Naturally, Lin Ming knew that it was time for him to make a move.

The other eight Deputy Temple masters outside the realm of God, although they have been eyeing him, staring at his every move.

Naturally, once you start, the other party will certainly stir up the realm of God.

Lin Ming knows that at that time, he will inevitably take great risks. Just as magic boy said just now, he will even risk his life.

But for now, it's a small matter to enter the God site.

At this time, the situation is really at a critical moment, and we have to take action.

The two spirits will be controlled by each other, or even destroyed directly.

Of course, this is one of the last things Lin Ming wants to see.

Therefore, Lin Ming naturally knows that no matter how much risk he has to take, he will take action.

Moreover, in Lin Ming's view, as long as he moves fast enough, he can kill one of the eight Deputy Temple masters before they activate the realm of God.

At that time, the whole realm of God will be broken.

At that time, the other side of the remaining 11 Deputy Temple Lord, of course, is no longer able to do anything about him.

"Do it."

It was at this moment that Lin Ming could clearly feel the two spirits, and again he felt a sense of fear and confusion. Lin Ming knew that he really wanted to do it.

In an instant, we can see that Lin Ming directly exerts the most powerful cosmic breath. Similarly, the three most powerful forces of the universe are also exerted together.

Of course, the power of the soul is no exception.

Even, Lin Ming has never exerted the power of the soul to the greatest extent.

With a bang, you can see that the immortal breath, the cosmic breath, the supreme power of the universe, and the power of the soul are all infused into the keel pieces.

"Suffer death."

Immediately, Lin Ming started, his body disappeared in the same place, and suddenly appeared on the side of the four deputy hall masters tens of meters away.

"Boy, stop it."

"What are you doing?"

In fact, in the moment when Lin Ming suddenly felt a strong breath, the eight Deputy Temple masters in the field of God had already noticed it first and had a cold drink one after another.

It is also the time to launch the realm of God.

But it's still a little late. It looks like it's only a tenth of a second late.

With their cold drink, Lin Ming also happened to appear on the side of the four Deputy Temple masters.

Poof, followed by a sound.


At the next moment, a scream was heard, which came from one of the four Deputy Temple masters.

The four Deputy Temple masters were covered in the armor of gods, but they were naturally a pair of eyes on their faces except for one place.

It's true that Lin Ming was right on this point, so he was very precise. The fragments of the keel went directly into the eyes of the deputy hall master.

There was no accident. The deputy hall master didn't even know what happened. He just felt that one of his eyes was suddenly punctured.

It was followed by a scene that made him feel desperate.

It is true that there is a very sharp thing, after piercing his eyeball, not to mention, at that moment, a powerful and frightening suction came from such a sharp thing.

As if there was a whistling sound immediately, the master of the temple could clearly feel that through the eyeball, this kind of suction spread all over his body in an instant.

That is, at this moment, he clearly felt that the whole body's blood, muscle, and even bone marrow, under such suction, had a concussion.

"No, my body is going to explode."

A bang really rang out, in this deputy Temple Lord's mind subconsciously out of such a moment, his body really exploded.

But also because of wearing the armor, such an explosion did not break out and was suppressed by the armor.

Seeing this, Lin Ming's face was filled with joy.

Whew, a suction is coming from the keel fragments again.

The next moment, we can see that the deputy hall master completely disappeared, disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared.

With a clanging sound, it seemed that there was only a pair of God armor left, which fell to the ground.

When Lin Ming looked at it, he could not help but shine his eyes in an instant.

He had already seen the power of the armor, and it was really strong.

At that moment, he would not hesitate to use such a set of armor for his own use.

But the scene that surprised Lin Ming happened. After a while, he saw a flash of purple light on the armor.

It's gone.

This set of armour just disappears.

At this moment, Lin Ming did not feel the slightest breath of this set of armor.

Then the realm of God disappeared.

"Ha ha, good."

Seeing this, Lin Ming's body disappeared out of thin air and then appeared thousands of meters away.

"What, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with the Deputy master of the West Temple? Why did he disappear suddenly?"

It was not until then that the other three deputy Temple masters realized that one of them had suddenly disappeared.

"It's him, it's the boy."

"He did it."

"It was he who attacked us."

Of course, with the disappearance of a broken knife and a chain in his hand, as well as the disappearance of the realm of God and the disappearance of Lin Ming, the three deputy Temple masters suddenly came.



Immediately after that, it seemed as if they knew later. The three deputy Temple masters couldn't help but take in a cool breath.

Brush, that look to distant Lin Ming and go of vision, also seem to be can't help but, reveal a touch of extreme panic.

From the star God array before to the realm of God now.

What's the matter? Can't you really trap this boy.

Why, he can still escape.

At this moment, the three deputy hall masters recalled the situation just now, and immediately they all looked like they could not help but sweat.

They didn't know, and they didn't even notice. Lin Ming started at that moment.

That is, when the Deputy Temple master completely disappeared, they were able to react.

What kind of means is this.

What kind of existence can we have such decisive and cruel means as Thunderbolt.

