
At present, it seems that just under this fright, a scream immediately started to ring.

The voice was shrill, full of reluctance and panic. Naturally, it could be clearly heard, full of a huge anger.

Indeed, it is obvious what is happening now.

At the moment when all the guards were frightened and screamed, more than 200 of them were killed by a chain for the first time.

It is also a chain that has no resistance. It penetrates the body and penetrates the past directly from the abdomen.

At this moment, the more than 200 guards even felt a very strong stabbing pain at the moment when they were pierced by this chain.

They have never experienced such stinging pain, even though they have been the guardian for hundreds of millions of years.

So that even if they are already extremely strong existence of the Shenwei army, they can't help but scream subconsciously.

And such a scream, from their mouth, we can imagine what a storm will set off in the hearts of other divine guards.

Naturally, they are all equally clear that no matter how much pain they suffer, the existence of the divine guard is impossible to make a scream.

But now the fact is that Qi Qi's scream really came from the mouth of the more than 200 God guards.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

"How could there be such weapons in the world that the Shenwei army could not help but scream..."

"Indeed, it is simply impossible."

Bursts of exclamation are also followed by the sound.

Their eyes were already wide open, and they all looked at the more than 200 guards.

At the moment, they even seem to be subconscious, forgetting what they should do. They should rush to the chain and also to Lin Ming.

"Things beyond the sky..." at this time, among the many divine guards, a quiet voice was naturally the former two elders.

After he said a word, he turned his eyes from the chain to Lin Ming in the distance.

Brush, like subconscious, his eyes are also involuntarily skimmed a very scared color.

"Now it seems that the two weapons in this boy's hand are probably things beyond heaven."

For a moment, he looked a bit absent-minded, and murmured to himself:

"I was just suspicious before, but now I can be sure

What's more, this boy can make the three elders yield, and let the three elders obediently hand over a chain and a broken knife

Even this alone is enough to prove that the boy's means are profound

The previous virtual spirit envoy actually provoked such a person, which really caused a big trouble for the city of Shenyu

It seems that only the Lord of the city shows up can he deal with this boy. "

When he mumbled to himself, the whole body of the two elders suddenly disappeared.

"What is beyond heaven?"

"Elder two, what do you mean by that? Make it clear..."

"Two elder why suddenly disappeared."

"Damn it, the second elder, as a great weapon master, was scared away by a little boy. It's a shame."

At present, we haven't got a clear explanation from the second elder. Suddenly, the second elder disappeared directly. Naturally, all the Shenwei army can only believe that the second elder is always scared away.

Of course, then all the guards didn't mind the sudden departure of the two elders.

Indeed, among the many divine guards, the two elders' realm strength is the lowest.

Even if they were killed by Lin Ming for more than 300 years, their 10000 divine guards are almost negligible compared with this number.

"Kill the boy!"

Of course, at this time, all of the Shenwei troops, naturally, are all swaying to attack Lin Ming in the distance.

At that moment, they could not care about the 200 divine guards who had been penetrated. The Taoist weapons in each divine guard's hands immediately sent out a strong murderous air and attacked Lin Ming in the distance.

"The so-called Shenwei army is just like this," Lin Ming said with a contemptuous smile. "Since you all want to die, I'm very happy to help you

Of course, if you want to escape like the second elder just now, you have no chance. Ha ha... "

Lin Ming's mouth came out with a sneer full of murderous air. In an instant, his body naturally rose with a stronger murderous air.

Hearing Lin Ming's words like this, a cold laugh came out of every guard's mouth.

"Elder two is just a weak man with low level of strength. How can he compare with us..."

"We run away? It's ridiculous. Now we are in the city of the divine realm. We are the divine guards of the city of the divine realm. Even if we join hands, we are not as strong as you, we will never escape... "

"Boy, let's die together."

The last big drink came from the mouth of nearly ten thousand guards.



"What's going on?"

But all of a sudden, everyone is involuntarily in a daze, indeed this moment, suddenly in front of the light dim down, it seems that all of a sudden the day directly dark.

In the city of God, this is impossible.

Such a thing has never happened in the city of God.

It can't be dark in the city of God.

"That's the chain."

Then the next moment, the guards will be able to find out what happened.

It's true that a chain has been extended. I don't know how long it has been extended, but it has surrounded all of them in the center.

That is to say, this chain forms a sphere and circles them in it.

"Ha ha..." at this time, a sneer full of banter sounded. The next moment, a figure also appeared in the sphere surrounded by a chain.

This figure is naturally Lin Ming.

Lin Ming turned his mouth slightly, revealing a sense of coldness, and said slowly:

"Now, even if you want to escape, you can't escape at all

Just die obediently, and don't make the so-called useless struggle. "

"You..." these words fell into the ears of each of the divine guards. It sounded familiar, and each one seemed to be choking involuntarily.

Of course, then they remembered, this is not exactly what they said to Lin Ming before, let Lin Ming die obediently, don't make meaningless struggle.

Immediately the blood in the chest seemed to surge up, almost could not help but a big mouthful of blood was about to spray out directly.

Whew, just at this moment, a black lightning flash appeared.

Before these divine guards were surrounded by a circle, it was difficult to resist the attack of a chain, and now it is even more difficult to resist.

This chain is so flashy and out of date, the next moment, one third of the body of the Shenwei army is directly penetrated.

