And the next moment, all of the demon king seems to have no hesitation, direct hand.

Lin Ming's face, as if involuntarily, became extremely ugly.

Indeed, at this moment, he clearly felt that he was unable to fight against the attack of more than 100 demon kings of the other side. Even if he displayed the real body of the dragon, he was also unable to fight against it.

Now, Lin Ming knows that his only trick is the power of the origin of the universe.

Just at the moment when Lin Ming was about to exert the power of the origin of the universe, he suddenly moved in his heart, and then his action was followed by a meal, and he let his opponent attack him with such a terrible momentum.

"What a group of shameless demons! They are besieging a little boy..."

Sure enough, at this time, a voice just sounded, ethereal, completely unable to distinguish the direction, but whoever was the first time was able to directly hear from such a voice, the strength of the other side was unfathomable.

And it's true. With the sound, an inexplicable breath suddenly came to Lin Ming.

With a loud bang, the momentum of the more than 100 demon kings attacked Lin Ming, causing a burst of sound.

But the next moment, when all these momentum dissipated, it was also very clear that under the protection of such an inexplicable breath, Lin Ming was completely intact, even a corner of his clothes was not damaged.

"This..." for a moment, even Lin Ming was surprised.

Who on earth is the man who suddenly acts in secret? He has such terrible strength.

Indeed, Lin Ming clearly feels that his opponent's realm strength is at least 100 times higher than his.

"Who, sneaky, get out of here..."

The more than one hundred demon kings could not help but be stunned for a moment, and then they felt a lot more murderous, that is, they rose directly from their bodies.

At the same time, a road like electric light general eyes, sweeping to all directions.

But what makes the more than 100 demon kings feel even more shocked is that even with their strength, they can't find out the secret hand for a moment.

Brush, a time like involuntarily, is to see each demon king's forehead, are already direct cold sweat, like rain and down.

"He is the person I like..." at this time, the voice continued to ring, "if anyone dares to fight against him, dares to hurt him a hair, whose end is only one

Death. "


And as the last dead word of the voice fell down, ah's scream, as expected, also immediately rang up.

A bang, also followed.

Indeed, at this moment, it is not only Lin Ming, but also all the other demon kings, who clearly saw such a scene happening.

Is to see one of the demon king's body, without warning, suddenly was a white light pierced the body, and then with a scream after the exit, the body directly exploded.

When it turns into a very strong magic breath, it will disappear directly under the white light.

This kind of means can be described as shocking to the point of a limit.

Not to mention Lin Ming, even all of them are not sure what happened.

The demon king died very suddenly. If it wasn't for the sound, they would even directly doubt whether the demon king was suddenly crazy and chose to commit suicide.


Scared silly, at this moment, like involuntarily, all these demon kings were shocked, they all looked incredible and confused.

In the 18th heaven of the whole heavenly palace, the realm strength of the demon king is already extremely high, let alone hundreds of demon kings.

But what is the real situation now.

A demon king died, and it was quite inexplicable. They could not even find each other's existence, let alone find out each other.

In a daze, the eyes of all the demons also seemed to subconsciously reveal a touch of panic.

One of them seemed to be subconscious, and his voice was shaking

"You, who are you? If you want to protect this boy, why don't you come out and talk about it..."

"Come out and talk about it?" A cold hum of disdain rang out, and then said coldly: "just like a group of rubbish like you, I am qualified to show myself to talk with you

Now the road ahead of you is obvious, and there is only one

That is to let him leave. Otherwise, the next moment, more than 100 demon kings will come to the same end. Don't doubt that I don't have the strength... "

And naturally, as like as two peas, the king of the devil is able to prove his strength. At this time, the sound of a magic spirit is dead, and it is exactly the same as the death of the magic king.

This kind of situation appeared again, scared, the rest of the demon king this time is really scared.

Suddenly, the demon king thought of something and tried to say:

"I know who you are. You must be the Lord of the city of God

The Lord of the city of the divine realm has been comprehending the wordless book of heaven for a long time

Moreover, it has been lost all the time. The Lord of the city of the divine realm has learned some of the mysteries of the universe in the wordless book of heaven

And from the current state of strength, it can be fully confirmed that... "

"The Lord of the city of God?"

Hearing this, Lin Ming could not help but move. If the other party was really the leader of the city of God, it would make sense.

Before that, it was the appearance of the Lord of the city of God. Let the Lord take him to Wanmo mountain to find the place of the wordless heavenly book.

Sure enough, the other side seems to have no intention of concealing

"I don't mind telling you the truth. Yes, it's me, the Lord of the city of God

As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, I have entered the magic mountain and began to understand the wordless book of heaven. As you said, I have indeed understood some of the mysteries of the universe.... "

Pause for a moment, the voice sounds a bit more murderous: "so now, you should know what you should do."

"It's really the Lord of the city of God, but it's really the Lord of the city of God..."

Hearing these words, there was no doubt that a voice of exclamation rang out.

At this moment, the color of panic in the eyes of each demon king seemed to be more intense.

