At this moment, everyone looked at the head of the heavenly palace and said one after another as if he saw a straw.

"Master. You came back in time. More than 50 years have passed. The attack of extraterrestrial demons has never stopped... "

"Just a few years ago, hundreds of demons were born among the extraterrestrial demons. They were the defense array that directly broke through the whole immortal gate, that is, the star array..."

"The star array was broken, and ninety-nine clan clans, half of them were destroyed by extraterrestrial demons."

"After that, under the leadership of hundreds of demons, tianwai demons entered the palace of heaven..."

Lin Ming can clearly see that there are several acquaintances, the three heavenly kings, and other heavenly palace strongmen.

After all, it was the leader of the heavenly palace who opened the portal and let Lin Ming enter the 18th heaven.

"What, among the extraterrestrial demons, hundreds of demons were born?"

Such words came from the mouth of many powerful people in the heavenly palace. The leader of the heavenly palace seemed to be a bit surprised. It was obviously difficult to accept the occurrence of such things.

"The devil?" For a moment, even the Lord of the city of Shenyu was shocked by his subconscious body.

"Is the devil's power very powerful?" For a moment, seeing the reaction of both the city master and the palace master, Lin Ming was naturally a little curious.

It's true that he knows the strength of the city master of the divine realm and the palace master of the heavenly palace. He just met him. If anyone else faced them, they would have no choice but to die.

It can be imagined that the two are really strong.

But even if the reaction of the two people is so big, naturally, it can be imagined that the strength of the born Demon Lord should be extraordinary.

The master of the heavenly palace nodded slightly: "indeed, the strength of the Demon Lord is extraordinary. Almost all of them are above the demon king

As far as I know, it was more than 100 million years ago that a demon was born... "

"The strength of the devil is really very important," the Lord of the city of Shenyu said, "but things are also very strange and strange. It's very difficult for the devil to appear. But now what's the matter? Hundreds of devil come out all at once..."

Pause for a moment, the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong look at each other with tacit understanding. They both see a dignified color in each other's eyes.

"It seems that there is going to be a great turbulence in this world..."

Then, the Lord of the city of the divine realm and the Lord of the heavenly palace seem to have a tacit understanding, and they almost murmur to themselves.

Lin Ming still didn't care much about it. He said: "since the so-called demon master is so powerful, I'd like to see it..."

However, to Lin Ming's surprise, this time even the Lord of the city of God and the Lord of the heavenly palace didn't take good care of him. Instead, he said in a hurry.

"Don't underestimate the devil. The strength of the devil is really great. Even if it's just a devil, its realm strength is really above me..."

"That's right. Even if I'm against a demon, there's only a 50% chance of winning, let alone hundreds of demons..."

The Lord of the city of the divine realm and the Lord of the heavenly palace said one after another, and the dignified color on his face became more and more rich.

Seeing Lin Ming's disbelief in his eyes for a moment, the master of the heavenly palace said:

"In fact, the universe has four most powerful forces, namely, the force of the origin of the universe, the force of the destruction of the universe, the force of the creation of the universe, and the last most powerful force of the end of the universe..."

"That's right." Then the Lord of the city of God nodded and said, "these four greatest powers of the universe have always existed in the legend

The reason why there was a demon Buddha before was that he had hidden the destructive power of the universe in his body... "

"Obviously, there must be the power of Cosmic Destruction in these hundreds of demons...."

At this point, both the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong can't help but look at Lin Ming at the same time.

Then the master of the heavenly palace said: "since the power of the origin of the universe has appeared in you, it's not strange that the power of the destruction of the universe has also appeared..."

The city leader of Shenyu murmured: "in this case, I am 100% sure that there has been great turbulence in this part of the world..."

"The Lord of the heavenly palace, the Lord of the city of God?" At this time, two voices of compassion sounded. The next moment, two figures appeared out of thin air, directly in the sight of all the strong, including Lin Ming.

"The devil?"

When he saw these two figures appear, it seemed natural that these two words appeared in Lin Ming's mind.

It's true that at this moment, Lin Ming inexplicably felt a very strong breath from these two figures, not under the power of the origin of the universe.

Then it is obvious that this kind of breath should be the destructive power of the universe mentioned by the two people, the city master of the divine realm and the palace master of the heavenly palace.

"It seems that what the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong said is true. The strength of the devil is really extraordinary..."

As if subconsciously, after seeing these two figures, Lin Ming was on guard.

At this time, the two figures, like ignoring everyone, naturally including Lin Ming, just looked at the city leader and the palace leader of the divine realm.

Then the two demons said.

"Even the Lord of the city of Shenyu has left the 18th heaven. It seems that the news I received is true. The wordless book of heaven really disappeared in the 18th heaven..."

"Of course, we don't come here for the wordless heavenly script. We come here for the picture of nothingness, one of the other five heavenly scripts..."

"Master of the heavenly palace, now you should know what you are doing..."

After a word, a strong murderous spirit rose directly from the two demons and rushed to the two masters of the heavenly palace and the city of the divine realm.


At this moment, like subconscious, the faces of the city master and the palace master of the divine realm suddenly changed.

They can feel the horror of such murderous spirit very clearly. They just felt it from Lin Ming before.

Two people's bodies can't move directly.

"Master of the heavenly palace, how about that? As long as you promise to open the portal to the 19th heaven, I will not only let you go, but also let the whole strong one of the heavenly palace go..."

