Originally, with the broken dark green aperture, the evil spirit Tengtu was also broken and disappeared, even if it had been completely destroyed.

But at this time, a little bit of light appears in the sky, quickly condenses, and every line is quickly connected together.

Soon, a human figure emerged.

There is no doubt that even if it is not a real evil spirit, it must have something to do with it.

For the first time, Lin Ming could feel a very strange and powerful breath coming from such a human figure.

"Haha..." a voice that sounded very gloomy and penetrating immediately came from such a human figure, and said with pity:

"I didn't expect that, but I really didn't expect that after many years, someone could finally lift the curse of the gods

However, it seems not surprising that you can crack the curse of the gods

The power of the origin of the universe, the power of the gods, the dragon soul, the things beyond the sky in their hands, the tools of the universe, and even reaching the first speed of the universe.... "

"What..." every one of them said from each other's mouth, which seemed subconscious. Lin Ming couldn't help clapping in his heart.

Indeed, in addition to the existence of magic boy, the other party seems to have directly known everything about him. Even the existence of dragon spirit has not been concealed from the other party.

It seems that the realm strength of evil spirits is indeed beyond the existence of demons. Even the gods must be under it.

But now Lin Ming is a little relieved, and he doesn't know why. He doesn't feel the slightest lethality and hostility from each other.

Maybe the other party disdains to do it by himself. For a moment, Lin Ming can only think like this.

At this time, the other side continued to say, "if you can reach the first speed of the universe, you must have alerted the existence of the messenger of the universe..."

"What, the messenger of the universe..."

These four words came out of each other's mouth, but it was the first time that they attracted the city leader of Shenyu and the palace leader of Tiangong to make a cry of surprise.

Immediately, they look at Lin Ming, and they seem to be subconsciously worried and nervous.

"Oh? "The messenger of the universe?"

This is the first time that Lin Ming has heard of such existence. He doesn't know what it means.

Before, the Devil boy didn't mention it to him.

"From your reaction, it seems that you are still in the dark, completely unaware of what you have done, which has shocked the messengers of the universe." The voice continued to come out of that human form.

Although still did not reveal the slightest lethality and hostility, the sound is still gloomy and terrifying. Even if Lin Ming heard it, his body also seems to have a burst of goose bumps.

It can be imagined that the strength of the other side is unusually strong.

"In that case, it's OK for you to have a look..."

At this time, the sound fell, and a huge virtual screen appeared in the sky, showing a scene.

This kind of picture is exactly what happened when Lin Ming was still in the city of Shenyu.

He disappeared after killing 15 strong men in the city of Shenyu, and then two figures appeared out of thin air. They looked like ordinary people.

But he said three words from his mouth, and then he put something like the mark of God on Lin Ming.

"I see. No wonder..."

At this time, Lin Ming had a sudden feeling. No wonder he had a strange feeling before. It seemed that something had fallen on him, but it was hard to find out what was unusual about him.

"It turned out to be the so-called mark of God..." Lin Ming suddenly said, "it seems that I have become a so-called candidate, but I don't know who the candidate is..."

"From your reaction, obviously, you don't know what kind of candidate you have become..."

The other party's voice continued to ring, "since your strength has reached the level that you can lift the curse of the gods, now, I will tell you something I know, it's ok..."

"This candidate is the candidate to be the master of the universe..."

"Obviously, the messengers of the universe seem to be a little anxious. They have to find more candidates to choose the master of the universe as soon as possible..."

After a pause, the voice of the other party seems to be a little more friendly

"If you don't exist like this, no matter how powerful your realm is, I will kill you

But now, nature is different... "

"Of course, if you lift the curse of the gods, it doesn't mean that there won't be any other evil spirits coming to your trouble. I won't kill you. I'll always pay attention to you, so you can take care of yourself..."

At this point, there is no more sound coming out of such a human figure. It bursts away with a bang and turns into a little light again. This time, it finally disappears.

"The master of the universe?"

Lin Ming can still feel it very clearly. It seems that the previous scene is the one shown on the air, which gives Lin Ming a sense of uneasiness.

It seems that being targeted by those two people is not a good thing to be a candidate.

The outline of the human figure disappeared. The Lord of the city of the divine realm and the Lord of the heavenly palace flashed down to the side of Lin Ming. Sure enough, a touch of worry became stronger in his eyes.

At this time, even Bai Muyu's face looked worried and asked:

"Lin Ming, what is the candidate?"

Lin Ming shook his head slightly: "I don't know what's going on. How can I be targeted and passively become a candidate..."

It's true that during the conversation, Lin Ming also carefully examined his internal and external conditions, but still did not find anything unusual. He did not find out where the so-called mark of God was.

Naturally, how can this prevent Lin Ming's face from showing a dignified color subconsciously.

With the strength of his current realm, he could not find it at all. We can imagine how strong the two of them are.

"Ah." All of a sudden, the Lord of Shenyu sighed for no reason. Then he said to Lin Ming:

"With your current strength and the power of the origin of the universe, it should not be a problem to go to the God sites and find the traces of the gods

Similarly, with the power of the origin of the universe, you will be able to become the master of the universe in your own cultivation in time

But now... "

At this point, the Lord of the city of God stopped, and his eyes showed a look of great pity.

"But now... What happened." For a moment, Lin Ming asked in a calm tone. At least on the surface, Lin Ming didn't care about the candidates.

