"What, this, this..."

At this moment, the power of cosmic destruction that emerged from the huge body of the dragon was even more powerful. It seemed that involuntarily, the hearts of the twelve figures all clapped.

Of course, on the surface, it seems that they are not moved. In a moment, the murderous spirit rising from them is thousands of times stronger.

When the roaring hurricane sounded, it turned into a black hurricane, which covered the sky and the sun, and swept away to the dragon in the distance.

However, they were still tens of thousands of meters away from the dragon's real body. Under the attack of the two most powerful forces of the universe, the origin of the universe and the destruction of the universe, such black hurricanes completely collapsed, and the fragile ones were blown away like a breeze.

"Even if you have the power of the origin of the universe and the power of the destruction of the universe, how can you prove that you can be the opponent of our twelve demons..."

"You'd better be honest and tell us the reason why you have the two most powerful forces in the universe. Otherwise, we'll peel you off and drink your blood..."

Indeed, this is undoubtedly the most attractive for the twelve demons.

It was not easy for them to give birth to the destructive power of the universe in their bodies.

However, if they want to have another kind of supreme power in the universe, they have long known that it is impossible at all.

But the fact is that such a thing is really possible. It happened to Lin Ming.

For a moment, how each of them didn't want to know and how Lin Ming did it.

"The reason, I have already said very clearly..." Lin Ming's voice rang out, also revealed a more intense killing intention:

"I killed the two demons, and I took the power of Cosmic Destruction from both of them for my own use..."

"Hum," Qi said coldly. From the mouth of the twelve figures, they obviously still didn't believe what Lin Ming said.

"Don't scare us."

"We are all powerful demons. We still have some basic common sense. You can't control the destructive power of the universe..."

"Since it's good that you don't give an honest account, we'll fight until you are honest, and then we'll take the initiative to give a clear account of the situation..."


At last, a cold hum full of murderous spirit came down, and the twelve figures, which were tens of thousands of meters high, stretched out their huge mountain like palms and grabbed the real body of the dragon, which was tens of thousands of meters long.

Under this grasp, space is blocked and time stagnates.

All of a sudden, I saw twelve mountain like palms, all of which caught the dragon in the palm.

The destructive power of the universe is spreading out, attacking the huge body of the dragon.

"Break it for me."

At this time, a big drink, Qi Qi from the mouth of the twelve figures.

"What, this..."

But the next moment, the eyes of the twelve figures were suddenly widened, showing a strong color of disbelief.

In every palm of their hands, there is a very strong power of cosmic destruction. In their eyes, let alone such a long worm, even the real ancient dragon could not be motionless or hurt at all.

But it's true that at this moment, with their fierce efforts, the dragon's huge body was not damaged at all. Let alone let the dragon's body break, even if it was just a little skin injury, the twelve figures didn't do it.

"It's impossible."

"It can't happen..."

"What the hell is this..."


Bursts of startled voice, like subconscious sound, suddenly a scream voice also rang up.

Indeed, he saw a breath of the dragon coming out of the huge body of the dragon, and immediately cut off the twelve palms like a sharp sword.

Yes, it was the palm of each of the twelve figures that was cut off at the same time under the breath of the dragon.

Dayton time, blood spilled in the sky, like a meteor across the space.

"Looking for death, how dare you hurt me and break my hand..."

Fury, at this moment, the twelve demons are fury, the voice spread out, as if spread to every corner of the universe.

"Boy, make a quick decision."

Just then, the voice of magic boy sounded in Lin Ming's mind, with some urgency and worry

"Once the other 306 demons arrive and join hands with such a large number of demons, no matter how powerful you are, it's hard for you to retreat completely..."

Since the magic boy suddenly said so, then the situation will be like this.

"Hum..." a cold hum rang out, and Lin Ming's killing voice echoed in all directions

"What about the twelve demons? If you want to take my life, you won't be allowed to hurt me. Not only that, I'll take your life too

It can also enhance the power of Cosmic Destruction in my body.... "

"Ha ha, take the lives of our twelve demons? Ha ha... "

However, the words came from Lin Ming's mouth. There was no accident. A burst of laughter came from the mouth of the twelve demons.

Teng's, immediately a black hurricane general murderous gas, lingering in the body.

"Now, I don't care what kind of existence you are, you will die. This is your ending..."

"Surely death is my end?" Lin Ming disdained very much, "then you are too self righteous..."

As soon as Lin Ming's voice fell, there was a loud bang.

"What, this..."

"What momentum and power this is..."

It's true that at this moment, the faces of the twelve evil lords, who were still murderous and fierce, suddenly changed greatly. It seems that they can't believe what kind of picture they are seeing.

The dragon's real body is tens of thousands of meters long, and its tail sweeps in all directions and into the universe.

Where we go, with the power of the origin of the universe and the power of the destruction of the universe, the destruction of space turns into nothingness, and is re condensed.

This kind of momentum is really amazing.


Also in these twelve figures, subconsciously under a Leng, a burst of scream voice rang out.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

"What, five demons..."

"No, the tail should continue to sweep over..."

At that moment, the five demons were swept by the tail of the dragon's real body and fell directly. The remaining seven demons were stunned. Subconsciously, they were able to react immediately. Whew, whew, their bodies retreated.

Whew, at this time, a huge suction is also emitted from the huge body of the dragon. Before the five evil Qi containing the destructive power of the universe escape, they are absorbed directly into the body.

