It's true that all three of them are unbelievable. After a stroke of Sirius laser light, Lin Ming still looks like he's not damaged at all.

In their opinion, even if Lin Ming is not dead, he should be seriously injured.

Since Lin Ming seems to have no damage at all, we can imagine how strong his physical body is.

At present, it seems subconscious that the three masters' eyes toward Lin Ming have finally changed. They should be more alert and pay attention to it.

"What, what's the matter? It's totally impossible..."

"I don't think it's my eyes..."

"Hallucination, it must be my hallucination..."

As for those strong people's words, when they saw Lin Ming's intact appearance, they also showed their astonishment and shock.

Everyone's eyes are filled with an extremely incredible and incredible color, looking at Lin Ming in the sky.

"It's really impossible..."

"What kind of existence is the star master? As long as he makes a move, he can take each other's life..."

"Such a situation, there has been no exception, not once..."

"Is it true that this boy's strength is so strong that even the star master can't kill him with one move..."

"Maybe we overestimated the strength of the three stars..."

"After all, everything is just hearsay. None of us has ever witnessed the star master's hand with our own eyes..."

"Maybe that's the only possibility."

Around the strong are all mouth, in the end, can only be so identified.

Otherwise, they can't accept such a scene.

That kind of move, the solid bombardment of Sirius laser light hit Lin Ming, which everyone saw with their own eyes.

That kind of move, the power of Sirius laser light, is really strong, in the eyes of all these strong people, they are absolutely unable to catch this move.

Of course, they still think that they should overestimate the strength of the three stars, otherwise, such a move will surely defeat Lin Ming.

Teng of for a while, hear the strong around such mouth, the three star Lord's face, first of all, is unable to hang, showing a touch of gloomy color.

"Good, good." The leopard star master, with a gloomy face, looks at Lin Ming in the middle of the sky and grins his teeth

"It seems that you really have some strength. Under the light of a Sirius laser, you just flew backwards

However, it was only the hand of the wolf star master

If we two star masters join hands, I don't believe you can be so calm and calm, with no damage at all... "

In the middle of each other's conversation, Lin Ming is in the air, landing slowly and down-to-earth.

At this time, he looked at each other with a touch of sarcasm. Lin Ming said:

"Don't waste my time, you three stars can go together

I directly defeated you, and then continue to walk to the God ruins

When I see someone else, I dare to stop me again. "

"Simply ignorant..." this kind of words from Lin Ming's mouth, the first time, the three star master's mouth is to send out a sneer.

"Although we are so strong as the star master, we dare not say such arrogant words..."

"Boy, if the rules here could be broken, we, as the star masters, would have broken them long ago, and we would have been the first to enter the God ruins..."

"I don't think you know yet."

"Oh? What do you know? "

When he saw the other person saying something, he seemed to suddenly reveal something. Naturally, Lin Ming was a little interested. Of course, he just asked casually.

"Ha ha." Lin Ming's such a question, also let the other party's three star masters can't help showing a full face of sarcasm, said.

"It seems that you are ignorant to the extreme. Even if you don't know the basic situation of the environment here, you dare to break into the God site, and you dare to speak up and say that you can see who dares to stop you..."

"You must have felt the pressure around you..."

"You have already felt the strong and inexplicable atmosphere around you..."

"Why, do you think it's just like this? As we get closer and closer to the relics of gods, the pressure around us will become stronger and stronger..."

"At the same time, the atmosphere around will become more and more powerful..."

"Even if we exist as the star masters, we can only temporarily reach the place tens of thousands of meters away from the God ruins..."

"At this point, you should understand how strong those who are within ten thousand meters of the God ruins are..."

When he heard the other party's three star masters speak like this, Lin Ming's face was always calm, and he didn't seem to care at all.

Then a sneer came out, and Lin Ming said sarcastically, "that's just the strength of your realm. Compared with the strong, it's still too weak..."

"You..." the words came from Lin Ming's mouth, which immediately seemed subconscious, and made the three stars choke.

At the moment, the three masters seem to be a little angry.

"You are so arrogant."

"In that case, you just don't listen to me. I'm sorry, we can only kill you here..."

"Otherwise, even one of our three star masters can't do it. If such a thing spreads, our reputation for many years will be destroyed..."

