After a pause, he saw the smile on his face and said, "I'm the Lord of the East Temple among the gods

These three are also the temple masters

This is the Lord of the West Temple

This is the Lord of the North Temple

This is the master of the South Temple... "

The man, who is the master of the East Temple, always smiles and explains to Lin Ming the other three masters.

There was a certain look on Lin Ming's face. Indeed, he had already guessed that the other party should be the strong one in the ancient times, or the existence of the temple master, as the twelve Deputy Temple Masters said just now.

At the moment, although he can clearly feel the strength of the other four Temple masters, it brings Lin Ming a strong sense of unfathomability. Of course, that's all.

Lin Ming has the same attitude. If anyone dares to stop him and stop him from entering the God site, he is his biggest enemy.

No matter how, even if can't take the other party's life, also certainly can't let the other party stop him.

Of course, Lin Ming doesn't really believe what the four Temple Masters said.

Seeing Lin Ming's suspicious and disbelieving look on his face, the four Temple masters seem to understand the reason.

The four of them looked very patient and began to explain to Lin Ming.

The master of the East Temple opened his mouth and said, "in fact, our purpose is the same as you. We all want to enter the God sites and find the trace of the gods

Finally, it is possible to become the supreme of the universe, that is, the master of the universe

After becoming the master of the universe, the most important task of nature is to lead all the creatures to leave the universe and go to a new place to regain life

However, it is impossible for us to become the master of the universe and the supreme existence of the universe... "

At this time, the Lord of the North Temple next to him seemed to be in a hurry. He answered and said, "we have learned about you

There is no doubt that we can see that you are the most likely candidate to be the master of the universe among all the candidates

You become the master of the universe, for us, and even for all the existence in this heaven and earth, is a great good thing

So, of course, you can't be our enemy. "

Seeing that the two temple masters opened their mouths slowly, it seemed that they were really sincere. Lin Ming could not help believing it as if he was subconscious.

Then, as if naturally, Lin Ming thought of a key problem and said, "once there is a candidate for the master of the universe who has become the master of the universe, then all the other candidates for the master of the universe will be destroyed by themselves. You must be..."

After hearing Lin Ming's words, the four Temple masters looked like they were all sighing with emotion.

The master of the East Temple said, "to tell you the truth, we were all candidates for the master of the universe, but we failed to pass the test of the messenger of the universe

Therefore, for us, we don't know how long ago the candidate of the universe was... "

At this time, the master of the South Temple also said, "now, for us, for the whole temple, and even for all the strong, the most important thing is naturally to look forward to the birth of the master of the universe

Of course, once the master of the universe is born, other candidates of the master of the universe will fall. This is also the destiny. No one can change it

This is one of the laws of the universe... "

"The laws of the universe?" Lin Ming couldn't help but move.

"Yes, the laws of the universe." There was a flash of light in the eyes of the master of the North Temple

"In fact, the test of the cosmic emissary is about the ability to understand the laws of the universe

When you are tested by the messenger of the universe, you will know this clearly. "

Seeing that the four Temple masters are all talking endlessly, Lin Ming seems to be a little impatient. He really doesn't want to waste time with each other here.

Naturally, we can see clearly Lin Ming's impatience for the first time. The master of the East Temple smiles and says to Lin Ming:

"In fact, the so-called rules are only for the general strong. For example, you have surpassed the vast majority of the strong. They are rare

In this way, as long as you can promise me a condition, or one thing, I can take you directly to the entrance of the God site

In this way, you can naturally save a lot of trouble... "

"Oh?" This kind of words fell into Lin Ming's ears. Naturally, Lin Ming couldn't help but be moved. The time from the self explosion of the dragon soul has been shortened again to about 30 years now.

He knew clearly that he really had to find the breath of gods and suppress the existence of the Dragon Spirit in the 30 years or so.

Otherwise, even if he is absolutely invincible in the world, he will die in his own hands.

It can be said that there is nothing more frustrating than this.

Of course, no matter what, Lin Ming will not let this happen to him.

"East Temple master, what do you mean?" At this time, Lin Ming did not say whether he would agree or not. Suddenly, a cold drink was heard from the other three Temple masters at the same time.

Such a scene naturally made Lin Ming's face look a bit unexpected.

After a cold drink came out, the eyes of the three Temple owners were already burning. They stared at Lin Ming and began to speak one after another.

The master of the West Temple said: "as long as you promise me one thing, I will take you to the entrance of the God site. I will take you to the past faster than the master of the East Temple..."

"Don't argue with me, he can only promise me now." The head of the South Temple said: "I have two extremely magical weapons in my hand. There are no divine stripes on them, but they are much more powerful than weapons with divine stripes..."

"Oh?" Naturally, these words can arouse Lin Ming's interest for the first time. He has a broken knife and a chain in his hand. Isn't that the case.

If you can get the two kinds of cosmic tools mentioned by the South Temple master, maybe you will know more about the broken knife and the chain in your hand.

"Well, I do what I say." At this time, the master of the South Temple looked like he had a chance to win. In his hand, there was a flash of light for the first time, and then two kinds of weapons appeared.

It's a sword, a gun.

At first glance, Lin Ming's eyes really look bright.

