"Lin Ming." Lin Ming said calmly.

At this moment, it seems that out of subconsciousness, all people have such a name in mind.

Indeed, all the disciples of Jinwu Palace are aware of the power of Lin Ming and that there must be something extraordinary about him.

Since they became disciples of the Jinwu palace, all of their disciples have never seen the palace master's attitude towards any strong person.

We can imagine how Lin Ming existed in the eyes of the master of Jinwu palace.

"Oh, it's rare for you to have such an attitude towards others, Lord of the golden black palace..."

A voice seemed to come from a very distant place, and everyone could hear it very clearly.

The next moment, a white dress, a pair of elegant young man, appeared in everyone's line of sight.

The other side shakes a folding fan, his eyes are full of emotion, and his mouth is filled with a smile. When he looks at it, such a smile gives people a sense of inexplicable shivering.

At the moment of seeing this man appear, Lin Ming also frowns slightly subconsciously. The other side really gives him a bad feeling.

As for what's bad, I can't say for a moment.

At the first time, Lin Ming's heart naturally gave birth to a sense of vigilance.

"It turns out that it's Mr. Wu trace."

The voice of the leader of Jinwu palace rang out, "I didn't expect that it was just a star in the sky. Even childe Wuchen was alarmed and came here to find out..."

"Even the leader of the Jinwu palace can get the news, so naturally I can't not get the news..."

There was a trace of sarcasm and disdain in the tone of Childe no trace

"It's just that what I never thought was that the head of Jinwu palace, who was always lofty and proud and thought he was noble, would be polite to a boy..."

Without trace childe's eyes, look to distant Lin Ming and go.

There was a light in his eyes. He looked very interested in Lin Ming.

Lin Ming, on the other hand, turned his back and said to the Lord of the city and the Lord of the heavenly palace

"We're going to the stars."

"Wait a minute," a voice suddenly rang out. It was the master of the Jinwu palace who said, "because there are traces of gods among the stars in the sky, which have been spread out for a long time

There have been powerful beings in the sky and stars for a long time. The key is that these beings set up powerful arrays outside the sky and stars in order to prevent other people from entering

It's impossible to break this array just by the strength of a few people... "

"Ha ha, it turns out that the master of Jinwu palace is also afraid..."

At this time, a strange voice sounded, and the next moment dozens of figures appeared out of thin air. All the women were very beautiful, just like the goddess.

With a brush, everyone's eyes seemed to be involuntarily attracted to these dozens of figures, including Lin Ming, the city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong.

"Originally, it's the Lord of Luoshen temple and his disciples..."

The voice of the leader of Jinwu palace rang out, flat and light, and could not hear the slightest emotional color.

"It seems that no matter how far or near the strong are, they are constantly coming to the stars after hearing the news..."

There are strange voices.

Out of thin air general, flash out of a shadow, such a scene of the emergence of the screen, immediately did not stop.

It was not until tens of thousands of figures appeared, and almost every direction of this space was densely covered, that no more figures appeared.

Lin Ming glanced at the hundreds of figures in his eyes. They were the devil.

Lin Ming feels familiar with their breath, which should be the group of demons who pursued him before.

At the moment when the other party appeared, Lin Ming did feel that hundreds of powerful killing intentions were enveloped in him.

As for the words of all the other strong people, Lin Ming can see that each one is not simple. The strength of the realm is at least as high as that of the immortal.

In addition, Lin Ming can also see that many of them have the most powerful power of the universe in their human bodies.

Lin Ming's eyes brightened, and he said in his heart, "now I have the power to control the origin of the universe and the destruction of the universe. As long as I control the other two most powerful forces of the universe, that is, the creation of the universe and the end of the universe

Then, surely, I will take a big step closer to the Lord of the universe... "

"The array placed outside the Celestial Star is very important..."

At this time, the voice of the leader of Jinwu palace rang out: "it's up to us all to break that array..."

"Are you kidding? All of us together? "

"It's a joke..."

A burst of sarcastic voice rang out in an uproar, all aimed at the leader of Jinwu palace.

"Master of Jinwu palace, when did you become so timid?"

"No, I don't know what we are. We are the most powerful beings on our own planet..."

"I come from other galaxies. I dare say that no one here can surpass me..."

"It's just a single array. Do you want us all to work together? Master of Jinwu palace, don't think I can't see your intention... "

"Yes, the master of Jinwu palace just wants to hold us all down, and he should go into the sky first..."

"Besides, master of Jinwu palace, are you very powerful? Why should we listen to you? Don't be too funny..."


The last sentence fell, and a cold hum of disdain was heard among tens of thousands of strong men. Obviously, they didn't pay attention to the Jinwu palace and didn't want to take it as a matter.

Whew, whew, thousands of people immediately left, emitting strong breath momentum and murderous gas. Just like a meteor across the space, it shot to a huge planet in the distance, that is, the sky star.

"We can't let them enter the stars first..."

"We went there too..."

The remaining tens of thousands of strong people saw that thousands of people did not hesitate to fly to the stars, and they would pass immediately.

But the bodies of all these strong men were all in one, brushing, and their eyes widened, looking at the direction of the stars in the sky.

Bang Bang

It's true that at that moment, in space, there were bursts of big explosions.

Those who fly to the sky star and all the strong, it seems to enter the sky star's atmosphere, but it seems to hit a layer of transparent film, the body has no resistance to the explosion.