Facing each other's three star masters, Lin Ming looks calm all the time. At this time, he also says scornfully:

"In that case, I can tell you three very clearly that your reputation will be destroyed in my hands..."

"This boy is just..."

When he heard Lin Ming's words, all the strong people around him looked at him as if they were looking at a fool.

"Just now a star master's hand has already bombarded him to fly out..."

"And the most important thing is that anyone can see it. The wolf star master just now obviously showed half of his strength..."

"I don't believe that you can't kill this boy with all the efforts of the three star masters..."

"Are you kidding? It's not easy for the three stars to kill him..."

"This boy is decisive and ruthless, and he is extremely arrogant. It's natural for him not to be killed..."

All the strong people around said that they all agreed that Lin Ming would die under the help of the three star masters, just like this is a certainty.

Sure enough, at this time, the wolf star master, who had been out before, said coldly to Lin Ming:

"Boy, I just used Sirius laser light to show 50% of its power

If you use 100% of the power of Sirius laser light, you will be turned into dust in an instant

Not to mention, it's time for our three stars to fight together... "

"There's a lot of nonsense," Lin Ming said with a sneer when he saw the other party's chatter

"OK, let me see the strength of the three of you

Hum... "

A cold hum came from Lin Ming's mouth.

In an instant, Lin Ming raised a broken knife in his hand.

Of course, in fact, in his heart, Lin Ming did not despise each other's three masters at all, and he had already been on guard.

Therefore, as soon as he raised the knife in his hand, Lin Ming went out with all his strength without hesitation.

Powerful soul power, instilled into the hands of a broken knife.

At the same time, the powerful atmosphere of the universe has been instilled.

Teng of for a while, dun time, a burst of bright knife light, first of all from such a broken knife above send out.

"The instrument of the universe."

Seeing the appearance of such a scene, the eyes of the three star masters brush, and they can't help but light up.

"It's another tool of the universe. The knife in this boy's hand is also a tool of the universe."

"It's really another weapon of the universe, and judging from the breath emitted at this moment, its power seems to be on that chain..."

"It turns out that he has two cosmic weapons in his hand. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant..."

"However, whether it's two cosmic weapons, or three, or even four, he can't be the opponent of the three masters..."

"Boy, since you have chosen to fight with us, there will be only one end for you, and there will be only one. You will definitely lose..."

"Do it!"

At the sight of Lin Ming's knife, the three stars seemed to be just a little surprised.

As if naturally, they all believed that Lin Ming could not be their opponent under the joint efforts of the three stars.

"Sirius laser light."

"Tiger roars, starlight waves."

"The leopard is shining in the sky."

Just at the moment when Lin Ming raised his hand to break the knife, with a big drink, Qi Qi came out from the mouth of the three stars.

Obviously, they all put out their most powerful moves.

First of all, a burst of purple black light, showing a ray of general attack to Lin Ming.

At this moment, from the breath, compared with the previous shot, the power is really more than 100 times.

Under the irradiation of such purple and black rays, space is directly penetrated and becomes a broken sieve.

Then, a flash of dazzling starlight, like a wave of water, released from the tiger star master. Ripple out, almost in any order, will directly attack Lin Ming.

Finally, a bucket of thick electric light came out of the middle of leopard star master's forehead and shot at Lin Ming.

When the three star masters took action, they flashed under one and then appeared in three different directions, which naturally surrounded Lin Ming in the center.

As soon as they put out their moves, they almost completely blocked Lin Ming's space and all directions.

"Boy, we each show the most powerful moves, and also directly show 100% of the power. If you are not defeated, we will directly cut off our heads..."

The three stars are all confident.

"Well, you said that." Lin Ming uttered a sneer, "don't regret it at that time..."

As soon as the word regret falls, at this time, the attack of the other party's three star masters will fall on Lin Ming in an instant.

At this time, Lin Ming had raised his knife and suddenly cut it out in a horizontal direction.

In a short time, a Dao Qi, which seemed to be dazzling to the limit, shot out in all directions.

The next moment, there was a big bang like the collapse of the earth.

This kind of Dao Qi directly collides with the Sirius laser light, tiger roaring star light wave and leopard rushing into the sky pulse light of the other party's three star masters, resulting in a picture of the mountain shaking.

Almost in an instant, it seemed that Lin Ming was completely submerged in all kinds of extremely chaotic breath and all kinds of light.