What's the relationship between them and the city of God? It's a mortal enemy. Now, the Lord of the city of God has learned some secrets of the universe from the wordless book of heaven.

So there is no doubt that what will happen to them, naturally, is not to think about it.

I'm afraid that all the demons will be destroyed by the city master of the divine realm, and there will be none left. From then on, there will be no demons in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace.

But on second thought, one of them seemed to think of something. A cold hum came out of his mouth immediately

"Lord of the city of the divine realm, who do you want to scare? If you can really kill all our demon kings at one time, you've already done it. Why talk to us here


The Demon King opened his mouth like this. It seemed that his words had not been finished. Instead, a scream came out of his mouth.

Then the demon king naturally came to the same end.

Dead, all of a sudden is the direct death of three demon king.

You know, in the 18th heaven of the whole heavenly palace, only one demon king is already the existence of the top strong.

But it is such an existence that it has no resistance. It is directly killed by the city master of the divine realm.

And the key nature is undoubtedly that the city master of the divine realm does not even show his body shape, and his realm strength is so strong that to kill the demon king is to kill the demon king directly.

At this moment, the rest of these demon king, where there is a mind to think more about what.

There was a cry of surprise from the fugitive. In the middle of the sound, the more than 100 demon kings disappeared without a trace. In the end, they couldn't feel any more of the demon breath.

At this time, Lin Ming seems to be more alert.

Indeed, the power of the Lord of the God kingdom is so powerful that he can't help feeling a little scared.

This kind of existence, even let the Deputy City Lord take him to find the wordless letter, said that there is no attempt, no one will believe it.

"The wordless heavenly book is not far away. In about three minutes, you can directly see the existence of the wordless heavenly book..."

At this time, the voice also rings directly. It looks very simple and doesn't want to delay at all

"There will be no more demons to stop you..."

Then the sound stopped.

However, when the other party said this, Lin Ming was more worried. It was obvious that the city of Shenyu seemed to be very anxious, and even the roadblocks were directly cleared for him.

But now, Lin Ming naturally knows one thing very clearly, that is, no matter what the other party's intention, he has no way out, even if he does not leave in order to break the curse of the gods in Bai Muyu's body.

Obviously, the Lord of God's kingdom in the dark will never let him leave.

Of course, Lin Ming actually had a guess in his heart that the city master of the other God's domain must have taken a fancy to his power of the origin of the universe.

"Magic boy, can you feel the existence of the Lord of the city of God..."

For the sake of caution, Lin Ming can't help but ask the Devil boy.

For a moment, the answer of magic boy made Lin Ming quite speechless

"Strong, the strength of the other side is really strong. It can be compared with me that year

Can you compare with me then... "

In the end, the voice sounds quite emotional, and then the magic boy doesn't speak any more.

Since he couldn't find out the specific information about the Lord of the city of the divine realm from the mouth of magic boy, Lin Ming naturally didn't delay any longer and disappeared in the same place.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Lin Ming's body was shocked subconsciously and stopped in the air.

He did see the wordless book.

It seems that at the top of the ten thousand devil mountain, and at the end of the sky, there are lots of inexplicable breath, showing the form of words.

But this kind of writing form changes directly in an instant, and then becomes a completely different writing form.

Lin Ming knew that if it wasn't for his soul power or his realm strength, he would not have seen it if he had reached the Ninth level of xianzun.

There is no doubt that what he saw was just an inexplicable breath.

His eyes shifted down slightly. At this moment, Lin Ming's body seemed to be shocked subconsciously.

There, he saw a lot of figures, all sitting cross legged. Among them, he saw a familiar figure, the leader of the heavenly palace.

As for other people's words, Lin Ming can't see who they are, or even whether they are men or women.

Indeed, these figures have turned into skin and bones.

But Lin Ming can clearly feel that all these figures still have breath, a trace of inexplicable breath, faintly sent out, it is toward the end of the sky where the wordless heavenly book.

Obviously, these figures are all comprehending the wordless book of heaven.

It is also obvious that it is precisely because of the understanding of the wordless heavenly script that all these strong people have become such a skinny appearance.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Ming was shocked.

Obviously, all the people who can understand the wordless heavenly script here are certainly the strong among the strong.

But since they can also become so skinny, it's natural to imagine how long they have been here.

Before that God domain City Lord, already said, he has been understanding for hundreds of millions of years.

Think of this, Lin Ming eyes involuntarily a coagulation, seriously swept to all the figures.

At that moment, I knew the specific number of such figures. There were 352 people in total.

But for a moment, it was difficult for Lin Ming to find out which one was the leader of the city of God.

It seems that you can see Lin Ming's mind directly. At this moment, the voice of the Lord of the city of God rang out. It seems that it rang out directly in Lin Ming's mind

"I'm here. In fact, you don't have to care which one is me

Now, you have only one thing to do, that is to understand the wordless heavenly book

I feel the existence of the power of the origin of the universe, so I don't hesitate to take great risks to ask the deputy city master to bring you here

At the same time, he took great risks to kill several demon kings in succession, and then scared them away

If those demon kings had not been scared away, I would have been helpless at that time... "

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