Indeed, at this moment, all these demons, can clearly feel that they have the breath of twelve demons, completely disappeared, leaving no trace.

Naturally, that is to say, the twelve demons were completely destroyed.

It can be said that the existence of the demon with the power of Cosmic Destruction in the body is immortal.

That is to say, except for the Lord of the universe, there is no existence that can destroy it.

But now, what happened? They all clearly felt that the twelve demons had been destroyed.

Although the heart has already set off a storm, but closely followed, all the devil, the face is also restored as usual.

"What do you think of this..."

A demon lord said first.

"I've released the power of my soul. Indeed, I caught a huge body for the first time. It's flying fast in the space, which is just a few seconds. It's almost beyond the range that my power of soul can sense..."

"Yes, I can feel each other, so the twelve demons should have been killed by each other..."

"What kind of existence is the other party? It can kill 12 demons, and all of them are demons with the power to destroy the universe. They have become the masters of the universe..."

"Needless to say, he must also be a candidate to be the master of the universe..."

"Moreover, it seems that the candidate of the master of the universe is far more powerful than the devil..."

"Such existence, we must kill it, or we will become our biggest opponent facing the test of cosmic emissary..."

"Yes, it is."

"No matter who they are, they will die."

At the moment, all these demons disappear out of thin air with a tacit understanding of each other. Naturally, they are pursuing the disappearance of the dragon.

After a few minutes.

"The opponent's speed has obviously reached the first speed in the universe. No wonder he can kill the twelve demons..."

"More than 20 of us have reached this speed..."

"I'm going to reach the second speed of the universe..."

This kind of sound sounds in the space. Soon, there are 23 figures. The speed is faster. Whew, they disappear first.

Then there was still a voice:

"At the moment, no matter where the other party is going, we will catch up first, and you will catch up closely..."

Whew, when the sound sounded, the 23 figures shot away in the space were faster.

At this time.

"Well? Someone is about to catch up, and the speed is not slow.... "

Lin Ming's heart subconsciously clattered.

Although in space, the speed of the real dragon is fast enough. It directly brings out the first speed of the universe, thousands of times faster than the speed of light.

But all of a sudden, he felt that the other side's speed was faster and it didn't take a few minutes to catch up. Lin Ming had to be cautious in his heart.

What does this mean? Naturally, it means that the strength of the other side is higher than that of him.

There is no doubt that Lin Ming also knows that the other side must exist like this.

"The first speed in the universe." At this time, the voice of magic boy also sounded in Lin Ming's mind:

"A total of 23 demons are chasing us quickly, all of them have reached the first speed in the universe, and three of them are about to break through the second speed in the universe

If you are overtaken by the other 23 demons, there will be a fierce battle... "

Lin Ming can immediately understand that what magic boy said is reasonable. Of course, he doesn't have the slightest fear, tension and worry in his heart.

"When they catch up, maybe my speed has reached the second speed in the universe." Lin Ming said“ I have also completely controlled the destructive power of the universe in the twelve demons

At that time, the power of Cosmic Destruction in the body will be increased several times, and the power of cosmic origin will also be exerted together

Not to mention the 23 powerful demons

Even if all the powerful demons go up together, even if I'm defeated, I'll retreat all over. There's no problem at all. "

At the same time, part of his attention is scattered in his body to control the destructive power of the universe.

In fact, Lin Ming already had a feeling, perhaps because he had the power of the origin of the universe in his body, and also because he understood the breath of the universe from the wordless book of heaven.

No matter how inconceivable it may seem to other beings, it is not as difficult for him to control the destructive power of the universe as other beings say. For him, it is really an easy thing.

Of course, the dragon's real body, while flying to the planet where the God site is located, began to cultivate the shadow of God and control the power of cosmic destruction. Naturally, the speed will not be the same as before.

And this kind of change, in the distant pursuit of Lin Ming's 23 demons, the first time can clearly feel.

"The other side's speed slowed down."

The faces of these twenty-three demons all showed a happy look. They felt that Lin Ming must be exhausted and his breath had been seriously depleted.

If they speed up a little bit and catch up with Lin Ming, it will be a matter of minutes.

"I'd like to see what it is that can solve the existence of the twelve demons. Hum..."

Whew, the speed of these twenty-three demons is a little faster.

Sure enough, less than a minute later, a cold hum rang out

"I saw each other in the distance..."

They really feel the real breath of the dragon. It only takes three or four seconds. In their opinion, it only takes a few seconds for them to surround Lin Ming.

