"I am in control of the destructive power of the universe..."

"I control the power of the origin of the universe..."

"I control the power of creation in the universe..."

There are many strong people who continue to speak and say which kind of the most powerful power in the universe they control. There are 123 people.

"Is there no one in charge of the two supreme powers of the universe?"

The other powerful people who do not have the power to control the universe are disappointed. Obviously, if they can control the two kinds of cosmic power and break the nebula infinite array, they will be able to grasp it more.

"No trace childe, Lord of Luoshen temple, Lin Ming..." seeing that there are no strong ones controlling the two most powerful forces in the universe, let alone the three, Jinwu palace seems a little disappointed. Look at no trace childe, Lord of Luoshen temple and Lin Ming.

"The power of the origin of the universe," childe Wu trace said with a smile, "the power of creation of the universe..."

"Sure enough, master Wuhun also controls the two most powerful forces in the universe..."

"It's true that childe no trace has a great reputation. Even among the stars thousands of light years away, they have heard of Childe no trace's name..."

"It would be a strange thing if master Wuchen didn't control the two most powerful forces in the universe..."

It's obvious that the strong people around are not surprised that Master Wu Chen says that he controls two kinds of universe's most powerful forces.

"The power of the origin of the universe, and the power of the creation of the universe..." the Lord of Luoshen temple said at this time.

"Luoshen temple is in charge of two kinds of supreme powers in the universe, which I have heard for a long time."

The strong around don't feel surprised either.

"It seems that no one is in control of the power of the end of the universe..."

Among the strong, a voice sounded, as if it just attracted everyone's attention.

"Yes, now, the three strong masters of Jinwu palace, childe wuhenzi, and the Lord of Luoshen palace control two kinds of supreme powers of the universe, and neither of them has the power of the end of the universe..."

"No other strong man controls the power of the end of the universe..."

At present, the master of the Jinwu palace, the childe without trace, and the master of the Luoshen Palace also look a little disappointed.

But then it seemed that the master of Jinwu palace could understand the situation

"Among the four most powerful forces of the universe, the last one is the end of the universe. It's not surprising that it doesn't appear in all of us..."

"And it's certain that the number of strong people who control the power of the end of the universe must be rare..."

"Now that the four most powerful forces in the universe lack one, can't they break through the endless array of nebulae beyond the stars..."

The strong around them look even more disappointed. They come all the way here, and they plan to rush into the stars to find the trace of gods.

But who would have thought that before they entered the Celestial Star, they were first blocked by the infinite array of nebulae outside the Celestial Star.

Every strong man is extremely unwilling to leave in this way.

"Although it lacks the most powerful power to end the universe..." the master of Jinwu Palace said, "there is still a way to break through the nebular array, or at least a gap in the nebular array..."

"What can I do?"

Qi Shushu's eyes were focused on the figure of the huge throne. He was the leader of Jinwu palace.

"It only needs four strong people who control the two most powerful forces in the universe," the master of Jinwu Palace said slowly. "You can open a gap in the nebula infinity..."

When he said this, the eyes of the master of Jinwu palace were always on Lin Ming.

He had seen for the first time that Lin Ming controlled the most powerful forces in the universe, and from what Lin Ming did to elder martial brother Jinwu palace just now, he must have controlled two kinds of most powerful forces in the universe.

"Boy," at this time, childe Wu trace looked at Lin Ming and said, "all of us have spoken. You are the last one..."

Then he looked up and down at Lin Ming and said to him, "intuition tells me that you are not simple..."

"The power of the origin of the universe, and the power of the destruction of the universe..." Lin Ming said calmly.

In fact, Lin Ming doesn't plan to cooperate with these powerful people if he doesn't realize the power of the nebula infinite array beyond the stars.

In Lin Ming's feeling, even if he displays the dragon's real body, he also exerts the power of the origin of the universe and the power of the destruction of the universe, which may not break the nebula infinite array.

Of course, Lin Ming did not fully believe the words of the leader of Jinwu palace.

However, in order to enter the sky, there seems to be no other way but to cooperate with each other.

As soon as Lin Ming's voice fell, an uproar broke out.

Every strong man looked at Lin Ming and went away with a look of great surprise.

Before they showed up, they didn't even notice the existence of Lin Ming. They all appeared in groups of three or five, with at least ten people. Lin Ming was the only one with three people far away.

In particular, the breath of the city master and the palace master of the divine realm gave them a sense of weakness, which was ignored subconsciously by Lin Ming.

"It seems that this boy is not very old. He can control two kinds of the most powerful forces in the universe. It's incredible..."

"To be able to control the two most powerful forces in the universe, at least one of them is a giant. It's quite strange to see him..."