At the moment, the three deputy hall masters' eyes, which were looking at Lin Ming in the distance, seemed to be filled with an unbelievable and unexplained color.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you stir up the realm of God at the moment when this boy was about to start?"

At this time, the three deputy Temple masters looked at the other eight Deputy Temple masters and went away.

At this time, the eight Deputy Temple Masters had a stronger reaction than the three deputy Temple masters.

The eight of them all seemed to be absent-minded. Their eyes widened to the limit and they looked at Lin Ming in the distance.

Come on.

It's too fast.

They did witness Lin Ming's hand.

But Lin Ming's speed is so fast that they can't even think about it.

They were about to stir up the realm of God, but at that moment, the Deputy Temple master had been destroyed by Lin Ming. His body exploded, and the immortal breath and the cosmic breath disappeared together.

Then, even the armor disappeared.

Facing the questions of the three deputy Temple masters, for a moment, the eight Deputy Temple masters didn't seem to hear the same.

Subconsciously, one of the Deputy Temple owners spoke to Lin Ming in the distance, his voice trembling violently, "what happened to you, you, you will, the Deputy Temple owner of the West Temple, will, release, release..."

"Ha ha." Lin Ming looks natural and has no expression. He laughs and says:

"It's very obvious. Do you think it's possible to let people go?"

"You killed the vice Lord of the West Temple?"

"You, you are so bold as to kill a deputy hall master. You, you..."

Naturally, the meaning of Lin Ming's words is quite obvious. If the eight Deputy Temple masters don't suddenly come over, they will really become fools.

It's just because suddenly, these eight Deputy Temple masters are even more incredible. Subconsciously, they all seem to be in a trance.

What is the existence of the strong in the temples, not to mention the Deputy Temple master. It is the existence that any strong person in the world will revere and admire when they see it.

But what's going on now.

A deputy Temple master was destroyed.

Tang Tang, one of the gods, was destroyed by the other.

Such a thing has never happened, never happened.

Since ancient times, people in all temples have never thought of such a thing.

For a moment, naturally, we can imagine what a storm will set off in the hearts of the eleven Deputy Temple masters.

Of course, such a storm, and the fear of Lin Ming, but also with greater anger and murderous gas out, and disappeared.

Indeed, at this moment, there was nothing else in the eleven deputy hall masters except murderous anger.

The three deputy Temple masters also reacted in the same way.

They all looked like gnashing their teeth. They were looking at Lin Ming in the distance.

Every word in my mouth.

"No, since ancient times, there has never been a case of the strong being killed in the temples..."

"You are the first one. I'm afraid there won't be any existence in the future. If you can do it, dare to do it..."

"Boy, now no matter you are any existence, even if you are an evil spirit, even if you have become the master of the universe..."

"There is no doubt that you will die. There is no doubt about that..."

"To tell you the truth, as long as any one of our Deputy Temple masters falls, the whole four temples will be shocked..."

"Many strong people in ancient times will appear soon..."

"Even the fourth vice hall master will appear naturally..."

"Boy, you still want to go to the God site. If you want to go in, you are daydreaming and delusional..."

"Ha ha," at the end of the speech, there was also a cold laugh from the 11 deputy hall masters.

Looking at Lin Ming's eyes, naturally, they all got up like looking at a dead man.

"The strong in ancient times, or the main temple." Lin Ming seems to be calm, and his tone is light. "I can't stand in the way of entering the God site

At present, you can't show the realm of God, and the star God array can't show it

If there's anything else you can do against me, just use it

Of course, once you deal with me again, you'd better be prepared for the same fate as your partner. Hum... "

With that, a cold hum came from Lin Ming's mouth.

Next, Lin Ming seems to have completely ignored the eleven Deputy Temple owners. He steps away and continues to walk towards the God ruins in the distance ahead.

Lin Ming's expression is resolute, step by step, step by step, the speed seems not slow, but also directly on the ground step by step.

"What to do, what to do..."

In the face of Lin Ming, who was not afraid at all, he was not afraid of their threat at all. At that moment, the eleven Deputy Temple masters looked at each other. You can see that they had no idea.

Where do they have any means? The star God array has been used, and so has the field of God.

This is the most powerful move that they can join hands to perform as the Deputy Temple master.

Once they start again, I'm afraid they will be killed by Lin Ming in an instant.

After all, their eleven deputy hall masters have yet to figure out how Lin Ming moved his hand and how he lost the main body of the deputy hall.

After all, their twelve Deputy Temple masters were all wearing the armor of the gods.


Totally helpless, the eleven Deputy Temple masters could only shout out so feebly at the moment.

Sure enough, they didn't expect that. Lin Ming didn't seem to have heard the 11 Deputy Temple masters say so. He stepped forward and continued to move towards the distance.

About ten seconds passed.

At this time, the faces of the eleven deputy hall masters were sweating, which was anxious.

They exist as the vice lords of the temples, but they can't stop a person who breaks the rules here. This is undoubtedly a disgrace to the temples.

If Lin Ming is allowed to go on, the impact on the temples will naturally be greater.

Of course, what they are anxious about naturally is why the strong of the temples did not appear in ancient times, and why the temple owners did not appear.


