four levels of xianzun realm to the five levels of xianzun realm.

Without hesitation, Lin Ming continued to attack the three elders with one fist. Of course, he did not absorb the immortal breath of the three elders, but used the fragments of the keel.

A suction came out from the keel fragment, whew, and shut the three elders in.

Now that the magic boy has said that there are 10000 ways to let the three elders obediently hand over a broken knife and a chain, the magic boy should have the ability to do what he says.

It was only at this time that Lin Ming had time to take the elixir. It was like pouring beans. It was like countless elixirs. One by one, they were poured out from one porcelain bottle after another, and Lin Ming took them all at one time.

This time, after taking more than 700 elixirs, the thick scars on his fingers stopped bleeding and healed.


At this time, Lin Ming finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

He took a look at the two elders, who were completely dull, and had no intention of killing each other,

Indeed, it's all because, whew whew, countless rays of light, which cut through the sky, obviously all came directly here.


Lin Ming didn't look at the two elders any more, and his figure disappeared.

The next moment, brush brush brush, first there are three figures, flash out, if Lin Ming saw at this time, the first time can recognize, it is the three Shenwei army.

"Shenwei army," as if subconsciously, the two elders let out a exclamation, and then they came back to their senses. He looked at the three Shenwei army, and it was obvious that he had already guessed something.

With a sigh, it came out from his mouth: "you are late. That boy just left. He killed Xu Ling and lost his mind and took away the three elders..."

"What, so fast that he killed even the false spirit envoy?"

The faces of the three guards looked so gloomy that they began to speak one after another.

"It seems that we underestimated the boy..."

"This boy is so powerful that he suddenly broke into the city of Shenyu. What's the matter..."

Hearing this, the two elder's face became hesitant, showing a pair of desire to talk and stop.

"Elder two, do you know something? Well

See, brush, the eyes of the three God guards are all concentrated on the two elders, bring a strong sense of authority to the two elders.

He said: "it's for revenge, for the sake of the empty spirit."

Immediately, the two elders opened their mouths and naturally told the whole story.

"In this way, he killed Xu Ling to avenge the attack. Instead of killing the three elders immediately, he wanted to get back his broken knife and chain..."

"It's something that even the virtual spirit can see. He doesn't hesitate to take risks to attack and snatch. In this way, a broken knife and a chain in the boy's hand are really extraordinary..."

"It seems that this one can't let the boy leave the city of the divine realm..."

"Seal up the city!"

The three divine guards looked at each other and thought of this very tacit. Then, a transparent aperture appeared in the sky of the city of the divine realm. It was true that the whole city of the divine realm had been directly shrouded.

"The city of Shenyu has been sealed off. Even we can't go out..."

"Indeed, except for the city master, there is no one who can go in and out of the city of God again..."

At this time, the second elder also opened his mouth and said, "if you really want to seal the city, you can't let that boy leave. He has a broken knife and a chain in his hand. Even from the perspective of me and the third elder, you can't see the origin at all..."

"Oh?" All of a sudden, the eyes of the three Shenwei soldiers were shocked.

"You are a great master of weapons. You can't even recognize the origin of a broken knife and a chain in that boy's hand?"

The second elder nodded: "that's right, so according to my guess, a broken knife and a chain in the boy's hand are very likely

It's very likely that... "

At present, it seems, maybe it's also such a guess. It's too ridiculous and incredible. The three elders can't say it directly.

"Probably what?" The three guards asked in unison.

"It's very possible..." at this time, the three elders seemed to be still breathing a sigh of relief, and then said:

"It's probably something out of the sky."

"What? What is beyond heaven? " Immediately, as if it was subconscious, a cry of surprise came out from the mouth of the three guards, and a touch of incredible color came out of their faces.

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