This kind of breath is too strong.

This kind of light, too dazzling.

This kind of breath and light completely covered up everything about Lin Ming in an instant. Naturally, it also included Lin Ming's breath.


For the first time, not only the three stars, but all the strong people around can clearly feel that Lin Ming's breath really disappeared. At the moment of the explosion, Lin Ming's breath disappeared.

In everyone's opinion, there can only be one explanation for such a situation.

That is, Lin Ming died, completely died in the attack of the three masters.

Whether it's Sirius laser light, tiger roaring star light wave, or one move leopard pulse light, the power is too strong.

And the three masters, it's obvious that they have exerted all their strength.

If Lin Ming could not be killed by the second in that instant, all the strong would even prefer to believe that the universe would shrink and collapse in the next second.

"Sure enough, it's the star master."

"It's true that the power of the hands of the three masters is even enough to kill the gods..."

"It's worthy of being more remote than the gods..."

"It's true that the power of the star master's realm is worthy of the name. Otherwise, the prestige and reputation of the star master would not be spread in the universe..."

Brush, at this moment, all the eyes looking at the three stars in the distance, naturally become completely different, from a moment ago doubt or even disappointment contempt, suddenly become awe and admiration.

"With the strength of the three masters, among the stars, they can only queue up and wait to enter the God ruins, not to mention this boy..."

"If you don't queue up, there is really only one dead end..."

After all the strong people around didn't feel Lin Ming's breath, they decided that Lin Ming had been destroyed.

Of course, the three masters of the stars also take it for granted.

"After the weapon of the universe in that boy's hand falls into our hands, we must study it carefully..."

It seems that there is a tacit understanding. When the three stars look at each other, they all see a touch of emotion in each other's eyes.

"Well?" At this time, the expressions of the three masters changed at the same time, and then looked further.

"There's a strong one coming."

At the same time, all the strong people around also have the same feeling. They brush their eyes and look at the past together.

"It's one of the four temples."

"It's the vice lords of the four temples."

After seeing who it was, Qi Qi's exclamation seemed to ring at the same time.

But then, all the strong ones, including the three stars, all looked like a sudden.

Indeed, this kind of movement is too big, it is difficult not to disturb those who are waiting to enter the God site of other strong.

Soon, these more than ten people have come to the front.

"What's going on?"

Seeing the chaotic atmosphere of the surrounding space and all kinds of shining lights, the twelve Deputy Temple masters could not help but exclaim.

Especially in the middle, where the atmosphere is the most chaotic, all kinds of light is more dazzling, directly covering the range of thousands of meters.

The appearance of such a scene, how to not let these 12 Deputy Temple Lord subconsciously send out a exclamation.

"I didn't expect that it startled all the Deputy Temple masters."

At this time, the three masters all spoke one after another.

"It's just a small thing."

"Indeed, we just picked up a kid who didn't know the rules."

"It's just that there is a boy who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. He wants to break into the site of gods. When he is caught by us, he can only be solved."

The opening of the three star masters seems to be an understatement.

But such words fell into the ears of the twelve Deputy Temple masters, which seemed to have a tacit understanding. When the twelve Deputy Temple masters looked at each other, they could clearly see the color of surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

One of them, the Deputy master of the East Temple, looked at the three masters with a look of amazement, and then said:

"Judging from the current situation, the three masters must have displayed their most powerful moves..."


These words asked out, in an instant, the three stars seemed to subconsciously show a very embarrassed appearance, almost blush.

Seeing this, a deputy head of the South Temple said, "in this way, the other side must not be a simple strong one."

"Cough." The wolf star master coughed and covered up his embarrassment a little. Then he put on a straight face and said:

"None of the people who can enter the stars are simple characters

The most important thing is that no matter how many people dare to break the rules here, we, as the star owners, will certainly maintain the rules here and teach each other a lesson, though we are not easy to do so. "

Tiger star master then said, "yes, the key now is that we have solved each other, which also serves as a warning. Whoever dares to break the rules here is against our three star masters..."

The twelve Deputy Temple masters all nodded slightly.

Naturally, they also want all the strong people who come into this area to abide by the rules and wait in line to enter the God ruins.

Because if you don't obey the rules, all the strong will fight, and the whole star will be destroyed every minute.