With the bang of a burst of explosion sound, the body of these Shenwei army, no accident, all burst open, into immortal air.

Part of the immortal breath is absorbed by a chain.

Of course, in fact, most of the immortal breath was absorbed by Lin Ming.

After all, he is now extremely urgent to upgrade his realm strength to the Ninth level of xianzun realm.

In this way, it will be relatively easy for him to break through the blockade of the city of divine realm and leave here.


Panic, almost in the blink of an eye, a third of the companions were killed by this chain, and the rest of the Shenwei army were really panic at this time.

Each of them seemed to be unable to help themselves, and a deep panic poured out from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, they are not afraid of death, but really panic.

For such a chain to show such a terrible power, and panic.

"Are we dead?"

"Where are we qualified to die with each other..."

"Indeed, up to now, we haven't even touched a corner of the boy's clothes..."

"Don't you really need the Lord to show up to subdue this boy?"

Desperation, at this moment, all the guards seem to be despairing, they finally give up.

Of course, if they give up, they will give up. They know very well that they will not be afraid of death even if they give up.


Just at the moment when their idea just came out, a terrible cry rang out again, and more than half of the divine guards, who seemed to have no resistance, were penetrated by this chain.

Then, after the body explodes into a full-bodied immortal atmosphere, it is also absorbed by this chain and Lin Ming.

"Well, not bad, not bad."

At this time, Lin Ming was still expressionless. At a glance, the number of the remaining Shenwei army was only over 1000.

Lin Ming can't help but take a higher look at the power of this chain.

Of course, Lin Ming's realm strength at this time also soared smoothly to the eighth level of xianzun realm.

In other words, in less than a few minutes, Lin Ming's realm strength has gone from six levels of xianzun realm to eight levels of xianzun realm.

"Dead, more than half dead..."

"The strength of this boy and this boy's realm has been improved. Just now, it was the sixth level of xianzun realm, and suddenly it turned into the eighth level of xianzun realm..."

"It turns out that he absorbed the spirit of immortality in order to improve his own realm strength..."

"What kind of skill is this? It's unheard of..."

At this time, the remaining more than 1000 divine guards were not only alarmed, but also terrified and unbelievable.

As the guardian army, they have a wide range of vision and insight.

It can be said that in this world, there is no cultivation method they don't know.

But they know nothing about the situation that Lin Ming is absorbing the immortal spirit of the other party's strong and rapidly soaring his own realm strength.

For a moment, how they don't feel scared and incredible.

"Since we are going to solve all the Shenwei army, you will be no exception..."

Lin Ming just looked indifferent. He glanced over the remaining 1000 guards and said:

"If you want to blame me, you can only blame you for belittling me and belittling me

However, your realm, strength and means are just like this. You are not wronged at all when you die in my hands. "

A touch of cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes at this time.

Whew, this time, the speed of this chain will be faster.

This time, the remaining more than 1000 divine guards did not even hum.

After the body was penetrated by this chain, the body exploded directly. After it turned into a strong immortal atmosphere, it was directly absorbed by Lin Ming.

Sure enough, in an instant, Lin Ming can feel very clearly that his strength has soared to the Ninth level of xianzun realm.

Lin Ming also clearly felt something.

This feeling is very strange.

On second thought, Lin Ming felt out of place with this world.

Subconsciously, he looked up to the sky. At this moment, Lin Ming's heart seemed to be a clapping.

Indeed inexplicable, he felt a familiar breath from the high altitude, which was just the breath brought by the thunder robbery that day before.


That's right. At this time, when the strength of the realm broke through to the limit, that is, the Ninth level of xianzun realm, Lin Ming felt this kind of existence inexplicably.

Vaguely, Lin Ming can also feel that the surrounding space has a sense of rejection towards him.

Of course, it's just Lin Ming's subconscious feeling now. This space won't attack him, and the inexplicable existence of Tianwei won't attack him either.

But it's obvious that Lin Ming has realized something, but this feeling is quite strange.

He is clearly aware of what, but what it is, he is very confused.

For a moment, this feeling came out of his heart, which made Lin Ming feel the urge to vomit blood.

Naturally, at this moment, Lin Ming's heart was shocked. He immediately let himself stop.

Whew, at this time, a piece of chain shrinks back and rewinds a broken knife in Lin Ming's hand.

At this moment, Lin Ming really clearly felt that there were still countless powerful breath coming here.

Although in Lin Ming's opinion, it should not be very difficult for him to deal with each other at this time, he will not waste his time here.

The most important thing, of course, is to leave the city of Shenyu, and then re-enter Wanmo mountain, looking for the wordless heavenly book, to resolve the curse of wanshen in Bai Muyu's body, and to see if there is any crisis that can resolve the dragon soul explosion in his Shenju cave.


Maybe it's also because the realm has reached the level of the ninth floor of xianzun. At this time, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed.

Indeed, it seems that at the edge of the city of the divine realm, there are a lot of extremely chaotic and violent atmosphere, which is somewhat similar to the evil spirits encountered before.

However, Lin Ming obviously felt that this kind of breath was much stronger.

Whew, at this moment, Lin Ming disappeared in the same place. Naturally, he immediately went to the edge.

Now whether he can leave the city of the divine realm depends on what is going on there.

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