At that moment, it was like a mushroom cloud in the universe.

There is no exception. There is no exception for those thousands of strong men. All of them are explosions, body destruction and ashes.

When everything is gone, the universe will be calm again. A huge star in the distance is still quietly suspended in the universe.

As if nothing had happened just now.

But at the moment, naturally, the hearts of all the other strong people are already not calm, and a storm has set off.

For a moment, Lin Ming, the leader of Shenyu city and the leader of Tiangong palace all looked at the stars in the distant sky with a look of astonishment.

The three of Lin Ming can also clearly see that the strength of those thousands of strong people is in the immortal realm, and several of them have the most powerful power in the universe.

This kind of strength is naturally not strong, let alone an array arranged outside the planet. Even if there is a more powerful array in space, it will be broken in minutes.

"What kind of array is this? Its power is so terrible..."

The two of them looked at each other, and they both seemed to have a tacit understanding. They saw the shock in each other's eyes and the color of disbelief.

Lin Ming looked at the stars in the distance, and there was a dignified color in his eyes.

The city master of Shenyu and the palace master of Tiangong have a very wide vision. For a moment, they can't see the traces of spider silk and horse of this array. Naturally, we can imagine that they can see the power and terror of this array.

"As you can see, this is the consequence of self assertion and rash action..."

At this time, a voice rang out, and the leader of Jinwu Palace said: "these thousands of strong men are in their own clan, but now, they are all dead, completely destroyed, and disappear without a trace

Now, you still think that what I said just now is that I am timid. Is it that I have another intention... "

The voice rang out, and the words came to the ears of all the strong people. At that moment, every person's face turned red, some ashamed, and some lucky.

Of course, I'm glad that I didn't rush to the front, otherwise, they would have gone up in smoke just like the strong ones.

"I don't know what the master of Jinwu palace has to do to break the array beyond the stars..."

The childe without trace opened his mouth and said that his face was as usual. He looked at the leader of Jinwu palace in the distance with a smile on his face.

"Master of Jinwu palace, if you have any strategies, just say, don't play tricks..."

"Yes, our purpose is the same. To enter the site of gods and find the trace of gods, as for who is lucky to see the gods in the end, it depends on personal opportunity..."

"We are not enemies..."

"Master of Jinwu palace, if you have any strategies, we will cooperate with you."

When master Wuchen first spoke, he brushed his eyes and looked at the leader of Jinwu palace in the distance. Everyone's attitude had changed. He was quite polite and enthusiastic, and seemed to be a bit anxious.

"If I read it correctly, this array outside the stars should be the nebula infinite array..."

It seems that he doesn't care about the change of everyone's attitude at all. The master of Jinwu palace opens his mouth and says slowly:

"I've heard about this array in the legend all the time before. It's said that Xingyun Wuji array was one of the top ten arrays used by the gods to deal with demons. Its defense ability ranked in the top three

This kind of array directly absorbs the power of the nebula in the universe for its own use. There is no limit to its evolution

In fact, to break this array is equivalent to breaking a nebula in the universe... "

"Smash the nebula in space?"

Such words came from the mouth of the leader of Jinwu palace. All the strong people look at each other.

How nebulae exist, they naturally know. When they sweep around, they can see countless nebulae in the universe.

Although we can see the nebula, it is estimated that the nearest nebula is far away, at least tens of millions of light-years away.

"The power of this nebula infinite array is so terrible, so who will be the one who will arrange this array..."

Someone suddenly came to this point, a look of shock.

"Yes, it's obvious that this person is already in the sky. Even if we can break this array and enter it, we can't be the opponent of the other party..."

"In this case, we come all the way, and we can only return empty handed..."

"In fact, it's better to return empty handed than to die here..."

Many strong people in the crowd disappeared quietly. They were obviously frightened by such an array as the nebula infinite array. They no longer planned to enter the stars, but chose to leave to save their lives.

Most of the strong stayed.

"I've lived for endless years. I just want to look for a glimmer of hope when the time comes..."

"I've lived long enough. I'm tired of it. The big deal is to die..."

"In addition, I can feel that there has been great turbulence in this world..."

"Indeed, otherwise, the four most powerful forces of the universe could not have appeared in a short time. This must be a sign of something..."

Most of the rest said, with a sigh from time to time.

"In the world, there will be great turbulence." The leader of Jinwu Palace said: "because of this, every powerful being in the world has a premonition

As for the great turbulence, we must find the trace of the gods and get the answer from them

At present, the Celestial Star is the first planet to have the news of the trace of gods

So no matter what, we have to break the nebula infinity, go into the stars, go into the God ruins and find out... "

All the eyes of the strong are on the master of Jinwu palace. Naturally, he is waiting for the master of Jinwu palace to tell his plan.

"At this time, I can tell you the truth," the master of Jinwu palace suddenly said, "I have actually controlled two kinds of the most powerful forces in the universe, namely, the power of Cosmic Destruction and the power of cosmic creation..."

Brush, hear Jinwu palace leader suddenly say such a words, almost all the eyes of the strong seem subconsciously lit up.

"The key to breaking the nebula infinite array is to need the four cosmic powers..." the master of Jinwu Palace said: "I can see that at least hundreds of us have controlled the cosmic powers, but I can't see who controls two or more cosmic powers..."

With these words, the head of Jinwu palace seems to have swept all the strong people intentionally or unintentionally.

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