"Well?" At this time, a deputy Temple master of the West Temple was looking at the light in the middle of the temple. He seemed to be aware of something. Suddenly, he was surprised and said to himself:

"The person who broke the rules has really been killed."

The words fell into the ears of the three stars. No matter how they heard them, they were harsh. No matter what they thought, they all seemed to question their strength.

The leopard star master first looked unhappy and discontented. He brushed and looked at the deputy hall master

"Deputy master of the West Temple, what do you mean by this? Do you suspect that we are lying to you, or do you think that the joint attack of our three masters is not enough to kill a little boy..."

"Hum." Wolf star master's mouth also can't help but send out a cold hum: "don't say it's just a little boy, even if your twelve Deputy Temple masters join hands, it's not necessarily our three star masters' opponents..."

"Why, do you three want to compete with us?"

Another deputy master of the West Temple Teng, murderous gas from the body, and the three star master tit for tat, it seems that it is really about to start directly.

"Don't be impulsive, everyone." A deputy master of the East Temple opened his mouth at this time and explained: "naturally, we didn't question the strength of the three elders. It's just that the chaotic atmosphere and dazzling light are too strong and haven't dissipated for a while, which makes people more or less suspicious..."

"It's easy to do. In more than ten seconds, the chaotic atmosphere and dazzling light will disperse. Hum..."

Leopard star master opened his mouth and said, "if, by then, you can still see that boy, I..."


A word has not finished, the leopard star master first of all like subconscious suddenly a Zheng.


Then, not only the twelve Deputy Temple masters and the other two star masters, but also all the strong ones around seemed to be stunned.

It's gone.

Indeed, when the leopard star Master said that the breath and light would disappear in more than ten seconds.

That kind of chaotic breath, and dazzling light, is actually directly disappeared.

Naturally, in the eyes of all people, the appearance of such a scene is extremely abrupt and sudden.

As if subconsciously, the three masters followed in their hearts, a very bad premonition came out of their minds in a flash.

"Should not..."

It's true that all three of them have a tacit understanding that Lin Ming is not dead yet.

"No way."

"As a star master, a single star master is very powerful, let alone three star masters working together..."

"The attack of the three star masters is hard to resist even the temple masters..."

However, the next moment, the three stars are also hastening to throw away Lin Ming's premonition that he is still alive.

If they don't follow closely, they will know that their premonition is right to the extreme.

"What, not dead."

Indeed, with the sudden disappearance of chaos and dazzling light, a figure appeared in the middle of the position.

All the strong people can see at a glance, such a figure, if it's not Lin Ming, who else can it be.

Moreover, at this moment, it seems that Lin Ming is indeed a perfect image.


Scared to death, at this moment, all the strong people, including the three stars, are almost scared to death. They are all directly stupefied, and their eyes are dull. They look at the figure in the distance.

"I, we missed, we missed..."

The three masters are all absent-minded, like subconscious, mumbling to themselves.

"For the first time, this is our first failure in history, and it's also a complete failure..."

"The three of us joined hands and showed the most powerful moves. Unexpectedly, we still didn't hurt the boy half a point..."

"He, he..."

Mumbling to himself, it seems that these three masters are going to lose their thinking ability, and they can't even speak.

"Three star masters, dare to ask, have you really tried your best just now?"

"Don't you all say that the other party will surely die? Why, what's the matter?"

It seems that the twelve deputy hall masters were the first to react, and immediately expressed strong doubts about what the three star Masters had just said.

It's true that they all know the strength of the three masters. They have existed for a long time compared with the gods.

Not to mention the joint attack of the three stars, how can we not kill just one person.

In fact, just now, the three star masters are right. Even if their 12 Deputy Temple masters join hands, they may not be the opponents of the three star masters.

Now that Lin Ming is alive and intact, doesn't it mean that even if they join hands, they can't defeat Lin Ming.


The three star masters were speechless for a while, showing a look of shame. For a moment, their eyes were just looking at the ground, and they all seemed to want to find a crack to get in.

"Three masters, you must remember what you said just now." At this time, Lin Ming came out with an obvious irony in his tone

"If I remember correctly, the three of you said that if I didn't die, you would cut off your head under the joint attack of the three of you..."

"You..." Teng, as if subconsciously, this made the three stars once again murderous, suddenly looked up, brush, and stare at Lin Ming in the distance.

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