Whew, all of a sudden, the speed of the 23 demons was faster.


The next moment, Qi Qi's cold drink really sounded.

Sure enough, the twenty-three demons have surrounded a huge object in space, which is the real dragon with a body length of tens of thousands of meters.

"You killed all twelve of them?"

Among them, one of the demons first opened his mouth, murderous, bursts of cosmic storms blowing up outside him.

Lin Ming is indeed surrounded by 23 figures in the center at the moment.

Instead of the slightest nervousness, Lin Ming felt a glow of joy.

Indeed, he just succeeded in cultivating the second speed of the universe, that is to say, he can exert 198 parts at the same time.

Moreover, he successfully controlled the destructive power of the universe in the twelve demons.

Now the power of Cosmic Destruction in his body has half the power of cosmic origin.

If he can get the power of Cosmic Destruction in the body of the twenty-three demons, then the power of Cosmic Destruction in the body will be equal to the power of cosmic origin.

In Lin Ming's intuition, his whole strength may soar again.

"You've come at the right time." Lin Ming was too lazy to answer. A cold hum came from the dragon's real body

"As long as I get the destructive power of the universe in your 23 demons, even if the remaining hundreds of demons appear and besiege me at the same time, I will not be afraid at all..."

"Ha ha..."

Hearing this, it came out of the mouth of the real dragon. Unexpectedly, a cold laugh of disdain came out of the mouth of the 23 demons.

All the demons looked at the dragon's real body in the distance. It seemed that they were looking at some fool and opened their mouth sarcastically.

"I'm afraid you're out of your mind. You're not ashamed..."

"A form of dragon obtained by practicing kung fu really regards itself as the existence of the ancient dragon..."

"What kind of sorcery did you use to kill the twelve demons? Tell me honestly..."

Brush, the last words export, the 23 devil's eyes, naturally also all of a sudden focused on the dragon's real body.

Indeed, they all want to know the answer.

In their opinion, with the strength of the twelve demons, they can't be Lin Ming's opponents.

"Sorcery?" A cold laugh of disdain came out from the mouth of the dragon's real body: "it's just a few demons to deal with. Why do you need magic arts? Moreover, no matter how powerful the magic arts are, they can't be compared with the dragon's real body I have cultivated

Now that you are all here, don't try to escape


A low drink came from the mouth of the dragon.

Then it was when the 23 demons did not respond to what had happened.

Only to see a flash of black lightning, the next moment, they clearly feel that the huge space they are in is directly blocked.

In their feelings, this kind of blockade is extremely strange and dense. Even the slightest breath of the universe is isolated.

"What's the matter?"

Subconsciously, the faces of the twenty-three demons were not changed. When their eyes were swept away, they could not help crying out.

"Is this a chain?"

"Is it a Taoist instrument? We are surrounded by a Taoist weapon? "

Indeed, they all saw clearly that it was not an array that blocked the space, but a chain extended out, and the whole space was densely covered, forming a sphere.

And every one of them is in such a sphere.

"Ha ha, do you think that the existence of the devil can be solved by just one tool?"

"Break it for me."

Immediately a burst of sneer voice, is also from the mouth of each demon.

Then one of them, it seems, did not hesitate to make a move. A black light, mixed with a trace of cosmic destruction, bombarded the chain in the distance.

Indeed, in their view, only one demon hand is enough to break the chain.

After all, the destructive power of the universe is the destructive power of the universe, one of the four most powerful forces in the universe. It's a big joke to say that we can't destroy just one Taoist weapon.

However, for all the demons at present, I'm afraid they didn't even dream that this chain is not as simple as Daoqi.

"It's a joke that just a chain wants to trap us. If such a chain can trap us, we..."


But a word is also not finished, all the devil's faces are suddenly changed, brush, the face is a pale up.

The black light mingled with the destructive power of the universe really bombarded on a chain, but at that moment, it looked like an egg hitting a stone.

A chain, not the slightest breakage.

Not only that, but even the situation of even playing once did not appear.

On the contrary, the black light broke away immediately.

Then there was a strong smell, which was sent out from the chain, and it completely disappeared.

It seems that it never appears.

For a time, this let all these demons, how not subconsciously startled.

You know, the black light contains the destructive power of the universe. That is to say, this chain can even defeat the destructive power of the universe.

What kind of weapon does it have to be to do this.

Brush, a whole piece of vision, this time it seems natural, that is, Qi Qi Qi fell on the real dragon body in the distance.

