The magic boy didn't speak immediately. After more than ten seconds of silence, he said again: "twelve sets of celestial armor, as early as trillions of years ago, have been famous and powerful. The heavenly power contained in it is very important

If it's a single set of armor, it should be able to compete with the power of the keel fragments, but if the other party's 12 Deputy Temple masters join hands, it's too difficult... "

"Too difficult, too difficult?" But when Lin Ming heard that magic boy spoke like this, he said that it was too difficult, which meant that there was a chance and a possibility.

Naturally, Lin Ming was able to understand immediately, and then said, "no matter how difficult it is, as long as there is a chance or a possibility, I will seize it and try to do it

I really have no spare time to waste here

Before, in order to devour a star master, I displayed the dragon's real body. Indeed, I can clearly feel that the time from the dragon soul to self explosion has been shortened to about 30 years. "

Naturally, with Lin Ming's current state and strength, even if it is a hundred years, Lin Ming's feeling is just like a flash, let alone a short period of 30 years.

"There is a chance, there is a possibility." At this time, the voice of the Devil boy sounded, "but what you have to do next is to take great risks, even life

Since the dragon bone fragments can have the power of heaven, they can really compete with the armor of the gods, but they are only a set of armor of the gods.... "

"A suit of armor?" Lin Ming was a little stunned, but he suddenly realized that even if magic boy didn't say it at this time, he already knew what he was going to do next.

Obviously, it is necessary to take great risks to solve one of the Deputy Temple masters by unexpected means.

As long as a deputy Temple master is solved, the whole realm of God will be broken by itself.

Of course, the first thing to do now is to get in touch with one of the Deputy Temple masters.

It is obvious that after the twelve Deputy Temple masters showed the realm of God, they were all outside the realm of God.

At present, since Lin Ming can't go out, the only way is to let the other side's twelve Deputy Temple masters take the initiative to enter the realm of God.

On second thought, Lin Ming had a plan immediately.

His eyes swept away the twelve Deputy Temple masters. At this time, he said calmly: "the realm of God is really beyond my expectation. It's really powerful. I'm convinced..."

After a brush, I saw that Lin Ming didn't move. I didn't know what he was doing. Naturally, the twelve Deputy Temple masters wanted to shut their eyes. But when Lin Ming suddenly opened his mouth, it was just to let their spirit come up.

In particular, the word "Fu Qi" from Lin Ming's words, the eyes of the twelve deputy hall masters who looked at Lin Ming, also immediately flashed like subconscious and had a look of banter.

The twelve Deputy Temple masters opened their mouths one after another.

"We have told you clearly that the armor of God is extraordinary, and the field of God displayed by it can definitely trap you for thousands of years..."

"Now that you know you've lost, it's too late..."

"First of all, hand over the two instruments of the universe in your hand."

In fact, what Lin Ming is waiting for is the last sentence of the twelve Deputy Temple masters.

Of course, on the surface, Lin Ming still looks like a quiet man. He says slowly:

"You've all seen the power of these two cosmic weapons in my hand. With no divine tattoo, they can resist the three powerful moves of the previous three masters

In fact, to tell you the truth, even I don't know much about this broken knife and chain in my hand

These two instruments of the universe have been with me for a long time, so it is not easy for me to hand them over

Unless you come in and do something, you can first imprison the two spirits, or you can just destroy them

Otherwise, even if I throw these two cosmic tools to you now, you can't even hold them firmly.... "

"Let us enter the realm of God?"

After hearing Lin Ming's words, the twelve deputy hall masters felt reasonable, but they also felt a little uneasy.

"This boy let us into the realm of God. Is he going to cheat us?"

"It's very possible that the boy is strong and resolute. It's hard to say that he doesn't have any bad water in his heart..."

Half of the Deputy Temple owners seem to be involuntarily worried about this. They are very cautious and think it is not a very proper thing to rashly enter the realm of God.

"Hum, this boy is a turtle in a jar now. What can I be afraid of?"

"Indeed, this boy has already fallen into the hands of our twelve Deputy Temple masters and is trapped in the realm of God. If we are still afraid of him, if this matter is spread, where will our face go? Even the reputation of the temples will be damaged..."

"There's nothing to worry about. Let's go into the realm of God, and you stay outside. If this boy really dares to mess around at that time, you immediately start the realm of God and let this boy suffer..."

The deputy hall masters, who still thought they should be cautious, looked at each other at this time, but they all thought it was feasible.

In their opinion, Lin Ming is indeed trapped in the realm of God. If he is still afraid of Lin Ming, it will be too embarrassing. He will lose face and the temples will lose face.

What's more, Lin Ming has been trapped in the realm of God. What's more terrible.

What's more, they are wearing the armor of the gods, which can't be penetrated by any weapon of the universe. This alone is enough to make them invincible in the face of Lin Ming.

In their eyes, they were already wearing the armor of the gods. At least they were very sure that Lin Ming would never take the life of any of their Deputy Temple owners.

The idea flashed through my mind like lightning. Just now, several deputy Temple masters who thought they should be careful and careful all looked like they couldn't help laughing, and their faces were full of self mockery.

At present, the four Deputy Temple masters choose to enter the realm of God.

Naturally, they have long been extremely interested in the two kinds of cosmic tools in Lin Ming's hands.

