At present, Lin Ming seems to be completely ignoring himself. How can all the people in the temple not be angry? They all seem to be furious. Looking at Lin Ming, they are murderous.

Indeed, how many temples exist. No matter how powerful they are in the world, the first time they see the people in the temples, they will immediately put down their identity and strength, and show great respect to the people in the temples.

But now it's better. Facing more than 100 strong people in the temple, Lin Ming ignores them.

"Looking for death," naturally, at this moment, all the 131 strong men in the temple were eager to peel off Lin Ming's skin and remove his bones. With a loud shout, they were about to attack Lin Ming.

"What." But also at this moment, a cry of surprise came out from the mouth of every strong man in the temple, and everyone's eyes widened. It was hard to believe what he saw at the moment.

All of a sudden, there was a very strong suction coming out of Lin Ming's body, attacking the nebula infinite array in the sky.

Naturally, at this moment, all the powerful people in the temples are at a loss. It's hard to understand what Lin Ming is doing.

"What are you doing, Lin Ming?"

No trace childe, the Lord of Luoshen temple and so on, all of them were naturally surprised.

In their opinion, since Lin Ming can compete with more than 100 powerful temples, the most important thing to do is to leave at the first time and look for the existence of God sites.

"The power of the end of the universe!"

At this moment, everyone's face, including all the strong ones in the temples, suddenly changed.

They all felt very clearly that with that kind of suction coming out of Lin Ming's body and rushing into the nebula infinite array, a strong force appeared and rushed directly towards Lin Ming below.

"Ha ha," the next moment, all the temple strongmen seem to understand, the mouth issued a burst of cold laughter.

Indeed, in their eyes, it was already obvious. Lin Ming didn't know what was going on, so he suddenly attacked Xingyun Wuji array.

And the nebula infinite array is naturally the first time to exert the power of the end of the universe and attack Lin Ming.

How powerful the power of the end of the universe is, there is no other existence, which is clearer than that of the gods.

Even the breath of the universe, as the most fundamental source, cannot be compared with the force of the end of the universe.

"It turns out that the boy is looking for his own death."

"This boy suddenly attacks the nebula infinite array, which directly attacks the power of the end of the universe. If he doesn't die under the power of the end of the universe, my head will be cut off and used as a bench for him..."

"Since he is looking for his own way to die, it will save us a lot of money..."

At this moment of nature, seeing a force of the end of the universe attacking Lin Ming from the nebula infinite array, it seems that naturally, everyone believes that Lin Ming will surely die.

At the moment, even the Lord of Luoshen temple and other people are equally convinced.

They all shook their heads in a very pitiful way. They felt that Lin Ming suddenly went crazy. They attacked the nebula limitless array inexplicably. They were really looking for their own death.

Even, many strong people turned their heads and couldn't bear to see the scene of Lin Ming dying in the end of the universe.

After all, if it had not been for Lin Ming, all of them would have been directly buried in the hands of these powerful gods.

"What, it's, it's impossible."

But the next moment, there was a chorus of exclamations. It was obvious that they all came from the strong ones of the temples.

As soon as they brush, everyone's eyes that look at Lin Ming seem to see a monster. Their eyes are full of shock and disbelief.

"Well, what's going on?"

As for the words of the Lord of Luoshen temple and others, it was also a burst of amazement, but naturally, it was followed by a burst of ecstasy.

Indeed, at that moment, everyone clearly saw that the power of the end of the universe, which was attacked from the nebula infinite array, was directly dissipated when it fell on Lin Ming.

And Lin Ming's whole appearance is even more intact.

How powerful the power of the end of the universe is, everyone naturally knows that Lin Ming can not resist the power of the end of the universe.

But now it's something.

The power of the end of the universe disappeared when it fell on Lin Ming.

"What's the matter? Why did the power of the end of the universe suddenly disappear? "

It was silly to see the sudden disappearance of the power of the end of the universe, and to see that Lin Ming had no damage at all. All the powerful gods were stunned.

"Isn't it the power of the end of the universe that attacks from the nebula infinite array?"

For a moment, all the temple strongmen can only guess like this.

"Kill him."

"It's true that no matter what he's doing now, he should be killed immediately."

"I do feel a trace of abnormality in this boy. His identity must be not simple..."

Scared, now these Temple strongmen are involuntarily, some scared, all are out.

With the sound, whew, whew, first of all, fifty-five strong people attacked Lin Ming.

The surging atmosphere of the universe emanated from the strong of each temple. With an irresistible momentum, it immediately fell on Lin Ming.

But the next moment, let everyone is one after another silly scene appeared.

Even such a strong atmosphere of the universe doesn't seem to do any harm to Lin Ming.

"What is that, the power of the end of the universe?"

Indeed, in that moment, suddenly, there was a force of the end of the universe from Lin Ming, and he immediately resisted such a cosmic breath.

"This kid is in control of the end of the universe!"

The appearance of such a scene is like a bolt from the blue, bombarding the top of each temple strongman.

Subconsciously, the bodies of all the temple strongmen seem to be directly frozen.

Many of the temple strongmen, even subconsciously, showed a trace of panic in their eyes and murmured to themselves.

"We all see it very clearly. You are just in control of the two most powerful forces in the universe."

"It's true that you just control two kinds of cosmic power, and the third kind of cosmic power suddenly emerges from where, and it's also the strongest cosmic power of ending..."

"In the whole North Temple, only our little Lord controls the power of the end of the universe. Why do you also control the power of the end of the universe..."

