It's true that Lin Ming witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

The magic boy did say that the power of this heavenly punishment is terrible. Even if there is such a divine beast, 99% of them may die under this kind of heavenly thunder, and they will fall down directly and turn into dust, as if they had never appeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

Of course, Lin Ming believed in what magic boy said, but he didn't know how powerful it would be if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

But of course, Lin Ming was psychologically prepared, but when he saw it, he still felt a great shock.

The existence of such a kind of thunderbolt is totally beyond his expectation, even within the scope of his imagination.

Never thought, never thought, this kind of thunder, a kind of heaven and earth power, the power is so terrible.

In the past, Lin Ming felt that his strength was strong enough. Even subconsciously, he felt that even in the whole world, he had become almost invincible.

Of course, there may be some strong man who will be his opponent, but there is absolutely no one who can take his life.

But at this moment, Lin Ming can't help completely changing his view.

It turns out that there is a very powerful existence in this piece of heaven and earth, which can kill him in an instant. It is Tianwei in this piece of heaven and earth.

Even at this moment, Lin Ming could not help but feel very small and weak.

Indeed, he faced the power of heaven and earth, he had no resistance.

"Magic boy, the power of heaven and earth is so terrible that it seems that even I have no resistance..."

Lin Ming can't help but ask the Devil boy this question in his heart.

Of course, vaguely, Lin Ming also wants to hear a sentence from the Devil boy, that is, the power of heaven and earth is not invincible.

But at this time, the magic boy didn't speak any more, and obviously he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Lin Ming naturally didn't think much about this problem. The most important thing now is to reach the edge of the city of Shenyu and avoid the pursuit of more and more powerful people of Shenyu as soon as possible.

Now, as if naturally, Lin Ming looked at the distance. Of course, the first time he saw the tens of thousands of Shenwei soldiers, they were all full of shock. Even his eyes looked a little dull.

Obviously, although the Tianlei robbery was carried out by them, the reaction was also very strong.

Of course, they also feel incomparable pity at the same time. Naturally, there is also a surge of outrage in their hearts.

It's a pity that Lin Ming was not killed by such a powerful Tianlei robbery. It's also because in their opinion, Lin Ming used such despicable and shameless means to transfer the Tianlei robbery to the descendants of the beast in the mountain.

Immediately, it seemed that they could feel Lin Ming's eyes clearly for the first time. On the contrary, all of them had no timidity and fear. It also seemed that they had forgotten the fight with Lin Ming just now.

At this moment, there is only one idea in their minds, that is, to kill Lin Ming, we must kill Lin Ming, no matter what.

Teng of once, immediately after this idea came out, a strong to the limit of the general level of breath momentum and murderous, is directly in each Shenwei body.

But originally, the loss of their breath after the Tianlei robbery disappeared miraculously at this moment.

At present, the breath, momentum and murderous spirit rising from the body did not weaken by half. On the contrary, it was much stronger than before when dealing with Lin Mingzhi.

"Well? This... "

Lin Ming's face also seems to have changed subconsciously. He naturally feels very clear about the changes in the breath of the tens of thousands of divine guards.

But that's all.

Teng's once, an equally strong breath, momentum and murderous spirit, all rose directly from Lin Ming's body.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming had an unprecedented and very bold idea, that is, he wanted to kill the tens of thousands of God guards and take all their lives.

Indeed, Lin Ming knows that he urgently needs to upgrade his realm strength to the Ninth level of xianzun realm.

In Lin Ming's opinion, if he can take the lives of tens of thousands of divine guards and absorb all their immortal breath, it will be an easy thing for him to ascend to the Ninth level of immortal statue.

"It worked." At the moment when Lin Ming had just made such a decision, a voice full of joy rang out in his mind, which was naturally the voice of magic boy:

"I used a method of extorting confessions in ancient times, and finally made the three elders give in. I told the whereabouts of a chain and a broken knife, which was hidden in his body

Then, the three elders all obediently handed over a knife and a chain. "

"Good." All of a sudden, when he heard such a news, Lin Ming was naturally overjoyed. In fact, the reason why he didn't fight with each other before was that he lacked a broken knife and a chain.

Now that a broken knife and a chain are back in his hands again, Lin Ming's confidence is more full. Even if he wants to kill tens of thousands of divine guards, it seems that it will not be difficult for him.

Sure enough, the next moment, a broken knife appeared in Lin Ming's hand. Naturally, the chain was still firmly wrapped around the body of the broken knife.

But it's obvious that before, because of fighting with demons, a chain was smashed. At this moment, the power is not as good as before.

But in Lin Ming's view, this is not a problem at all.

You know, his realm strength has reached the level of the sixth level of xianzun realm. As long as he instills enough Xianqi breath and soul power into it, he will be able to recover as usual immediately.

And Lin Ming didn't hesitate to do so immediately. With a bang, Lin Ming directly instilled a sense of immortality and the power of soul.

"Good." Lin Ming can't help but look happy. He can clearly feel that the spirit in a chain is directly restored to its peak.

