The next moment, Lin Ming's body disappeared, replaced by a giant, thousands of meters in length.

It's true that at this moment, Lin Ming shows the real dragon.

At the same time, a black lightning object did not know how far it extended, and directly surrounded the dragon's huge body in the center.

It seems that the speed has reached the limit. After Lin Ming showed the dragon's real body, those demon kings have not yet seen what such a huge figure is, and a chain directly encircles it.

"Hum..." seeing this, all of them were in one voice. From every demon king's mouth, a sneer of disdain came out.

"Boy, no matter what means you use, you can't escape from the siege of many demon kings..."

A word fell, and sure enough, there was a big bang, that is, it rang out, and then saw that several of the demonic kings took action. The strong demonic breath attacked, and directly hit on a chain.

Click, click, immediately, a burst of chain cracking sound sounded, it is also very clear that this section of the chain was made a hole.

"It's just a Taoist instrument. I want to..."


But it seems that a word is just out of the mouth. The next moment from all the demon king's mouth, it seems to be a subconscious exclamation.

Indeed, at this moment, every demon king seemed, or even could not believe what they were seeing.

That is to say, at the moment when such a gap was made, whew, a chain was immediately extended, and such a gap was repaired in an instant.

They have never heard of such a powerful tool, and they have never seen it.

"This boy is really strange. Besides the broken knife, there is a chain with the same power and horror..."

"He doesn't exist like the city master of the divine realm, but it's obvious that he is more powerful than the city master of the divine realm..."

"When did such a character appear in the 18th heaven of Tiangong..."

"It's true that we didn't even receive any information about the appearance of such a character, just like this guy appeared out of thin air..."

"Weird, this is really weird..."

Of course, all these demon kings really feel that Lin Ming's appearance is very strange, but naturally, the breath, momentum and murderous spirit rising from them are a bit more intense.

"But no matter what, since this boy is bold and dares to break into here, now he is facing many powerful demons. Naturally, in the end, he has only one way to die..."


A roar, the voice rang out, the dozens of demon king strong in this moment is to hand together.

After a while, he saw the overwhelming spirit of evil spirit rushing towards Lin Ming.

At the same time, a cold hum came directly from the mouth of each demon king

"Boy, I'd like to see if you can resist such a chain with the help of dozens of demon kings. Hum..."

Sure enough, there was a click sound, as if there was no doubt that the chain was broken.


But the next moment, when all of them looked at it together, they seemed to be stunned again.

Indeed, that kind of chain extends out again, which also encloses such a huge object in the center.

So that at the moment, they have not yet seen clearly what such a huge thing is.


However, at this time, a general earth shaking roar came from the center.

And it's just like this sound, which seems to come from subconsciousness. All the demon kings look stunned one by one.

For a moment, it was obvious that there was a breath of panic from the body of these demon kings.

Whew whew, immediately also is imitates subconsciously, all evil spirit king is all from of further some.

Indeed, they all heard something from such a cry for the first time.

"Dragon? Is this the cry of the ancient dragon

"Yes, as like as two peas of the ancient animals," the dragon of the beast is called in the ancient times. The image of the dragon is preserved in the depths of the magic mountain. The sound from the image is exactly the same as the cry.

Seeing the reaction of many demon kings, Lin Ming was very happy.

In fact, the reaction of these demon Kings is exactly what he needs.

The next moment, whew, the dragon's real body turned into a black lightning, almost instantly, disappeared in the sight of all the demon kings.

That is to say, it seems that with the roar of the dragon, all the demon kings were scared subconsciously, so that Lin Ming escaped from the encirclement.

At the first time, he felt very clearly that Lin Ming's breath even disappeared in his own feelings, and then these demon kings seemed to come suddenly.

"No, we've been cheated..."

"Yes, we have been deceived..."

"Let alone in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, even in the whole 36th heaven, and even in this part of the heaven and earth, there is no such existence of the divine beast Dragon..."

"As like as two peas, the same is the same as the dragon," he said.

"Chase, we chase up, this boy can't escape far..."


At present, with Qi Qi's cold hum, it came out from the mouth of all the demons. All the demons' bodies disappeared directly in the same place.

Naturally, they were all murderous and pursued Lin Ming.

Indeed, in the siege of a group of demon kings, they were all frightened by Lin Ming and let him escape. When such a thing spread, they had to laugh to death because of the powerful existence in the 18th heaven.

Besides, at this time, Lin Ming, after the demon king was scared, he also played his speed to the limit.

All of a sudden, it is very clear to see that in such a large space, a black lightning directly penetrated the space, just as it disappeared in all the senses of the demon king.


Unexpectedly, he felt Lin Ming's appearance all of a sudden. The deputy city leader in a very distant place was obviously a little scared.

As a matter of fact, just now, he left directly and far away.

Indeed, in his opinion, since Lin Ming has been surrounded by a group of demon kings, where is the chance to live.