In the face of all the powerful people in the temples, Lin Ming was shocked to the extreme with a look of amazement. Lin Ming was indifferent.

Of course, in fact, he was overjoyed. He did not expect that after he absorbed the power of the end of the universe into his body under the breathing method, it can be said that he controlled the most powerful power of the universe, the power of the end of the universe in an instant.

At the moment, Lin Ming naturally said with an indifferent face, "it's just a kind of power to end the universe. For me, it's very common..."

Of course, what Lin Ming said at this time is also true.

Because, after all, the power of the end of the universe is the most powerful power in the universe. No matter what, it takes a lot of effort to control it.

But I didn't expect that he could control it so easily.

So it's very common for him to say that he controls the power of the end of the universe.


On the spot, a burst of speechless, everyone is a look at each other, looking at Lin Ming up.

The whole scene is also quiet and terrible, just can hear each other's heartbeat and breathing.

"No way." It seems that all of a sudden, the temple strongmen reacted, and the look of amazement and shock on their faces became more intense

"You really only control the two most powerful forces in the universe. The reason why you can suddenly exert the power of the end of the universe is that you absorbed the power of the end of the universe just now..."

"What, absorbed the power of the end of the universe?"

And the words from the mouth of the temple strongman, it is no doubt a heavy bomb in general, in the crowd, a burst of noise.

"Didn't he suddenly go crazy and attack the nebula infinite array?"

"Originally, he just wanted to absorb the power of the end of the universe in the nebula infinite array..."

"It can absorb the most powerful force of the universe, and it's also the most powerful force of the end of the universe. What kind of means must be used to achieve this..."

"This kind of means, even the temple owners among the mass shrines have no such ability..."

"Except for the Lord of the universe..."


This kind of conjecture comes out, also imitate to have no accident, ring on the spot the voice of a burst of pour to suck cool air.

All the people's eyes toward Lin Ming seemed to have changed subconsciously, filled with a look of panic.

They subconsciously believe that Lin Ming is the master of the universe.

"Hum." At that moment, the most powerful of the temples reacted first, and a cold hum came out. A strong and extreme cold light flashed in his eyes, staring at Lin Ming

"Don't be frightened by this boy's strange means. If he is really the master of the universe, how can he only do it now? He has already directly found the God site

If we really are the masters of the universe, there will not be countless candidates for the masters of the universe

So, at best, this guy is just a candidate for the master of the universe

Compared with the real master of the universe, the candidate of the master of the universe is tens of thousands of times different... "

"That's right. This guy is probably a candidate for the master of the universe."

After hearing these words, naturally, all the temple strongmen choose to agree subconsciously.

Brush, a whole piece of eyes staring at Lin Ming up, flashing and played a more intense cold light.

One of them speculated and said:

"You are not among the gods, but you have such means and strength. Then it is obvious that your identity is ready to come out."

"Oh? My identity is coming out? "

For a moment, Lin Ming naturally felt a little funny and asked casually.

"Hum." A strong man of the temples gave a cold hum: "you must be a strong man like the demon king. You can compete with the gods in the realm of strength

Of course, you can't be the real demon king, otherwise, we would not be your opponent for a long time... "

"The devil king?" When he heard the other side's guess, Lin Ming just sneered and looked scornful

"The devil king is nothing. In my eyes, it's not worth mentioning. Ha ha..."

A sneer came out of Lin Ming's mouth. Lin Ming's eyes slowly swept over all the temple strongmen, and then asked: "since you are the temple strongmen, you must know where the God ruins are in the stars."

This words is to let all Temple strong not from subconscious of a Zheng, then one after another cold hum export.

"As the strongmen of the temples, we naturally know the location of the God sites..."

"Why, it seems that you want us to tell you the location of the God site..."

"Boy, we can tell you clearly that this is impossible..."

"I don't want you to tell me where the God site is..."

Lin Ming spoke slowly: "but you take me directly to find the God site..."

"What, let's take you directly to the God site? Ha ha... "

Lin Ming's words seemed to make all the powerful people in the temple be shocked subconsciously. Then, one by one, they all seemed to have heard a big joke and burst into laughter.

After that, all the strong men in the temples were very pale and drank low.

"It's wishful thinking."

"No one can force or force what the strong in the temples don't want to do."

"Why, you think you can absorb the power of the end of the universe and defeat us?"

For a moment, Lin Ming shook his head slightly: "I don't mean to defeat you

Since you are not willing to lead the way, naturally I have to kill you all

To tell you the truth, it's not that I can't find the God site. It just takes a little time. Hum... "

Whew, a cold light flashed through Lin Ming's eyes.

Lin Ming raised the knife in his hand and without hesitation cut it out.

After a while, he saw a huge sword Qi, which was hundreds of meters thick, attacking the more than 100 temples with irresistible momentum.

"Want to escape?"

At this moment, he saw that all the powerful people in the temples were scared and wanted to escape. Lin Ming gave a sneer.

Whew, a black flash of lightning, is to fly out in a sudden, surrounded the whole huge space circle.

"Hum, it's just a chain. I want to trap us. It's just wishful thinking..."

At that moment, the chain encircled a range of tens of thousands of meters. When all the powerful temples saw this, they didn't take it for the first time.

"No matter how powerful it is, we can't stop it..."

Even if these 100 or so strong people in the temples all work together, they all try their best to attack a chain with a strong cosmic breath.

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