With a bang, a huge sound like the collapse of the mountains and the earth came out, and the cosmic breath of these more than 100 Temple strongmen was that they directly attacked and hit on this chain.

It's really such a cosmic breath, too powerful.

Sure enough, at that moment, the space surrounded by this chain was directly punched out with a gap of several hundred meters.

"Hum." Seeing this, a cold hum of disdain came from the mouths of all the powerful people in the temples.

"It's just a broken and serious cosmic instrument. How can it trap us? It's a big joke..."

"If we can be trapped by just one of you, the reputation of our northern temple will not be ruined if we spread it out."

"Let's rush out first, and then continue to settle accounts with the boy..."

Of course, everyone does not deny that the power of such a chain in Lin Ming's hand is really terrible. The breath of the universe is stronger than the breath of the universe in all their human bodies.

At the moment, it seems subconscious, they don't want to be surrounded by such a chain in the center, they have to leave immediately.


"No, what's going on?"

But in all these temples, when the strong of the central and Northern temples want to go out from this gap, their faces suddenly change.

At this moment, everyone's eyes seemed to be widened to the limit. Looking at the current scene, they were filled with a look of extreme horror and disbelief.

It's sealed.

That's right. The gap they made was sealed almost immediately.

The breath of the universe is more direct and powerful than just now.

Seeing that all the strong people in the North Temple were incredible, Lin Ming sneered and said:

"Now, you have seen my strength

Finally, I'll give you all a chance to find the site of the God. Maybe I'll consider sparing you a little life... "

"You..." if it was like charity, the faces of all the powerful people in the temple on the spot became very gloomy. They looked at Lin Ming in the distance, as if they were going to kill him directly.

Every word comes from the mouth

"We have already said that as people in the temples, no one can force us to do anything we don't want to do

If you want us to take you to find the God site, you can just kill all of us... "

"Of course, it depends on whether you have the strength..."

"Ha ha..." a sneer came out of Lin Ming's mouth. He was also murderous

"In that case, how can I not help you, huh..."

A cold hum came from Lin Ming's mouth.

Whew for a while, a black lightning thing, out of thin air general flash out.

Indeed, this is the speed of a chain, fast to a kind of incredible situation, to attack many Temple strongmen.

At that moment, it seemed that many chains appeared at the same time.

And Lin Ming didn't stay.

You know, he has now broken through to the second speed of the universe. After cultivating the shadow of the gods taught by the magic boy, he can cast 198 avatars at once.

Compared with noumenon, the realm strength of each individual is almost the same.

So now, with the attack of a chain, Lin Ming, after exerting the second speed of the universe, naturally, the first time, that is to say, he clearly saw that a total of 198 figures appeared.

Of course, from the surface, one of the figures can be seen as the noumenon at a glance, because the hand of this figure is holding a broken knife.

"What, the second speed of the universe."

After seeing the appearance of 198 figures suddenly, Qi Qi's exclamation came from the mouth of every strong man in the temple.

All of a sudden, each of them looked a little scared.

Indeed, you should know that at present, as the number of strong people in the Zhongbei temple, they are only 131. Together, they will not be Lin Ming's rivals.

Naturally, let alone 198 Lin Ming.


Sure enough, the next moment, Qi Qi's scream is sounded.

When other strong people look at it, their pupils seem to shrink subconsciously.

The fifty-six figures first flashed past and reached out to the fifty-six Temple strongmen. With their hands outstretched, they sent out a very powerful cosmic breath, that is, they directly grabbed the necks of the fifty-six Temple strongmen.

Qi Qi's scream came from the mouth of the 56 strong people in the temple. Naturally, their necks were cut off at that moment.

He died.

That is to say, the 56 strong men in the temples were killed under the absolute speed and strength of Lin Ming's separation.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

For a moment, it looked like the 56 strong people in the temple had never appeared.

This kind of scene only happened in two or three seconds.

When all the other temple strongmen saw this happening, they began to take a cool breath.