"Otherwise, you will die, and the Lord of the city of God will die. As for the strong in the whole heavenly palace, naturally it is no exception..."

"At that time, the whole heavenly palace will become a place of nothingness..."

"Lord of the heavenly palace, Lord of the city of the divine realm, now I have another message to tell you..."

"A total of 320 born demons have accepted the invitation of the messengers of the universe, leaving the mark of God on their bodies..."

"What does this stand for? I think you two should be clear. It means that we are both candidates, candidates for the Lord of the universe..."

"Why, master of the heavenly palace, don't you want to open the portal of the 19th heaven on your own initiative?"

"What, hundreds of demons have become candidates? A candidate to be the master of the universe? "

Naturally heard this from each other's mouth, God domain City Lord and heaven palace Lord two people, said no accident, it is absolutely false.

However, they suddenly realized that they had one of the four most powerful forces in the universe, the destructive power of the universe. It was normal for them to be candidates.

It seems that the master of the heavenly palace still doesn't mean to give in. He says coldly:

"Now that you are the candidates for the master of the universe, your realm strength must be super strong. Why do you need my hand? You two must be able to directly open the portal to the 19th heaven..."

"Lord of heaven, you want to die."

At this moment, the two demons' faces changed, and their murderous spirit became more intense

"Lord of heaven, are you playing with us? Who doesn't know, except the master of the heavenly palace, no other existence can open the portal above the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace... "

"In that case, I'll let you try our means first, hum."

A cold hum came from the mouth of the two demons.

In the meantime, a trace of incomparably powerful breath came out directly from the two demons.

"The destructive power of the universe."

In the moment of feeling this breath, a cry of surprise came from the mouth of the city master and the palace master of the divine realm.

There was a big bang.

When they look at it, they can't help but take a breath.

Indeed, we can see that the destructive power of the universe attacks the void, and the whole space of Dayton time is directly broken into nothingness.

Naturally, everything in this space in the heavenly palace, including innumerable strong people and innumerable architectural communities, is transformed into nothingness.

"Here, here,"

At this time, all the strong people in Tiangong around them were all scared.

Although they have indeed heard of the existence of the four most powerful forces in the universe, they have only heard of them. Who would have thought that the destructive force of the universe, one of them, has such terrible power.

"This is one of the four most powerful forces in the universe, the destructive force of the universe." At this time, the two demons spoke and said.

"What's the power? I think you can see it clearly now. I'll give you five seconds to think about whether to open the portal or not."

"Well? Is there a sneak attack? "

But just then, their faces suddenly changed.

But for a moment, it seemed that his face had just changed. Then, a cold hum of disdain came out from the two demons almost at the same time.

"It's just funny. Just a strong man in heaven dares to attack us..."

"The existence of the Lord of the heavenly palace and the Lord of the city of the divine realm, in our hands, is just like the fish on the chopping board, and I'm free to slaughter them..."


Obviously, they felt a breath attack. For a moment, the two demons believed that it was the strong one in Tiangong who was attacking secretly.

With a cold hum, it just shows its strength that Chengdu can't reach.

Whew for a while, two black lights, shot to the shadow of the sneak attack in the dark.


But at this moment, the two demons looked as if their faces could not help changing again.

Even such an attack, which can take the lives of the Lord of the heavenly palace and the Lord of the city of the divine realm, has no effect on each other.

Then the next moment, all over the sky's palm shadow, it is a direct surge.

"The power of the origin of the universe."

At this moment, Qi Qi's exclamation also came from the mouth of the two demons.

Indeed, from the shadow of their hands, they both clearly felt the existence of such a strong breath, which is one of the most powerful forces of the four universes, the power of the origin of the universe.

Of course, the reaction of the two demons was also very fast. Naturally, they couldn't pay attention to the Lord of the city and the Lord of the heavenly palace.

Teng of for a while, a burst of black light, are from these two people's body to come out, turn into a sword.

At that time, in the sound of a burst of wheezing, he shot at the shadow of his hands.

Naturally, every sword turned from black light also contains a trace of cosmic destructive power.

We can imagine what will happen.

It is to see that with the sound of an explosion, each sword, which is made of black light, is shot into a palm shadow, and both of them burst away at the same time, turning into a little light and disappearing without a trace.

The next moment, a figure appeared in the sight of the two demons.

"What, it's you boy."

"It's you."

When you see this figure clearly, it looks like a subconscious, an unexpected sound of surprise, at the same time from the mouth of the two demons.

Naturally, what these two demons see at the moment is Lin Ming.

Immediately after looking at Lin Ming up and down, a cold hum came from the two demons

"Well, I underestimate you and ignore you directly. You are also a candidate..."

"It turns out that he is a candidate for the master of the universe with the power of the origin of the universe..."

"Ha ha..."

Then, a burst of excited and ecstatic laughter came out of the mouth of the two demons at the same time.

"Originally, we thought that we still need to understand the existence of the force of the origin of the universe from the picture of nothingness..."

"But now, it takes no effort to find a place without breaking the iron shoes. The power of the origin of the universe appears in front of our eyes..."

"God helps me, God helps me..."

"Ha ha..."

Immediately, it seemed that I could not help it. A burst of excited and joyful laughter came from the mouth of the two demons.

Seeing this, Lin Ming said: "in this way, you two want the power of the origin of the universe in my body..."

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