"Why, don't you want to hand over the power of the origin of the universe on your own initiative? Ha ha... "

A burst of ironic laughter immediately came from the mouth of the two demons. Looking at Lin Ming, it was like looking at a dead man.

"If you don't take the initiative to hand over the power of the origin of the universe in your body, we will work together to peel off your skin and bones and make your life worse than death..."

"Why, why are you still in a daze? Why don't you quickly hand over the power of the origin of the universe in your body..."

Immediately a cold hum, also is Qi Qi of, spread out from the mouth of these two evil masters.

Looking at the appearance of these two demons, they didn't pay any attention to Lin Ming.

However, it's no wonder that they have such an attitude towards Lin Ming. In their opinion, they all crush Lin Ming on the strength of the realm, let alone two demons.

Not to mention the existence of more than 300 demons.

A cold hum full of killing intention also came from the mouth of the two demons:

"Boy, even if there is a miracle, you can escape in the hands of our two demons, but I tell you, there are more than 300 demons like this, you are doomed to not escape

You are nothing. You are not qualified to have the power of the origin of the universe, and you are not qualified to be the main candidate of the universe... "

With these words, a breath of time rose from the two demons.

The space around them collapses in an instant, and in an instant it becomes nothingness.

"What, the destructive power of the universe..."

"This, this cosmic destructive power is so terrible, this, this..."

Scared, all the strong people in Tiangong around looked like they were directly scared and dull, and the cold sweat on their forehead was like rain.

At present, even the Lord of the city of the divine realm and the Lord of the heavenly palace are no exception. When they look at the two demons, they are subconscious and show a look of panic.

Two people at this time in the heart, can't help is very speechless, is also helpless.

Who would have thought that the two of them had just come out of the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace, and they were preparing to go to the God site to find the trace of the gods, when they met the devil, and they were still a terrible number of more than 300 devil.

In their view, no matter how strong Lin Ming's strength is, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of more than 300 demons.

At this moment, brush, all the eyes of the palace of heaven strong, but it is Qi brush look to Lin Ming and go.

Although it seems that subconscious is a bit hesitant, but in the end, many of them still choose to speak.

"Lin Ming, please give the power of the origin of the universe to these two demons..."

"That's right. As long as you hand over the power of the origin of the universe, the devil will not attack the heavenly palace. Otherwise, the heavenly palace will turn into nothingness, and all of us will come to the same end..."

"As long as you can help Tiangong through this disaster, all the people in and out of Tiangong are at your disposal..."

The eyes of all the powerful people in the heavenly palace are all looking at Lin Ming. They are all pleading with each other. They almost kneel down and kowtow to Lin Ming.

Seeing this, Lin Ming was always expressionless, as if he had turned a blind eye.

Lin Ming's eyes were only on the two demons, and then he said, "it's a coincidence that I also lack the power to destroy the universe. Well, if you two give up the power to destroy the universe in your body, I can give you two demons a pleasure..."

Putong Putong

As soon as the words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, all the strong people in Tiangong were scared and desperate.

Immediately, all the people could not stand steadily, and all the strong people in Tiangong fell to the ground.

Indeed, all of them can not see clearly that with the power of Cosmic Destruction emanating from the two demons, the space in the heavenly palace is still destroying and turning into nothingness.

"What, let's hand over the destructive power of the universe?"

"And then you give us a good time?"

"Ha ha..."

"Ha ha, it's so funny. Ha ha..."

As if there was no accident, after Lin Ming's words came out, the two demons were stunned. It seemed that they had heard a big joke. A burst of laughter came out of their mouth.

It seems that the two demons are even about to burst into tears.

"I think you are crazy. Any one of us can take your life..."

"Not to mention the existence of more than 300 demons..."

"Even if a miracle happens, you can kill us. Do you think other demons will let you go? Don't be silly... "

"Boy, there is one thing you need to do now, and only this one, that is to give up the power of the origin of the universe in your body..."


Finally, with a cold hum, from the mouth of the two demons, the destructive power of the universe, which emanated from them, became more powerful.

The city leader of Shenyu and the palace leader of Tiangong seem to be subconsciously scared, especially the palace leader of Tiangong, whose forehead is already a cold sweat.

As if subconsciously, the master of the heavenly palace just opened his mouth and pleaded with Lin Ming

"Lin Ming, it happened so suddenly. Who could have thought that there would be a demon. You can't be the opponent of the two demons

If you give up the power of the origin of the universe, maybe there will be a ray of life, otherwise... "

At this time, Lin Ming looks like he is looking at the leader of the heavenly palace in the distance and says:

"Why, even you don't think I'm the opponent of the two demons, so you look down on me..."

The words came from Lin Ming's mouth, and a cry of surprise came from the mouth of the Lord of the city of God

"Lin Ming, don't act rashly. You have great potential to be the master of the universe. Why

What... "

But a word is also not finished, a exclamation, from the God of the city master's mouth out.

Indeed, at this moment, it seems that Lin Ming doesn't want to waste any more time. He shows the first speed of the universe.

That is to say, in the whole space, there are ninety-nine Lin Ming. Each Lin Ming seems to be the same in itself, and there is no difference at all.

Before, Lin Ming's speed was really about to reach the first speed in the universe. Then when he understood the wordless heavenly book, he realized that in terms of speed, he directly broke through to the first speed in the universe.

