Of course, all of them will soon know the answer. When the offensive is over, a figure will appear in the sight of all of them, and they will look unhurt.

A flash of cold light in both eyes, more intense a bit up, slowly sweeping over.

A burst of colorful light on the body is also more dazzling.

When I look at it like this, all these strong people are shocked. Like subconscious, eyes are staring up, like a bell in general.


The next moment, there was almost a cry of surprise, which came directly from the mouth of the 15 strong men.

It's true that their attacks are already in full swing.

In their opinion, not to mention the existence of Lin Ming, even if the powerful demon king broke into the city of the divine realm, he was absolutely unable to resist such a joint attack.

But what's the situation now? Lin Ming doesn't just resist. He looks like he's still intact.

And at this moment, all of them clearly saw that Lin Ming was more murderous, and he looked like he was going to kill all sides.

"Want to kill me?" Sure enough, at this time, a murderous sentence came out of Lin Ming's mouth immediately

"The man who can kill me is not born yet

Now, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Who will stop me, who will die

Since 15 of you have besieged me to take my life

Go and die. "

Finally, a roar came directly from Lin Ming's mouth.

With a bang, you can see that Lin Ming's body is disappearing, and then he punches. A pair of fists are hitting directly in front of him.

Without any delay, Lin Ming's fisting is a direct display of 80% of his strength.

It can be imagined that this kind of power is so strong.

But at this moment, in the face of Lin Ming's bare hands, all the strong men were stunned, and they almost burst out laughing.

"Ha ha, are you kidding me? I'll give it to us with my bare hands. Why don't we all treat us as children..."

"Since you want to die..."


But the next moment, everyone is not from Qi Qi a Zheng, instant forehead cold sweat is like rain and down.

Indeed, Lin Ming's fists went straight to two of them.

And when they face Lin Ming's hand, they both look very disdainful. They just have a layer of extremely strong immortal air, and they don't even want to give Lin Ming a hand at all.

Indeed, in these two people's eyes, even the extremely strong immortal breath on them should be enough to resist Lin Ming's boxing power.

But the next moment, their pupils all seem to shrink involuntarily.

It's true that Lin Ming's fists just ignored their strong immortal spirit.

In the roar of a ring, directly hit them in the face of the two.

At that moment, they didn't even hum.

And then, just as the other 13 people were stunned, the two explosions of bang bang almost happened.


At this time, a sudden roar, this is the direct ring.

There is no doubt that this is just the voice of the two strong men. At this moment, under the extreme fury, there is a wave of remorse in my heart.

Indeed, if time could return to that moment, they would never stop fighting, just let Lin Ming fight with his fist.

In their opinion, as long as they make a move, they will never be reduced to the end of being directly hit by Lin Ming.

What's more, this happened under the eyes of the other 13 people. It's a great shame. If it's spread, they can't stay in the city of God.

Obviously, they think too much at this moment.

Because Lin Ming has no intention to keep his hand.

"Hum..." hearing such a roar, Lin Ming's face didn't change at all. He was not affected at all.

Breathing method, immediately is also a direct operation.

"Suffer death."

For a moment, Lin Ming seemed to speak such two words in a very indifferent tone.

Whew, and then a very strong suction came out from Lin Ming.

Indeed, at the level of the fifth level of xianzun, Lin Ming can really feel that if he displays the breathing method under the dragon's real body, he can devour a star directly.

Lin Ming can't help feeling that he can do it 100%.

You can imagine what will happen now.

As a result, even when the other 13 strong men didn't know what was going on, the two powerful men's bodies exploded, and the two groups of extremely strong immortal breath directly flew to Lin Ming and disappeared on him in an instant.

"This, this what situation..."

At this moment, the remaining 13 strong men seem to have some unconscious circles.

"What's the matter?"

"The strength of those two strong men among us is also the strongest. Why, all of a sudden, if they don't, they will be gone."

"You killed both of them?"

Brush, a whole piece of vision, this moment is naturally Qi Qi fell on Lin Ming's body, in which a touch of cold light flickering nature is a bit more intense.

Seeing this, Lin Ming even sneered and said, "why, isn't it obvious? If you ask me this, your IQ doesn't look high

Hehe, in that case, it will be easier for me to clean up the remaining 13 of you... "

"How dare you call us low IQ?"

"To die!"

"Ah ah..."

All of them are powerful in the city of the divine realm. How ever did anyone dare to abuse them face to face? No, such a thing has never happened.

Naturally, we can imagine how furious these three strong men were. They all wanted to tear up Lin Ming and swallow him alive.

At this moment, all of them are murderous.

However, just as they were about to fight together again, Lin Ming started to move. His body flashed and his fists hit two of them again.

At this time, without waiting for the two strong men's bodies to become full-bodied immortal breath, there was a roar. Lin Ming immediately followed his hand, and a suction came out. Almost in an instant, he absorbed this kind of full-bodied immortal breath.

"Since you've already done it, naturally, it's my turn this time."