At the moment, Lin Ming didn't seem to care enough to control the destructive power of the universe. His eyes swept to the huge figure with a height of more than ten thousand meters. A thunderous roar came out

"It's impossible to escape from me

I say kill you, kill you

What about the devil... "

Whew, a piece of black lightning shot out quickly, crossed the void, directly resisted the seven figures, and immediately tied up the seven figures.

It's true that Lin Ming is putting out a chain.

In fact, as his realm strength rose to the Ninth level of immortal Zun realm, Lin Ming could clearly feel that whether it was a chain or a broken knife, it began to produce qualitative changes.

This kind of change has already made Lin Ming happy.

Indeed, from these two kinds of weapons, there is a faint breath of the universe.

Before that, the two elders of the divine city said that these two weapons were extraterrestrial objects and weapons of the universe. Lin Ming still had some doubts about them.

But when there was a faint breath of the universe coming out of it, Lin Ming could be sure that this broken knife, this chain, was indeed a tool of the universe, something beyond the sky.

Now, it's the first time since a piece of the chain has been exposed to the cosmos, and it doesn't disappoint Lin Ming.

This chain shot out quickly, which immediately gave Lin Ming a feeling that even the stars could be directly tied up.

It can be imagined that the power of this chain at this time, how strong.

At the next moment, with a chain pulling in the void, the seven figures that had escaped appeared in Lin Ming's sight.

At this time, Lin Ming could clearly see that the eyes of the seven demons were full of fear and disbelief, and they looked a little confused.

They looked at the chain that bound their huge bodies, and their faces were already pale, and their mouths were murmuring to themselves.

"What kind of weapon is it? Its power is so terrible that it can directly bind the body of the devil..."

"This is at least the most powerful tool of Taoism..."

"It's impossible. Even the most powerful Taoist weapon can't resist the destructive power of the universe..."


Brush, in a flash, you can see the faces of all the seven demons. It's even more difficult to see the extreme. Each one still looks shocked and unclear.

For a moment, they couldn't figure out what kind of tools could resist the destructive power of the universe.

"Boy, what are you going to do?"

"Stop, if you dare to kill us, you will die. I tell you, we still have more than 300 powerful demons..."

"Boy, let us go, do you hear me, or you will die..."

"Hum, even if we give you 10000 courage, you don't dare to do anything to us. Don't forget, we have another more important identity, the candidate of the Lord of the universe..."

"Dare not kill you? Ha ha... "

Seeing that the seven demons had already fallen into their own hands, they were still arrogant. A cold laugh of disdain came from the mouth of the real dragon

"The so-called devil, in my eyes, is similar to ordinary people

As for the candidate for the master of the universe

I'm afraid you forget that I'm also a candidate for the Lord of the universe, just like you

If you die in my hands, it can only prove one thing. You are not as good as me

To die... "

Finally, the two words gently came out directly from the mouth of the dragon.

Whew, the top of a chain moves, revealing a hint of the universe.

"Hum," but seeing this, a cold hum of disdain came from the mouth of the seven demons.

"Our body has been invincible for a long time, even if..."


But such a sentence has not been finished, instead, from the mouth of the three evil masters came a scream.

Then, the three demons bowed their heads subconsciously. At this moment, they clearly saw that this chain had penetrated their bodies.

It looks like their invincible bodies, but they are as fragile as paper. They are easily penetrated by this chain.

"The breath of the universe."

Just then, a cry of surprise came out.

Then a series of voices began to ring.

"Yes, it's the breath of the universe. This chain has the breath of the universe revealed."

"Beyond the sky."

"It should be a weapon in other universes."

"This is the instrument of the universe."

Stunned, the three demons, who were pierced by this chain, seemed to be finally aware of it. They were all stunned at this moment.

At last, when they looked at the huge dragon in the distance, there was a look of fear, which seemed to come from the bottom of their heart.

Bang bang, this is also the last look of the three demons at the real dragon. At the next moment, they all burst out and turned into a strong evil spirit.

This kind of evil spirit, full of the destructive power of the universe, is absorbed by the dragon in an instant.

"You, you..."

Stunned, the remaining four demons, at this time, also can not help but finally stunned, tongue knot, finally even a complete word, can not say.

"Ha ha..."

But all of a sudden, a burst of excited and ecstatic laughter, Qi Qi from the mouth of their four demons.

"I feel the breath of other demons."

"All the other demons, 306 in all, are coming."

"Within ten seconds, a total of 306 demons will come. Boy, be wise and let us go."

All of a sudden, the four demons seemed to have no fear. They looked at the dragon's real body and had a strong sense of killing again.

At the moment, in their view, Lin Ming will certainly let them go.

But what the four demons could not think of was that they heard Lin Ming speak and sneer

"Ten seconds? Ten seconds is enough for me to kill you and get away from space... "

"You dare!"

"Even if you are far away from the very remote corner of the universe, you will not escape the pursuit of the devil in the end..."


At this time, two words came out of the mouth of the dragon.


Almost at the same time, there were four screams.

Lin Ming didn't want to delay the slightest bit of time, but also let a chain quickly attack, pierce the bodies of the last four demons, and let their bodies explode. After that, Lin Ming absorbed them for the first time.

"The speed of these 306 demons is really fast enough. In two seconds, they will show themselves..."

At present, Lin Ming can't care to control the destructive power of the universe just gained in his body. The huge dragon body turns into a black lightning and disappears in the space.

Sure enough, the next second, in the dragon body just disappeared, out of thin air appeared a body, suspended in space.

Indeed, this is the other 306 powerful demons.

Brush, all the demons in a moment, eyes such as electricity, sweeping around.

"Dead, completely destroyed."

Immediately after that, with a cry of surprise, you can see clearly that the faces of all the demons are shocked and discolored.

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