However, at this time, the faces of the eleven Deputy Temple masters all changed.

Brush, like subconscious, in their faces, are also directly emerging with a touch of excitement and ecstasy.

The next moment, four figures appear out of thin air.

As soon as I saw these four figures, I heard a cry of surprise from the eleven deputy hall masters

"Lord of the temple."

That's right. The Lord of the temples, he showed himself, and finally he showed himself.

"A deputy hall master was destroyed. What's the matter?"

The Lord of the West Temple asked first, frowning slightly, and looked solemn and serious.

"It's the boy. He did it."

"The boy is very powerful, but he insists on breaking the rules here. We want to stop them, but I didn't expect that..."

"Ha ha..."

The words of the eleven Deputy Temple masters seemed to be unfinished. A sneer sounded, full of sarcasm

"A total of 12 Deputy Temple masters, even the God armour, have used it, but they can't stop just one person. You still have the face to say..."

This is the opening of the North Temple master, said.

It seems that the relationship with the Lord of the West Temple is not so good.

The Lord of the North Temple continued, saying: "only one deputy Lord of the West Temple was killed. It seems that the West Temple has been completely decadent and declined over the years."

"I think the North Temple is almost the same. It looks like a mess." The Lord of the West Temple said, looking like a tit for tat with the Lord of the North Temple, "let's not talk about anyone..."

The other two temple owners, the East and South Temple owners, looked rather helpless when they saw such a scene.

The head of the South Temple looked unhappy and said, "what time is it now? I'm still in the mood and energy to bicker

The most important thing now is to find out the boy's identity

You tell us in detail what the situation is... "

"It's the Lord of the temple."

Eleven deputy hall masters answered together.

Naturally, it's also a quick way to say everything that happened.

"What, three masters? Do you also display the star God array? "

"That kid is probably the master of the universe."

After listening to what the eleven Deputy Temple Masters said, they were silly. Each of the four Temple masters looked like a complete fool.

It seems that they can hardly believe what they have heard.

"Of course, he can't have been the master of the universe."

"But obviously, he seems to be the most likely being to be the master of the universe..."

A word came out from the master of the East Temple. It seemed that they had a tacit understanding. It flashed in the eyes of the four masters at the same time.

At the moment, seeing that the reaction of the four Temple owners is so great, the eleven Deputy Temple owners are naturally very happy.

In their opinion, there is no doubt that the four Temple masters will directly attack Lin Ming and take his life.

Therefore, one of the Deputy Temple masters added at this time:

"Four Deputy Temple masters, this boy is more likely to be the existence of evil spirits..."

"Whether it's evil spirits or any other existence, as long as we can become the master of the universe, we won't mind each other's identity..."

South Temple Lord said.


This is said from the mouth of the South Temple master. Immediately, the eleven Deputy Temple masters can realize what's wrong.

"As the temple owners, we naturally know what we are doing and what we are doing."

However, the eleven Deputy Temple masters just spoke two words, and the West Temple Master seemed to interrupt with a look of displeasure.

Then, it seemed that the four hall Masters had completely ignored the eleven deputy hall masters, looked at each other and said:

"It seems that it is very necessary for us to meet this boy..."


All of a sudden, the four Temple masters seemed to be a little excited and disappeared.


It's just that the eleven Deputy Temple masters are all looking at each other. Look at me and I'll see you get up.

At this time.

Lin Ming, who was walking towards the remote God site, suddenly moved slightly. After brushing, a touch of cold light immediately swept away from his eyes.

Indeed, at this moment, he felt four unfathomable breath coming directly towards him.

At his present state, strength and four breath can bring him such unfathomable feeling for the first time. Naturally, it is enough to prove that the other party's state should be above him.

"Can it be that the eleven deputy hall masters just said that they were strong in ancient times, and the four main hall masters appeared..."

Then, when Lin Ming's mind just came up with such a guess, four figures appeared out of thin air and stopped in front of him.

This distance is also quite close, only less than ten meters.

At such a close look, Lin Ming's heart was more like a subconscious clatter.

For such four figures, Lin Ming not only felt unfathomable, but also felt a sense of uncertainty.

It seems that such four figures are just like empty shadows.

It seems that the four figures are integrated with the surrounding space.

Lin Ming is also able to feel inexplicably, it seems that such four figures are actually the surrounding space itself.

Of course, on the surface, Lin Ming is naturally calm from beginning to end.

In fact, as he said, no matter who appears now, any kind of powerful existence can not stop him from going to the God site.

At this moment, it seemed that naturally, a strong murderous spirit rose from Lin Ming's body and said directly, word by word:

"Who dares to stop me from entering the God site is my biggest enemy..."

But what surprised Lin Ming for a moment was that he didn't let the other four send out the slightest lethality.

On the contrary, a friendly smile appeared on the faces of the four figures.

Even, Lin Ming doesn't know if it's his own illusion. He can see a little bit of flattery from each other's expression.

At this time, one of them opened his mouth first and said with a smile, "don't get me wrong, we have no hostility to you, and we won't stop you from entering the God ruins..."

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