Lin Ming's eyes flashed with cold light, and his body was murderous, just like the God of killing. He was awe inspiring and fierce. It seemed that whoever wanted to take his life could not hide.

"Dead again, two strong men died again, and they were directly smashed to death under a pair of fists at the same time..."

"This boy's strength is too strong..."


It's true that seeing Lin Ming's appearance of killing the gods and descending to the earth, the eyes of the 13 strong men all seem to be involuntarily revealing a touch of panic.

A burst of cool air, also seems to be involuntarily in the mouth inverted suction up.

"Calm down." All of a sudden, a roar came out. It was the strongest one among the thirteen.

The roar really had a general effect of enlightening, which made the other 12 people brush, and their eyes flashed again with a strong cold light.

At this time, the strongest man said: "don't forget, whose territory is this boy in now, in our territory

The whole city of the divine realm has been sealed. This boy will surely die... "

"Is it?" For a moment, Lin Ming's face remained unchanged, and he chuckled: "maybe I will die, but you can't see whether I will die

All die. "

Brush, at this moment, Lin Ming began to move.

This time, what he shows is not only the power of the body itself, but also the power of the soul to the greatest extent.

"There are still eleven strong men left. That's good. This time, I'll kill you two times. That's the end of daring to stop me. Hum..."

In the middle of the sound, Lin Ming moved. At this moment, an amazing scene appeared.

"What, this, this..."

Indeed, at this moment, the eleven people saw and suddenly found many figures of Dao Lin Ming. The breath, momentum and murderous spirit of each figure were equally powerful and seemed unstoppable.

Of course, they can see that this is not Lin Ming's part.

But Lin Ming's speed, fast to an incredible degree, in that moment, it seems that there are many Lin Ming, in fact, only one Lin Ming.

Of course, what does the appearance of such a scene mean? At this moment, the eleven strong men all know it clearly.

It means that they are going to die in the hands of Lin Ming.

"Hum, even if I die, I will die with you..."


Immediately, a roar came out.

Tengtengteng, even if you feel very clearly, the breath of these eleven strong men is becoming extremely manic and violent.

Indeed, in their fury, they did not hesitate to kill Lin Ming.

In their view, even if they did, they could not kill Lin Ming, and it was certain that Lin Ming would be injured.

However, they think highly of their speed and strength, and they really underestimate Lin Ming.

It was just at the moment when their breath came out, Bang Bang... The sound of running away, almost at the same time.

Obviously, when Lin Ming smashed his fist, he let the 11 strong men's bodies explode at the same time. All of them failed to show that kind of breath. After they turned into a group of extremely strong immortal breath, they were absorbed by Lin Ming for the first time.

"Well, not bad, not bad..."

At this moment, after he really couldn't see half a figure around him, Lin Ming could clearly feel that his realm strength was going to be improved again. Naturally, it was going to be upgraded from the fifth level of immortal realm to the sixth level of immortal realm.

Lin Ming's face showed a touch of joy, almost without concealment.

He didn't expect that when he came to recapture a broken knife and a chain, he could make his own realm and strength improve so rapidly.

Of course, Lin Ming can clearly feel that there are countless strong people in the city of the divine realm. In the middle of it, the breath he feels is also coming to his direction.

In fact, it took less than half a minute to solve these 15 strong people. However, in Lin Ming's opinion, this half a minute is long enough.

"In a few seconds, if I don't rush to the edge of the city of Shenyu, a large number of strong people will arrive in a few seconds..."

In my mind, the idea flashed like lightning, whew, Lin Ming turned into a light, disappeared in the sky, and rushed to the edge.

At this time, the voice of the Devil boy came to Lin Ming's ears with a kind of dignified meaning

"Next, you can't meet more powerful people again, and you're also more powerful

You need to be more prepared... "

"Oh?" Naturally, Lin Ming couldn't help but move. It was obvious that the Devil boy seemed to have some ideas.

"Right now, if you go into the city of the divine realm alone, it's good if a broken knife and a chain are still in your hands. But now it seems that I need a little time to make the three elders yield and let him hand over a broken knife and a chain..."

Magic boy's voice rang out, slowly said: "from your speed just now, your body is close to the first speed of the universe..."

"The first speed of the universe?" It's the first time that Lin Ming has heard of such six words.

"Yes, the first speed of the universe..." magic boy said: "the speed of the universe is divided into nine levels, that is, the first speed of the universe, to the ninth speed of the universe

The first speed of the universe is that the speed of the physical body can be directly transformed into innumerable separate bodies without training separate bodies. When such separate bodies reach the limit of 99, the speed can break through to the second speed of the universe... "

"What will happen if we break through to the ninth speed of the universe?"

Lin Ming seems to have a trace of expectation in his heart.

Of course, the speed of the universe is such an existence. All of a sudden, from the mouth of magic boy, Lin Ming was more curious about what kind of existence magic boy is.

But of course, Lin Ming also knows that as long as magic boy doesn't take the initiative to say his identity, even if he asks, it's abrupt, and magic boy will not say it.

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