And he can go to find the Lord of the city and report that Lin Ming died in the hands of the demon king.

At that time, the Lord of the city will not blame him.

And the demon king naturally also helped him to avenge this.

But now it's just a matter of minutes. Lin Ming is catching up.

Moreover, he also felt very clearly that there was no injury on Lin Ming's body, and even his breath did not weaken.

"Why, did the boy even have a little injury, so he directly solved a large group of demons?"

It can be imagined that at this moment, in the heart of the deputy city master, what a storm has set off. For a moment, even the speed seems to slow down subconsciously.

At this moment, Lin Ming appeared directly on his side and said:

"Deputy city master, what are you doing? Lead the way quickly..."

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming came back to himself and came to the front of the city master.

At this time, he could see very clearly, and there was a very strong color of horror in the eyes of the city master. His eyes looked at him as if he saw some freak.

Of course, Lin Ming can also understand what the deputy city master is thinking at this time. Naturally, he can't think of it at all. He can catch up without directly dying surrounded by many demon kings.

"Ah? Oh... "

It was not until Lin Ming opened his mouth that the city master suddenly came over. After a moment of stupor, he quickly led the way.

Whew, he directly disappeared in the same place, and even looked like he was running away.

Indeed, it seems that he is subconsciously afraid of Lin Ming.

He can be very sure that even with the existence of the city master of the divine realm, he can not escape from the siege of a large group of demon kings.

But Lin Ming did it. What does it mean? Although the deputy city master can't believe it, he still has to accept the fact.

That is, on the strength of the realm, Lin Ming is indeed higher than the city master of the divine realm.

At the moment when the deputy city leader disappears, Lin Ming looks back subconsciously.

Indeed, at this moment, he can clearly feel that a large group of demons are following up.

Within two or three seconds, if he just stays in place, within two or three seconds, such a large group of demons as the other party will appear in his sight.

Whew, Lin Ming disappears.

At this time, the speed of the deputy city master is obviously faster.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Ming to be slow.

Although Lin Ming could feel at any time that a large group of demons were chasing after him, he was a little slow for a second and couldn't catch up with him.

When nearly half an hour passed, Lin Ming's face suddenly changed.

Indeed, at this moment, in the dark, Lin Ming seems to feel that in that far away place, there is a wave of inexplicable breath.

Such a wave of inexplicable breath immediately caused a change in the force of the origin of the universe in his body.

It seems that the force of the origin of the universe in his body will rush out of his body at any time.

"Isn't it..." at this moment, Lin Ming's eyes naturally brightened: "it's a wordless heavenly book..."

Indeed, the former vice Lord has said that with the power of the origin of the universe, it is easier to understand the wordless book of heaven.

And now the power of the origin of the universe, it is a change, that in addition to the wordless book caused by heaven, there will be no other reason.

"Very good. It seems that the wordless book of heaven is not far away..."

Lin Ming's face seemed to be subconsciously beaming with joy, and then said to the Deputy City Master:

"Vice City Master, if you speed up, I can already feel the existence of wordless heavenly book..."

"What, you can already feel the existence of wordless heavenly script..."

As soon as Lin Ming said this, the first time the deputy city master was startled, he almost didn't stop in the air.

But then, as soon as his face changed, he seemed to blurt out a sentence subconsciously:

"The power of the origin of the universe..."

At that moment, he didn't think much. Whew, all of a sudden, his speed was faster.

"Over there..."

When a few minutes passed, Lin Ming's eyes began to brush. That is to say, he could not help but brighten up a little and looked to the far right.

Indeed, at the moment, the inexplicable breath he felt was clearer, and it was from the far right.

And then Lin Ming seems to have ignored the deputy city master directly, that is, he no longer needs the deputy city master's guide, whew and go there.

"Well?" But the next moment, Lin Ming's face changed and his figure suddenly stopped in the air.

The devil king.

Indeed, out of thin air, there are many figures around Lin Ming. The evil spirit breath of each figure is extremely powerful.

And Lin Ming immediately saw that they were not the same group as before.

Obviously, at this time, there were more demonic kings with stronger realm and more number. There were more than 100 demonic kings.

Like a subconscious, Lin Ming's heart is not from clatter.

Indeed, when he faced dozens of demon kings before, he was not an opponent. He could only show his real body and escape from the siege of the other side.

At present, there are more than one hundred demon kings, and he is no match.

Of course, it's not difficult for Lin Ming to escape from the siege of many demon kings again, that is to exert the power of the origin of the universe.

But the crux of the problem is that once he exerts the power of the origin of the universe, there will be very obvious side effects.

Once besieged by the demon king again, I'm afraid he will be doomed.

"You are so brave to come here..."

"The existence of the wordless heavenly book is not far away. It seems that you are also aiming at the wordless heavenly book..."

Naturally, the sight of more than one hundred demon kings was all focused on Lin Ming. When they opened their mouths, a strong demon breath surged up on them, and they were ready to attack Lin Ming at any time.

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