
Immediately, there was a dead silence.

Then I saw that everyone's eyes were on Lin Ming, and no strong man dared to speak half a word.

Indeed, the power of the chain in Lin Ming's hand scared them.

Is that the instrument of the universe.

I'm afraid it's true that only the tools of the universe can have such terrible power.

In an instant, it was just in an instant, killing 16 strong men.

Moreover, these 16 strong people are all powerful beings with two kinds of supreme power in the universe.

But if it's a tool of the universe, why don't you see any divine lines on the surface of that chain.

Silly eyes, everyone is afraid to speak half a word at the same time, but also all are a pair of silly eyes look up.

Each of them is looking at a chain in Lin Ming's hand. At the moment, it seems subconscious. They don't know how much they want to know an answer.

Naturally, I want to know from Lin Ming what this rusty chain really is.

After he spoke, he saw that everyone seemed to be holding their breath and didn't dare to speak any more. Naturally, Lin Ming didn't care about them.

Now for him, the most important thing is to enter the God site.

What is the most precious is undoubtedly time.

Lin Ming's pace is faster for a while.

However, Lin Ming is not relaxed at all.

In Lin Ming's opinion, the strength of these strong men is really strong, but they are far from the strongest.

In such hundreds of millions of breath, Lin Ming can clearly feel that the realm strength of many strong people should still be above him.

Sure enough, Lin Ming's face changed when he was still not far away.

The next moment, three figures appeared out of thin air, not far away from Lin Ming, only a few hundred meters away.

Such a distance, for a strong man like Lin Ming, is just like the breath under his breath.

When he saw the appearance of these three figures, Lin Ming's heart seemed to be a subconscious clatter.

Three cosmic powers.

Indeed, the first time in each other's three strong bodies, also exudes three kinds of cosmic power.

In addition, in the hands of the other three, they also hold weapons, which have obvious divine patterns. It is obvious that they are all weapons of the universe.

Judging from the faint breath, it is certain that the power of such a cosmic instrument in the hands of the other three strong men is not simple.

"What, the three of them."

And when seeing such three figures, a burst of startled voice came out from the mouth of hundreds of strong people.

Brush, everyone's eyes to them, is also like subconscious, immediately filled with a color of fear.

Of course, they followed what suddenly, and there was a look of ecstasy on their faces.

"It's them. They're here. I see how arrogant the boy is."

"These three are the three famous star masters, wolf star master, tiger star master, and leopard star master..."

"It's said that these three masters have experienced a longer time than the gods..."

"It's said that as long as the three star masters make a move, no one can defeat them..."

"We have expected that there will be more powerful ones to deal with this rule breaker, but unexpectedly, the three star masters will appear..."

"Now, if the boy doesn't die, I'll cut off my head and sit on the bench for him. Hum..."

Qi Qi's cold hum came from the mouth of all the strong men.

At this time, when each of them looked at Lin Ming, it seemed as if they were looking at a dead man.

Of course, Lin Ming doesn't care what kind of eyes other people around him have. His eyes are only on the other three stars.

At this time, suddenly, the voice of magic boy rang out in Lin Ming's mind:

"You should be careful now. The other side is the star Lord. The years of existence are longer than that of the gods

In those days, I didn't fight against the star master, because it's said that anyone who can make the star master fight has only one end and is defeated in the other's hands... "

"Oh? So strong? "

For a moment, even the Devil boy began to remind him like this. Naturally, it can be imagined that his opponent's strength was really strong. For a moment, Lin Ming's sense of vigilance and vigilance became stronger.

"Three powers of the universe..."

At this time, the other party's three stars are obviously looking at Lin Ming, and finally speak. They all look like they have no expression.

It seems that he does not mean to despise Lin Ming, nor does he show the slightest importance to Lin Ming.

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, straight hard God ruins..."

"Boy, I can tell you very clearly that you can stop here..."

"For the existence of stars like us, we have to queue up to enter the God ruins. I don't care about your identity and origin, so it's no exception..."

Three people's eyes are also very indifferent, a calm look, looking at Lin Ming, said.

Lin Ming also looked quite indifferent. After looking at the three, he said:

"I can tell you very clearly that today, at this moment, I have to enter the God site. No matter who it is, no matter what it is, I can't stop my steps to the God site

As for you... "

After a pause, Lin Ming's eyes slowly swept over each other's three star masters again. The cold light in his eyes naturally became more intense.

Teng once, the three most powerful forces of the universe emanating from the body are also more powerful.

Seeing this, the three stars still looked the same, and said calmly.

"It seems that he is a boy who has never seen the world. He regards our star master as an ordinary strong man..."

"Boy, we let you have a long experience. Our existence is even longer than that of the gods..."

"We've lived for countless years, and we won't take the initiative and kill any more."

"We just want to go into the relics of gods, find traces of gods, and look for the possibility of becoming the master of the universe..."

"Boy, you'd better wait, don't be impulsive and do something that you regret so much..."

