At this time, the four Temple masters did not dare to have any more quarrels. They were really afraid that Lin Ming would be angry and give up choosing one of the four temples.

All of a sudden, the four Temple masters seemed to have figured it out.

The master of the East Temple said to Lin Ming, "master, we have really made a mistake just now. I hope you don't take it to heart..."

The master of the North Temple nodded at the moment: "that's right. In fact, in the final analysis, the four temples of the temples are lianlizhi. In fact, it's the same for you to choose any temple to take away from the universe and go to a new place to become a temple of the universe..."

"It's true." The West Temple master and the South Temple master also nodded in agreement.

The South Temple then said, "I will give these two weapons to the elder, and I don't want to bribe the elder

In fact, to tell you the truth, I have studied these two weapons for a long time, but I have never found anything. Although I can feel that there is a strong atmosphere in them, their power must be extraordinary

But from the beginning to the end, I can't show these two weapons... "

Seeing what the other side said, Lin Ming felt a little uneasy. He took the broken sword and gun from the other side.


In such a moment, Lin Ming was slightly surprised.

Indeed, such a broken sword, a broken gun in the hands of the moment, a trace of inexplicable strong breath, immediately sent out from it.

However, this kind of situation is fleeting. For a moment, Lin Ming can't help but be confused. Is this really happening or is it just Lin Ming's illusion at that moment.

Next, Lin Ming inputs a trace of soul power into it. First of all, he looks at it a little bit, but as expected, nothing is found.

However, naturally, Lin Ming no longer cares.

After all, it is still the most important thing for Lin Ming to go to the God site.

After putting away such a broken sword and a broken gun, Lin Ming naturally saw that the four Temple masters were all looking at him, waiting for his reply.

When Lin Ming thought about it for a moment, he said, "why can we only choose one of the shrines to take away from this heaven and earth..."

"Ah?" Naturally, the meaning of these words is quite obvious. These four Temple masters all seem to be in a trance subconsciously.

"We never thought about it." The East Temple LORD followed.

From the look of the four Temple owners, it seems that they have never thought about this problem.

Perhaps in their view, only one of the four shrines can be taken away.

Sure enough, the master of the North Temple followed and said:

"In fact, among the shrines, there are ancient books that record that once the universe is coming to an end and the Lord of the universe appears, he will choose one of the shrines, take it away from the universe and go to a new place to make it a temple of the universe

As for whether it is possible to take away more than two shrines, there is no relevant record... "

The master of the East Temple said, "maybe it's quite difficult to take away from a temple, so there's no explanation at all in the books..."

Seeing what the two temple Masters said, Lin Ming pondered a little and then said:

"In fact, it's too early to say that

But of course, before the end of the universe, there should be a master of the universe

We all know what will happen if the Lord of the universe is not born

If I really become the supreme being of the universe like the Lord of the universe, I will take away one temple at that time. If I can take away more than two temples at that time, it depends on the situation... "

I'm excited.

As soon as these words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, the four Temple masters all looked very excited.

Now it seems that Lin Ming has become the master of the universe.

"Then, which temple would you choose?"

Immediately, as if they had a tacit understanding, the four Temple owners asked in unison.

"We'll talk about it then." Lin Ming can only say that now.

"Everything is up to the master." The four Temple owners didn't have any opinions. It seemed that they didn't dare to have any opinions.

"Master, next, our four Temple masters will take you to the entrance of the God ruins..."

East Temple Lord said.

Lin Ming nodded.

The four Temple masters stepped forward, and the speed was not slow. The East Temple master and the West Temple master, in front of the left and right, seemed to lead the way.

The South Temple master and the North Temple master, behind them, seem to be protecting Lin Ming.

Indeed, for the first time, they all had a very strong breath. They all came out of the four Temple masters and joined together to protect Lin Ming in the center.

Lin Ming, together with the four Temple owners, walked directly to the distant God site.

It's stupid.

And the appearance of such a scene, it is to let the distance of that 11 vice Temple Lord see completely silly.

Naturally, the eleven Deputy Temple masters were all keeping a close eye on everything here without blinking.

However, it was a pity that they didn't hear a word of the conversation between the four Temple owners and Lin Ming, so naturally they didn't hear half a word of what the four Temple owners and Lin Ming said.

Originally, in their view, naturally, the four Temple owners would teach Lin Ming a lesson and kill him.

After all, no matter what, Lin Ming dared to destroy a deputy hall leader.

Such a thing has never happened in the temples.

There is no one in the world. No matter how strong the power of such existence is, they dare not fight against the strongmen of the temples, let alone kill a deputy Temple leader.

"What's the matter? What's going on?"

"Can't the four Temple masters just let this boy go..."

"Not only that, how can I still feel that the four Temple masters seem to be escorting this boy to the God ruins..."


The last sentence came from the mouth of one deputy hall master. Naturally, the other ten deputy hall masters seemed to be stunned.

"There must be something strange in this. Let's go over and have a look at it as soon as possible..."

"I don't think the four main hall owners can let us follow..."

There is an appearance of helplessness and speechlessness on the face of the deputy hall master.