All the strong people around are looking at Lin Ming, with a sense of examination and suspicion.

"It shouldn't be too late..." the master of Jinwu palace opened his mouth at this time, and his tone was obviously a little anxious

"I'll tell the three of you how to crack it, and then I'll go straight to the front

You know, I'm afraid that the strong in the whole world have already got the news that there may be traces of gods among the stars. Every second we delay, countless strong people will be closer to the stars... "

The voice of the leader of Jinwu palace stops, and he tells Lin Ming, childe wuhenzi, and the leader of Luoshen palace about the way to break the battle.

"Simple." No trace childe said first.

"I have no problem." The Lord of Luoshen temple also said.

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Lin Ming.

Lin Ming is always indifferent. He nods at this time.

He did not notice any abnormality from the way of breaking the array told by the leader of Jinwu palace. After knowing the way of breaking the array, magic boy also said that it was feasible.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to break through the entire nebular array.

The magic boy told Lin Ming that this nebula infinite array, just as the leader of Jinwu Palace said just now, is one of the ten most powerful arrays used by the gods to deal with demons.

Magic boy also said that the power of this nebula infinite array beyond the stars of the sky is close to 80% of the array arranged by the gods, which is quite a terrible thing.

Moreover, the magic boy suspects that the one who controls the four greatest powers of the universe, the most powerful power of the end of the universe, is already in the sky.

And this nebula infinite array, it is also very likely that this strong man arranged it.

"Let's do it..."

At this time, a big drink rang out, and the leader of the Jinwu Palace first left the huge throne and flew into the space. He was as close as possible to the Celestial Star, that is, he stopped outside the atmosphere of the Celestial Star.

The location of the master of Jinwu palace is in the west of Tianxing.

Childe Wuchen and the Lord of Luoshen Temple follow their hand and fall to the north and south of tianxingxing respectively.

Lin Ming disappeared in the same place and appeared in the last position outside the star, East.

The next moment, the four of Lin Ming shot at the same time.

Then you can see the power of destruction and creation of the universe gushing out from the master of Jinwu palace and attacking the infinite array of nebulae beyond the stars.

The power of the origin of the universe and the power of creation of the universe gushed out of Childe no trace.

At the same time, the power of the origin of the universe and the power of creation of the universe poured out from the Lord of the temple of Luo.

The power of the origin of the universe and the power of the destruction of the universe gushed from Lin Ming.

Boom, when the four of the universe's most powerful force at the same time to attack the nebula infinite array above, sounded a sound of mountain collapse.

At this time, a layer of aperture appeared outside the star to resist Lin Ming's attack.

"Don't keep your hand, go out with all your strength..." the voice of Jinwu palace rang out, echoing in all directions

"The nebula infinite array has been activated. As long as we persist for ten seconds, and then under the attack of the supreme power of the universe, the entire Nebula infinite array will inevitably have weaknesses

At that time, as long as we attack this weak point, we can break it

The entire Nebula infinite array will be broken and a gap will come out.... "

At this time, looking at that layer of aperture, Lin Ming's eyes seemed to flash subconsciously with a look of uncertainty.

"Is this aperture a nebular array?" Lin Ming asked the Devil boy subconsciously.

"That's right. This is the nebula infinity." Magic boy's voice also showed a trace of surprise: "do you feel something..."

"So, you feel it, too." Lin Mingdao.

"The power of the end of the universe!" The next moment, Lin Ming and magic boy have a tacit understanding of the way.

It's true that Lin Ming doesn't know whether the other three strong people feel this way. Anyway, he feels a very strong breath from the outer layer of the aperture.

Its power lies in the power of the origin, destruction and creation of the universe.

In Lin Ming's view, such a powerful breath should not be any other existence except the power of the end of the universe.

"Can I capture the power of the end of the universe from such a nebula infinite array?" Lin Ming couldn't help but move.

The voice of the Devil boy sounded: "the three strong men, the Lord of Jinwu palace, the Lord of Luoshen palace, and childe Wuchen, can't do it, but only you can do it

However, you have to wait until a gap is opened in the nebula infinite array. After you go in, at that moment, you will have a chance to capture a trace of the power of the end of the universe from the array... "

"Do it together!"

At this time, the head of Jinwu palace let out a cold drink.

Indeed, just like what he said, the four people worked together to exert the most powerful force of the universe. After ten seconds, they finally saw the whole aperture. It seemed that the next moment would break under a shaking.

This shows that there is a weakness in the whole Nebula infinity array, which is captured by the master of Jinwu palace.

A big drink came out of his mouth, and he saw that the most powerful power of the universe surging out of him was a little more powerful, bombarding this weak place.

