"At our current speed, we will be able to reach the area where the God site is in about ten minutes..."

At this time, the three Temple strongmen flew forward and said.

"At this time, we can reveal a little bit of information..."

"I think that with the realm and strength of my predecessors, I should have been able to feel that there will be changes and turbulence in the world."

"In the world, there have indeed been some turbulence and changes. The sudden emergence of the supreme power of the four universes is the best proof..."

Lin Ming nodded slightly. He had indeed heard several times before that there were unusual signs in this universe, such as the sudden disappearance of the wordless heavenly script.

One of the biggest signs is the sudden emergence of the four most powerful forces in the universe.

"Why do these upheavals and changes happen all of a sudden?" Naturally, Lin Ming wants to know why.

For a moment, the three Temple strongmen were silent.

Of course, they didn't ignore Lin Ming's question, and they didn't want to answer Lin Ming. Naturally, they didn't dare to answer. They were obviously considering the wording.

"According to the records of the temples, the age of one side of the universe is 99 trillion years."

"In the records, there is no saying about how the universe was born, but there are signs of how the universe was destroyed..."

"And the first sign is time..."

"Signs of the destruction of the universe? Time? " When Lin Ming heard the words of the three Temple strongmen, he could not help but make a subconscious thump in his heart.

Then he suddenly thought of something and said, "is it true that the age of this universe in the world we live in has reached 99 trillion years..."

"Yes, it's almost ninety-nine trillion years."

"In just a thousand years, the universe will reach ninety-nine trillion years on this side of heaven and earth..."

"Maybe a thousand years is quite a long time for all ordinary existence, but for the strong above the immortal realm, this time is just a flick of a finger..."

"When the time of a thousand years comes, the universe will die. According to records, the universe will shrink to an infinitesimal point, and then eventually collapse and disappear..."

"Nature, everything in the universe, no matter how powerful it is, will be destroyed with it..."

"In fact, the disappearance of gods more than 10 billion years ago was also related to the end of the universe..."

"After all, for the gods, ninety-nine trillion years are about to pass, so the more than 10 billion years is just a matter of a flick of the finger..."

"So it is..." naturally, Lin Ming suddenly realized that what the three Temple strongmen said was indeed the first time.

It turns out that the disappearance of gods more than 10 billion years ago was related to the ultimate destruction of the universe.

It turns out that in more than 1000 years, the universe will come to an end and be completely destroyed.

Of course, Lin Ming also knows one thing clearly, that is, a thousand years is too small compared with ninety-nine trillion years. It's just a matter of a flick of a finger.

Now that Lin Ming has reached the limit of the Ninth level of the immortal realm, he can feel clearly that the speed of the passage of time seems to be different.

In his feeling, it seems that the thousand years will pass in the blink of an eye.

At present, Lin Ming doesn't think much about it. He naturally realizes a key problem, and he can't help thinking:

"Since the universe will be destroyed in more than a thousand years, what should all beings in this universe do? Is it really doomed to be destroyed with the universe..."

Naturally, Lin Ming did not want to see such a situation happen in any case. The current 1000 years is too short for him.

"That's why the candidate for the master of the universe will appear..."

The three strong men of the temple said.

"This is the reason why there must be a large number of candidates for the master of the universe. As long as there are enough candidates for the master of the universe and they are selected by the cosmic emissaries, a master of the universe will finally be born..."

"And the master of the universe is the hope of all living beings in the universe and the world..."

"Because only the master of the universe has the ability to break the barrier of one side of the universe and lead all creatures to leave a universe that is about to be destroyed and go to a new place..."

"Whether we can find the trace of gods in the relics of gods is the key of whether we can be promoted to the master of the universe as soon as possible..."

"Time is running out, so all the four temples have set out to search for the traces of the gods among the sites of the major gods..."

The three temples slowly opened their mouths and told Lin Ming what they had learned. For a moment, they seemed to be extremely anxious. They were flying away in the air, and the speed was even faster.

"It seems that finding the trace of the gods is not only related to the dragon in my Shenju cave, but also related to whether I can become the master of the universe..."

Naturally, Lin Ming also wanted to enter the God sites as soon as possible to find the trace of the gods.

"In addition..."

At this time, it seems that the three Temple strongmen want to speak again, but they look a little hesitant.

Lin Ming said directly: "it's already this time. What's good, but it doesn't matter..."

"It's like this."

"There can only be one master of the universe. Once a master of the universe is born, then, naturally, all other candidates for the master of the universe will destroy themselves..."


The three strong people in the temple were silent, and they didn't say any more. They didn't seem to dare to say any more.

After all, as the members of the temple of gods, they are also the candidates of the master of the universe. They want to be the unique existence of the master of the universe.

If their words come out, there will be only one life between Lin Ming and their young master, or they will not be able to survive.

Seeing the silence of the three strong gods, Lin Ming naturally understood, and didn't say much at the moment.

Indeed, he is confident that he can be the master of the universe.

When about a minute passed, Lin Ming asked, "how long will it take to reach the location of the God site..."

"There are about five minutes left. Once we enter the scope of the God site, the breath will be suppressed and we can't fly any more..."

Sure enough, after five minutes, Lin Ming's face changed slightly.