"Now, let's solve each other together..."

Brush, of course, at this moment, a more intense cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes, and slowly swept to the tens of thousands of divine guards in the sky.

Whew, the next moment Lin Ming's body disappeared, and naturally appeared in the sky.


Seeing Lin Ming, he didn't stay away for the first time. Instead, he went up to the sky for the first time. He looked like a murderous and extremely provocative man, which made the tens of thousands of God guards seem to be in a trance out of subconsciousness. At the same time, he felt a strange premonition in his heart.

But of course, the next moment is replaced by a more intense killing intention, surging up directly from the bottom of my heart.

When he saw that Lin Ming had a rusty knife in his hand, a sneer came out of every guard's mouth.

"Ha ha, it's ridiculous. Why, do you think you can be our opponent if you take out a piece of broken metal weapon? It's a joke... "

"Don't say it's a broken weapon. Even if you have the most powerful weapon in your hand, it's impossible to change your final destiny at the moment..."

"Boy, if I were you, I would surrender. Maybe I would suffer less..."


"Or what..."

At this time, a sneer came out of Lin Ming's mouth. When he looked into the distance, even if there were tens of thousands of God guards, his eyes were full of disdain and ridicule

"Otherwise, you just like a group of waste Shenwei army, can take my life

It's not that I haven't killed the so-called Shenwei army. What's the difficulty for me to kill a group of Shenwei army like you now... "

"Er, ha ha..."

It sounds like arrogance. It seems that subconsciously, all the guards were stunned. Then, a burst of laughter came out from each guard almost at the same time.

"It's not difficult for you to kill a group of guards? Boy, do you know that even the Lord of the city of God dare not speak so wildly... "

"Why don't you talk to this boy any more? Just kill him..."

At present, it seems that most of the Shenwei army can no longer bear to go on, one by one they are murderous, and then in an instant, weapons appear in the hands of each Shenwei army.

Instant time from the breath of such weapons, it is obvious that such weapons belong to Dao weapons.


"Not good."

"Be careful."

But the next moment, Qi Qi's exclamation came from almost every guard.

It's true that at this moment, they are going to shoot directly at Lin Ming in the distance, but whew, a black lightning bolt is coming.

Such a speed, fast to a limit general degree, even with them as the divine guard of such existence, in this moment, even can't see clearly, what this is.

Of course, at this moment, they would not care about such things.

A cold hum came from one after another

"No matter what means you use, with the joint efforts of tens of thousands of our God guards, you..."

"Ah ah..."

But the divine guard opened his mouth, but when he didn't finish a word, a scream came out immediately.

"It's, it's impossible."

When the other Shenwei soldiers saw it for the first time, their faces changed dramatically. In a moment, their eyes widened to the point where they wanted to protrude.

Indeed, they can't believe what they see is true.

Such a black lightning thing is actually a chain, a chain that looks rusty.

You should know how powerful the Shenwei army is, let alone the rusty chain. Even if the most powerful Taoist weapon exists like this, it is impossible to break through the protection of the immortal spirit of the Shenwei army.

But what's the situation now? That chain seems to have directly ignored the protection of the immortal breath outside the Shenwei army and penetrated through the abdomen of the Shenwei army.

Bang bang, the next moment is also a scene that makes everyone panic.

The hundreds of Shenwei soldiers who were directly penetrated by a chain into their abdomen, all of them exploded and turned into a group of extremely rich immortal atmosphere.

And this kind of immortal breath disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

Of course, they know exactly what's going on.

They felt clearly that there was a very strong suction coming out of this chain, and there was also a strong suction coming out of Lin Ming's body.

It is such two strong suction, almost in an instant, will be such a hundred groups of strong immortal breath, absorbed completely.

Dead, it seems that the hundreds of Shenwei soldiers died before they even had time to fight. They were killed by such a rusty chain.

What kind of existence is this.

Indeed, if all the remaining guards at this time still believe that this is actually a rusty ordinary chain, then they are all stupid.

"Be careful, this chain will attack again."

Now it seems that they don't have any time to think about the existence of this chain. A burst of exclamation sounds almost at the same time.

"Hum, it's not that you've been attacked suddenly that you can destroy hundreds of divine guards. Now, let me see the power of this chain..."

Of course, the next moment a cold hum came from all the other guards.

In an instant, the Taoist utensils in their hands all moved, turned into a ray of light, and moved towards the black lightning thing, which was naturally the chain.

Bang Bang

Immediately, the sound of a violent impact is sounded, produced a huge stream of air, raging in all directions.

Of course, this is actually the Taoist weapon in the hands of the Shenwei army, which directly hit the chain.

Naturally, in the eyes of all the divine guards, such a chain will turn into broken iron powder without accident.

However, to the surprise of all the guards, the black lightning appeared to be undamaged and still attacked with great speed.

It was a great shock.

Like subconscious, on the forehead of each Shenwei army, there is a layer of sweat.

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