Strong, just too strong.

Lin Ming's strength, in their view, is already strong to the point of a kind of outrageous.

Although they can all see Lin Ming's strength, they should not be so strong. With one move, the 56 strong people in the temples were killed directly.

Such a shot, decisive and ruthless, instant kill.

Even the master of the North Temple can't do this.

But now, Lin Ming has.

"He, his strength, even so strong, I'm afraid they are all above our temple master..."

All the other temple strongmen seemed to be in a great shock. They opened their mouths subconsciously, and even their voices trembled violently for a moment.

I'm afraid. This time, the remaining strong ones in the temples are really afraid.

If the other party can't even resist the existence of the North Temple owner, then what are they? They are just white collar dead.

Is it really worth it.

Regret, immediately all the temples look, one by one are involuntarily regret.

I regret what I should not have said just now. Even if I died, I didn't take Lin Ming to find the site of the God.


At this time, a burst of screams sounded again.

Then there were sixty-three Temple strongmen who were attacked by a chain and pierced by a chain in their abdomen.

With the sound of a scream, a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

All of a sudden, a total of 119 Temple strongmen were killed by Lin Ming, and in a short period of ten seconds, they were killed.

At this time, there are only 12 strong people left in the temple.

It's absolutely impossible for the twelve strong gods to say that they are not scared.

One by one, his eyes widened, filled with a look of extreme fear. Look around.

Indeed, there were 198 figures around them.

Let alone a total of 198 figures, even one of them was enough to kill them.

At this time, the scene is like a group of tigers, just a few weak lambs surrounded in the center.

Moreover, there was an extremely powerful breath and momentum, as well as the murderous power, which came out of the 198 figures and shrouded the remaining 12 strong people in the temple.

My legs are soft.

Indeed, it only lasted less than three seconds, and the twelve Temple strongmen couldn't hold on any longer. Their legs were weak and they couldn't stand in the high air. They all sat in the high air and floated up.

"I, we'll take you, take you to the God ruins..."

Then one of them, the temple strongman, finally spoke.

Indeed, in the face of 198 figures, they all felt that they were going to be unable to breathe.

It seems that if you don't speak again, you will suffocate under the breath of Lin Ming.

When one of the gods spoke, others seemed to speak subconsciously.

"I didn't expect that. I really didn't expect that your strength is so strong that you can match the four main hall owners of the temples..."

"If we hold on, we'll just die in vain."

"You are also right. You can certainly find the location of the God site yourself..."

"In that case, why don't we take you to the God site."

"Ha ha..." seeing that the twelve strong men in the temple looked like they were all in submission from the bottom of their hearts, Lin Ming gave a sneer and then said:

"It's a pity that I've given you a chance. It's a pity that you don't know how to cherish it. Now that you know that it's in my hands, that is to say, to die in vain, you finally know that you are afraid

Why, do you really think I will give you a second chance... "

One of them quickly said: "if you don't kill me, I will reveal more amazing news to you. These news, except for the four temples, are not known about any powerful existence..."

"Oh?" With this kind of export, Lin Ming's murderous spirit converged for a while, and it seemed that he was somewhat interested.

"Yes, as long as you don't kill us, we will tell you something that any other powerful existence doesn't know..."

"These news, but except for the four temples, no other strong person can know..."

At first, the three people all spoke one after another. After that, they all looked like they were looking at Lin Ming.

Looking at them, it's like waiting for Lin Ming to sentence them to death.

At this time, there was a cold smile in the corner of his mouth, and then he said:

"Well, I said I would not let you go, so I would not break my promise, but now, I will give you a chance at last..."

"What chance?"

At once, the twelve Temple strongmen exclaimed out.

Lin Ming's eyes were full of interest. He swept the twelve Temple strongmen, and then said, "I only need three guides..."


When the sound of Lin Ming's words fell, there was a scream immediately.

Lin Ming was surprised to see the scene now.

