"Break through to the ninth cosmic speed?" From the tone of voice, magic boy seems to be obviously stunned for a while. For a moment, he didn't make a sound.

But it was only two or three seconds later, the voice of the Devil boy sounded faintly, "maybe, it will turn into nothingness..."

"Into nothingness?" This time, it's Lin Ming's turn. He can't help but be stunned. Indeed, magic boy's answer is obviously unexpected.

In his opinion, if he can break through to the ninth speed of the universe, his own realm strength will be more powerful.

However, there are several meanings of turning into nothingness.

However, the Devil boy didn't seem to explain it. He still said in a quiet voice:

"Breaking through to the ninth speed of the universe is something that doesn't exist..."

As soon as the words changed, the magic boy said, "I didn't expect that you would be close to the first speed of the universe, and now you are alone in the city of the divine realm

There is a kind of separate body skill that can be combined with the cultivation of cosmic speed at this time

It's close to the first speed of the universe. It can't last, but this kind of skill is totally different

It can last as long as you want, and it retains the advantage of the first speed of the universe... "

This kind of words, from the mouth of magic boy, naturally, it's hard for Lin Ming not to be happy.

Just as he had just guessed, magic boy had a good idea.

Will not suddenly mention to him for no reason his completely unfamiliar speed of the universe.

Naturally, immediately, the Devil boy did not delay any time to pass on this kind of cultivation method to Lin Ming.

This is called the shadow of God.

With the increase of the speed of the universe, the number of sub bodies cultivated by this method will increase.

When you cultivate ninety-nine parts, you will really reach the first speed of the universe, and then go up. With the increase of the speed of the universe, the number of parts will double.

For example, the first speed of the universe, ninety-nine parts.

The second speed of the universe is 198 parts.

The third speed of the universe is 396 parts.

When it comes to the third speed of the universe, the number is multiplied by the level, and the number increases.

For example.

The fourth speed of the universe is 396 parts multiplied by four times, which is 1584 parts.

"Interesting, interesting..."

Naturally, with the strength of Lin Ming's soul now, he had understood it clearly in the moment when magic boy taught him the shadow of God.

"Your current strength is about to break through to the level of the sixth level of xianzun realm, and you also have a dragon soul. It should be an easy thing for you to cultivate the fifty parts first."

Magic boy said, naturally in his voice, he was full of confidence in Lin Ming.

Lin Ming nodded slightly. Indeed, he was very confident in himself. Maybe he could cultivate more than 50 parts in a very short time.

Naturally, at this time, Lin Ming did not say any more. All his energy fell on the cultivation of the shadow of God. Of course, a little attention would fall on the city of God.

It's true that when Lin Ming sweeps towards the edge at full speed, he feels more and more clearly that the city of the divine realm is huge. Maybe it can't be called a city. Instead, it should be a heaven and earth.

Because of this, Lin Ming frowned slightly.

At present, he can't predict how long it will take him to reach the edge even if he is on his way.

And in this way, he will be blocked by many powerful people in the city of God.


Just before Lin Ming killed the 15 strong men, two figures appeared out of thin air,

It's very strange that, for the first time, the two figures didn't show any strong breath.

If they are not so suspended in the air, anyone who first sees them will directly regard them as ordinary people.

The two men's eyes were bland, even a little cloudy.

At this time, looking around a little, one of them opened his mouth and read four words gently

"Back in time!"

Then, an amazing scene appeared, a scene appeared out of thin air in front of them.

What happened in the picture is just like the situation that several more Lin Ming appeared in the moment when Lin Ming was moving.

This kind of picture lasts until Lin Ming kills all the strong people with the force of thunder and lightning.

At this time, the two figures, looking at each other, can be extremely clear to see, in each other's eyes, reveal a trace of surprise.

"The first speed in the universe." One of them looks tall and thin, a thoughtful look, said softly.

"It's going to break through to the first speed in the universe." Said the other.

"Yes, it seems that there is another candidate." The tall and thin man said that his expression at this time seemed very flat. It seemed that there was nothing special about the existence of such a candidate in his view.

"Indeed, one more candidate." In the other person's tone, he suddenly revealed a trace of inexplicable emotion and said:

"Since the disappearance of the gods more than 10 billion years ago, there will be many powerful people about 10 million years on average, and their strength will soon break through to the level of the first speed of the universe

Now, with the rapid development of time, many of these powerful people are stuck in the fourth speed of the universe and fall one after another... "

"The mark of God!"

At this time, the tall and thin man no longer spoke. With four words coming from his mouth, he stretched out his right hand.

Then a little purple light flashed in his palm, like a wisp of smoke.

Then the next moment, the purple light disappeared out of thin air.

All of a sudden as like as two peas, the two shadows disappeared, and there was no exception. It was like the two figures before, and it was like the two had never appeared before.


At this time, Lin Ming, who is still on the road at full speed, suddenly has a sense of inexplicability.

It seemed that suddenly something fell on him.

He was in the city of the divine realm. This feeling naturally made Lin Ming extremely alert.

If there is really something suddenly quietly appeared, but also close to him, fell on him.

It can be imagined that the other party's realm strength, even if it is compared with him, naturally also do not know how much higher.

But the next moment, with the strength of Lin Ming's realm as well as the strength of his soul, nothing unusual was found.

What's more, if this moment, he really has any danger, and he doesn't know, the magic boy must have made a sound for the first time.

