"I'm looking for death. Just like you, you are just a bunch of rubbish. You want to stop the vice mayor of the city of the divine realm. Hum..."

The vice Lord of the city of the divine realm looked very disdainful first.

He said a word, with a cold hum from his mouth.

Teng, a burst of divine light is also directly from his body.


In an instant, I saw the place where such a divine light was shining, and a series of miserable cries were heard one after another. The voice was shrill, and the listeners seemed to have goose bumps all over their body.

Of course, this has no influence on the vice mayor and Lin Ming.

Lin Ming glanced around at this moment, but he was slightly surprised.

It's true that under the seemingly relaxed hand of the city master, almost half of the demons were killed by him.

"It seems that the deputy leader of the city of the divine realm has some strength."

For a moment, Lin Ming's heart was full of words.

At this time, Lin Ming did the same. A flash of divine light came out of him, and he had three heads and six arms.

As soon as Lin Ming's body rushed down, all the demons' bodies were directly smashed and scattered, and then turned into a very strong smell of demons, which was absorbed by Lin Ming at that moment.

"In that case, now I'd like to completely destroy such a passageway entrance..."

Seeing that Lin Ming killed the other half of the evil spirit in an instant, the deputy city leader was shocked, but on the surface, he was not surprised.

Then he looked at the high place and saw clearly that there was a huge black whirlpool in the high sky, from which many demons appeared.

After one sentence, a purple light appeared in the palm of the city Lord's hand.

Whew, such a mass of purple divine light also flew directly to the high altitude and entered the passage.

The next moment, the boom of a earthshaking explosion, it is sounded.

In a flash, that channel is completely gone.

At this time, the city master turned around and said to the strongmen of the God Kingdom around him:

"The demons who have entered the city of God will be solved by you."

I'm kidding. Now that this channel has been destroyed by the deputy city master, it's not easy for the strong of Shenyu city to solve some problems.

At this time, it seems that the deputy city master doesn't pay much attention to the strong men of the city of God. He just looks at Lin Ming and shows a expressionless face, saying:

"Follow me, I'll take you to Wanmo mountain to find the place of the wordless heavenly book

But I want to remind you in advance

Once we enter into the magic mountain, we will surely disturb the demon king

I have a way to avoid the demon king. As for whether you have the ability to avoid the demon king, I don't know... "

With such a sentence, you can even see the schadenfreude in the eyes of the city master at this moment.

"Less nonsense, although leading the way is, just a few demon king, with my current state strength, I still don't pay attention to it."

Lin Ming is full of strong self-confidence.

"Hum." For a moment, the city leader seemed to hum coldly. He despised Lin Ming's words

"You are really ignorant and fearless. How does the demon king exist? His realm and strength are infinitely close to the real gods. The strength of only one demon king is not below me

What's more, once you enter Wanmo mountain, the number of demon Kings is almost incalculable... "

Of course, he is also happy to make Lin Ming think like this. He naturally hopes that Lin Ming will be solved by the demon king directly.

At present, as if out of subconsciousness, he seemed to be in a bit of urgency, and then said:

"Since you have such strong self-confidence, I hope you have the strength to solve the demon king..."

Whew, after finishing this sentence, this pair of city Lord no longer seems to talk nonsense, and his figure disappears.

When he disappears like this, he will exert his maximum speed directly. He will exert his maximum speed.

Of course, he is also a little bit to test the strength of Lin Ming.

But soon, he knew very well that he had already seen the strength of Lin Ming when he was fighting with him.

But at this moment, he seems to feel a bit surprised at the speed that Lin Ming shows.

At a glance, Lin Ming can not only keep up with his speed, but also looks very relaxed.

It seems that as long as Lin Ming is willing, he can surpass him directly.

Seeing such a situation, the Deputy City Master seemed to be surprised. Naturally, he did not dare to think any more carefully. He just focused on leading the way and took Lin Ming to Wanmo mountain to find the place of the wordless letter.

Now that he has the guide of the city leader, Lin Ming naturally doesn't need Lin ling'er. Naturally, he doesn't want to let Lin ling'er out.

The speed of this pair of city masters and Lin Ming is quite fast.

That is, after a short period of more than ten minutes, I finally left the scope of the city of Shenyu.

At this time, filled in the space, it is no longer a very strong Xianqi breath, but the spirit breath.

A road spirit breath, in turn surging, rolling, bursts of extremely shrill sharp voice, are also from which.

Of course, Lin Ming had seen such a scene before, and did not pay any attention to it.

As for the words of the vice Lord of the city of the divine realm, I don't think it's strange that he didn't put such a magical breath in his eyes.

When more than an hour passed, the speed of the deputy city master slowed down at last.

Indeed, at this time, Lin Ming was able to see the outline of a huge mountain from a distance.

Lin Ming had seen it once before, so he was not surprised.

As for the words of the deputy city master, it seems even more so.

At this point, he said:

"With the strength of you and me, ordinary demons, after smelling a strong breath from us, they ran away

But just because of this, we are so conspicuous that we can alarm the demon king here soon

Boy, you should do it yourself... "

Said, in this pair of city Lord's face suddenly reveals a touch of banter color.