Seeing the three masters of the other side's mouth like this, Lin Ming's murderous spirit really converged for a while.

It's true that although the breath of these three masters is strong, Lin Ming can clearly feel that the other three masters don't seem to have the slightest intention to kill him.

And hear three star master such opening, those hundreds of strong, a time is to listen to some silly eyes.

They have seen and heard about the existence of the star Lord, but they know little about it. They didn't expect it to be such a way of doing things.

For a moment, they were naturally very disappointed.

You know, Lin Minggang was resolute and ruthless. He didn't mean to keep his hand. He took the lives of their 16 companions directly.

I'm afraid it's impossible for them to avenge this hatred.

Naturally, we can only rely on these three masters.

It seems that many of them can't help but speak one after another.

"Three star masters, this boy is not a good man. You can't be kind to him."

"It's true that just now he was decisive and ruthless. He directly killed the sixteen strong men and sucked away their immortal breath and even the most powerful power of the universe in his body..."

"It's obvious that this boy should be the demon king in the legend who can have such a means of anger and resentment..."

"Even, judging from his strength, maybe he is more likely to exist as evil spirit..."

These three stars always look like a calm, but when they finally heard the word "evil spirit", their faces finally changed.

Subconsciously, the three masters asked: "what you said is true..."

Those who are strong naturally speak quickly.

"The words we said are true. If there is half a false word, it will be hard to die."

Brush, this time, the three star master's eyes together brush, look to Lin Ming and go, the eyes finally revealed a obliteration.

The wolf star master yelled: "boy, tell me your identity and origin honestly, are you evil spirit or not?"

For a moment, facing the other side's murderous questioning, Lin Ming smiles at the corner of his mouth and asks: "if I say no, do you believe it or not..."

"Boy, don't play games with us."

"We exist as masters of the stars. When we are born, you are just a grain of dust at most..."

"Since you don't say it, it's good. Let's see your strength..."

Pause, Teng for a moment, the wolf star master's mouth suddenly heard a wolf non wolf roar:

"Sirius laser light."

Teng of once, then also can incomparably clearly see, a burst of ray general purple black light, from this wolf star Lord's body shot out quickly, whew whew attack to Lin Ming and go.

"Well? This... "

Indeed, in such a light, from the wolf star master's body to shine out of the moment, Lin Ming seems to be subconscious, heart thump.

This kind of light is very strange. It gives off a breath that Lin Ming has never seen before.

It is neither the breath of the universe, nor one of the most powerful forces of the four universes, nor any breath he is familiar with.

"Be careful."

At the same time, a sound of reminding rang out in Lin Ming's mind.

In fact, he didn't need to be reminded by magic boy. Lin Ming had already released a breath of the universe from his body.

After absorbing the cosmic breath of the former Zhongbei temple, the cosmic breath in Lin Ming's body has already been powerful thousands of times.

At present, with such a cosmic atmosphere, as soon as it was released from Lin Ming's body, it immediately resisted his opponent's move of Sirius laser light.

"Why?" Seeing the appearance of such a scene, it was indeed a sound of surprise from the three masters.

All the three stars said.

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It turns out that in addition to controlling the three most powerful forces in the universe, even the breath of the universe is controlled, and its power is so powerful..."

"It seems that your real strength is comparable to that of the Shaodian master among the shrines..."

"But that's all. No matter how powerful the universe is, it can't compete with Sirius laser..."

"To tell you the truth, the Sirius laser light comes from the star's nuclear power, and is not afraid of the atmosphere of the universe..."

Teng for a moment, with the voice of a fall, a burst of more dazzling purple black ray like light, from the wolf star master's body shot out, shot to Lin Ming.

"Well? This... "

Sure enough, Lin Ming's face changed at this moment.

Indeed, from this purple and black light, Lin Ming felt an irresistible force.

Then, as soon as Lin Ming's face changed, the sound of explosion rang out.

It was defeated.

For a moment, even Lin Ming's powerful cosmic breath was defeated by his opponent's move under the laser light of Sirius.

"Not good."

As soon as Lin Ming's face changed, he could clearly feel that every ray was carrying an unparalleled force and hit him.

At this moment, Lin Ming had a feeling that there were countless steel needles stabbing at him, which really caused him a stab.

How can Lin Ming's face not change immediately.

How long has it been since he felt the tingling of his body.

Since his strength broke through the immortal realm, he never felt the tingling of his body.

Not to mention, his body has become almost indestructible after being tempered, not to mention the powerful divine power in his muscles.

For a moment, it can be imagined that the other side's such a move, the power of Sirius laser light, how strong it is.

Indeed, at this moment, Lin Ming can clearly feel that his body seems to have lost control and he is flying upside down in the air.

Of course, after a few tumbles in the air, Lin Ming naturally stood firmly in the air.

It seems that Lin Ming is still intact.

"What, this, how can this..."

But to see such a scene, like subconscious, a cry of surprise, is directly from the mouth of the three masters.

When they look at Lin Ming in the sky, they are also subconscious, showing a look of surprise for the first time.

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