Now, Lin Ming doesn't care about it.

"In front of us, we are going to reach the range of 100000 holy mountains in the city of the divine realm, in which there are countless descendants of ancient beasts..."

Magic boy's voice rang out and said: "even in the city of Shenyu, the most powerful people dare not easily set foot in this area and enter the range of 100000 holy mountains..."

This words say from the mouth of magic boy, for a moment, Lin Mingfei doesn't have the slightest nervous and worried color, on the contrary, he is more relieved.

It's true that there is a dragon spirit in his body. As long as he shows a little bit of spirit, no matter how strong the descendants of ancient beasts are, they will give up.

Whew, this time, Lin Ming's speed is naturally faster.

Soon, Lin Ming will be able to see the outline of the rolling peaks in the sky.

Of course, although he can see the outline of the mountain, Lin Ming naturally knows that it will be quite a long distance for him to really enter the range of Shiwan holy mountain.


Just then, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed, and his speed suddenly dropped.

At the next moment, it seems that Lin Ming's whole body is also directly parked in the air.

Naturally, at this time, Lin Ming had to stop practicing the shadow of God.

Indeed, at this time, out of thin air, four figures appeared in the distance. They were familiar figures. The three guards who had blocked him at the gate before, and finally the old man just now, that is, the two elders.

All of a sudden, it was also out of thin air. Far away, more than 20 figures appeared around him.

Lin Ming's eyes swept past, and his heart seemed to be slightly tight out of subconsciousness.

Indeed, in addition to these four people, there are 23 other figures. Although they are all strange, they should all have the same identity in terms of their clothes and breath——

That's the guardian army.

At this time, Lin Ming had just cultivated the shadow of five gods.

Sure enough, at this time, the two elders were murderous. They first spoke out and said coldly:

"Why, boy, you are in the city of God, and now you have closed the city. Do you think you can leave? Now, you are surrounded by 26 divine guards

You quickly release the three elders, otherwise, you will only die, and life is not like death

Don't believe it, I don't have the ability... "

"Ha ha..." for a moment, facing 27 strong men like this, after hearing the two elders' words, Lin Ming just sneered and disdained.

Teng's, on the body this moment, naturally is also the same murderous rising, coldly said:

"Just now, I killed the Xuling envoy and captured the three elders. I managed to save you a small life. You don't know how to cherish it. Now I'm talking in front of me, making my life worse than death

Why, do you think I can't kill you even in front of 26 guards? Ha ha... "

"Bold maniac..."

Immediately, there was a violent drink, and it came out from one of the three guards, one of whom was familiar.

He was full of murderous spirit. The power of the gods rolled out and his voice roared like thunder

"Boy, I only give you three seconds to think about it. I will release the three elders immediately, and then I will kneel down and accept the punishment myself..."

"Why, still hesitating?" At this time, another divine guard said: "don't say there are more than 23 divine guards. Even the three of us, it's easy to kill you

Don't think that when you were at the gate of the city before, you used sinister and despicable means to slip away from our eyes. You really think that we are not your opponents and can't kill you... "

"I use insidious means?" Lin Ming's eyes were full of sarcasm: "strength is inferior to people, that is inferior to people, why talk about people with blood

Of course, I don't care about your framing

Because at this moment, in my eyes, you three divine guards and the two elders are already dead... "

"Presumptuous," at this time, the 23 Shenwei soldiers finally couldn't see it and drank it out.

"You are so lawless. What do you think of the city of God?"

"The guardian? You're the guardian. Are you a child

"The boy is so vicious that he can't talk to him as if he's in the water..."

"Just kill him directly, and say what makes his life worse than death..."


Even when they saw the 23 guards, they all began to speak one after another. They were so fierce that the power of the gods rolled out.

In an instant, he rushed directly to Lin Ming.

"Ha ha..." for a moment, Lin Ming's face was still a little nervous and scared when he was faced with such a terrible power. He sneered with disdain.

"The shadow of God is separated..."

Then suddenly, as like as two peas appeared, five of them appeared, and the breath from the body was just the same as Lin Ming's emanating.

"The guard? Three guards? Second elder

Naturally, at this moment, including Lin Ming, a total of six people were all murderous. At the same time, a sneer of disdain came directly from his mouth.

"If I say kill you, I will kill you..."

Brush, these six figures, directly disappeared out of thin air, the next moment appeared in the distance of the three Shenwei army and two elders.

"What, shouldn't it be a remnant of speed?"

In fact, at the moment when the five figures suddenly appeared, a total of 27 people believed that.

But as these six figures appeared in front of the three guards and the two elders.

First of all, these four people felt something was wrong. It was clear that they were all Lin Ming himself.

Scared, this moment, these four people out of subconscious a little scared.

Indeed, with a loud bang, a pair of fists of these six figures came out, and this instant space seemed to be directly broken.

Naturally, they instinctively gush out of the protection of their immortal breath, in such a blow out of the power, vulnerable, like tofu.

Lin Ming's attack as like as two peas is not the same as the six Linming.

In their opinion, not to mention the six Lin Ming, even if they are two to one and have seen the strength of Lin Ming before, they may not be rivals.

At the moment, it's like six Lin Ming's taking the lives of the four of them.

So the result is naturally conceivable.


Almost at the same time, a scream came from the mouth of these four people.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

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