On the surface, it seems that there is no divine stripe, but the power it shows is far beyond the universal tool with divine stripe.

For such a kind of weapon, even if they were the Deputy Temple master among the temples, they were unheard of.

Naturally, every Deputy Temple Master seemed to be involuntarily curious about the two kinds of cosmic tools in Lin Ming's hands.

As soon as the four Deputy Temple masters entered the realm of God, they seemed to have completely ignored Lin Ming. With a flash of body shape, they came directly to the place tens of meters away from Lin Ming.

One of them, the Deputy Lord of the West Temple, held out his hand to Lin Ming and said:

"We've come in. Hand over the tools of the universe in your hand."

Lin Ming nodded slightly, then threw a broken knife in his hand. With a chain wrapped around it, he threw it to the four deputy hall masters tens of meters away.

At the same time, Lin Ming said, "I can only suppress the spirit for more than ten minutes by exerting the power of my soul

If you want to get these two instruments of the universe in my hand, it depends on whether you have the ability to control the two spirits in more than ten minutes

Or just kill the two spirits directly. "

With these words, Lin Ming seemed to be very casual. He stepped forward and approached each other for a few steps.


Lin Ming just walked a few steps, a loud shout, it is also immediately sounded.

It came from the mouth of the eight Deputy Temple masters outside the realm of God.

Indeed, as soon as the four Deputy Temple masters entered the realm of God, the eyes of the eight Deputy Temple masters were fixed on Lin Ming.

In their opinion, as long as Lin Ming dares to make any abnormal move, they will immediately urge the realm of God to attack Lin Ming.

Seeing that Lin Ming did stop for the first time, the eight deputy hall masters still spoke coldly.

"Boy, a broken knife and a chain in your hand have fallen into our hands. Please stand still..."

"Don't think about playing any tricks with us, we'll watch your every move..."

"We can definitely stir up the realm of God when you play tricks. Don't blame us for not warning you. At that time, the attack of the realm of God will make your life worse than death..."

After Lin Ming stopped and heard the other party's words, he didn't seem to have any change. His eyes were just looking at the four vice hall masters who were tens of meters away.

Indeed, he could clearly see that as soon as the other party caught the broken knife and the chain, a loud sound was heard, and then he saw that the four Deputy Temple masters seemed to have no hands to instill the strong cosmic breath and the supreme power of the universe into their bodies.

Lin Ming can clearly feel that at that moment, a broken knife and the whole space in a chain directly produce a violent vibration.

With a bang, the four Deputy Temple masters of the other side made such a move, and the momentum was also direct. In a moment, they locked the two spirits.

At this time, the voice of a cold hum came from the mouth of the four Deputy Temple masters.

"It's not easy for the Deputy Temple master of our temples to solve just one soul."

"What, no!"

"What's the matter?"

But at the next moment, the faces of the four Deputy Temple masters suddenly changed. As soon as they brushed, their eyes seemed subconsciously to show a look of horror.

"Ah..." then, Qi Qi screamed, but it was Qi Qi's voice that came from the mouth of the four deputy hall masters.

Then the four vice hall masters released their subconscious hands and saw a broken knife and a chain suspended directly in the air.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

At that moment, the eight Deputy Temple masters outside the realm of God gave out a cry of surprise.

Suddenly, a strong murderous spirit came out of the eight of them. It seemed as if they were going to directly urge the realm of God to attack Lin Ming.

The four deputy hall masters followed suit.

"No, it's nothing to do with this kid."

"When we attacked these two cosmic weapons, we encountered some unexpected situation..."

"It seems that the two spirits have been controlled by this boy, but they can still attack us..."

"This kind of attack is also extremely strange. At that moment, we used the cosmic breath and the most powerful power of the universe to attack us in turn..."

As they spoke, the four Deputy Temple masters could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Indeed, they have never seen or heard of such spirits.

What does this mean? Since they can understand it clearly, it means that these two kinds of cosmic tools in Lin Ming's hands must have a bright future.

At that moment, the four Deputy Temple masters looked more eager to get the broken knife and the chain.


At this time, a loud drink came out of their mouths.

Four people really at the same time hand, palm this time sent out a burst of light purple light.

Obviously, they urged the armor and used the power of the armor to control the chain.

Sure enough, with the help of the four deputy hall masters, the four purple lights lingered on a broken knife and a chain in an instant.

Immediately after that, the four vice hall masters held out their hands and grasped a broken knife in their hands.

Maybe it's because of the purple light lingering around, a broken knife is extremely quiet, it seems that there is no soul in it.

"Heavenly armor."

A low voice came from the mouth of the four Deputy Temple masters.

Teng's, a more dazzling purple light, is from the body of the four Deputy Temple Lord.

With a bang, you can see such four purple lights, just like a huge wave, pouring into a broken knife and a chain.

"Hum..." seeing this, Qi Qi's cold hum came out of the mouth of the four deputy hall masters.

"No matter how powerful the weapon of the universe is, the spirit of the weapon can never compete with the power of God, let alone the power of God, which contains the power of heaven..."

"Not good."

Sure enough, with such four purple lights pouring into a broken knife and a chain, Lin Ming really felt at the first time that there was a sense of panic and fear from the two spirits.

It seems that in the next second, these two spirits will be destroyed by the four Deputy Temple masters.

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