"Er," seeing the appearance of such a scene, the master of the heavenly palace was naturally stunned. He looked a little absent-minded and murmured:

"It seems that I underestimate his strength, but even if he is the opponent of two demons, how can he deal with hundreds of demons


At last, a sigh came from the master of the heavenly palace.

Indeed, in his view, no matter what, Lin Ming's ultimate end is only one. He is defeated by the devil and deprived of the power of the origin of the universe.

"The first speed of the universe?"

Seeing the appearance of the ninety-nine Lin Ming, it seems that the two demons were a bit surprised and stunned.

Not too closely follow, a disdain of cold hum, pour is from their mouth.

"Although we haven't reached the first speed of the universe, our speed is approaching the first speed of the universe..."

"If we do it together, how can we not kill you..."

A total of 120 figures appeared out of thin air. Obviously, the two demons also showed their maximum speed, and each of them had 60 parts.

But what these two demons can't know is that Lin Ming didn't just show the first speed of the universe.

What he shows is also the shadow of God that the Devil boy taught him before.

"It's just 120 parts," Lin Ming said with a sneer of disdain. "It's ridiculous that he wants to get the power of the origin of the universe from me with this strength


Qi Qi a big drink, at the same time from the ninety-nine figure's mouth.

First of all, this kind of momentum, all of a sudden, seems to be a rough wave general, surging to the distance of 120 shadow away.

"What, this..."

First of all, this kind of momentum, just like subconscious, makes all the powerful people in Tiangong around them jump.

"He, his strength, has become so strong..."

"It's only over 50 years. What has this boy experienced..."

Seeing Lin Ming's move like this, all the powerful people in Tiangong look like subconscious silly eyes.

Before they fought with Lin Ming, Lin Ming's strength is really very strong, but compared with now, it is more than a thousand times weaker.

That is to say, compared with 50 years ago, Lin Ming's realm strength is more than a thousand times stronger.

Let alone 50 years. In the eyes of all the powerful people in the heavenly palace, such a thing can't happen even in 50000 or 500000 years.

"Maybe, he can really defeat the alliance of the two demons..."

At this moment, it seems that subconsciously, it is not only all the strong people in the heavenly palace, but also the city master and the heavenly palace master of the divine realm.

But of course, everyone knows that in addition to the two demons, there are more than 300 demons.

Naturally, this is the most lethal.

"Well? The breath of the universe? "

At this time, with a sound of momentum, the shadow of the palm all over the sky attacked again, and this time, the faces of the two demons could not help changing.

Yes, this time, the breath of the palm shadow has changed. It is not only the existence of the power of the origin of the universe, but also the stronger breath of the universe.

These two demons know that the breath of the universe is the origin of everything, and also the origin and foundation of the four greatest powers of the universe.

Naturally, compared with the supreme power of the four universes, the breath of the universe is more powerful.

"How can this boy still have the breath of the universe, this..."

Silly eyes. At this moment, these two demons seem to have a little silly eyes subconsciously.

Of course, it just happened in a flash.

The next moment, a loud bang is sounded, a black light, are directly from the rise of these 120 figures, forming a sword with a length of at least 100 meters, in a burst of wheezing sound, attack the palm shadow all over the sky.

But this time, there is no previous scene, sword and palm shadow collide, both of them are scattered.

This time, with an earth shaking explosion, all the black light swords were directly hit by each palm shadow and scattered. In an instant, they turned into a little light and disappeared without a trace.

And every hand shadow, it seems that there is no loss at all.

Whew, whew, all over the world, attacking the 120 figures.

In an instant, these 120 figures seemed to be submerged by a wave of palm shadow.


There was a scream.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"This, this..."

All the powerful people in the heavenly palace around them, including the city master of the divine realm and the palace master of the heavenly palace, seemed to be in a daze subconsciously.

It exploded. After being submerged by a flash of palm shadow, all the 120 figures exploded.

What does this mean? In the eyes of all the heavenly palace strongmen, the city masters of the divine realm and the heavenly palace masters, it is clear.

This shows that Lin Ming actually defeated the two powerful demons.

The two candidates for the master of the universe, the two demons, were defeated by Lin Ming?

As if subconsciously, all the strong men, including the Lord of the city of the divine realm and the Lord of the heavenly palace, were flushed with shame.

Everyone seems to want to find a gap immediately and then go in.

Indeed, even after seeing the strength of the two demons, they began to plead with Lin Ming, asking him to take the initiative to hand over the power of the origin of the universe, so as to prevent the whole heavenly palace from being destroyed.

But the truth is nothing.

Lin Ming is actually the opponent of the two demons. One move is to blow up the bodies of the two demons, and blow up the figures of 120 demons.

"I won't let you go."

"I will never let you go."

At this time, in a burst of evil spirit, two murderous roars came out.

"Boy, you're dead. There are more than 300 demons. You can only end up with one, that's death..."

"Boy, you wait. We'll be back."

"Want to escape?" At this time, a cold hum came from the ninety-nine figures.

Whoosh, whoosh

The next moment, a stream of suction, is also directly from each figure above the spread, directly shrouded in the range of tens of thousands of meters.

Naturally, the evil spirit is in such a range.

"Can you escape from me, ha ha..." Lin Ming's voice continued, "since you want my power of the origin of the universe, you should be ready to be robbed of the power of the destruction of the universe by me

Hum... "

Finally, a cold hum fell, whew, it was to see that this kind of rolling evil spirit was almost instantly sucked away without any resistance, and entered the ninety-nine parts of the body.

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