The master of the heavenly palace said:

"But now, you are likely to fall into the test arranged by the cosmic emissary..."

"Oh? In the test of the cosmic emissary? " For a moment, Lin Ming didn't seem to care much.

"That's right." The master of the heavenly palace nodded: "in fact, I have known for a long time that the messengers of the universe have existed. It seems that they all existed with the birth of this heaven and earth. I once suspected that this heaven and earth was born from the hands of the messengers of the universe

But no one can confirm that... "

"For a long time, any genius who appears to be extraordinary will be selected by the cosmic emissary to take part in the test, but there has never been any one who can pass the test of the cosmic emissary."

The Lord of the city said that there was no light in his eyes when he looked at Lin Ming. It seemed that Lin Ming had fallen in his eyes.

Lin Ming shrugged and said, "maybe I can be the first person in history

What's more, it's not the time to think more about these things. I have to find the breath of God first to make my body strong and suppress the Dragon Spirit in my body

Otherwise, let alone accept the test of the cosmic emissary, within a few decades, I will fall directly... "

"You two lead the way." At this time, Lin Ming also said directly.

"Ah? Oh... "

Seeing that Lin Ming didn't take the candidate for the same thing at all, the two of them were subconsciously stunned, and then came over.

In their opinion, Lin Ming is right. The most important thing at the moment is to find the spirit first.

After looking around, the master of the heavenly palace said: "the wordless heavenly book has disappeared. In a short time, the ten thousand devil mountain will be completely occupied by the devil spirit and will become the territory of the devil spirit

Now, we can easily open the portal of the 18th day, not necessarily in the future. "

"The city of God."

Hearing this, the Lord of the city of the divine realm suddenly realized something. His face changed, and then he said, "I have to go back and explain some things clearly, otherwise, the city of the divine realm will be easily captured by demons..."

The bodies of the three disappeared in place.

When it reappears, it comes to the sky above the city of God.


Seeing the appearance of the Lord of the city of the divine realm, almost all the strong men in the city of the divine realm have noticed and appeared one after another, including the Deputy Lord.

At this time, the Deputy Lord looked at the Lord of the God kingdom with an excited and ecstatic look on his face, and then said:

"Lord, how many years have passed, and you have finally passed the pass. You must have learned some of the mysteries of the universe from the wordless heavenly book..."

The Lord of Shenyu City nodded slightly, then looked at Lin Ming beside him, "in fact, I can understand some of the mysteries of the universe, thanks to him..."

"Lord, before this boy..."

Naturally, many strong people saw Lin Ming for the first time, and they should have believed that Lin Ming became a prisoner of the city leader of the divine realm. But now, it seems that this is not the case.

"I know everything that happened before, I know it all, it's just a misunderstanding." The Lord of the city of God said in a dignified manner.

"But the Lord of the city." There are still a lot of strong people looking at Lin Ming's eyes, it seems to see a bloody enemy.

Immediately, a cold hum came out from the mouth of the Lord of the city of the divine realm: "I can tell you the truth. Now, his strength is above me. Not only that, even if I join hands with the Lord of the heavenly palace, he is not his opponent

He wants to destroy the city of the divine realm. It's a matter of minutes... "

Indeed, there is no exaggeration in the words of the Lord of the city of the divine realm. The picture of Lin Ming using the breath of the universe to wipe out all the strong is still vivid in my mind.

In his opinion, to destroy the whole city of the divine realm is really a matter of no effort for Lin Ming.

"What, this..."

I dare not speak. As soon as I say this from the mouth of the Lord of the city of God, all the strong people are afraid to say half a word more.

They naturally believe in the words of the Lord of God's kingdom.

"In this case, what happened before, let bygones be bygones, is actually a misunderstanding."

The deputy mayor said first.

Now that even the deputy city master has opened his mouth in this way, as for all the others, naturally he doesn't dare to say anything more.

At this time, the Lord of the city said: "the wordless heavenly book has disappeared, and the power of the demons will certainly grow. In the next few days, I will leave the city and go to the God ruins to find the trace of the gods

I'll leave all these Taoist instruments behind... "

Immediately, with a flash of light, there were tens of thousands of Taoist vessels, each of which was extremely powerful.

Then it seems that the Lord of Shenyu city doesn't want to delay any more. After a few words of advice, he leaves with the Lord of Tiangong and Lin Ming.

When Lin Ming appeared in the magic mountain, he really felt that with the disappearance of the wordless book, the spirit of the devil was very strong.

There is no doubt that with the passage of time, the spirit breath here will only become more powerful, and it will not be long before a stronger spirit king will be born here.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, what will happen here has little to do with him.

"Leave." Lin Ming said.

The master of the heavenly palace also immediately opened a portal in the middle of the sky.

Whew, the figures of Lin Ming, the city leader of Shenyu and the palace leader of Tiangong almost disappeared at the same time.

"Well? Extraterrestrial demons have already entered the palace of heaven... "

When Lin Ming, the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong appeared at the same time, they were naturally in Tiangong.

At this moment, the face of the master of the heavenly palace changed involuntarily.

Teng, a strong breath momentum, as well as murderous, is also the first time to rise from the heavenly palace master.

"Master of the palace."

"Palace master, you are back."

At the next moment, the figures flashed. At the first time when I saw the leader of the heavenly palace, Qi Qi's voice came from everyone's mouth.

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