Just from the appearance, these two weapons are similar to a broken knife and a chain. They are also damaged, only half of them are rusty, and they look like broken copper and iron.

Seeing that Lin Ming's eyes were like subconsciousness, his eyes lit up. He was like subconsciousness, and there was a touch of joy in the eyes of the master of the South Temple

"As long as you can promise me a condition and promise me this, these two strange weapons are yours, and I can give them to you on the spot now."

He directly handed these two weapons to Lin Ming.

But for a moment, although Lin Ming was really moved by these two weapons, he naturally would not rashly agree to any condition or thing.

Moreover, judging from the fact that the four Temple masters are scrambling for his consent, it is obvious that such a condition and such a thing should not be simple.

Seeing that Lin Ming suddenly had a look of suspicion, the face of the South God Temple owner looked more urgent, and seemed to know what Lin Ming was hesitating.

He opened his mouth in a hurry and said:

"Don't worry, it's definitely not difficult. For you, it can't be dangerous

It can even be said that this condition, such a thing, is easy for you to achieve

This is... "

"South Temple Lord, what do you mean?"

In the South Temple, the temple Master said that he was about to say such a thing at this time, but suddenly, Qi Qi's big drink came from the mouth of the three Temple masters.

Teng for a moment, with the spread of such a sentence, the three Temple masters all rose together, and a very powerful breath momentum, as well as murderous spirit, directly shrouded in the South Temple master.

"Why, do you three want to work together against me?" However, the master of the South Temple looked calm. Of course, his eyes swept the three masters, and there was a strong cold light in his eyes.

He said sarcastically: "if you have the ability, you three will also take out some weapons that can make the seniors' heart beat, and ask them to promise you that condition and that thing. If you can't do it, don't try to stop me..."

"Don't forget," immediately, the three Temple owners all spoke one after another, "what kind of agreement did our four temples have many years ago..."

"Once a strong one has become the supreme of the universe, let the other party choose any of our four temples as the temple of the universe in the new place..."

"Why, you've come out with two strange weapons now. Aren't you bribing the elder? What you've done is obviously against the agreement we made in those years..."

In addition, the three Temple masters began to say so, obviously with the intention of blaming the South Temple master.

However, hearing these three Temple masters' opening, the South Temple master looked like he didn't care at all.

He even sneered: "funny, you all said it was the agreement of that year. Who can predict that the universe is coming to an end so soon

What I want to do, as well as what you should do most, is to make your own temple become the temple of the universe in the new land... "

"If you insist on saying that, then you're going to break the contract."

"Master of the South Temple, don't blame me for not reminding you at last. If you insist on doing so, don't blame us for doing it to you."

"You break the contract first, and we do it later, which is what we should do..."

The three Temple masters began to speak. At this time, the air, momentum, and murderous spirit surged out of their bodies became more intense.

Lin Ming was quite speechless when he saw such a scene.

Indeed, all of a sudden, the four Temple masters asked him to agree to a certain condition and a certain thing.

And he didn't even know what kind of conditions and what kind of thing it was. It seemed that the four Temple lords had to fight first.

At this time, Lin Ming's face was naturally a bit ugly. With a cold hum, he spoke to the four Temple masters and said:

"It seems that you really don't take me seriously. It seems that as long as you say that condition, that matter, I will certainly agree

Now that you four Temple masters are going to fight each other, do it. In the end, only one of you is left

The last Lord of the temple will tell me what conditions and things that are... "

"Er..." Lin Ming's words naturally made the four Temple masters feel like they could not help but be stunned. The powerful breath, momentum and murderous spirit on them all converged at the same time.

Indeed, in their view, Lin Ming was obviously angry.

The master of the East Temple quickly opened his mouth and said, "master, don't get me wrong. How can we not take you seriously? You are the most powerful one among all the candidates for the master of the universe we have met

You are also the most likely to be the master of the universe

Once you become the master of the universe, you are the supreme of the universe. No matter what you are, you will be subject to your feet at that time... "

The master of the South Temple immediately opened his mouth, and he said directly: "in fact, if I had not been interrupted by the three of them just now, I would have said such a condition and a thing, it's really very simple..."

When the South Temple Master said this, the other three Temple masters did not dare to interrupt, but of course, they all looked nervous and fixed their eyes on Lin Ming.

"In fact, after our predecessors have become the master of the universe, we should choose one of the four shrines and take it to the place of rebirth, so that this temple can become the temple of the universe in the place of rebirth..."

The master of the South Temple said it with a kind of eagerness. "Of course, when the time comes, the elder will naturally become the master of the temple of the universe, commanding all the strong men and the forces of the heaven and the earth..."

When he heard that, Lin Ming could not help feeling that this condition was not a difficult thing.

Of course, the biggest premise is that he should first become the master of the universe.

But there is no need to think about it. We all know how difficult it is for us to stand out as the only one among the tens of billions of candidates.

But of course, although it is difficult, Lin Ming is full of confidence in himself.

At this time, it seems that naturally, Lin Ming thought of a key problem and said:

"If I choose one of the temples and take it away from this heaven and earth, and go to the place of rebirth, and let it become the temple of the universe, will the remaining three temples be destroyed with the destruction of the universe..."

"That's right." Immediately, the four Temple masters nodded, and their faces were all despondent and hopeless.

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