Naturally, at the same time, the Lord of Luoshen temple, childe Wuchen and Lin Ming also made a move, which also made the universe more powerful and bombarded this weak point in the Xingyun infinite array.

"The nebula has to break a gap to come out..."

All the other strong people around are staring at Lin Ming's hand without blinking. At this time, the occurrence of such a scene naturally makes all their faces flush with a look of ecstasy.

In their view, it is a matter of certainty that the nebula infinite array is made a gap.

Immediately, they are ready to enter the stars through this gap at any time.

"Five seconds, as long as five seconds..." at this time, the Jinwu palace is also a look of great joy, "a gap, will be hit out..."

Whew, whew, whew, all of a sudden, four figures shot out from the weak point of the star, like four small suns, suspended in space.

"Who dares to destroy the defensive array beyond the stars..."

A loud drink, rolling like thunder.

The first time to let all the strong face involuntarily changed.

It also includes the master of Jinwu palace, the childe without trace, and the master of Luoshen palace.

Indeed, with the sudden appearance of these four figures, the most powerful force of the universe, which attacked the weak part of the star in the sky, was defeated and disappeared under the gentle wave of the other four.

For a time, the hard work of the four seemed to be easily broken by each other.

Jinwu palace master three people this instant facial expression how not a change.

Naturally, it is clear what this means. It shows that the strength of the four people who suddenly appeared is obviously higher than that of them.

As for Lin Ming's words, at the moment when the four figures appeared, his face also seemed to change subconsciously. Among the eyes that looked at each other, there was a flash of surprise.

"The breath of the universe."

Yes, from each other's body, Lin Ming felt that there was more powerful existence than the most powerful force of the universe, that is, the breath of the universe.

"Hum..." at this time, the three masters of the Jinwu palace, after their faces changed, immediately became murderous.

The leader of Jinwu palace asked coldly, "who are you?"

"We are, of course, the owners of celestial stars." The other four were speaking in unison.

Naturally, all the strong people, including Lin Ming, were stunned for the first time.

The head of the Jinwu Palace also sneered, "are you kidding? When did Tianxing star become the object of others? All along, Tianxing belongs to the ownerless star, but anyone who is strong can enter, enter the God site to explore the trace of gods..."

"Stars may have been ownerless before, but now they are not..."

These four figures, just like the little sun, also began to emit extremely powerful breath, momentum and murderous spirit

"Everyone leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame our men for being merciless..."

"Ha ha..."

These words came out from the mouth of these four people, and a sneer full of murderous air was heard in the group of strong people. They all spoke.

"Leave quickly? I don't care who you are, but I really take tianxingxing as your own home... "

"We have lived enough. Since we have come, we have no plan to leave alive..."

"Today, no matter what, we have to go in..."

"Let's see the strength of you four, huh..."

Finally, with a cold hum down, whew, whew, thousands of breath strong figure, flying out from a group of strong, attack.

A strong breath, like a storm, swept to the four figures, space was solidified, you can see the four figures, standing in the space, are motionless.

"The tone is not small, but the strength is just ordinary."

See four people are motionless, all the strong mouth issued a sneer.

Lin Ming's face changed.

He could see clearly that these four figures were standing in the space of the universe. Although they didn't move, the breath of the universe began to emanate from them.

Bang bang, sure enough, the next moment, with a general explosion that shook the world, the breath of the universe emanated from them.

There is no accident, many strong attack out of the strong breath momentum and murderous, in that moment is directly run rout.

Not to mention that, a breath of the universe directly attacked this group of strong men.

"No, this, this..."

At this moment, this group of strong people seemed to be shocked subconsciously.

They all clearly feel that such a breath is even more powerful than the most powerful force of the universe.

That is to say, in such a moment of fright, a burst of scream started.

Bang Bang

A burst of explosion followed.


Seeing the appearance of such a scene, the pupils of the three strong men, the master of Jinwu palace, the childe without trace, and the master of Luoshen palace, all seem to shrink subconsciously.

Indeed, if they are attacked by the cosmic atmosphere, all of them have no resistance. Their bodies explode and become nothingness.

"Run away."

Scared silly, thousands of powerful people in xianzun realm died, and all the rest of them seemed to be scared silly one by one. In the sound of a burst of air, one by one seemed to escape as far as they wanted.

When you hold your body in the space, you can't believe what happened when you look at the four figures in the distance

"What are these people? Their strength is so terrible. It seems that they have never heard of such a powerful force..."

"You've seen our strength." At this time, the four figures seemed to regard such a group of strong men as transparent. They looked at Lin Ming and said:

"When are you waiting to leave now? Do you really feel that you are impatient and want to die..."

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