Sure enough, just as they were about to step forward, a voice sounded out of thin air

"All of you stay here and watch out for anyone who dares to break into the site of the gods

Remember, if the other side is not the general strong, never stop

Do you know? "

Naturally, for the first time, the eleven Deputy Temple masters heard it. It was the voice of the East Temple master.

Since the temple Master said so, as the Deputy Temple master, they did not dare to say anything more.

Of course, since it was the Lord of the temple who said that, in their opinion, they could also save a lot of trouble.

If there are one or two more strong men like Lin Ming, they can also reduce unnecessary losses.

"Master." At this time, the leader of the East Temple, who is leading the way ahead, first said:

"Frankly speaking, there are many powerful people from all sides of the universe in the relics of the gods. Many of them are above our four main hall masters in their realm and strength..."

Lin Ming nodded slightly. In fact, as soon as he entered the scope of the God site, he had already felt clearly that in such hundreds of millions of strong people, the breath was even stronger than he was. It really existed.

"We can only take our predecessors to the God sites through our status as the temple owners..." the West Temple owner added.

"In our status as the temple owners, there will never be any more people who dare to stop us. More or less, it will give us some face..."

South Temple Lord also said.

Sure enough, in the middle of the conversation, the four Temple owners took Lin Ming to the remote God site.

On the way, whenever a strong man met the four Temple masters, he didn't even ask them any more. He asked the four Temple masters to take Lin Ming.

But of course, when the figures of the four Temple masters and Lin Ming were already 100 meters away, a whisper seemed to ring out involuntarily.

"Who's that kid, such a big face."

"Indeed, it seems that these four Temple masters are escorting him to the God ruins..."

"Needless to say, that boy must be one of the candidates for the master of the universe, and I can guarantee that his strength is definitely at the top of all the candidates for the master of the universe."

"It's not. Otherwise, it will not disturb the four temples to escort them."

"Before, there came waves of strong and fluctuating breath. It must be this boy who made it..."

The four Temple masters and Lin Ming could clearly hear the whispers behind them, but naturally they didn't care at all.

About ten minutes went by.

The walking speed of the master of the East Temple suddenly slowed down slightly, and his eyes looked far away. It also seemed subconscious, revealing some dignified meaning.

At this time, it seems that the four Temple masters didn't say anything, and Lin Ming was aware of it.

Indeed, not far away, a very strong breath faintly emanates, which makes Lin Ming secretly alert and alert. In his feelings, he is more powerful than he is.

At the moment, he felt the existence of such a breath, which seemed subconscious. Lin Ming's face also changed, revealing a trace of dignified meaning.

"It seems that my predecessors can already feel it." Seeing that Lin Ming's face also changed slightly, the master of the East Temple opened his mouth and said, "among the hundreds of millions of strong people, there are indeed people with unfathomable strength, but relatively speaking, there are not many, not more than 100..."

"Oh? More than a hundred? " When he heard this, Lin Ming's face was slightly surprised. He did feel some strong breath, but the number he could feel was about dozens.

Of course, Lin Ming will not doubt the words of the four Temple owners.

Then there is no doubt that his feeling is wrong.

"It seems that there are still stronger people hiding deeper in them." Lin Ming said in secret that naturally he would not be more vigilant and alert.

"If I guess correctly, among the thousands of strong people ahead, the most powerful one should be the Phoenix master in the Phoenix galaxy."

At this time, the master of the North Temple opened his mouth and said that he could see a dignified color in his eyes.

"Phoenix master?" For a moment, Lin Ming seemed to be a little interested.

"Yes, master Feng." The West Temple owner then said, "according to records, Phoenix galaxy is one of the oldest galaxies

In the course of nearly 99 trillion years of evolution and constant change of the universe, in fact, most galaxies are not immutable

Some galaxies will eventually be destroyed first, some galaxies will be close to each other, and finally two galaxies will collide with each other, and then they will be destroyed

Of course, there will be fusion like this, and eventually form a new galaxy, but this kind of situation is very rare

Among them, the galaxies that remain unchanged all the time are very rare and strange

This Phoenix galaxy is one of them... "

"That's right." The master of the East Temple nodded, "the temples have been paying close attention to the situation of the Phoenix galaxy, because, according to records, the Phoenix galaxy is one of the first four sacred beasts and the habitat of the Phoenix Protoss

Later, a war that shook the universe broke out in ancient times. The Phoenix Protoss spilled blood into the sky and contaminated hundreds of millions of stars in the entire Phoenix galaxy

Later, the Phoenix Protoss disappeared, leaving only a few Phoenix Protoss with very thin blood

Soon, the Phoenix Protoss will decline

Hundreds of millions of stars, one by one, are slowly occupied by other forces

Until a person appeared, who was born, and soon took back the stars that were stained with the blood of the Phoenix Protoss one by one

Yes, this man is the Phoenix master. "

The head of the South Temple went on and said, "as far as I know, the Phoenix Lord is a very short guard. In other words, he is a person who takes the people as the Supreme

He is constantly looking for the existence of God sites, looking for the traces of gods, expecting to get the breath of gods, further away from the master of the universe, and even want to be the master of the universe directly

Then naturally, the whole Phoenix Protoss can be preserved

Therefore, if anyone else is sure to win the position of the master of the universe, then the Phoenix master is definitely one of them, and one of the most powerful candidates of the master of the universe with the highest realm strength... "

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