At this time, after Lin Ming felt that the evil spirit would not easily enter the 18th heaven, he became more concentrated and continued to instill a trace of cosmic breath into Bai Muyu's body.

The curse of gods inspired from Bai Muyu's body can resist the starlight of the universe, but it can't resist the breath of the universe. Let the breath of the universe directly enter Bai Muyu's body and quickly try to remove the curse of gods.

But Lin Ming knows that the curse of gods is too powerful. He thought it was created by demons, but he didn't expect that it was created by many more powerful evil spirits.

There is no doubt that above the power, the curse of the gods will be stronger.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, no matter what, he will lift the curse of all gods in Bai Muyu's body at this moment. Although there will be residues, it is also a helpless thing.

At least it can make Bai Muyu wake up and look like an ordinary person.

At this time, with the input of cosmic breath into baimuyu's body, the starlight surging from the cosmic space will naturally be more and more intense.

Soon, within a radius of 1000 meters, all of them were covered by starlight.

The extremely strong starlight makes it impossible for the two masters of Shenyu city and Tiangong palace to see the two figures in the center of this area. They are naturally Lin Ming and Bai Muyu.

"His realm and strength are really terrible," the eyes of the Lord of the city of the divine realm flashed with a strong shock beyond the scope of the starlight

"Sure enough, I learned some mysteries about the universe from the wordless heavenly book. I can directly absorb the starlight and use it to deal with the curse of the gods..."

"We really see hope in him. We see a glimmer of hope that we can find the trace of gods in our lifetime..."

The master of the heavenly palace also said, looking very expectant.

At this time, the city leader of Shenyu suddenly frowned slightly: "you say, can he remove the curse of the gods in Bai Muyu's body..."

The head of the heavenly palace shook his head slightly: "I think it's very unlikely, but if Bai Muyu wakes up, he can do it for sure..."

After a pause, the eyes of the master of the heavenly palace suddenly flashed with a look of surprise, and then he murmured to himself:

"The origin of Bai Muyu's identity must not be simple. There is a divine breath in her body

With my vision, experience and knowledge, I have never heard of a strong man who has a divine breath in his body for more than a billion years. "

"Isn't it..." the Lord of the city suddenly guessed, "Bai Muyu is actually a God?"

The master of the heavenly palace didn't speak. He looked like he was meditating. It was obvious that he was remembering.

Suddenly her eyes brightened. "It's not that there is no such possibility. As far as I know, it seems that there is such a possibility of reincarnation

Although the six way method and reincarnation technique have long been lost, it does not mean that they have already disappeared... "

The city master of Shenyu nodded slightly, and his eyes became brighter: "it's true that this is the only way to make sense. Why is there a divine breath in Bai Muyu's body

If Bai Muyu was a reincarnated ancient spirit, what kind of spirit would she be

As far as I know, even among the gods, the realm strength is uneven, and all kinds of gods have their own deities and ranks... "

"It's too early for us to say that." The master of the heavenly palace said, "let's see if he can make Bai Muyu wake up. Even if Bai Muyu can wake up, it's not easy to determine whether Bai Muyu is reincarnated from the ancient gods."

"What, this..."

At this time, like subconscious, a cry of surprise came out from the mouth of the city master and the palace master of the divine realm.

They saw such a scene clearly at this moment.

The dark green aperture of the curse of the gods suddenly expanded three or four times. If it used to be a few meters, it now suddenly expanded to tens of meters.

Then you can see that the lines on the surface of the aperture, that is, the evil spirit Tengtu, seem to be alive, flashing with light, swimming, revealing a more powerful strange atmosphere.

Then the starlight of the universe was pushed back more than ten meters, and then it became dim.

"Sure enough, it's the curse of gods created by evil spirits. Although it's exerted from the hand of the king of beasts, its power can't be underestimated..."

"The power of the curse of the gods is really extraordinary, that is, Lin Ming's existence has the power of the origin of the universe in his body. Even if we join hands, there is no way to take the curse of the gods..."

Naturally, the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong stare at the two figures in the distance, Lin Ming and Bai Muyu.

In Lin Ming's opinion, such a sudden change is extremely normal.

He can clearly feel that the curse of the gods comes with the continuous surge of starlight in the universe, and its power increases.

Compared with the beginning, it has increased by thousands of times.

With the continuous surge of starlight, the curse of God has no reason not to fight back.

In Lin Ming's opinion, it's a good thing that the curse of the gods has made a counterattack. He's just afraid. The curse of the gods has no movement and no reaction.

Now that the curse of the gods responds, it's natural. That is to say, these cosmic mysteries learned from the wordless book of heaven are still effective for lifting the curse of the gods.

Since it is effective, Lin Ming will not stop, and the breath of the universe will continue to enter Bai Muyu's body.

In fact, in addition to using the cosmic starlight to deal with the curse of the gods, Lin Ming naturally thought of a way to deal with it, that is, the divine breath in Bai Muyu's body.

Although he didn't know why baimuyu's body suddenly came out with the breath of gods, it was a kind of ability of baimuyu himself, just like the instinctive premonition of danger, even like eating, drinking, sleeping, which was similar to the existence of instinctive activities.

So naturally, the spirit in baimuyu's body will naturally protect baimuyu.

Otherwise, at the beginning, the king of Warcraft wanted to peel out the breath of the gods, which would not have been unsuccessful.

Lin Ming thought of this method, naturally, is to stimulate Bai Muyu's spirit.

Because of the curse of the gods, baimuyu's spirit has been suppressed in the depths of baimuyu's cave.

However, Lin Ming believes that with the power of the origin of the universe, it is a matter of time before Bai Muyu's spirit can be inspired.

However, in Lin Ming's view, the earlier the time, the better.

"Finally found..."