Subconsciously, one of them couldn't help asking: "who are you, the weapon in your hand, what is your existence, even the destructive power of the universe can be defeated..."

Lin Ming said sarcastically: "why, aren't you the most powerful beings in the universe? You must have a wide range of vision and insight. No weapon can escape your eyes

However, now it seems that the so-called Demon Lord is just like this. He will die... "

At the end of the day, it seems that Lin Ming doesn't want to waste his time at all. He wants to take the lives of these 23 demons, seize the power of Cosmic Destruction in their bodies, constantly strengthen the power of Cosmic Destruction in his body, and improve his strength.

"Why, you think you can kill us if you surround us? I don't know... "

"The first speed in the universe."

Immediately, the 23 demons showed their greatest strength and the first speed of the universe.

Even if you can see clearly, every demon has become ninety-nine figures.

At present, there are a total of 2277 demons coming out. The strength of such a large number of demons is shocking.

They are all at the same time, a stream of black light, are mixed with a trace of cosmic destruction, constantly bombarding a chain.

Click, click, and then for a moment, without waiting for this chain, the attack hit one of the demons' bodies, and there was a crack. The next moment, it broke, and a little bit of iron was seen floating in the space.

"More than 2000 demons..."

Seeing such a large number of demons, he immediately destroyed a chain. Even though Lin Ming was very confident in his own strength at this time, he could not help but clatter in his heart.

But of course, Lin Ming also knows that a piece of chain has been sent out with the breath of the universe, and will not be destroyed so easily.

Sure enough, the next moment, a little bit of broken iron, to form a new chain.

"What, this..."

Seeing such a scene almost instantly, Qi Qi's voice of surprise came from the mouth of the more than 2000 demons.

"It can't destroy such a weapon. How does it exist and how powerful it is..."

"No, this weapon can't be so powerful..."

"The instrument of the universe!"

"Yes, it should be the instrument of the universe."

"Apart from the weapon of the universe, there is no other existence that can resist the destructive power of the universe, let alone the joint attack of more than 2000 demons..."

"That's right. It seems that you, as demons, don't have any insight..."

Although Lin Ming also spoke like this, it was not difficult to hear from his tone that he was full of ridicule and contempt for the existence of these demons.

This aroused the great anger in the hearts of the more than 2000 demons. A roar came out, shaking the world and reverberating in the whole space

"What about the tools of the universe..."

"Only when the weapon of the universe is in the hands of the master of the universe, can it give full play to its strength..."

"Boy, die!"

There was a roar of thunder and the sound of bombing, and then a whole black light covered the huge dragon in the distance.

The first time, with the potential to destroy the withered and decayed, destroyed the place a piece of space, into nothingness.

But the next moment, a strong breath, released from the dragon's real body, all these destroyed space, re emerged.

There is no doubt that this is the power of the force of the origin of the universe.

"The destructive power of the universe, who can't control the destructive power of the universe..."

Immediately after that, a strong breath was released from the dragon's huge body. It directly attacked the more than 2000 huge bodies, the powerful demons.

All of a sudden, it can be seen that the destructive power of the universe exerted at this time has indeed increased by more than 100 times compared with before.

"What, the power of the origin of the universe."

"What, the destructive power of the universe."

At this moment, Qi Qi exclaimed, which came from the mouth of more than 2000 demons. He was extremely shocked.

All these eyes of the Demon Lord look as if they are staring to the limit, and they will fall out the next moment.

"It's impossible. How can he control the two supreme powers of the universe at the same time..."

"Such a thing can't happen. There is no candidate for the master of the universe to control the two kinds of supreme powers of the universe..."

Every demon, subconsciously, doesn't believe such a thing.

It seems that, as if in their subconscious mind, they have decided that one candidate for the master of the universe can not control the two supreme powers of the universe.


Just as they were so shocked, they were stunned, and a series of screams sounded. Then they saw a more powerful force of cosmic destruction, which hit the demon.

All of a sudden, due to the first speed of the universe, all the parts appeared were directly defeated, turned into a little black light and disappeared without a trace.

"This boy is not only in charge of the two most powerful forces in the universe, but also in charge of the power of Cosmic Destruction exerted by each of us. This..."


All the parts were destroyed in a moment, which made the 23 evil masters who were still fierce and murderous suddenly look silly and subconsciously want to run away.

But the next moment, the faces of the 23 demons changed.

Because all of a sudden, the same scene appears, and a chain suddenly extends out. I don't know how wide it extends out.

Anyway, at the moment, the 23 demons are surrounded again, and the space is very tight.

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