Indeed, a strong and inexplicable breath suppressed the breath in his body in an instant, and he could no longer fly in the high altitude.

And this inexplicably powerful breath is not the most powerful force of the four universes, nor is it the breath of the universe, or even any breath that Lin Ming is familiar with.

For a moment, it was hard for Lin Ming not to be surprised. "It seems that the size of heaven and earth is far beyond my imagination..."

Naturally, Lin Ming has confirmed the existence of the second universe, so there must be a third universe, the nth universe.

At this time, the three Temple strongmen also fell to the ground in the middle of the sky. Then they looked into the distance and said:

"In another half an hour's journey, we will really enter the scope of the God site..."

"Master, let me remind you that not everyone can enter the site of gods..."

"There are countless strong people waiting outside the God ruins. In addition to the people in the North Temple, there are also a large number of strong people waiting outside the God ruins in the other three temples..."

"In addition to the strong ones in the four temples, there are countless strong ones from other galaxies..."

"Such a strong man, the strength of each one is not under the strong men of the temples..."

"Because there are so many strong people who want to enter the God site, at least hundreds of millions, they can only queue up slowly..."

"Line up?" Lin Ming was surprised to hear these words from the three Temple strongmen.

Then, with a sneer, he said, "queuing doesn't exist for me. I'm in a hurry. I don't have any time to waste here..."

For a moment, the faces of the three Temple strongmen showed a strange color and said.

"Of course, for the strong among the strong, there is no such thing as queuing up..."

"And the elder is really the strong one among the strong ones..."

"However, even if you want to enter the site of the gods without queuing up, it will be a bit difficult, even with the strength of your predecessors..."

"If you want to ignore all the strong and directly break into the relics of gods, it is an act of breaking the rules, which means offending hundreds of millions of strong people..."

"Hundreds of millions of strong people, if they join hands, then not everyone can be an opponent..."

At the end of the day, a touch of fear flashed from the eyes of the three Temple strongmen.

They looked at Lin Ming as if they had seen a scene of hundreds of millions of strong men besieging him.

At this time, there was a flash of cold light in Lin Ming's eyes, and he said slowly:

"No matter hundreds of millions or tens of billions of strong people, they can't stop me from entering the God ruins..."


These three powerful people in the temple immediately felt the extremely powerful murderous Spirit sent out by Lin Ming, and immediately became silent.

As if involuntarily, even as the strongmen of the temples, they could not help but have a sense of fear.

It seems that if you say one or two more words, Lin Ming's murderous spirit can directly kill the three of them.

Three people lead the way silently.

Sure enough, when about half an hour passed, even if the three Temple strongmen did not speak, Lin Ming could clearly know that he really entered the scope of the God site.

Indeed, Lin Ming clearly felt that an extremely powerful breath came from a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

Lin Ming knew for the first time that the number of such breath was in the hundreds of millions.

And a lot of breath, also like subconscious, bring Lin Ming a faint sense of fear.

From that kind of breath, Lin Ming could vaguely feel the existence of the power of the end of the universe.

In other words, among these hundreds of millions of strong people, there are those who have controlled the power of the end of the universe.

Of course, Lin Ming was just a little bit frightened.

Teng for a moment, the next moment, Lin Ming impolitely, directly released his own control of the three most powerful forces of the universe.

With the release of these three cosmic powers from Lin Ming, all the eyes around him looked at Lin Ming.

Immediately after that, bursts of air breaking sound will naturally follow.

Almost in three or four seconds, there appeared one shadow after another around Lin Ming.

At a glance, the number of such figures is as many as tens of thousands.

It is also very clear to see that every figure's face is full of shock and amazement, and his eyes are looking at Lin Ming.

For a time, a whisper, is also ringing.

"Oh, my God, what's the origin of this man's identity? He controls all three powers of the universe..."

"No, it's amazing. One of the most powerful forces in the universe is the end of the universe..."

"He is surrounded by the strong one of the three shrines in the North Temple. Can he be the little master of the North Temple?"

"The Shaodian master of the North Temple has already entered the God site. I saw that with my own eyes..."

Brush, all eyes, are looking at Lin Ming up, are a face full of doubt.

When all the figures appeared, Lin Ming glanced over and saw for the first time that everyone's realm strength was not low, but compared with him, it was still quite poor.

Lin Ming is confident that even if tens of thousands of people join hands, they will not be his opponents.

As long as he shows the power of the end of the universe a little, all these strong people will be annihilated.

At the moment, Lin Ming is naturally too lazy to pay attention to the many strong people. He is also very powerful, and he just says:

"I heard that because of the large number of people, they have to queue up to enter the God site

Now, I'm going to the God site. If anyone dares to stand up and stop me, I'll kill him... "

As soon as the words fell, Lin Ming stepped forward and strode toward the distant God site.


"Well, this boy is so arrogant..."

Lin Ming said such a word, immediately, a loud voice, is sounded.

Every strong man's eyes changed when he looked at Lin Ming. In a moment, he was full of murderous and hostile.

However, it is also because Lin Ming has three kinds of universe's most powerful power, which is too powerful.

At present, although all these strong people are full of murderous and hostile to Lin Ming for a short time, they can't help but feel helpless.

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