It's true that the three of them are very clean and clean. It seems that they have a tacit understanding that they will kill the other nine directly.

And after killing these companions, the three of them looked as if they did not change their face, and did not feel guilty at all.

Seeing a flash of surprise in Lin Ming's eyes, one of them sighed

"In fact, whether it's people in our temples or any other existence, sooner or later, it's a death

They died, but also a relief, of course, there will be a trace of unwilling

Just like we ask you for mercy, we are not afraid of death, but just a little unwilling to... "

"Lead the way." Lin Ming just listened to the other party's words. Naturally, he didn't want to waste any time and simply said.

A chain is taken back. Naturally, all of Lin Ming's parts disappear.

"What, this, this..."

When Lin Ming reappeared, everyone around him, including the Lord of Luoshen temple, master Wuchen and other powerful people, was dumbfounded. Get up and have a look at these four figures.

Each of their faces is full of incredible color.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

Indeed, this is the same huge question that appeared in the minds of the Lord of Luoshen temple, master Wuchen and others at the same time.

Just a few minutes later, there are only three of the 131 strong ones in the temple.

Although everyone can see Lin Ming, and can clearly see that Lin Ming is not damaged at all.

But all of them didn't dare to think about that kind of situation as if they were subconscious. Naturally, it was Lin Ming who killed the 128 strong people in the temple.

In the eyes of all of them, no matter how they think about it, it's impossible to happen.

The Lord of Luoshen Temple couldn't help it. He first flashed over and looked at Lin Ming carefully. He asked:

"Lin Ming, how come there are only three other temple strongmen left..."

For a moment, Lin Ming seemed to have no expression on his face. He nodded slightly and said:

"It can be said that all of them were killed by me. Of course, the last nine were the hands of their three moves..."

The last sentence, the Lord of Luoshen temple and other people seem to be unable to hear directly.

At the moment when Lin Ming's words came out, everyone's eyes seemed to be staring at him like a monster.


Silence, a dead silence in the sky.

Everyone's eyes are just looking at Lin Ming, including the Lord of Luoshen temple and childe Wuchen.

Soon, a different feeling flashed through the beautiful eyes of the Lord of Luoshen temple.

Then she didn't know what she thought of. On her beautiful face, she turned a little red. Then she quickly turned away her eyes, as if she was embarrassed to stare at Lin Ming again.

As for the words of Childe no trace, the bottom of his eyes was really wiped away in an instant.

At this time, the eyes of tens of thousands of other powerful people looking at Lin Ming have become different, with a little more fear, a little more worship, and a little more admiration.

Indeed, from the four Temple strongmen who appeared in the universe at the beginning to more than 100 Temple strongmen, all of them, without exception, were planted in the hands of Lin Ming.

If it wasn't for Lin Ming, who is such a powerful man, in the hands of the powerful people in the temples, they would have been wiped out.

For a moment, everyone's eyes on Lin Ming changed a lot.

"The reason why we killed the nine of our companions was because our predecessors spoke. We did that..."

At this time, the opening of the three Temple strongmen was more like throwing a huge stone into the lake, which immediately set off a huge wave.


"The powerful one in the temple called Lin Ming the elder?"

"What did he say? Lin Ming asked them to kill their companions?"

Stunned, the simple words of the temple strongmen at the moment naturally made all the strongmen feel like they could not help but be directly stunned.

How can they think of it? They can't even dream about it. Now it seems that Lin Ming has convinced all the powerful people in the temples.

Such a thing has never happened, never happened, and can not happen.

"Lead the way."

When tens of thousands of strong people were in a daze, Lin Ming spoke directly.

The three Temple strongmen nodded slightly and said, "please follow us."

The three of them disappeared.

Naturally, Lin Ming's figure disappears.

"Come on, let's keep up."

Tens of thousands of strong people were stunned. Naturally, they all reacted. In a flash, a touch of ecstasy came out of their faces.

Whew, whew, each of them broke through the air immediately and followed Lin Ming and the three Temple strongmen.

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