At this moment, Lin Ming was a bit surprised to find that the breath of the city leader had changed, and he became completely transparent, or he had become completely hidden.

If it wasn't for the strength of his present state, the immortal level of the ninth floor of the immortal statue, and the strength of his soul, he would not have been able to capture the figure of the city master.

"Although we can already see Wanmo mountain, it will take at least half an hour to really enter it..."

At this time, the voice of the Deputy Lord of the city sounded, "and it is in this half an hour that the demon king will appear at any time

Boy, I wish you good luck. If you can't keep up, it's only your boy's strength, but it's still not enough... "

Whew, the body shape of the deputy city master disappears and goes to the Wanmo mountain in the distance.

Naturally, Lin Ming immediately followed.

Ten minutes later, Lin Ming's face changed.

Indeed, he can clearly feel that the evil spirit filled in the space has become very rich, at least thousands of times stronger than before.

Even Lin Ming can clearly feel that even the powerful God of origin can't hold up under the approaching of such a demon breath.

The origin of divine light, it seems that at any time will be defeated in such a magical atmosphere.

"As expected, it is worthy of the existence of the gods..."

It seems that he can't help it. Lin Ming says something in his heart.

Of course, then Lin Ming is more alert and alert. Naturally, he is alert to the demon king that may appear at any time.

Of course, for the deputy city leader leading the way, he can still feel the breath of the other side.

However, if it is the demon king, because his existence is too obvious, I'm afraid he won't feel the existence of the deputy city master.

When it was ten minutes later, Lin Ming naturally felt that the space was full of demons, which became more and more intense.

At this time, if it is just the origin of divine light, it is impossible to compete with such a magical breath.

Suddenly, a more powerful force came out of Lin Ming directly.

Nature is the power of the gods.

Sure enough, with the emergence of the divine power, plus the origin of the divine light, Dayton time is to resist such a demon breath.

However, just a minute passed, and Lin Ming's face changed again.

"The devil king." They all seem to be subconscious. Lin Ming almost exclaimed.

Indeed, all of a sudden, the surrounding space is surging up, whew whew, a very strong evil spirit breath, that is, with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, surging in.

And such a stream of evil spirit breath, showing a posture of encirclement, towards Lin Ming.

Then, just as Lin Ming reacted, he had to stop in the middle of the sky.

Indeed, he glanced around.

Then you can see the figures clearly. It seems that there is only a general outline of the body. You can't see the limbs, let alone the facial features.

"How dare you come from? You dare to break into Wanmo mountain."

"Hum, it must be the immortal old people in the city of Shenyu who always covet the holy book of Wanmo mountain. They want to find the wordless book and understand the mystery of the universe..."

"In that case, boy, we will never let you continue to go deep into Wanmo mountain..."

Teng's, a strong evil spirit breath, is rising from each figure's body in the middle of the speech, the overwhelming surge to the center position of Lin Ming.

"We all exist as demons. It's not easy to deal with you, just a little boy..."

At the moment, sure enough, these figures are the existence of the demon king. At this time, it seems that there are many eyes cast on Lin Ming.

This makes Lin Ming subconsciously feel that their eyes are already looking at a dead person.

"The devil king?" In Lin Ming's opinion, he could not shrink back or be timid. A cold hum came directly from his mouth

"I didn't pay attention to the so-called demon king. Hum..."

Finally, with a cold hum coming from Lin Ming's mouth, Lin Ming waves a broken knife in his hand.

At that moment, a huge gas like a mountain came out of the body of the broken sword, and shot out in all directions.

Originally, when these demon kings appeared, they already saw such a broken knife in Lin Ming's hand.

However, even with their extremely strong state strength, they didn't feel the slightest strong breath from such a broken knife for the first time.

So naturally, in their eyes, the rusty knife in Lin Ming's hand is just as broken as iron.

But now it's what happened.

Just like this, they saw it as a broken sword. At this moment, it could shoot out like a mountain. It was amazing.

"What, what is it?"

"As far as I know, even in the hands of the city master of the divine realm, it is impossible for him to have such powerful Taoist tools..."

"I don't think this boy is actually the Lord of the city of God."

"It's impossible. How could this boy be the Lord of the city of the divine realm? You know, the Lord of the city of the divine realm had already entered the ten thousand devil mountain before he knew how long ago, and had been comprehending the wordless book of heaven..."

Of course, in these demons have such a look of uncertainty, they seem to be subconscious retreat.

Then Qi Qi sent out a very strong magical breath from their bodies. There were thirty-two such magical breath. It seemed that they finally resisted Lin Ming's sword.

Seeing this, Lin Ming is also secretly frightened. These demon kings may not be able to see it, but he knows it clearly.

Just now, the sword was waved. It seemed very casual, but in fact, Lin Ming has directly displayed 80% of his strength.

But the other side is to block such a Dao Qi. For a moment, Lin Ming's heart is not secretly tight.

Next, if he wants to use a broken knife again, he can only use 90% of his power.

But Lin Ming is also very clear, now I'm afraid that even if the power of such a broken knife is exerted, he can't kill any of these demon kings.

"It seems that this is the only way..."

But immediately, Lin Ming had a plan in his mind.

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