At this moment, Lin Ming's eyes lit up. When the power of the origin of the universe had been input into Bai Muyu's Shenju cave, Lin Ming seemed to see the whole picture of Bai Muyu's Shenju cave directly.

In the depth, there is a breath, showing a light purple, emitting a very strong breath, but trapped by a dark green light.

"Go..." Lin Ming's heart moved, whew, immediately a trace of the power of the origin of the universe surging away.

In an instant, bang, the power of the origin of the universe attacked the past and hit the dark green light.

Dark green light without the slightest resistance, directly scattered.

With a loud sound, it started to ring. At this moment, the whole Shenju cave of Bai Muyu was illuminated by this divine breath, and it also penetrated directly to illuminate Bai Muyu's body and body.

The appearance of this kind of situation naturally immediately caused a burst of subconscious exclamation from the city master of the divine realm and the palace master of the heavenly palace.

"Divine breath..."

"It seems that Lin Ming finally let the spirit in Bai Muyu get rid of the curse of the gods and get out of the prison..."

Indeed, at this moment, both of them saw such a scene.

Suddenly, on Bai Muyu's body, a burst of lavender light came out. His breath was strong, his momentum was sacred and fierce, and he seemed invincible.

Slowly, Bai Muyu finally opened her eyes. The first time she saw Lin Ming not far away.

"Lin Ming," subconsciously, a cry full of surprise, comes from Bai Muyu's mouth. Naturally, she is extremely excited, and subconsciously wants to come to Lin Ming's side.

But the next moment, her face suddenly changed, she did wake up, but clearly felt that the body was bound by something, at this time the body did not seem to belong to her.

When she looked at it, she could see that there were tattoos on her skin, and her whole body was covered with a circle of dark green light.

All of a sudden, her face showed a bit of panic.

Lin Ming quickly said: "Muyu, don't be nervous. You have been cursed by the gods. Now I am helping you to remove this evil art. You just need to activate the spirit in your body..."

Bai Muyu let out a gentle hum in his mouth.

Although she wakes up at the moment, she feels that she has been in a nightmare. Lin Ming is close to him, but she can't get close to him. No matter how hard she tries, Lin Ming always keeps a certain distance from her.

When she wakes up now, she naturally doesn't know how much she wants to come to Lin Ming's side and jump into his arms.

She always has an inexplicable feeling that she will disappear at any time, or Lin Ming will disappear at any time.

Teng, a burst of lavender light, is immediately rising from her body, unprecedented rich, instant, it seems to directly illuminate the 18th heaven of the whole heavenly palace.

Bai Muyu really let go. She really felt the terrible curse of the gods, which gave her a kind of imprisonment in a narrow, dark and humid space.

She would never let the curse of the gods remain in her.

There was a bang, and then there was a bang.

Sure enough, with Bai Muyu's all-out efforts, the dark green aperture finally vibrated, and the lines on it became more vivid, just like figures attached to it.

"Good." Bai Muyu shakes the curse of the gods as soon as he makes a move. Lin Ming's face is naturally overjoyed.

He knew that as long as he continued to put the power of the origin of the universe into Bai Muyu's body, and at the same time, he triggered the cosmic starlight to attack the curse of the gods. Within three minutes, the curse of the gods would be broken.

But I don't know why. There is a sense of uneasiness in Lin Ming's heart.

This sense of uneasiness is caused by the lines on the surface of the dark green aperture, that is, the evil spirit Tengtu.

His intuition, it seems that these evil spirit Tengtu, itself is evil spirit, such existence, appear at any time.

But intuition is just an intuition. Lin Ming knows that even if the evil spirit really comes to the 18th heaven, it can't stop him from lifting the curse of the gods in Bai Muyu's body.

"This woman's own divine breath, together with the power of the origin of the universe, and the cosmic starlight, it's really possible to lift the curse of the gods..."

"It's certain to lift the curse of the gods, but obviously, it's still difficult to completely lift the curse of the gods. In Bai Muyu's body, there is no trace of it..."

"That's true, but now that Bai Muyu can wake up, it's already a miracle in a miracle..."

"Indeed, I've never heard of anyone who can lift the curse of the gods except the gods and the casters..."

"I'm sure that in this world, Lin Ming's realm strength can definitely rank in the top ten..."

Lin Ming and Bai Muyu fight together while the two of them are talking. At this moment, we can see clearly that the dark green aperture can no longer persist.

Puff, like breaking off a bubble in general, the dark green aperture, finally broken, into a little light disappeared.

At the same time, the evil spirit Tengtu seems to have been destroyed, turned into a little light, disappeared without a trace.

"Lin Ming!" A exclamation came from Bai Muyu's mouth, and her ecstatic and excited appearance disappeared.

Naturally, when she reappeared, just beside Lin Ming, she almost burst into tears. Her voice was a little choked and she said:

"Lin Ming, I thought that I would never see you again. Do you know that I have been having the same nightmare over and over again

Although you are very close to me, I just can't touch you

No matter how hard I try, I can't touch you... "

"Fool." Lin Ming couldn't help laughing. He looked very distressed for Bai Muyu and said, "it's said that it's a nightmare. Naturally it won't be true. Nightmares are actually the opposite

From then on, you and I will be together 24 hours a day, and we will all be within the sight of each other.... "

"Lin Ming!" Bai Muyu exclaimed, and with a look of extreme excitement, he rushed into Lin Ming's arms and hugged him tightly. He still looked worried that Lin Ming would disappear.

"Evil spirit!"

"Be careful!"

At this time, a scream sounded, obviously with a bit of panic, this voice, even with a trace of tremor.

"What, evil spirit!"

Naturally, this is the voice of the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong. Then Lin Ming subconsciously looked up a little and looked forward. It was the first time that he saw a scene that made him a little surprised.

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